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Where Can Study Cheap For Ed Visa In Chiang Mai


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Well I cannot comment on past issues regards these ED visa's but I am doint Thai Language in CM at a great school small classes and teaches have Masters in Languages speak good english and are very tolerant. We are told at ths start you must attend class you are only allowed to miss so many we have to sign in at the end of the class to verify we haave actually attended.

We are also advised that Immigration DOES come around to check and sometimes will have a discussion wwith students ! ! !

In my opinion this school is very professional private lessons are available @ 250 baht per hour I have 2 privtae lessons a week they are great normal classes are 2

hours per day twice a week.

They even complete all the details for your visa they do the lot. I would recommend this school to anyone.

Will not mention thier name yet not sure if I can do that if someone can let me know if I can mention the name I will be more than happy to let you know,

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Will not mention thier name yet not sure if I can do that if someone can let me know if I can mention the name I will be more than happy to let you know,

It is fine to mention names in a non-derogatory fashion

Some may appreciate knowing of more schools available

Many schools have been mentioned in the past.

Which one are you referring to?

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  • 1 month later...

I would Reccomend NES for conversation or Pro Language school. I hear walen is good but the teaching method is very different and the progress in terms of conversation is very slow. Or if you are interested in only getting a ED visa just so you can live here, i know there are places that exist for 20000 baht.

Also where do you come from, as you may not be eligible to get this visa here in Thailand. You may need to return to your home country or another country like Laos or cambodia to get the ED visa. Its not a problem. just something to keep in mind.

Chock Dee :)

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Well I cannot comment on past issues regards these ED visa's but I am doint Thai Language in CM at a great school small classes and teaches have Masters in Languages speak good english and are very tolerant. We are told at ths start you must attend class you are only allowed to miss so many we have to sign in at the end of the class to verify we haave actually attended.

We are also advised that Immigration DOES come around to check and sometimes will have a discussion wwith students ! ! !

In my opinion this school is very professional private lessons are available @ 250 baht per hour I have 2 privtae lessons a week they are great normal classes are 2

hours per day twice a week.

They even complete all the details for your visa they do the lot. I would recommend this school to anyone.

Will not mention thier name yet not sure if I can do that if someone can let me know if I can mention the name I will be more than happy to let you know,

If you are not doing 4 hours of class time a week you are not eligible for the ED visa.

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I find it pretty sad to see how ED visas are being misused.

I find it pretty sad that someone who happens to be old or happens to have a wife here or happens to have a business here thinks they have more right to live here and think that anyone else should just get out becuase they don't happen to be eligible for your type of visa.

No they don't need to get out. Just get the kind of visa that they qualify for.

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830 dollar?? wow that would be 1660 for both of us.

we already saw something for 21 000 baht for each person and thought something cheaper but 830 is too much

I think the cost depends on how bad you want to learn Thai.

If you just want to scam the system I am sure you will find a cheap school.

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830 dollar?? wow that would be 1660 for both of us.

we already saw something for 21 000 baht for each person and thought something cheaper but 830 is too much

I think the cost depends on how bad you want to learn Thai.

If you just want to scam the system I am sure you will find a cheap school.

I have gotten a few PM's discussing attendance and it's been claimed to me anyway that a certain higher profile school is not strict at all about attendance while the discount school I attend does not seem to me anyway to have much if any wiggle room about the 80% attendance req.

I guess its crossed my mind that a better connected school might have less scrutiny applied to them due to whatever arrangements etc they have.

FWIW if your thinking of not attending then ask around a lot so to avoid being disappointed later. It might be worth paying a few K more baht to get what your really after.

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  • 1 month later...

First of all thanks for 1 or 2 school names. I am here in thailand to study thai but i dont have such a big budget thats why i wanted to ask you here which one is the cheapest school. I found now a school which offers me for 1 year 19500 baht with 180 lesson.The visa fee every 3 month is not included but they will go with the school group together to the embassy every 3 month.

Thats the cheapest what i found and i will register there the next days.

