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Acting Irs Chief Ousted Over Tax Scandal As Obama Vows Change


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Of course it it logical to believe the recent scandals are driving these negative poll numbers. IMO - the IRS scandal is the biggest driver because it is the easiest for the American people to understand. The American people do not like the IRS in the first place and any revelation that the IRS is being allowed or even being enlisted to use IRS authority to harass or intimidate citizens gets quick reaction in the minds of the people. The House will have more hearings on the IRS scandal today.


The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 46% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama's job performance. Fifty-three percent (53%) now disapprove. Today’s figures include 24% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 41% who Strongly Disapprove. This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -17 (see trends). This is the worst approval index since September 26, 2012. This is the second day in a row - but only the fourth day in the past six months - that Strong Disapproval of the president has reached 40%. The other two days were May 2 and 3.

Get real.

Rasmussen is consistently one of the most biased and worst ranked and regarded polling organizations in the United States. Rasmussen and Fox News openly share the same political bed.

In the 2012 presidential election Rasmussen ranked 23rd of 26 major polling organizations. Rasmussen earned this horrendous distinction by averaging a 3.7 point bias towards Willard Mitt Romney right up to election day, when Rasmussen on November 6th called the election for Romney. Rasmussen conducted 60 polls during the 2012 campaign, twice as many as his nearest rival and still stunk the place out. Couldn't get it right for all the tea in China.


And here's one about the love affair between Rasmussen and Fox News:

Rasmussen: A pollster made for Fox News


And here's one showing Rasmussen as the only major 2012 pollster still showing Romney in the lead:


Of all 90 polling organizations that did surveying of the 2012 election, Rasmussen finished 60th with an average margin of error that was close to a stratospheric, 4.2% and an average Republican party bias of +3.7%.


In September 2012 the respected fivethirtyeight polling analysis organization said of Rasmussen, "The exception was the Rasmussen Reports tracking poll, which gave Mitt Romney a two-point lead among likely voters. What to think of the Rasmussen poll? Their surveys usually have a Republican lean, but it seems to have gotten stronger in the last few weeks. It has also been stronger in some years than others. Rasmussen got reasonably good results in years like 2006 and 2008 when their polls were close to the consensus. However, their polls were the least accurate of the major polling firms in 2010.The same was true in 2000, when they had a three- or four-point statistical bias toward Republican candidates."


Your citing of the well known Republican party biased Rasmussen polling organization is definitely an act of desperation as you try to save the politically suicidal Republicans in Washington. I'd never quote Rasmussen except to point out how statistically biased and wrong he consistently is.

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IRS Chain of Command Suggests Scandal Not Limited to 'Low-Level Employees'



- Former Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller… retires

- Joseph Grant, Commissioner of Tax Exempt and Government Entities... retires.

- Lois Lerner, Head of Exempt Organization…says she will invoke her 5th amendment right to not incriminate herself when called before Congress on Wednesday.

- Holly Paz, Director of Exempt Organizations, subpoenaed to Washington to be interviewed by members of Congress.

All of this IRS leadership, in Washington D.C.

- Then one level down is Cindy Thomas, the highest ranking employee in Cincinnati in this Tax Exempt and Government Entities Department that no one in Congress is talking to... yet.

Cindy Thomas's name is significant, because Thomas is the woman who leaked nine tax documents to the journalism outlet ProPublica last year. The leaking of pending tax documents is a clear violation of the law. After having uncovered the nature of Thomas's involvement, FOX19 looks at her place in the IRS chain of command:

I'm not sure if you are aware of this or not but the targeting began one day after ms ingram met with POTUS at the White House.

ergo plausible deny-ability is shattered.

So to all you Marxist refuseniks it's in the WH logs. boo hoo. We know you still adore him. Stop making excuses. The Emperor has no clothes.

You and the other minutemen have posted this innuendo previously, many times to this thread. Are you hoping repetition will make it true, or believable?

Old news.

Same innuendo, imputation, aspersion.

New news, please, thank you.

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Lerner WILL (in 24 point font) testify. Grant her immunity & if she still refuses bury her under the Capitol Dome in some dungeon until she changes her mind.

