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I hear about, and read, on a daily basis, of foreigner who are getting ripped off here and there, very often by their girlfriend/wife, but also in regular business relationships, how can you have missed that?

You've read??!!

You've heard??!!

Jesus, what is wrong with you people?

Calm down, yes, there are many foreigners who are getting treated badly, do I say that every one of them would have not being ripped off or scammed, had they not being referred to as an object (that is Farang), hell no!

But do I see a clear connection between the constant need to refer to us as "farang", rather than humans, and many problems we face here on a daily basis, hell yes!!

Where's the connection?

I think you and others who complain about this sort of thing just don't really have anything else to do with your time.

I'm not one of the "if-you-don'y-like-it-go-home" brigade but I suspect that if things were really that unbearable for you as a "farang", you'd probably have booked a flight out of dodge ages ago so I won't bother.

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Calm down, yes, there are many foreigners who are getting treated badly, do I say that every one of them would have not being ripped off or scammed, had they not being referred to as an object (that is Farang), hell no!

But do I see a clear connection between the constant need to refer to us as "farang", rather than humans, and many problems we face here on a daily basis, hell yes!!

Your comment is even more weird. Last I checked, "human" is not a commonly used noun to describe other people. Only insane people walk up and say "hello human!", it implies you are not one yourself. As for referring to people as foreigners Thailand is not unusual in this respect, in Japan they will call you Gaijin, in Korea waegukin, in China waeguoren (or the less respectable laowai).

Unless you hold Thai citizenship you have ZERO right to complain. That you want the rest of the world to become a multicultural melting pot (which has FAILED in Europe and is about to fail in America the moment the only social glue it has left, money, starts to dry up) displays either ignorance or a complete lack of respect for other countries' cultures.


Maybe he doesnt live in a farang mansion in Issan.

Maybe he didnt meet his latest squeeze in the "hansum man" bar.

You make a good point, sometimes it's WHERE you meet people, not who, that matters more. These posters are overlooking human nature and not comparing it with their old countries. Despite being "one of the crowd" in America, almost everyone I know has been a victim of fraud (sometimes extraordinarily creative fraud), or has been targeted by a gold-digger, or taken advantage of in some other manner. But as a farang in Thailand one obviously stands out more and there is in an inherent wage gap that also attracts with it those fraudsters/gold-diggers, etc. I'd say if you drove a lambourghini and wore flashy clothes in America you'd probably have a greater chance of being frauded than a farang in Thailand.

Basically your skin color (generally correctly) advertises a lack of knowledge of the region, a greater amount of wealth than the average person, etc. So any fraudster would be a fool to overlook you and target a native instead.

And I find it hilarious how people can complain how they are treated abroad as if back home is much better. Back stateside I'd have to deal with dozens of rude people on a frequent basis, and being "jumped" by random stranger happens to many Americans quite frequently. I had to fight off three guys once for my life's sake and it was only my quick reaction to take out the first guy as they approached me that night that allowed me to survive. Nothing like that happens in Thailand especially for NO REASON as it did to me stateside.

If you frequent American bars half as often as many farangs frequent Thai ones, I'd estimate they'd get assaulted twice as often, and a hundred times as often if you visit an American bar with even HALF the pride/attitude that we foreigners tend to have while living abroad.

I mean imagine if a Mexican who can't speak English came to pubs in Kansas and acted arrogant and insisted on speaking Spanish most of the time or spoke in broken English (can create misunderstandings), he'd probably get assaulted a good percentage of the time.

If you speak Thai and have Thai citizenship only then do you have any right to claim to be "Thai" and not "Farang", but even then, why do you want to attack their cultural solidarity? Why can't you accept that you are DIFFERENT?

So many pampered babies in the West. You don't have to go through anything like a black in 1950's "multicultural" America did, or like a white man walking in Harlem would today. There is obviously a difference in races, and by trying to FORCE people to treat everyone the same, you only suppress their inner reactions which then explode (closet racism). The only real way to make progress is to embrace our differences, and respect them.

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madness.....complete madness!!

The term farang, is used as reference to, big nose, white skin, round eyes....etc etc.....you cannot know the nationality of each and every person that has white skin, a big nose (compared to Thais), and round eyes.......

Chrisartist ^^^ how the hell does anyone know you are an Englishman or European...you could be a South African, or Canadian, American.....you could be Jamaican, but not a dark skinned Jamaican.

Why does everyone compare the use of farang to derogatory words such as kraut, gook, etc etc??

Ohhh the high and mighty westerner and his courageous exploits in south east Asia.....you are so easily offended when all it means is that the Thai language is limited in certain uses of words, sentences compared to English or other 'more civilised' languages (as I imagine you all think of yourselves as speaking).

