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Can Someone Please Assist With A Lenovo Problem? Please.


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Hi guys

I bought a Lenovo thinkpad two weeks before I came out here for good. Very stupidly I thought I had a long warranty I do but only in the UK.

After endless calls to lenovo they say I will have to pay myself as I do not have a international warranty. VERY annoying. Well I call the service centres but non can speak good English and I end up hanging up. So all I want to know is can someone help me

Source a lenovo thinkpad T420 main board please?

A link to a page or somthing. I will be in Bangkok 24th for one day only and would like to try to sort it then.

Any help will be much appreciated..

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I had a problem with my T400s display, so I needed a new one. I checked nearly every Shop at Pantip Plaza but no one had this display.

So I had to go to the official IBM/Lenovo Service Center. Which cost a lot more. It tooks about 2 weeks for me because they had to order the display from abroad and cost around 300$. I could order the display online for at least half the price from Hong Kong, but I need my laptop urgent so I was forced to buy it from the official Service Center.

Here is a Google maps Link where the IBM/Leovo Service center is. https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ibm+thailand&aq=&sll=13.775942,100.542498&sspn=0.033303,0.058966&vpsrc=6&ie=UTF8&hq=ibm+thailand&hnear=&ll=13.780162,100.545073&spn=0.008326,0.014741&t=m&z=17&cid=18270579998575340923&iwloc=A

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Perhaps it'll work out cheaper to send it to a friend/family member in the UK to have it repaired under warranty before sending it back.

If you choose to do this, avoid problems with Thai Customs by getting it sent as a "gift" on the customs declaration. It may work or it may not.

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Schondie is that customs on the way out or way back in?

On the way back into Thailand. You bought the thing in the UK so there will be no trouble there.

I also would be inclined to get it back to the UK for free repair under warranty. Maybe some friend travelling there could take it one or both ways?

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you can try to ask the guy running this section of the thaithinkpad forum: https://www.thaithinkpad.com/forum/index.php/board,41.0.html

click any of his thread, he puts his cell phone on the pictures of the stuff he sells... i already bought him an intel wireless chipset, an SSD and a keyboard, no problem. he's a java developer working at true, very nice guy.

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