I think the last person to do that was Henry VIII, or maybe it was George III.

Neither however rules over this case or in this country.

We have a Constitution. It has a Fifth Amendment as a part of the Bill of Rights.

Even Clarence Thomas wouldn't try such an outrage.

I wonder who's going to protect the Constitution from you who would put us all on the rack.

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The big o - BHO has all his cut-outs in place. The taint the stench may not extend to him personally but he is the orchestra leader.

Turns out others in the White House knew what was in the IG report long before it was "leaked" So maybe some of the henchmen will face the trap door to the waiting hungry sharks below. Goldmember style. Bon Appetit.

Man I am getting sick of the weasel words out of this administration.

Official to plead the fifth Amendment?

The left supporters are starting to look more and more like the band on the decks of the Titanic hurriedly worrying about what would be the most appropriate music to play next as the bow starts to sink.

You wish.

And be careful what you wish for.

‘Obama Scandals’ Could Actually Hurt Republicans

By Ramesh Ponnuru


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IRS investigation: Who knew what, and when ...

By Darla Cameron, Zachary A. Goldfarb and Alberto Cuadra, Published: May 21, 2013

The revelations that the IRS singled out groups seeking tax-exempt status for special screening have caused a political

earthquake — prompting the resignations of two top IRS officials, a criminal investigation and multiple congressional probes. Read related article.

Here is the sequence of events, which began after Citizens United gave groups more political spending power in January 2010.


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Why did IRS’ Shulman visit WH 118 times in two years? ‘Um, Easter Egg Roll?’

Posted at 12:14 pm on May 22, 2013 by Twitchy Staff | View Comments

Well, give him points for creativity at least.

When asked to account for his 118 visits to the White House within a two-year period, former IRS commissioner Douglas Shulman dug deep and managed to come up with one explanation: he took his kids to the White House Easter Egg Roll!


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We'll see if Issa can make it stick. He's not a judge and the Congress is not a court of law.

Either way, that woud put her and 82% of Americans in contempt of Congress. So she'd be in good company.

This is getting tougher on Congress among the American people every day.

Issa especially takes all the rope that's handed to him.

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Congress is not a court of law. Legally he can't force Lois Lerner to answer non-trivial questions.

The right is shouting at Issa so he has to try something. Limbaugh is hopping mad .Issa is politically pressured and desperate.

Inside Darrell Issa's Sketchy Legal Rationale Forcing Lois Lerner to Testify


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Your citing of the well known Republican party biased Rasmussen polling organization is definitely an act of desperation as you try to save the politically suicidal Republicans in Washington. I'd never quote Rasmussen except to point out how statistically biased and wrong he consistently is.

Please stop the incessant left-wing spin. Rasmussen is not always right - nobody is - but he has a good reputation and has outdone other pollsters in many elections. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmussen_Reports

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Issa: Lois Lerner Waived Her Right to Invoke the Fifth Amendment


Kate Hicks | May 22, 2013


There was no way Lois Lerner's part in the IRS saga would end quietly, even as she invoked her right to remain silent.

Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, boldly asserted this afternoon that Lerner "waived" her right to plead the Fifth Amendment when she made an opening statement at this morning's hearing. From POLITICO:

“When I asked her her questions from the very beginning, I did so so she could assert her rights prior to any statement,” Issa told POLITICO. “She chose not to do so — so she waived." ...

The California Republican said Lerner’s Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination was voided when she gave an opening statement this morning denying any wrongdoing and professing pride in her government service.

And from Politico ...


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Days until the Presidential Inauguration Friday January 20, 2017 : 1338

Oh - and the IRS is going to do what for the next 1338 days? ... oh my - is this post referencing 1338 on topic?

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Issa: Lois Lerner Waived Her Right to Invoke the Fifth Amendment


Kate Hicks | May 22, 2013


There was no way Lois Lerner's part in the IRS saga would end quietly, even as she invoked her right to remain silent.

Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, boldly asserted this afternoon that Lerner "waived" her right to plead the Fifth Amendment when she made an opening statement at this morning's hearing. From POLITICO:

“When I asked her her questions from the very beginning, I did so so she could assert her rights prior to any statement,” Issa told POLITICO. “She chose not to do so — so she waived." ...