Thanks again


well done! i am also considering moving here, and since learning thai is anyway a necessity, i find the government's offer to let me try the language before taking such a big decision very helpful and clever.

could you please send me the name and adress of this school? we might meet there, eheheh!!!

thank youuuuu

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If you are sincerely interested in learning Thai it would be much better to hire a 1:1 teacher than deal with the schools, which are mostly middlemen and teach in large groups. Of course, you won't be able to get an Ed visa this way.

If you do decide to learn to speak Thai, learn to read it as you will find your pronunciation is greatly improved.

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Totally agree!!

People get around problems because they are allowed to do so...... at a price!

To be honest, even though I am married with thai and always had work permit, I always felt as a permanent tourist!

If Immigration wanted to stop any abuse they could? I see the whole Visa thing as a tidy little earner for Thailand.

What I find amazing is that if I get married and have kids in Thailand, I will never be allowed to live in Thailand with no restrictions.

Whereas, if my future Thai family wanted to live in the UK, after a period and a certain amount of hurdles, they could live in the UK unrestricted the same as a UK citizen.

I find it astonishing you can never live here with your Thai family with no restrictions!

Unless, you are one of the holy 100.... if that's still available....I don't think a mere mortal like myself could ever reach those heights!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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These threads on education visas do draw a crowd!

All in all, I believe there is valid concern about people playing games with Thai immigration law. I certainly am no cop. I don't turn people in. And I, no doubt like many here, know of more people dodging the rules than I have fingers and toes. On the other hand, it is difficult to accept the laissez-faire attitude of some posters who, among other similar comments, say keep your nose out of others' "visa business." What did they learn about individual and social responsibility when they were growing up? It isn't that I think that Thai law is "fair" or "unfair," but rationalisations, "work arounds," and outright cheating are rampant (and not just with education visas, of course).

Many dodgers basically just wish to remain in Thailand with the least immigration legal wear and tear. On this thread (the latest of several on education visas) it generally applies to people under the age of 50. (At least in the past, if not now( I do not know.), Chiang Mai Immigration would not grant (or renew) education visas to people over 50 years-of-age). Are Thai rules are too "restrictive?" Hardly! They are comparatively permissive, if anything, compared to other countries. I'd place a casual wager that virtually all of the dodgers come from countries which have much more restrictive immigration laws. But never mind that. It's not to the point.

There is a tension between individual rights and social responsibility. Thailand's visa laws and their administration and enforcement are very tolerant. No nonsense --- please! --- about the Thais being corrupt, which is an odd thing to say when you think about it a little. Indeed, there are politicians and bureaucrats in Thailand who feel strongly that the immigration laws are too lax and attract too many foreigners who do not acculturate and mistake Thai tolerance for acceptance. All in all, one of these days, it might well be that the laws become more restrictive because of game players and those who insist on "doing their thing," claiming some sort of individual "right," an adolescent rationalisation that too often disrespectful of the general community.

Like Thailand? Want to make a genuine effort to study Thai culture and language? Okay, get an education visa. Otherwise, it is clear that many are "gamers " that boost the profits of language school "visa mills" which promise endless renewable education visas.

Good advice from Brother Hank Williams (RIP):

"Mind Your Own Business"

If the wife and I are fussin', brother that's our right

'Cause me and that sweet woman's got a license to fight

Why don't you mind your own business

(Mind your own business)

'Cause if you mind your business, then you won't be mindin' mine.

Oh, the woman on our party line's the nosiest thing

She picks up her receiver when she knows it's my ring

Why don't you mind your own business

(Mind your own business)

Well, if you mind your business, then you won't be mindin' mine.

I got a little gal that wears her hair up high,

the boys all whistle when she walks by.

why don't you mind your own business

(Mind your own business)

Well, if you mind your own business, you sure won't be minding mine.

If I want to honky tonk around 'til two or three

Now, brother that's my headache, don't you worry 'bout me.

Just mind your own business

(Mind your own business)

If you mind your business, then you won't be mindin' mine.