I cannot believe this thread keeps appearing....it is so ridiculous....get a grip, only weak and easily offended people would be that bothered about this....you are in a foreign country, they don't have to abide by YOUR values etc.......

this thread agrees with you you, did you read it.

i'm the op and the point of the thread is everything you just said.

you did not read it did you.

You are obviously looking for a fight......great that you are the OP so you can answer my question.

Why do you have to post such a ridiculous thread and get all these racist idiots riled up???

Yes I did read it muythai........you have obviously not read other posts relating to this very same initial post....who cares about being called farang??

I thought I would respond because I get fed up with the racist comments about Thais.....this is their country, you, I and everyone that lives here is a guest......so get used to the way it is here....simple....just stop posting the same nonsense!!!

If you did read then you should know I dont mind being called farang, Your a bit slow you missed that twice now.


The OP wrote:

People are often posting that they will always be the farang, got news for you guys that say that, you are the Farang.

So what If despite you best efforts to weazel your way in, your still the Farang, rember that's exactly what you are, or is it a deep seeded wish to fully morph into a Thai.

We are different, that's what draws you to them and them to you in the first place, the attention men get here compared to home blows men away, thats why they flock here.

Should you suddenly find you are accepted and no longer viewed as simply the Farang, you will just be another part of the scenery and likely not recieve the attention that drives a man's ego.

I am a Farang, love Thai's, never wish to be anything other then what I am. End Quote.

What is it with your words weazel and morph?

I think you have may some serious issues.

We are not all Ego driven, you might enjoy reading Eckhart Tolle's book "a new earth" which deals with the Ego in a very powerful way.

What is the purpose of this thread?

Do you just want to say that you are better than the other Farang or what?

Take note I never refered to all people, Funny you would think I was talking about you if your not ego driven, you think all posts are aimed at you, thats very egotistical.


Ok perhaps the poor, oppressed, downtrodden among you can give us a few examples of how they've been treated badly by the Thais.

Lemme just expand on this:

Just how does being called, described or treated as a "farang" in Thailand blight your existence?

Are you unable to walk down the street without packs of pitch-fork-wielding locals pursuing you?

Do the Thai lovelies in the bars you frequent recoil in horror at the merest hint of "impropriety"?

Do you receive poor service at restaurants while the locals - well, the ones who can afford to eat at higher-end establishments - are treated like demi-gods?

Just askin'

I usually get price doubled for one.

I often get served last also.

I sometimes do not get served at all


I hear about, and read, on a daily basis, of foreigner who are getting ripped off here and there, very often by their girlfriend/wife, but also in regular business relationships, how can you have missed that?

You've read??!!

You've heard??!!

Jesus, what is wrong with you people?

Calm down, yes, there are many foreigners who are getting treated badly, do I say that every one of them would have not being ripped off or scammed, had they not being referred to as an object (that is Farang), hell no!

But do I see a clear connection between the constant need to refer to us as "farang", rather than humans, and many problems we face here on a daily basis, hell yes!!

The thing is, here most people's interaction with Thai is through the hospitality industry: They go to farang dedicated pubs/bars/restaurants /clubs where the staff are trained to pleased farangs.

They just have no clue of what going on outside their buble


Well behaved westerners are called farang as much as any other, but the context is often much more favorable.

For Thais that don't know you, they will have an association with your ethnic group, which you will either prove or disprove depending upon your behavior. But for the sake of easy communication, they will use the term farang to describe you because it is the common term.

It's up to you to distinguish yourself from the label.


let's face it, with the requirements, 40.000 income per month or 65.000 if pensionned or 400.000 or 800.000 in the bank, to be proven each year, we are NO burden on anybody, people, government, society

that cannot be said of most illegal or legal immigrants in our home countries, invading/robbing our social security without contributing one cent to the economy

and imposing their culture on us, even hating the natives

in such ways that natives feel unsafe because of the crime rate they bring, the view on women, etc...

so, being a farang here is good for the local economy ... immigrants in our native countries are most likely poor uneducated individuals

which they would impose the 400.000 money in the bank rule in my native country, that might keep out some of the crap

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I am often addressed as sir. Honestly, I can't ever recall being called "farang", not even in deepest darkest Issan where I have experienced nothing but kindness and polite treatment. I expect that I am not the only one. Even the street touts of Patong didn't dare address me in that manner.

Seriously, is it just me, but when I am out and about, I see and hear respectable foreigners that live in Thailand referred to by their occupations or relationships. Examples are X's husband, the engineer, the businessman, the oil man, Brigadier etc. I don't want to be mean, but maybe the experiences reflect the company one keeps.