The California Republican said Lerner’s Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination was voided when she gave an opening statement this morning denying any wrongdoing and professing pride in her government service.

And from Politico ...


LOL. Poor old Congressman Issa is not a constitutional law expert and it shows.

She is not the first person to provide a statement and then take the 5th. The last guy to try and abrogate the 5th amendment at hearings was that wonderful Repubulican Senator Joe McCarthy.

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Days until the Presidential Inauguration Friday January 20, 2017 : 1338

Oh - and the IRS is going to do what for the next 1338 days? ... oh my - is this post referencing 1338 on topic?

Yes it is on topic. It means barring the unforeseen you will have to deal with BHO as POTUS for the next 1338 days and at this rate you may very well blow a gasket.

" Acting Irs Chief Ousted Over Tax Scandal As Obama Vows Change" Glad you clarified that !

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Breaking: Lois Lerner Sued Christian Coalition In Largest FEC Action in History – Then Was Promoted to IRS Where She Targeted Conservatives (Video) Posted by Jim Hoft on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, 5:32 PM



Under the direction of Lois Lerner, the Federal Election Commission sued the Christian Coalition in the 1990s. She harassed the Christian Coalition for three election cycles. She lost her case. Lerner even asked one conservative during the

case if Pat Robertson prayed over him. (Sound familiar?)

These actions landed her at the IRS where she used the same tactics against conservatives and Christians – only on a much larger scale. 500 conservative and Christian groups were illegally targeted by the Obama IRS during her tenure. For twenty-seven months the Obama IRS refused to approve any Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status. At the same time the Obama IRS approved dozens of progressive applications.

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I have a small correction.

It was Lois Lerner who was targeting Conservatives over at the election commission. At least she is consistent.

Being a miscreant there probably brought her to the attention of Valerie Jarrett.

They needed her special skills.

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Issa: Lois Lerner Waived Her Right to Invoke the Fifth Amendment


Kate Hicks | May 22, 2013


There was no way Lois Lerner's part in the IRS saga would end quietly, even as she invoked her right to remain silent.

Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, boldly asserted this afternoon that Lerner "waived" her right to plead the Fifth Amendment when she made an opening statement at this morning's hearing. From POLITICO:

“When I asked her her questions from the very beginning, I did so so she could assert her rights prior to any statement,” Issa told POLITICO. “She chose not to do so — so she waived." ...

The California Republican said Lerner’s Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination was voided when she gave an opening statement this morning denying any wrongdoing and professing pride in her government service.

And from Politico ...


LOL. Poor old Congressman Issa is not a constitutional law expert and it shows.

She is not the first person to provide a statement and then take the 5th. The last guy to try and abrogate the 5th amendment at hearings was that wonderful Repubulican Senator Joe McCarthy.

..along with McCarty's right-hand man Democrat icon Robert Kennedy! :-)

Pleading the 5th doesn't mean someone is guilty of doing anything wrong, but it will still come across that way to the average person on the street.

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Issa: Lois Lerner Waived Her Right to Invoke the Fifth Amendment


Kate Hicks | May 22, 2013


There was no way Lois Lerner's part in the IRS saga would end quietly, even as she invoked her right to remain silent.

Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, boldly asserted this afternoon that Lerner "waived" her right to plead the Fifth Amendment when she made an opening statement at this morning's hearing. From POLITICO:

“When I asked her her questions from the very beginning, I did so so she could assert her rights prior to any statement,” Issa told POLITICO. “She chose not to do so — so she waived." ...

The California Republican said Lerner’s Fifth Amendment right to avoid self-incrimination was voided when she gave an opening statement this morning denying any wrongdoing and professing pride in her government service.

And from Politico ...


It seems there's no basis in criminal law to prosecute Lois Lerner, says Gregory Korte, legal correspondent for USA Today, who today wrote:

"Even if Lerner authorized the targeting of the Tea Party groups, there's a good deal of doubt that she could be criminally prosecuted for doing so. No federal statute that I'm aware of directly criminalizes that kind of behavior, and federal courts refuse to impose criminal penalties for just doing bad things that Congress hasn't specifically outlawed. So granting her immunity from prosecution might not actually involve giving anything up at all."