Mindin' other people's business seems to be high-toned

I got all that I can do just to mind my own

Why don't you mind your own business

(Mind your own business)

If you mind your own business, you'll stay busy all the time.

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All in all, I believe there is valid concern about people playing games with Thai immigration law. I certainly am no cop. I don't turn people in. And I, no doubt like many here, know of more people dodging the rules than we have fingers and toes. But what did they learn about individual and social responsibility when they were growing up? And it isn't that I think that Thai law is "fair" or "unfair," but rationalizations, "work arounds" and outright cheating are rampant.

Many dodgers basically just wish to remain in Thailand with the least immigration legal wear and tear. On this thread (the latest of several on education visas) it generally applies to people under the age of 50. To many, it seems, settling in Thailand is somehow a personal right of "finding yourself" or, in some cases, making an illegal living. Some --- not all --- complain that the Thai rules are too "restrictive" (to be polite about the language often used and critical attitude revealed).

One irony is that it seems most, if not virtually all of these dodgers come from countries which have much more restrictive immigration laws. But never mind that. It's not to the point.

There is a tension between individual rights and social responsibility. Thailand's laws in this area and their administration and enforcement are probably comparatively tolerant. Please! No nonsense about the Thais being corrupt, which is an odd thing to say when you think about it a little.

But there are politicians and bureaucrats in Thailand who feel strongly that the immigration laws are too lax and attract foreigners who, to use an indecorous phrase, are simply a pain in the ass or wallow in the support the "pits" of Thailand. One of these days, it might well be that the laws become more restrictive because of "undesirables."

Every society has its seedy side, but it does seem too many foreigners here participate in it and promote it. Just read some of the threads on TV Chiang Mai, which is basically a very polite place but still sometimes seems too get stuck on discussing the satisfaction of various appetites! But never mind the gluttons! To shift focus, why also should Thailand be a haven for the lame and the impecunious? If you want to talk about playing games, then talk about gaming retirement visas. In the case of gluttons, sometimes too many feed in Thailand's troughs. In the case of retirement cheats, many unfortunately become a burden on Thailand. It is sad, even tragic, for too many of them, and they become a weight upon others.

Like Thailand? Want to make a genuine effort to study Thai culture and language? Okay, get an education visa. Retired and able to support yourself? Okay, get a retirement visa. And so on. There are a lot of categories for many genuine long stay purposes. But if you don't qualify, then get a tourist visa (and play that game!)

Then there are people like me... Like Thailand, Retired, Able to support myself, but nowhere near old enough for a retirement visa.

Granted, I don't intend on living in Thailand forever at this point (i love traveling around) but if I want to get an education visa for the purpose of settling down for a year or so in Thailand, I fail to see the harm. Should I really have to wait until I am much older to enjoy life in Thailand?

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I heard that they were going to start giving basic Thai writing tests when you go for a visa extension. Anyone else hear this ? Perhaps they are getting wise to the guys who don't really attend class ....

They already require the applicant to attach their latest school examinations for the ED extensions.

Sure why not require some skills testing at immigration.

Would be great also if Immigration sent out inspectors to find people on retirement visa's who are running businesses etc. I know of at least two dozen "retirees" doing this.

It could be a great new source of revenue. Or better yet offer a bounty for information leading to rule breakers.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Well, Frank James (#73) and davidjleys (#74), are telling me to mind my own business about ED visas and, I suppose, abiding with whatever other visa regulations, such as those for a retirement visa, apply. And other "libertarians" from time to time in the past have berated me. I invite them to reread what I wrote, I thought rather reasonably (#51, quoted twice above) without any rejoinder other than that the rules cramp their personal style, that I am a busybody, and telling me to buzz off. A special treat was to be made aware of that sage philosopher, Hank Williams.

Ah, Hank Williams, whose musicianship I appreciate. Per Wikipedia:

[Hank] was dismissed by the Grand Ole Opry, citing unreliability and frequent drunkenness. Williams died in the early morning hours of New Year's Day in 1953 at the age of 29 from heart failure exacerbated by pills and alcohol.

