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Best Comp Flashcard Resources For Thai Language Learning?


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Are Anki or maybe Mnemosyne the best suited to learning Thai vocabulary, Thai characters, and Thai grammar constructions and sentence structure?

I realize that this topic is probably covered very often but still I am not sure if it has been covered completely. If one is using this flashcard software on a laptop or a desktop, what is the best approach?

In the past, I have found Mandarin learning flashcard databases which are very extensive and some quite massive. But Thai language flashcard resources do not seem to be anywhere near as complete, just as there are so many Japanese and Mandarin language textbooks, and far fewer language texts for Thai.

It seems kind of a shame for each Thai language learner to spend time duplicating someone else's flashcard work if there already exists a flashcard database containing what is needed.

After some time searching for these databases and suitable software, so far I have not found a great deal.

Does anyone have any good suggestions for finding these flashcard databases?

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Posted 2011-07-06 14:14:44

The links for the Anki 3000 most common words files aren't working anymore.

Could someone who has them please upload them somewhere?

It seems that the above poster was also looking for a Anki 3000 word flashcard database 2 years ago. I guess I am not the only one.
I really wish this subject of "Thai Language Flashcards" could be kept somewhere handy on this forum so that readers could add to it on an ongoing basis.
Vocabulary is very key to try to master fluency in a language, and is the thing which is most difficult after one is able to converse comfortably in a second language.
Not to mention trying to learn the vocabulary of some specialized field such as medicine, or maybe widgets in some particular industry if one is a buyer, for example.
So any help with the flashcard database would be useful.
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Thank, desi, for this.

I have just looked at it and I will use it. Hopefully, also, this additional posting of this information will be of benefit to other Thai learners.

If you buy their full version you can add your own cards. Handy for going over what you are learning in class.

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