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Acting Irs Chief Ousted Over Tax Scandal As Obama Vows Change


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So now we are learning that Stephanie Cutter was present at some of these WH meetings with Schulman.<br /><br />It's political alright. Reminds one of the enemies list.

Yes, it reminds only one, plus I guess three or so other posters - one, one and one.

That's not many.

In fact, it's a feeble few.

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The Obama admistration is involved in three different scandals and there is bipartisan support to do something about them. Please cut out the dishonest spin in practicaly every single post.

Across partisan lines, Americans agree that a special prosecutor should investigate charges that the IRS targeted conservative groups, a new Quinnipiac poll finds.

Seventy-six percent of voters want a special prosecutor, including 63 percent of Democrats, 88 percent of Republicans and 78 percent of independent voters.

Across partisan lines, Americans agree that a special prosecutor should investigate charges that the IRS targeted conservative groups, a new Quinnipiac poll finds.


You seem to be the only guy in the world who thinks and believes there should be a special counsel.

Please stop being deceiptful. You have already claimed that "not one" Republican was calling for a special council, but Lindsey Graham - as well as others - has called for one.

By the way, the link is to the Washington Post - not Breitbart. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Issa Says Washington Directed IRS Targeting Out of CincinnatiRR-logo_003910.pngBy Arlette Saenz | ABC News – 58 mins ago

WASHINGTON - The IRS agents in Cincinnati who were involved in the targeting of conservative groups were "being directly ordered from Washington," Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said today, and he accused the White House of lying about the involvement of IRS headquarter officials in the scandal, calling White House Press Secretary Jay Carney a "paid liar."

"The administration is still - their paid liar, their spokesperson, picture behind - he's still making up things about what happens and

calling this local rogue," Issa said on CNN's "State of the Union." "The reason that Lois Lerner tried to take the Fifth [Amendment when called to testify before Congress] is not because there's a rogue in Cincinnati, it's because this is a problem that was coordinated in all likelihood right out of Washington headquarters And we're getting to proving it.

"The administration is still trying to say there's a few rogue agents in Cincinnati, when in fact the indication is they were directly being

ordered from Washington," he said.


That's another whopper to add on to the extremist stuff being put out by Cong Darrell Issa and the obsessed Republicans in Washington.

If your point is that there is not positive proof YET that Washington directed the IRS to target their enemies, that would be correct. However, it took years for the whole truth to come out about Watergate. By the way, the spinmeisters tried to call that scandal a "witch-hunt" too.

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An inflammatory post has been deleted. If you are going complain about what reference from one side of the argument, you can rest assured that the same standard will be applied to the other side.

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Drip, drip, drip.

Interviews with IRS Agent Suggest Tea Party Targeting Came from Washington

Interviews with an IRS field agent involved in the agency targeting Tea Party groups for additional vetting appear to contradict the White House assertion that rogue agents, not the administration, were behind the effort, according to partial transcripts released Sunday by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

The agent in the Cincinnati office, in which the targeting took place, told congressional investigators that he or she was told in March 2010 by a supervisor to search for Tea Party groups applying for tax-exempt status and that “Washington, D.C., wanted some cases.”

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/06/02/interviews-with-irs-agent-suggest-tea-party-targeting-came-from-washington/?intcmp=HPBucket#ixzz2V7ByqiCu
Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Obama admistration is involved in three different scandals and there is bipartisan support to do something about them. Please cut out the dishonest spin in practicaly every single post.

Across partisan lines, Americans agree that a special prosecutor should investigate charges that the IRS targeted conservative groups, a new Quinnipiac poll finds.

Seventy-six percent of voters want a special prosecutor, including 63 percent of Democrats, 88 percent of Republicans and 78 percent of independent voters.

Across partisan lines, Americans agree that a special prosecutor should investigate charges that the IRS targeted conservative groups, a new Quinnipiac poll finds.


You seem to be the only guy in the world who thinks and believes there should be a special counsel.

Please stop being deceiptful. You have already claimed that "not one" Republican was calling for a special council, but Lindsey Graham - as well as others - has called for one.

