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Superiors Of Bribes Taking Bangkok Traffic Police Officer Transferred

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Would it not have been simpler to say two high ranking dishonest corrupt police officers get transferred.

Or have been charged and stood down without pay pending court.

They do not even do that in Australia...stand down on full pay....and they do not even have to pay it back when they are convicted. Police policing police!!! tell me another.

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I don't see the problem...

Bung them a couple of hundred and on your way....would you rather the UK/US style alternative???

Yes I would. The UK/US alternative is to hire (and pay) professional police officers to uphold the law. The Thai way of 'bunging them' a couple of hundred baht encourages law breakers on the road. Drunk driving, no insurance, no license in many cases only contributes to the daily carnage we see on the roads.

If a motorist (god forbid) knocked down and killed a loved one of yours whilst drunk, would you accept and be happy that he was allowed to continue driving after he/she had 'bunged' a corrupt policeman a couple of hundred baht???

Might just pop down and get a red bull, feel like a boost.


The transfer of those " superiors" would be akin to musical chairs, when the music stops they all

get a to seat (i.e. bribe )


Would it not have been simpler to say two high ranking dishonest corrupt police officers get transferred.

Or have been charged and stood down without pay pending court.

They do not even do that in Australia...stand down on full pay....and they do not even have to pay it back when they are convicted. Police policing police!!! tell me another.

Silly post. Take it from an aussie cop. Most are stood down without pay depending on the allegations, The Police union will look after them tho until after the court case. If the Ethical Standards Department (Assistant Commisioner) thinks there is overwhelming evidence he/she will make a recommendation to the chief commissioner that the person is suspended without pay. If there is a reasonable chance of non conviction then the person is stood down/suspended with pay. If a cop is stood down without pay and then exhonerated in court then backpay at the current rate is paid even if the case took 10 years. A fair way. With this Thai cop the evidence is pretty damming.


I don't see the problem...

Bung them a couple of hundred and on your way....would you rather the UK/US style alternative???

Well I would. If it could get the death toll down from the estimates of 14000 to 26000 which apparently doesn't include those who die in the following days to the UK level of under 2000 with a similar population why not? I know that some of the increased deaths are due to the use of motorcycles instead of cars but they could still be reduced.

I agree it must be nice just to pay 200 baht and carry on with no consequences although I've no experience of this. Those of us with what I think is a more civilised attitude focus more on the tragic deaths and injuries to adults and children than our own desire to avoid paying for our actions. As I said I've never been stopped and fined so maybe I'm just lucky and I wouldn't be happy if I got a fine for something I hadn't done but f I had then I hope I would be adult enough to accept it.

I wonder if your name has anything to do with your views on this?

Responsibility isn't always fun but someone's got to do it.


Should have been transferred to the deep south......without a bullet proof vest.

Oh please! just a bit extreme don't you think? Surely one of the good things about Thailand is the ability to bribe your way out of traffic tickets, it's one of the things I love about Thailand. I'd much rather my "fine" went to the upkeep of a (poorly paid) policeman's family than disappeared further up the line to some General's back pocket.

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This is nothing. This is like catching the drug users or the street distributors. The corrupt people at the top are screwing Thailand at a massive level, these street cops are just collecting cump change.


Anyone who takes a bribe is just a common thief stealing money, sack them take away any pension rights and lock the thief’s up in prison where every criminal belongs.

People don’t need to turn to crime just to survive they can go and find an honest job.

TIT, if you don't like it, bye bye.


Please people dont sent video clips like this arround on internet !

In the end you will have to pay a real ticket and that is a lot more expensive than 200 or 400 bht !

so be smart !

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Anyone who takes a bribe is just a common thief stealing money, sack them take away any pension rights and lock the thief’s up in prison where every criminal belongs.

People don’t need to turn to crime just to survive they can go and find an honest job.

TIT, if you don't like it, bye bye.

What a shameful way to think. Just because it happens doesn't make it right!!


Why aren't we prosecuting the people who give the bribes as well? People take the fact that they can for granted.