  • Like 1

I am often addressed as sir. Honestly, I can't ever recall being called "farang", not even in deepest darkest Issan where I have experienced nothing but kindness and polite treatment. I expect that I am not the only one. Even the street touts of Patong didn't dare address me in that manner.

Seriously, is it just me, but when I am out and about, I see and hear respectable foreigners that live in Thailand referred to by their occupations or relationships. Examples are X's husband, the engineer, the businessman, the oil man, Brigadier etc. I don't want to be mean, but maybe the experiences reflect the company one keeps.

Your talking BS, Nothing to do with the company one keeps.

No body walks up and says hey farang, it's not what we are saying, they will walk into a room and say who is the farang.

To say you have not heard it, anyone who has spent 5 minutes here will know without a shadow of a doubt you are absolutly straight out lying.

Please keep it honest for the love of God it's hard enough to keep things straight without clowns lying.

Back to the company we keep, Perhaps we are not on your level MR HI SO, do you realise some people here keep such high company here you would look foolish right now even thinking that about others here.


Another thing, what do you mean the people In patong did not dare call you that, do you think they fear you.

Go back there and test them, I can assure you they don't fear you.


I have lived in Hawaii since 1983. Love the food, culture, people, and the ocean. Here I am a haole, I can never be truly local because I am white and from the mainland. Similar in a lot of ways to being a farang in Thailand. I can never be Hawaiian or Thai and I don't what to be anything other than what I am. Respect the people and culture and you will get along just fine, but be yourself. Don't try to be something that you will never be. Find the people that accept you as you are, avoid those who don't.


I have lived in Hawaii since 1983. Love the food, culture, people, and the ocean. Here I am a haole, I can never be truly local because I am white and from the mainland. Similar in a lot of ways to being a farang in Thailand. I can never be Hawaiian or Thai and I don't what to be anything other than what I am. Respect the people and culture and you will get along just fine, but be yourself. Don't try to be something that you will never be. Find the people that accept you as you are, avoid those who don't.

This is exactly what my thread was about, one of a few here that gets it.


I have lived in Hawaii since 1983. Love the food, culture, people, and the ocean. Here I am a haole, I can never be truly local because I am white and from the mainland. Similar in a lot of ways to being a farang in Thailand. I can never be Hawaiian or Thai and I don't what to be anything other than what I am. Respect the people and culture and you will get along just fine, but be yourself. Don't try to be something that you will never be. Find the people that accept you as you are, avoid those who don't.

Are you claiming you can't buy land in Hawaii?

Are you claiming as a US citizen you can't vote in elections if you live in Hawaii?

Are you claiming as a US citizen you need a work permit to work in Hawaii?

Is it really similar?

I don't think so.

  • Like 1

I have lived in Hawaii since 1983. Love the food, culture, people, and the ocean. Here I am a haole, I can never be truly local because I am white and from the mainland. Similar in a lot of ways to being a farang in Thailand. I can never be Hawaiian or Thai and I don't what to be anything other than what I am. Respect the people and culture and you will get along just fine, but be yourself. Don't try to be something that you will never be. Find the people that accept you as you are, avoid those who don't.

Are you claiming you can't buy land in Hawaii?

Are you claiming as a US citizen you can't vote in elections if you live in Hawaii?

Are you claiming as a US citizen you need a work permit to work in Hawaii?

Is it really similar?

I don't think so.

now your talking about government issues that have nothing to do with the average Thai person


Why is the "Thainess" topic always in the top ten on this forum? Who gives a flip if you are enjoying yourself. If you are not, then go somewhere else. No need to re-hash the same topic over and over and over again.

Thank you, common sense which is not too common.


Why is the "Thainess" topic always in the top ten on this forum? Who gives a flip if you are enjoying yourself. If you are not, then go somewhere else. No need to re-hash the same topic over and over and over again.

Thank you, common sense which is not too common

Common sense, you 2 are still posting on this thread that you so despise, how is that for common sense.

Do you you realise how you look right now.


The OP wrote:

People are often posting that they will always be the farang, got news for you guys that say that, you are the Farang.

So what If despite you best efforts to weazel your way in, your still the Farang, rember that's exactly what you are, or is it a deep seeded wish to fully morph into a Thai.

We are different, that's what draws you to them and them to you in the first place, the attention men get here compared to home blows men away, thats why they flock here.

Should you suddenly find you are accepted and no longer viewed as simply the Farang, you will just be another part of the scenery and likely not recieve the attention that drives a man's ego.