Well, anyway, I have never been a "party line busybody," but I do have concern when too many "f*ckyouMacifwhatIliketodonomatterifitmightaffectyou" characters (Got all that! smile.png) begin to have some general impact upon the larger community of which, like it or not, they are members and upon which their behavior may have impact.

Now, down to specific cases.

First, education visas: This program was started to promote the study of Thai language and culture and, most likely, to promote more general visitor income. Both valid national goals.

Second, other visas permitting longer than tourist visits: If you look at the broad number of options and think about them (They are all noted on MOFA web sites and in the corresponding police directives), Thailand is very permissive of foreigners.

There are a variety of rationales behind the various types of visas. Some are not so much in the national self-interest per se but permissive if not compassionate. Has anyone who reads TV Chiang Mai bothered to look and think about that? The one that comes up on ThaiVisa Chiang Mai that some people sometimes insist berating is the "Retirement Visa" with its restriction to those aged 50. Now, is that unreasonable? Consider the general range of qualifying age, for pensions, of most developed countries. And it is widely disrespected and gamed with consequences for the individuals, their homeland governments, the foreign community, and the community at large. I speak basically of those with limited resources who have come here to live on the cheap, but whose resources are not at all sufficient. I suppose they are the older "500 bhat-a-day crowd." And I worry, too, about the younger ones who can't provide adequately for themselves, but they are usually more resilient as they are young.

Now, unfortunately, the cheaters (and there was passing reference to those who cheat on retirement visas, which happens) can have an impact upon the general community. And that seems to be the case since December 2013 when a "crackdown" was announced." I don't think you'll see a lot of people taking tests of their language ability in Thai at Immigration, but I do applaud the government's decision to go after those individuals and schools which in their own self-interest ignore the intent of the regulation. I think that it is fair that they close the schools which are "language study mills" and send the "students" home to get proper visas. Why? Because their behavior does make it more difficult for valid students to get visas.

If you are upset about Thailand's immigration laws, you need to look at other countries to see how tolerant Thailand is and has been.

Cobtasnakenecktie (Did I get that right ?!) is too cynical for me. Unfortunately, "patrols," such as are actually fielded from time to time regarding the marital visa scam, if not those not respecting the retirement visa, are very time-consuming and difficult and --- one might guess --- require a whole new army of Immigration police.

Edited by Mapguy
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It used to get me angry that some people would come here and play the Visa game, while my friends and I were jumping through hoops doing it the legal way.

What utter rubbish. If the government wanted to clean it up, they would. There is no "visa game", it's perfectly permissible to use multiple tourist visas, cross the border and come back, etc. The only thing not allowed is overstaying. If the government wants to change this (as it seems they are), so be it. Until then, get off your high horse.

And as for lowlife foreigners, most of these are dirty old men likely on legitimate retirement visas who came for the easy supply of younger women. Again, if the government sincerely wants to clean it up, they could with very little difficulty: simply close the girly bars.

Of course this is not going to happen, but that's another story.

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Good luck to the OP.

FWIW I did a one year at Easy Study Thai at Pantip Plaza. I thought they were pretty good all told. I don't know if they can help you but they are worth an ask.

There are some amount of sanctimonious a**holes on this forum sadly. You have to separate the wheat from the chaff. Thailands problems extend way beyond any perceived 'abuse' of the ED system. <deleted>.

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I find it pretty sad to see how ED visas are being misused.

I find it pretty sad that someone who happens to be old or happens to have a wife here or happens to have a business here thinks they have more right to live here and think that anyone else should just get out becuase they don't happen to be eligible for your type of visa.

Well said....all the "get the correct visa or leave" brigade....not easy when there isn't a suitable visa eg. under 50, not married but plenty of cash and don't want to go to school or invest an outrageous amount of cash in a country with no government.

I am looking forward to when they tighten up the marriage/retirement visa regulation....that would be poetic justice!

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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