I have had my fair share of people trying to bribe me on the job and record every converstion. I only ever charged one. I was working in an area with a high Indian and Asian population (University close by) This particular guy tried to bribe me and after two warnings he came with the line "take the money and go buy yourself some nice doughnuts and a coffee" Apparently he thought Australian and American cops were the same. Aussie cops don't eat doughnuts. It was ok to try and bribe but never insult an aussie cop.

Yeah, guess if he'd offered you a few tinnies or Barbie meat you would have taken them.

Insult an auzzie cop ? it would go right over his head.

Nah it doesn't go over thier heads that is what we call writing your own tickets. Ok sir I see you don't have enough, oh I see you don't have water in your washer bottle. That will be $250 for failing to comply with conditions of registration. Would you like fries with that?

As a 17yr old lad visiting Melbourne in 1966 I had a run in with an Aussie cop who threatened to "shoot your legs from under you if you ignore me boy". All because I hadn't heard him shout at me whilst jaywalking. Facists!


Just cough up...or would you rather they framed you and stung you for far more down the station for all your protests?

Bear in mind that at times 'doing something wrong' can merely be having white skin here...

Don't sweat it...

NO!!! DON'T "just cough up",,, it's people like you who help to keep this disgusting behaviour going, show some courage and stand up and say NO!!!

how about putting a dash cam in your car and they can try all they like but you will have video proof of no wrong doing and attempted extortion by a police man, the more of us that do this the less police can STEAL from us all


Anyone who takes a bribe is just a common thief stealing money, sack them take away any pension rights and lock the thief’s up in prison where every criminal belongs.

People don’t need to turn to crime just to survive they can go and find an honest job.

TIT, if you don't like it, bye bye.

What a shameful way to think. Just because it happens doesn't make it right!!

It makes it right in Thailand and that's why lots of us like it here. We don't want western ideals, it's why we left in the first place.


My wife says it was on tv that a cop arrested a driver for offering a bribe ... first I ever heard of that. Guess that is why it makes the news.

What they forgot to mention was that the bribe was only 20 baht and he was arrested for offering such a risible amount.

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Do TV readers understands the Royal Thai police company?This is a normal franchisecompany,as with franchise you wil have to buy yourself in.By the RTP it start with about 150.000/200.000 thb for a low ranking and 500.000 for a higer ranking.The company will supply you with a company uniform,a ticketbook and a workingspot.As with all franchisecompany's you will have to pay a fee to the headoffice.

As you see it is just a business like others

To some people this may sound like humor, but it is actually spot on. The Thai police are not there to fight crime, but to collect money. Once you know that, ti becomes easier to stay here in Thailand...

I've heard that Pattaya is an excellent posting for police to accrue bribes and officers from elsewhere

must pay 1 million baht to be transferred to Patts,

but can recoup the investment in 3-4 months.

Any truth here?


@ fasteddie

47 yrs ago. Melbourne has moved on my friend. Was that before or after October? not sure if I was on this earth way back then. You need to move on my friend that copper is probably not even here anymore.


The problem in bangkok is some traffic cops run an extortion business: you get pulled over for no reason and then are asked to pay a bribe for an imaginary offence :( If you don't pay on the spot it can be very hard finding the police station where you are supposed to pay the fine


What’s the Bye Bye ? all I said it’s pretty obvious they are thieves and criminal’s and should be locked up like any other criminal Bye Bye.

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Why aren't we prosecuting the people who give the bribes as well? People take the fact that they can for granted.

Because these are not bribes, this is extortion.


Just cough up...or would you rather they framed you and stung you for far more down the station for all your protests?

Bear in mind that at times 'doing something wrong' can merely be having white skin here...

Don't sweat it...

NO!!! DON'T "just cough up",,, it's people like you who help to keep this disgusting behaviour going, show some courage and stand up and say NO!!!

how about putting a dash cam in your car and they can try all they like but you will have video proof of no wrong doing and attempted extortion by a police man, the more of us that do this the less police can STEAL from us all

How much does a dash cam cost? Are you saying all expats should do this? Might work and you tube might get flooded. I was thinking of getting a dash cam not for this but as a novety thing whilst driving around, you know as a toy for grownups.


Anyone who takes a bribe is just a common thief stealing money, sack them take away any pension rights and lock the thief’s up in prison where every criminal belongs.

People don’t need to turn to crime just to survive they can go and find an honest job.