I am a Farang, love Thai's, never wish to be anything other then what I am. End Quote.

What is it with your words weazel and morph?

I think you have may some serious issues.

We are not all Ego driven, you might enjoy reading Eckhart Tolle's book "a new earth" which deals with the Ego in a very powerful way.

What is the purpose of this thread?

Do you just want to say that you are better than the other Farang or what?

Take note I never refered to all people, Funny you would think I was talking about you if your not ego driven, you think all posts are aimed at you, thats very egotistical.

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

What a great troll reply!!

Answer the question.

5 5 5 5 5 5 5


The OP wrote:

People are often posting that they will always be the farang, got news for you guys that say that, you are the Farang.

So what If despite you best efforts to weazel your way in, your still the Farang, rember that's exactly what you are, or is it a deep seeded wish to fully morph into a Thai.

We are different, that's what draws you to them and them to you in the first place, the attention men get here compared to home blows men away, thats why they flock here.

Should you suddenly find you are accepted and no longer viewed as simply the Farang, you will just be another part of the scenery and likely not recieve the attention that drives a man's ego.

I am a Farang, love Thai's, never wish to be anything other then what I am. End Quote.

What is it with your words weazel and morph?

I think you have may some serious issues.

We are not all Ego driven, you might enjoy reading Eckhart Tolle's book "a new earth" which deals with the Ego in a very powerful way.

What is the purpose of this thread?

Do you just want to say that you are better than the other Farang or what?

Take note I never refered to all people, Funny you would think I was talking about you if your not ego driven, you think all posts are aimed at you, thats very egotistical.

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

What a great troll reply!!

Answer the question.

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Answer the Question you say, If you really want to know what the Thread is about read the op.

Everyone else is managing to keep up.

It is about Thai people not really thinking any less of us despite using the word Farang, It's just a part of their everyday language, a habit.


I am often addressed as sir. Honestly, I can't ever recall being called "farang", not even in deepest darkest Issan where I have experienced nothing but kindness and polite treatment. I expect that I am not the only one. Even the street touts of Patong didn't dare address me in that manner.

Seriously, is it just me, but when I am out and about, I see and hear respectable foreigners that live in Thailand referred to by their occupations or relationships. Examples are X's husband, the engineer, the businessman, the oil man, Brigadier etc. I don't want to be mean, but maybe the experiences reflect the company one keeps.

Your talking BS, Nothing to do with the company one keeps.

No body walks up and says hey farang, it's not what we are saying, they will walk into a room and say who is the farang.

To say you have not heard it, anyone who has spent 5 minutes here will know without a shadow of a doubt you are absolutly straight out lying.

Please keep it honest for the love of God it's hard enough to keep things straight without clowns lying.

Back to the company we keep, Perhaps we are not on your level MR HI SO, do you realise some people here keep such high company here you would look foolish right now even thinking that about others here.

I am being serious. No one normally walks into a room and asks who is that farang. Maybe the staff may refer to a client as a farang, but it is no different than staff at a western restaurant referring to a table as the "Asian" one or the table with the hot Scandanavian girls, or whatever. If Thais are going to make an effort to ask about a "farang" or to point one out, it assumes that the locals actually give a darn about the foreign guy. They don't. Why would they? Do you honestly think that we the foreigners are so important that the local Thai wants to know who we are? Do your Thai friends and colleagues actually ask amongst themselves who the foreigner is when they see one? Do you point out the Japanese tourists and say oh look Japanese people. quick let's stare and find out who they are? Why would the Thais be any different?

The reality for me, as I have stated, is that no one has ever said in my presence, who's the "farang". I am usually addressed as Sir, and as I pointed out, most people are treated the same way. Maybe this sort of treatment happens with people that do not address Thais in their language or in the low end tourist areas, but my experience has been that this is not how I am treated, whether it is in Issan, or Hua Hin, or Krabi. As I stated previously, I would think most people are treated the same way, particularly if they have Thai friends or family.


Hypothetical situation. You (a Thai) are invited to a wedding and attend the reception. All the guests know the happy couple but not all the guests know each other. In such a situation, when you see someone you don't know in a group of people you do know, it would be quite normal to ask your then partner in conversation (you are not part of the aforementioned group) if they know who that particular person is. Now if it is a Thai you would say something along the lines of who is the person with the blue tie, long hair, big nose or use some other identifying feature. But if the person you are talking about is is a foreigner, you are unlikely to try to determine what special feature they have, but cut to the chase and say "Do you know who that farang is?", n'est pas?

They are not going to use the word farang in the farang's presence, but rather when they talk among themselves. Duh!!!!!