USA Today said today that Lerner's attorney, William Taylor, did not return a phone call Wednesday. Steven Salky, who works in Taylor's firm but is not assigned to Lerner's case, has written a book on the Fifth Amendment, and said what Lerner did was fairly common. "You can give a very broad statement of your innocence" without jeopardizing your Fifth Amendment rights, he said.

Also from USA Today: "Some experts said Lerner should have been released from having to appear as soon as her lawyer told the committee she would plead the Fifth.

"Issa's committee is looking for headlines, not for any facts," said Robert Muse, a former Watergate staff attorney who now teaches congressional investigations at Georgetown Law School. "Congressman Issa is simply trying to create a circus-like environment at the expense of someone who's trying to invoke her constitutional rights. Congress cannot bring a person before it simply to create a sense of personal embarrassment, or to humiliate them."

My own comment is that William Taylor, Lois Lerner and 82% of the American people stand in contempt of Congress.

Anyone in the 18% who likes the terrible job Congress has been doing for such a long time, and who's watching Congress presently outdo itself, please raise your hands.

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Somebody earlier asked for new news. This might qualify.

I wonder if any pillow talk went on at home.thumbsup.gif


Embattled IRS official Lois Lerner’s husband’s law firm has strong Obama connections
12:13 AM 05/16/2013
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) official who apologized for targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny is married to an attorney whose firm hosted a voter registration organizing event for the Obama presidential campaign, praised President Obama’s policy work, and had one of its partners appointed by Obama to a key ambassadorship.
IRS Exempt Organizations Division director Lois G. Lerner, who has been described as “apolitical” in mainstream press coverage of the IRS scandal, is married to tax attorney Michael R. Miles, a partner at the law firm Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. The firm is based in Atlanta but has a number of offices including in Washington, D.C., where Miles works.
The 400-attorney firm hosted an organizing meeting at its Atlanta office for people interested in helping with voter registration for the Obama re-election campaign.
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Off-topic posts removed.

Please don't feed the troll. Even if he looks hungry, it's better to let him die a natural death than to be confined to the Thaivisa jail.

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Your citing of the well known Republican party biased Rasmussen polling organization is definitely an act of desperation as you try to save the politically suicidal Republicans in Washington. I'd never quote Rasmussen except to point out how statistically biased and wrong he consistently is.

Please stop the incessant left-wing spin. Rasmussen is not always right - nobody is - but he has a good reputation and has outdone other pollsters in many elections. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmussen_Reports

You really need to find a better source than Wikipedia to try to support your defense of the Republican party pollster, Scott Rasmussen. In accuracy and balance, Rasmussen came in 23rd of 26 major scientific survey organizations in the 2012 presidential election cycle. He came in last in 2010. The guy is also a Fox News hack source. I gave you all the links.

The guy is as reliable and predictable as programmed robot.

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May 23, 2013

WaPo Poll: Trouble for Obama

By J. Robert Smith

...But the polling numbers should concern the White House when respondents directly addressed the IRS and Benghazi scandals. Even Nixon's numbers didn't tank immediately as the Watergate scandal unfolded (and Nixon had a sickly economy dragging him down at the time, too)...

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May 23, 2013

WaPo Poll: Trouble for Obama

By J. Robert Smith

...But the polling numbers should concern the White House when respondents directly addressed the IRS and Benghazi scandals. Even Nixon's numbers didn't tank immediately as the Watergate scandal unfolded (and Nixon had a sickly economy dragging him down at the time, too)...

god..... the American Thinker? Who, besides right wing conspiracy theory lovers reads this rag?

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John Fund: Conservative Vote Suppressed by IRS Targeting


The IRS could be directly to blame for lower voter turnout during the 2012 election after conservative groups were left sidelined by the IRS decision to target them, according to John Fund, national-affairs columnist for National Review Online.


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John Fund: Conservative Vote Suppressed by IRS Targeting


The IRS could be directly to blame for lower voter turnout during the 2012 election after conservative groups were left sidelined by the IRS decision to target them, according to John Fund, national-affairs columnist for National Review Online.


