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U S Concerned By Slow Thai Response To Human-Trafficking Cases: Surapong


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US concerned by slow Thai response to human-trafficking cases: Surapong
By English News


BANGKOK, May 10 - Thailand urged the US not to downgrade the Southeast Asian country in its latest review of the human trafficking situation here, but the US expressed concern over Thailand's painstakingly slow procedures in tackling cases.

Speaking to reporters on Thursday upon his return from a visit to Washington, Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said he had discussed several issues with his US counterpart John Kerry, highlighting the Thai government’s efforts in dealing with the problem of trafficking in persons.

Thailand's newly-established One-Stop Crisis Centres on assistance and protection for various target groups, including victims of human trafficking, was cited as an example of such efforts.

The minister said he hoped the efforts would be reflected positively in the upcoming US State Department Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report which is to be published next month.

The US Trafficking in Persons (TiP) report has put Thailand on the Tier 2 Watch List for three consecutive years and the government is concerned that the country may slip into Tier 3 if no meaningful action is taken to deal with the human trafficking problem.

A country in the Tier 2 Watch List is not yet compliant to the maximum standards to combat trafficking in persons and is in danger of falling to Tier 3, which is worse.

Mr Kerry said he would consider Thailand's request to not be downgraded in the forthcoming US State Department report, but expressed concern over Thailand's lengthy judiciary procedures in tackling human trafficking cases, Mr Surapong said.

The two ministers also discussed a wide range of bilateral and regional issues, as well as global issues of common concern.

On regional issues, Mr Surapong welcomed Washington's Strategic Rebalancing policy focusing on reengagement with Asia, particularly the importance the US has given to ASEAN centrality. He stressed that American engagement in ASEAN integration efforts can serve as a stabilising force in the region.

The partnership will help address political-security challenges in the ASEAN region, including transnational crime, human trafficking, piracy, and disaster. The Thai foreign minister welcomed continued American support for reform in Myanmar and said he hoped that the US would lift all remaining sanctions on Myanmar.

Mr Surapong informed his counterpart that Thailand as current country coordinator for ASEAN-China Dialogue Relations is determined to work closely with all concerned to build trust and confidence among the relevant parties as well as to expand common ground, and to push forward implementation of the Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in tandem with the Code of Conduct process.

Mr Surapong also highlighted Thailand’s active participation in the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism as well as its participation in the Proliferation Security Initiative. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2013-05-10

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Is there any USD involved here, obviously not , the matter would have been cleared up long ago, sorry I have a low expectations of anything to do with the Thai government and most of its departments, this is a serious matter and you would think Surapong was trading fish..bah.gif

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"Mr Surapong also highlighted Thailand’s active participation in the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism as well as its participation in the Proliferation Security Initiative."

Well, with Thailand's expertise in those areas I'm sure the U.S.A and Mr. Kerry specifically would be very impressed.

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Has anyone noticed when you go to laos of all the pretty laos girls are majority of the visa applicants?

I asked one girl, and she was headed off to bangkok to 'gup khao'....at a bar no less...

I think now thailand is dipping into the nations surrounding them also in this HT issue.... sad

I think laos population is 6 million, so terrible to distroy anothers country culture by this corruption.

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Is there any USD involved here, obviously not , the matter would have been cleared up long ago, sorry I have a low expectations of anything to do with the Thai government and most of its departments, this is a serious matter and you would think Surapong was trading fish..bah.gif

Or in terms of fishing and people trafficking, catching fish with enslaved Burmese workers, or to continue the maritime theme, overseeing a navy implicated in trafficking, or accused of dragging boats out to sea and removing the engines.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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So instead of the promotion to the 1st tier Surapong was hoping for he now looks to be fighting a battle against relegation to the 3rd tier instead.

He'll doubtless be hoping he doesn't get the dreaded vote of confidence from the boss.

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Oh come on, what's the surprise here? In which areas on international/regional concern has Thailand made progress in recent years? Counterfeiting? Human trafficking? Border resolution? ASEAN preparation? Prostitution? Corruption? Human Right abuses? etc etc. As a nation, this country hasn't really made progress for nigh on twenty years.... well, with the exception of shopping malls. There has been plenty of progress there.

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Is there any USD involved here, obviously not , the matter would have been cleared up long ago, sorry I have a low expectations of anything to do with the Thai government and most of its departments, this is a serious matter and you would think Surapong was trading fish..bah.gif

I maybe wrong but I am pretty sure a drop to tier 3 would affect some aid$, which is why the Thai govt is even bothering to talk about this.

Regarding the somewhat fatuous remarks about Thailand supporting nuclear terrorism and proliferation... I guess he is referring to votes in the UN or possibly Thai involvement in rendition.

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If there's any indications that politician's or others in authority are involved this will join a long list of other issues such as corruption, drugs, illegal logging, elephant poaching and so on, that are dealt with by way of suitable buzz words and very little else.

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Kerry must have been thinking... Geez... why didn't they send YL instead. At least she's easy on the eyes. tongue.png

It must be. If you look at the photo (zoom) he's either wearing lipstick or has his tongue out with a far away look in his eyes. tongue.png

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Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said he had discussed several issues with his US counterpart John Kerry, highlighting the Thai government’s efforts in dealing with the problem of trafficking in persons.

"The biggest issue with my counterpart is that he refuses to do what we dictate to him." the Deputy Prime Minister said, reminding the world of PM Yingluck Shinawatra's statement to visiting Secretary of State Hilary Clinton: "We OVERCOME you..."

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A country in the Tier 2 Watch List is not yet compliant to the maximum standards to combat trafficking in persons and is in danger of falling to Tier 3, which is worse.

And stating the obvious is needed, in case you're still confused as to what any f•••ing "tier" is...

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As Washington assesses steps taken by governments across the world in combating human trafficking, allies Iraq and Thailand too have seen their potential ranking downgrades delayed while Vietnam has won a premature ranking boost allegedly due to strategic considerations, the legislators and ex-state officials charged at a U.S. congressional hearing last week.

"gaming the system"

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Many of the so-called victims of human trafficking are willing participants, having full knowledge that they will going to work abroad employed in the sex industries or as prostitutes, believing they are going to earn big amounts of money, for doing very little, in a short period of time.

The problems arise when the job doesn’t work out and can sometimes lead to becoming trapped and involved with unscrupulous criminals and gangs, broken promises and unable to escape their predicaments.

The solutions is more education and public warnings regarding the lures of working in the international sex industries, although the plights of sex workers traveling abroad has been well documented over the years.

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Has anyone noticed when you go to laos of all the pretty laos girls are majority of the visa applicants?

I asked one girl, and she was headed off to bangkok to 'gup khao'....at a bar no less...

I think now thailand is dipping into the nations surrounding them also in this HT issue.... sad

I think laos population is 6 million, so terrible to distroy anothers country culture by this corruption.

Kerry must have been thinking... Geez... why didn't they send YL instead. At least she's easy on the eyes. tongue.png

It must be. If you look at the photo (zoom) he's either wearing lipstick or has his tongue out with a far away look in his eyes. tongue.png

It appears he is thinking, who is this guy again and what does he do?

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