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Hypothetical situation. You (a Thai) are invited to a wedding and attend the reception. All the guests know the happy couple but not all the guests know each other. In such a situation, when you see someone you don't know in a group of people you do know, it would be quite normal to ask your then partner in conversation (you are not part of the aforementioned group) if they know who that particular person is. Now if it is a Thai you would say something along the lines of who is the person with the blue tie, long hair, big nose or use some other identifying feature. But if the person you are talking about is is a foreigner, you are unlikely to try to determine what special feature they have, but cut to the chase and say "Do you know who that farang is?", n'est pas?

They are not going to use the word farang in the farang's presence, but rather when they talk among themselves. Duh!!!!!

My Wife says... "Look, you are not the only Gay in the Village !"...

In reality your point is valid regarding the use of Farang as a 'distinguisher', however, the Thai's I know would ask me about the 'Westerner' over there....


I hear about, and read, on a daily basis, of foreigner who are getting ripped off here and there, very often by their girlfriend/wife, but also in regular business relationships, how can you have missed that?

You've read??!!

You've heard??!!

Jesus, what is wrong with you people?

Calm down, yes, there are many foreigners who are getting treated badly, do I say that every one of them would have not being ripped off or scammed, had they not being referred to as an object (that is Farang), hell no!

But do I see a clear connection between the constant need to refer to us as "farang", rather than humans, and many problems we face here on a daily basis, hell yes!!

The thing is, here most people's interaction with Thai is through the hospitality industry: They go to farang dedicated pubs/bars/restaurants /clubs where the staff are trained to pleased farangs.

They just have no clue of what going on outside their buble

I have spent over twenty years here outside of that buble (sic) you describe - and my experience is apparently quite different from yours. Many of my friends who are quite content here do not live in that bubble either.

What you imply - that outside of a certain subset of Thais and Thai businesses geared towards treating Farangs well (for reasons of profit) there is a starkly different and less pleasant existence - is a fallacy as far as I'm concerned. And it's ridiculously presumptuous to be acting as if you know a truth that "most people" don't.

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Ok perhaps the poor, oppressed, downtrodden among you can give us a few examples of how they've been treated badly by the Thais.

Lemme just expand on this:

Just how does being called, described or treated as a "farang" in Thailand blight your existence?

Are you unable to walk down the street without packs of pitch-fork-wielding locals pursuing you?

Do the Thai lovelies in the bars you frequent recoil in horror at the merest hint of "impropriety"?

Do you receive poor service at restaurants while the locals - well, the ones who can afford to eat at higher-end establishments - are treated like demi-gods?

Just askin'

I usually get price doubled for one.

I often get served last also.

I sometimes do not get served at all

You've never considered that it might have nothing to do with you being a farang, but perhaps something else? Maybe Thais just see you as a low-class schmuck? For the record, I rarely have these problems that you claim to have. Are you getting routinely "price doubled" in restaurants? At least admit that's a gargantuan load of crap.


I have lived in Hawaii since 1983. Love the food, culture, people, and the ocean. Here I am a haole, I can never be truly local because I am white and from the mainland. Similar in a lot of ways to being a farang in Thailand. I can never be Hawaiian or Thai and I don't what to be anything other than what I am. Respect the people and culture and you will get along just fine, but be yourself. Don't try to be something that you will never be. Find the people that accept you as you are, avoid those who don't.

Are you claiming you can't buy land in Hawaii?

Are you claiming as a US citizen you can't vote in elections if you live in Hawaii?

Are you claiming as a US citizen you need a work permit to work in Hawaii?

Is it really similar?

I don't think so.

now your talking about government issues that have nothing to do with the average Thai person

So you think the xenophobia that Thais display isn't encouraged and incited by the Thai government?


Calm down, yes, there are many foreigners who are getting treated badly, do I say that every one of them would have not being ripped off or scammed, had they not being referred to as an object (that is Farang), hell no!

But do I see a clear connection between the constant need to refer to us as "farang", rather than humans, and many problems we face here on a daily basis, hell yes!!

This is so incredibly idiotic. Why would you insists on referring to yourself as an object? If you're being referred to as a farang, that means that you're being identified as a westerner. You know, a "human being" from a western society. It's ridiculous that I have to explain it to you in this way, but you clearly have difficulty understanding very simple concepts. And these "many problems that you face here on a daily basis" largely has nothing to do with the fact that you're a farang.


I routinely get cheated,scammed, and called 'farang', but as long as she does it with her clothes off, I try not to complain too much.

Has it ever crossed your mind they are people not wanting to have any contact with the sex industry and they just get plainly ripped off on a daily basis on the sole reason they're from here?

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