TIT, if you don't like it, bye bye.

What a shameful way to think. Just because it happens doesn't make it right!!

It makes it right in Thailand and that's why lots of us like it here. We don't want western ideals, it's why we left in the first place.

It doesn't make it right in Thailand. That's why they are being punished!

And not wanting Western ideals like laws, rules etc makes you sound a bit dodgy!

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Anyone who takes a bribe is just a common thief stealing money, sack them take away any pension rights and lock the thief’s up in prison where every criminal belongs.

People don’t need to turn to crime just to survive they can go and find an honest job.

TIT, if you don't like it, bye bye.

What a shameful way to think. Just because it happens doesn't make it right!!

It makes it right in Thailand and that's why lots of us like it here. We don't want western ideals, it's why we left in the first place.

How does it make it right? My wife is Thai and she doesn't think it is right and she thinks it should be like in western countries, get fined if you actually do something wrong. 200 baht may be nothing to us farangs and that makes it right but to a Thai person you have probably stripped thier kids of 2 days worth of food. Nah thats ok from a farang point of view it is right.


One thing I don't understand is, the Government sets penalties for offences and it gives the police the power to impose these penalties and the revenue goes into government coffers. Surely the police minister know that the police are freelancing (the rest of the world does) and offering 50 - 75% discounts for cash. This cash going straight into the pockets of the police in which they hired to collect revenue for them.

The Government is losing millions if not a few billion over the years of money they need for other projects. Why on earth hasn't the government seen this loss and come down with the biggest hammer on earth? You steal from a goverment in the western world and they will hang and quater you along with your 1st born.

Is the Government turning a blind eye and simply accepting this as normal Thai behaviour?


Police are often transferred to different police stations over periods of time as matter of routine. So all these actions mean nothing.

The policeman involved should have been instantly sacked, charged and prosecuted, but instead, they are playing the out of sight, out of mind game.

Rotten apples, in the dirty basket. Outrageous.


The office of inactive posts must be bursting at the seams. If they try to shove one more in there it is going to burst flooding the streets with corrupt officers.

Where I am from these guys would be sttod down without pay, be charged internally and criminally and then fired. (if found guilty in criminal court)

Used to be the Vic police were the best money could buy . . . well, except for the Qld coppers, but you can't compete with perfection . . .

(Yes, a Sydney-boy! thumbsup.gif )

Rotten to the core from top to bottom. The Royal Thai Police is a national disgrace and their nefarious activities are well known and documented which indict both the Government and Thai society as a whole

But why pick on Thailand for this? Corruption of this type is endemic in many SE Asian countries – and other regions too.

Why pick on Thailand? rolleyes.gif What do you type after www. to get to this site? clap2.gif


One thing I don't understand is, the Government sets penalties for offences and it gives the police the power to impose these penalties and the revenue goes into government coffers. Surely the police minister know that the police are freelancing (the rest of the world does) and offering 50 - 75% discounts for cash. This cash going straight into the pockets of the police in which they hired to collect revenue for them.

The Government is losing millions if not a few billion over the years of money they need for other projects. Why on earth hasn't the government seen this loss and come down with the biggest hammer on earth? You steal from a goverment in the western world and they will hang and quater you along with your 1st born.

Is the Government turning a blind eye and simply accepting this as normal Thai behaviour?

How's some government officer who's taking 20-40% off the top of all the business/contracts that go through his/her department going to complain about Thai police pocketing ticket "fine" revenue???

We're just talking about the small, visible stuff here. The big stuff (and fish) we never hear about or read about in the newspapers -- except when a minister gets his house burgled and 60m baht or so in cash is stolen! whistling.gif


Police are often transferred to different police stations over periods of time as matter of routine. So all these actions mean nothing.

The policeman involved should have been instantly sacked, charged and prosecuted, but instead, they are playing the out of sight, out of mind game.

Rotten apples, in the dirty basket. Outrageous.

More interesting news would be,-Where have the superiors been transferred to ???? and what role are they playing ???---should be in the BKK Hilton. Telling posters that action has been taken--WHAT ACTION ???? any news on this, ME thinks posters would be over the moon if we were given the end of the story NOT just Transferred

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