National Review is a long standing conservative, now right wing, publication and organization. They have the right to their from the right point of view, but I don't waste my time with them (I did as a young'n) attend a lecture by its father, Wm F Buckley Jr when I'd thought being Western liberal meant one must needs be tolerant and open to all points of view.)

I present publications and news organizations whose reporting and opinion pieces are either more balanced, such as Reuters, the AP, AFP etc, OR which are more critical of the right and more strongly inclined to support Prez Obama. So we on each side of this are free to present our respective point of view in direct relation to the topic of the thread. The major difference between the minutemen at TVF and myself, however, is that I present news organizations that have a tradition and reputation of being in the middle of the political spectrum, to include USA Today, among others I've mentioned in this 'graf'.

In this IRS matter - and in the Benghazi matter, which is not in this thread topic - I cite the general polling organizations which are well established, reliable, credible, respected and respectable, and which are accepted by both the polling professionals and the general population, and also by the general news organizations such as those I reference in this post. The polling is directly related to the IRS matter and its impact on public opinion and on the standing of the administration - and its critics - in the IRS matter.

As with the questions in the IRS kerfuffle, it's a matter of credibility. Who do we believe, who does the public believe? The minutemen at TVF are isolated on the right - no matter how strident they become, they remain out of the mainstream of the controversy. In contrast, the great majority of us are in the middle, or the left middle. The reliable and respectable scientific public opinion research organizations bear this out.

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John Fund: Conservative Vote Suppressed by IRS Targeting


The IRS could be directly to blame for lower voter turnout during the 2012 election after conservative groups were left sidelined by the IRS decision to target them, according to John Fund, national-affairs columnist for

National Review Online



That's Republican baloney. So no matter how you slice it, it's still baloney.

Below are from the 2012 election cycle. It's a sampling of instances of how Republican controlled states, i.e., with a R legislature and R governor, enacted laws to prevent identified Obama voter groups from voting. The courts, of course, threw out virtually every Republican state law in the dozen or so Republican controlled states that attempted to violate our sacred right to vote - in the instance of the 2012 presidential election cycle, for Prez Obama.

Bombshell Study Claims 10 Million Latinos Could Be Disenfranchised By Republican Voter ID Laws

Brett LoGiurato | Sep. 24, 2012, 6:24 PM | 2,208| 36

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/voter-id-laws-hispanic-latino-fraud-suppression-2012-9#ixzz27SfbAbrs

Voter ID battles churn in key battleground states as Republicans pass new voter restriction laws

Posted: Monday, Sep. 24, 2012

Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2012/09/24/3552591/voter-id-battles-churn-in-key.html#storylink=cpy

Federal court rejects Texas voter ID law as unfair to Hispanics, African-Americans

By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, August 30, 12:17 PMAP

In a victory for the Obama campaign, a federal judge orders the [Republican controlled] state to open its polling places three days before the Nov. 6 election.

Articles from August 31, 2012, 8:06 p.m.

Fights over early voting intensify in Ohio, Florida as Republicans continue to oppose

Obama camp slams Romney about Ohio early-voting lawsuit prohibition

Don't mess with voting rights

Judge to toss out Republican's Florida changes to voter registration August 31, 2012, 8:06 p.m.

Other counties may join in using Pennsylvania voter-ID law loophole to avoid Republican's voter restrictions September 23, 2012|By Jeremy Roebuck, Angela Couloumbis, and Jessica Parks, Inquirer Staff Writers

Pa. voter ID law gets new hearings for next week (PA is a state with a R legislature and R governor)

September 21, 2012 12:17 am

Read more:http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/local/state/pa-voter-id-law-gets-new-hearings-for-next-week-654323/#ixzz27TTopTjq[/url]

Voter Harassment by Republicans, Circa 2012 Published: September 21, 2012 New York Times Editorial

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Jason Mattera asks Chuck Schumer & Al Franken about IRS letters asking for probe into conservative groups ...

Jason Mattera catches up with both (Senators) Al Franken and Chuck Schumer to question them about sending letters to the IRS asking
for probes into conservative groups. After almost tripping over his own feet, Franked engaged Mattera about it in the form of a denial, and
Schumer just completely ignored him. It’s almost like the questions hit home a little too close.


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