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Insects Promoted As Protein Source For Thais


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Insects promoted as protein source for Thais
By English News


file photo: red ant eggs

BANGKOK, May 15 – Thailand’s Department of Health is urging Thais to eat insects as a source of chemical-free protein, particularly red ant eggs, which have higher protein than that in hen eggs.

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) called on people worldwide to consume insects as they are good sources of nutrition food high in protein and fibre.

Narong Saiwong, deputy director-general of Thailand’s health department, said Thai people have local diets which include insect specialities such as red ant eggs which people in the Northeast prepare in several menus such as soup and spicy salad.

Red ant eggs have higher protein, compared to equal amount of hen eggs and are free of chemicals. However, red ant eggs should be cooked well, Mr Narong said.

However, red ant eggs, silk worms and bamboo worms as well as bee larvae contain quite high amount of cholesterol and if they are fried, will give three or four times more energy, so people with high cholesterol and the elderly should not eat much, he warned. (MCOT online news).

-- TNA 2013-05-15

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what I seem to hear mostly is Thai kids don't like vegetables. Why all this push for protein?

All the seem to eat is some kind of grilled protein on a stick and sticky rice.

Why not a push for chemical free vegetables or even a push for getting the chemicals out of the meat?

Edited by gr8fldanielle
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I was partial to a bag of fried grasshoppers until an unnoticed leg got caught in my throat and nearly choked me. What a way to go.

"How did mca die? Rescuing orphans from a burning building? Undercover wet ops in Pakistan looking for an Al Quaeda boss? Racing for the Ferrari Formula 1 team?"


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The part they left out was that the red ant eggs aren't exactly cheap.

I would hazard a guess they cost more than a similar volume of chicken eggs.

Perhaps he thinks people should go out and harvest them for free.

Yeah I remember a while back eating larb with red ant eggs in an Issan restaurant. Was about double the price of larb with pork.

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Great way to divide the population...

You lot that are poor/average class... eat bugs

The upper society will dine on quail eggs, chicken and porterhouse while sipping on a nice wine.

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The part they left out was that the red ant eggs aren't exactly cheap.

I would hazard a guess they cost more than a similar volume of chicken eggs.

Perhaps he thinks people should go out and harvest them for free.

You are right - if you went out to buy 12 hen eggs you would pay 60 bht, to get the equiv in MOT Deng eggs would cost a bomb maybe 1000 bht, protein o.k. who's paying ???

the only way to get them is to go out with your bamboo and take down a nest, (usually local in a mango tree) the curled leaves are the sign but by god be careful the get bleeding angry as soon as you get near them, and the bite is bad.

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They are correct . Insects are almost pure protein. Silkworms are also consumed in Korea(bundaegi)

I kinda like em!

Interesting - they used to eat silkworms (after removal of silk) in isaan. We have a lot of TV posters from up there but no one is stepping up with some first hand facts .... perhaps they aren't eating them up there any more, instead they are heading to the 7/11 for junk food. Not all that suprising as boiled silkworm grubs taste like - - - - sick.gif

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My girlfriend brought a batch down to Singapore in a her luggage a couple of weeks back. Said they cost 300 baht for one kilo. Even after cooking, some of the buggers were still alive. Tasted great though, Like 'em in soup also....


Edited by Docno
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"Insects promoted as protein source for Thais"

Great news from the government.

With all the rice in storage with the potential of infestation by healthy protein rich insects, the consumers will now have an added bonus with their carbohydrate rich Jasmine and sticky rice.

Soon to appear in all supermarkets. Nature doing what it does best!

post-9891-0-62866000-1368619823_thumb.jp post-9891-0-91791900-1368620009_thumb.jp

Edited by ratcatcher
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The part they left out was that the red ant eggs aren't exactly cheap.

I would hazard a guess they cost more than a similar volume of chicken eggs.

Perhaps he thinks people should go out and harvest them for free.

You aren't kidding there! Pound for pound the ant eggs are way more expensive than hens eggs.

Maybe they should get Abhisit to push for a law to sell the ant eggs by the kilo rather than by the dozen.( Before him and that fat swine Suthep are prosecuted for their greed and murder) - Toktaws seem to fetch a good price here too, especially to the Chinese - I know they aren't insects but they were on the TV the other day saying they were getting 10K Baht for a large lizard???? (Can anyone verify that? - I didn't believe it at the time, but the locals here swear that the Chinese are buying these things for crazy prices)

They could probably get Shinawatra to set up a department to Grade Ant Eggs into Size 0, 1,2,3 and employ another few thousand more beuracrats

They could set up a market where the pubic lice of the infected could be deep fried with a little ginger and garlic and chilli to school children, providing they don't leave them to die of heatstroke on the schoolbus.

These tosspots need to get their priorities in order.

Edited by Briandajew
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The part they left out was that the red ant eggs aren't exactly cheap.

I would hazard a guess they cost more than a similar volume of chicken eggs.

Perhaps he thinks people should go out and harvest them for free.

You aren't kidding there! Pound for pound the ant eggs are way more expensive than hens eggs.

Maybe they should get Abhisit to push for a law to sell the ant eggs buy the kilo rather than by the dozen. - Toktaws seem to fetch a good price here too, especially to the Chinese - I know they aren't insects but they were on the TV the other day saying they were getting 10K Baht for a large lizard???? (Can anyone verify that? - I didn't believe it at the time, but the locals here swear that the Chinese are buying these things for crazy prices)

"Maybe they should get Abhisit to push for a law......................"

I think dear Mr Abhisit has his hands full right now using the law defending himself against DSI charges without worrying about bloody ants eggs.

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Uh, well, DUH. Like Thais don't eat insects already? I have tried them and find them quite tasty, somewhat like puff Cheetos with Frito barbecue dusting. Maybe Thailand can be the insect cuisine hub of Asia (groan). With government promoting, you can be sure consumption will decline.

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