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Work Permit And Job Possibilities With Thai Criminal Record

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Does anyone know if it is possible to get a work permit if you have a Thai criminal record? I have a charge of giving police false information, a stupid mistake and the only time i've ever had trouble with police here or from home, but i was planning on trying to become an English teacher in Thailand and i have found a website that said that anyone with a home or Thai criminal record would not be given a work permit. Can anyone confirm this? I also have the problem that any likely employer will likely ask me if i have a criminal record and so i wonder what the likelihood is of even being offered a job even if i can get a work permit. Any information would be appreciated.

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It is not checked for a WP, and a charge is not a conviction.

If you have a criminal record it can be reason to deny you entry into Thailand and if you want to become a teacher you also must declare that you do not have a conviction in order to get a teaching license.

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that's great to hear, I'm going to email a few job ads and ask if the charge will be a problem just to see. I realise it was a minor charge but i wasn't sure how dimly it would be looked on. So far any Thai person who knows has taken a very dim view so i was expecting the same for any Thai people who will be considering me as a teacher for any position i apply for. I'll just have to see but its positive news about the work permit. I'll look in to where to apply and actually go in and ask about it there too just to be sure.

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that's great to hear, I'm going to email a few job ads and ask if the charge will be a problem just to see. I realise it was a minor charge but i wasn't sure how dimly it would be looked on. So far any Thai person who knows has taken a very dim view so i was expecting the same for any Thai people who will be considering me as a teacher for any position i apply for. I'll just have to see but its positive news about the work permit. I'll look in to where to apply and actually go in and ask about it there too just to be sure.

I wouldnt be asking anything....as if you ask you already know what answer is going to be....yes problem...wink.png

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What qulifications do you have regarding teaching English? Lack of a degree, teaching experience could be a "problem".

Giving false information to police is a serious offence - were you convicted and punished as a result of this charge?

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I am currently charged and go back to court in one month. They recognised my want to stay, live and teach in Thailand which is why i wasn't immediately deported so probation are reviewing my case and then the court will decide but it is likely i will be fined and maybe asked to do some form of community service which i guess means a conviction.

I have only voluntary teaching experience for about 4 years and i am taking my TEFL training at the moment. If i am asked to leave Thailand by the court or my conviction proves a problem for a work permit or job applications i will have to leave Thailand and try be a teacher elsewhere and learn (heavily) from my mistake.

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I have a similar case. I'm in the middle of a divorce, and my attorney said nothing comes out of my house until she signs a property agreement or we have a court order. So she called the police, and they asked me to give her the rest of her clothing (she took all the things she can wear when she moved out). So I neatly folded and stacked everything outside on the pavement, putting down clean white cloths first so nothing would get dirty, but she really wasn't interested in the clothes. It was just an excuse to get inside the house. So seeing the things outside, she refused to touch them and went to the police. They refused to make me open the house for her, so she left. Seeing she wouldn't touch the clothes, her mother asked her cousin to pick up the clothes for her. He just threw the clothes in the back of his pickup and they sat there two days before giving them to her. So now she pressed charges in criminal court saying I damaged her clothes. The judge and district attorney are very friendly to me. They recognize that she is rude and unreasonable, and that the case is very minor, but they tried twice to get me to plead guilty and just dismiss the case with a fine of two or three thousand baht. I was worried like the original poster about what would be the consequences of having a crime on my record. Maybe I misunderstand and it's no big deal in a petty case, but I'm still worried it would count as a criminal conviction, and I'm still worried that even having pled not guilty that I still might be convicted due to a miscarriage of justice, or even a misunderstanding of Thai law.

Edited by HAL9000
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Rosco911, i am am from the UK, does that make a difference?

Hal9000, i fully sympathise with you being told it would be better to plead guilty, that it would go much better for, thats what i did but i can only wait to see on my court date whether that was a good choice. I've researched and found people given prison time but all the police i talked to about this said i would receive a fine and maybe community service, something a Thai national would certainly have to do. I guess it goes on how the probation handle my case and how well my translator translated for me?! The probation translator told me its a straight choice for the judge between prison or a fine. There's no doubt i was well treated and maybe looked on better for being truthful about all they asked about after too. I have no complaints with the Thai police or judicial system so far but i am certainly worried to be in the position i am.

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Given the fact that information is seldom exchanged I don't see why you would not get a workpermit. If you are not blacklisted there should not be a problem. Just use a good international law office and not the corner shop that does everything from marriage registration to work permits. I know personally people who were locked up for things like involvement in a deadly accident to even worse things and they all seem to get their new permit and they see it extended every time.

As long as they sent drugs traffickers that were locked up for decades after their release back to a police station to check if they have outstanding cases in other districts in Thailand I don't think you should be worried.

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Rosco911, i am am from the UK, does that make a difference?

Hal9000, i fully sympathise with you being told it would be better to plead guilty, that it would go much better for, thats what i did but i can only wait to see on my court date whether that was a good choice. I've researched and found people given prison time but all the police i talked to about this said i would receive a fine and maybe community service, something a Thai national would certainly have to do. I guess it goes on how the probation handle my case and how well my translator translated for me?! The probation translator told me its a straight choice for the judge between prison or a fine. There's no doubt i was well treated and maybe looked on better for being truthful about all they asked about after too. I have no complaints with the Thai police or judicial system so far but i am certainly worried to be in the position i am.

I know a couple of foreigners that have been convicted for drunk driving recently. Both were sentenced to community work the same as all other Thai offenders. However in both cases, since neither are fluent Thai speakers the probation service converted community service into a requirement to give blood 2-3 times over 6 months.

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Some great replies, i'm glad i posted on here now. The idea of going back to Vietnam to teach is a possibility, i have an offer for work in a private centre in a place i love but Thailand is number 1 for me, and not (yet) because i've fallen for the honeytrap..!

Thanks Naroge for your comment, i never knew that, so if i get an offer for a job it sounds like i shouldn't need to worry about getting a work permit after if what most have said here is true. That's one plus so far....

I haven't had imprisonment, my court date is in approx 3 weeks but it is a possibility. I have a few things going for me in that i'm taking my TEFL, Thai lessons, i have some Thai friends as guarantors to my character and i also volunteered in Chiang Rai for 3 months all of which i am hoping will be included by probation to show the court that although i made a mistake i want, and am worthy (i hope) of trying to create a future here in Thailand...

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Some great replies, i'm glad i posted on here now. The idea of going back to Vietnam to teach is a possibility, i have an offer for work in a private centre in a place i love but Thailand is number 1 for me, and not (yet) because i've fallen for the honeytrap..!

Thanks Naroge for your comment, i never knew that, so if i get an offer for a job it sounds like i shouldn't need to worry about getting a work permit after if what most have said here is true. That's one plus so far....

I haven't had imprisonment, my court date is in approx 3 weeks but it is a possibility. I have a few things going for me in that i'm taking my TEFL, Thai lessons, i have some Thai friends as guarantors to my character and i also volunteered in Chiang Rai for 3 months all of which i am hoping will be included by probation to show the court that although i made a mistake i want, and am worthy (i hope) of trying to create a future here in Thailand...

Did you have a work permit when you were volunteering in Chiang Rai? I'm only asking because if you didn't you were (most likely) working illegally, and I'm not sure if mentioning it would work in your favour or not.


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Thanks Sophon, that is a very good point.... It was at New Life Foundation, a place where you pay to be a volunteer so it may not be classed as actual volunteer work but i was going to contact them again anyway so i'll ask about this when i do.

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