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Dog Vs Niece And Nephew


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I love Irish Setters, and have had 3 of them, but that was back in Indiana where the weather was better for them. As others have stated, if you go with one, keep it's hair clipped short, especially through the hot season.

I totally disagree Saan about their intelligence. On the contrary, I have found them to be extremely intelligent, easily trained, and eager to learn. Great disposition to them. The love people, and most generally get along well with other dogs. But I also tend to agree with those who say that they are just not a good dog for here because of the heat factor.

I bought a solid black Shih Poo - French Poodle Father, Shih Tzu mother - for my wife about two years ago. It has the Poodle nose and face. During the cool months we let his hair grow, but keep it cut short in the hotter ones. He is one of the sweetest, smartest little dogs I have ever had. He loves everyone, but does get a bit skittish around small kids.

My wife once commented: "You love that dog more than you love me!" I just shrugged and asked her how long it took her to figure that one out.

My advice is visit some of your local temples. They all seem to be "dumping grounds" for people who decide they don't want their dog any more. I know quite a few people who have gotten dogs from temples, but then did the right thing and took them to a good vet for check up and shots.

You have a lot of options, so think about them and then do what you think is best. But I would definitely go with a puppy, not a full grown, as they will be easier to train, and will love you unconditionally.

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What about getting your Niece and Nephew on your side regarding getting a dog and slowly break the missus into submission?

Nice choice Irish Setter btw,are they hard to find in Thailand?

The one which forced me to go to the hospital 2 weeks ago wasn't an Irish setter.

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i got a puppy pitbull,from phuket training school 8000bth,easy to train very short hair,loves anyone and everything,remember its not the breed its the OWNER,thats makes them bad,good luck in your choice,but as justonevoice said a temple puppy is a responsible move

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I have a Golden Retriever and it has some long hair like the Irish Setter. I have cut some of the longest hair and the dog are fine here in Phuket.

It loves exercise and swimming, but I like that too, so no problem with that.

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The niece and nephew are quite charming kids but a dog would be so much more fun...

I've told her to tell her sis to put them in to board at school.

I've been told that as long as they're native bred, they're acclimatised to the heat.

the dogs or the kids?


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Get a Soi dog with hair extensions. Do something for the dog problem in Thailand.

What soi dog problem ?

As far as I see they disappear from every soi, with China/Vietnam's restaurant menus as a destination.

Problem solved

Don't lose your sense of practical perspective just because you live in Thailand now. I know it happens!

One of our neighbours had a St Bernard, a beautiful dog, good natured but it was just for show. It was kept tied up all day every day in all kinds of heat and would bark pitifully at times. I never once saw it taken for a run or even a walk Although we tried to tell the owners they knew better but we still sometimes had to climb over the fence to give it water and comfort the poor thing. In the end they got rid of it saying was sick but I think the poor thing went stir crazy.

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Cheers for the list and comments. We're going to look into it all over the next week or so but we're both pretty much into the idea of saving some poor mutt from the needle...

Good to hear!

If you do decide to adopt from a shelter, my advice (if you are not sure) is to read up on what to look for in the potential new dog behavior wise. This is a must, especially if it is going to be around kids.

Is it nervous, friendly, aggressive to your approach? Does it back away, come towards you or ignore? Is the tail wagging, rigid or between the legs? Are the hackles raised, ears flattened to the head or ears standing proud?

I'm sure you get the picture. Many people have ignored or discounted the visible signs in their rush to get their new 'best friend', sometimes leading to horrendous outcomes.

HD, this is in no way trying to put you off the idea, just take your time before coming to a decision. I am the owner (or rather the wife is the owner) of two 3yo Siberian huskies; these are in fact the first dogs I have owned even though there have been dogs in the family all my life.

Believe me, it can be life changing if you let it....................wink.png

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Cheers for the list and comments. We're going to look into it all over the next week or so but we're both pretty much into the idea of saving some poor mutt from the needle...

Im not so sure dogs here face the needle.. i could not get a vet to put down my dog when needed. It suffered because of this I went to 5 vets none would do it. Sad state of affairs to see her go the way she did. I hope you never have to live through that.

Pets are great.. but the parting hurts a lot too.

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Get a Soi dog with hair extensions. Do something for the dog problem in Thailand.

What soi dog problem ?

As far as I see they disappear from every soi, with China/Vietnam's restaurant menus as a destination.

Problem solved

They only disappear if they have problems with the dog, Eating there favorite orchids, tearing up the garden, generally causing havoc in the house.

Or if the owner wants a brand new basket, then its good by dog.

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Im not so sure dogs here face the needle.. i could not get a vet to put down my dog when needed. It suffered because of this I went to 5 vets none would do it. Sad state of affairs to see her go the way she did. I hope you never have to live through that.

Pets are great.. but the parting hurts a lot too.


Yes, this is the root cause of the soi dog problem.

It's very difficult to find a vet that is willing to put down a pet no matter how much in pain it is.

My friend found one after a long search, turned out to be a Muslim, so maybe that's a helpful tip for others looking in the future, many decent-sized towns in Thailand have a Muslim community can start by asking around there.

Or just bite the bullet and do it yourself crying.gif

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My question is why are you being her poodle?

Tell her all of the above if that's what you want or she can take a hike! Or is she the one paying for everything?

And personally I'd recommend a good mutt any day over a purebred. Not too big, and short-haired for the heat.

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