By the way, the link is to the Washington Post - not Breitbart. rolleyes.gif

UG, the link you provided in post #459 has 5:49 minutes of a Congressman asking for a Federal Prosecutor, namely Rep. Trey Gowdy.

The link again... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/06/02/interviews-with-irs-agent-suggest-tea-party-targeting-came-from-washington/?intcmp=HPBucket#ixzz2V7ByqiCu

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The Obama admistration is involved in three different scandals and there is bipartisan support to do something about them. Please cut out the dishonest spin in practicaly every single post.

Across partisan lines, Americans agree that a special prosecutor should investigate charges that the IRS targeted conservative groups, a new Quinnipiac poll finds.

Seventy-six percent of voters want a special prosecutor, including 63 percent of Democrats, 88 percent of Republicans and 78 percent of independent voters.

Across partisan lines, Americans agree that a special prosecutor should investigate charges that the IRS targeted conservative groups, a new Quinnipiac poll finds.


You seem to be the only guy in the world who thinks and believes there should be a special counsel.

Please stop being deceiptful. You have already claimed that "not one" Republican was calling for a special council, but Lindsey Graham - as well as others - has called for one.

By the way, the link is to the Washington Post - not Breitbart. rolleyes.gif

This is the post and referenced article I'm drawing attention to, which for the purposes of clarity in this post I've put in Italics. I reiterate my point that now any public interest campaign finance reform group is subject to being called by the extreme right wing media as a "leftist" group or organization. This is called McCarthyism.


Posted Yesterday, 11:09

by BREITBART NEWS 31 May 2013
On Friday, reports broke that Former IRS chief Doug Shulman’s wife works with a liberal lobbying group, Public Campaign, where she is the senior program advisor. Public Campaign is an “organization dedicated to sweeping campaign reform that aims to dramatically reduce the role of big special interest money in American politics.”
The goal of Public Campaign is to target political groups like the conservative non-profits at issue in the IRS scandal. The Campaign says it “is laying the foundation for reform by working with a broad range of organizations, including local community groups, around the country that are fighting for change and national organizations whose members are not fairly represented under the current campaign finance system.”
CEO of Public Campaign Nick Nyhart has offered words of support for the IRS’ targeting: “There are legitimate questions to be asked about political groups that are hiding behind a 501©4 status. It’s unfortunate a few bad apples at the IRS will make it harder for those questions to be asked without claims of bias.”
Public Campaign gets its cash from labor unions like AFL-CIO, AFSCME, SEIU, and Move On.
I note the word "leftist" in the headline as the description of a fully legitimate political and elections campaign spending reform group. The group is led by an ordinary middle class professional who is civically involved, yet is called a "leftist" by Breitbart News. The link I'd noted in my previous post about this story is to Breitbart News, not as you claim to the Washington Post.
I also note that the former IRS chief referenced in the Breitbart News article was appointed by Prez Bush. His term of office overlapped into the Obama presidency.
And what a crime the Public Campaign group has committed! It's funding comes from such (un-American groups as) labor unions like [the] AFL-CIO, AFSCME, SEIU, and Move On (Move On not being a labor union however). Such shameless and brazen "leftists." !!!
In respect of a Special Counsel, I'd stated that "if" you can show me a Republican who advocates a Special Counsel be appointed, it would be the exception to the position (publically unstated, but clear in its silence as a party) not to unite in a call to appoint a Special Counsel. You pointed out one such R (Sen Lindsey Graham of SC.) Another poster identified a second R on videotape calling for a Special Counsel, which is all well and good.
These few Republicans are the rare exception however to the publically unstated position of the Republican Party not to pursue appointment of a Special Counsel. As I've reiterated more than once, the R party doesn't want a Special Counsel because such an appointment would take the political circus away from them in favor of a judicial investigation and proceeding. Do you hear or see Republicans in Congress or Republican party oriented commentators or activists around the country clamoring for a Special Counsel? No, you don't, which is because the R party doesn't want one for the obvious reasons I'd stated.
While the Attorney General appoints the Special Counsel, the Counsel is then assigned by law to the 100% supervision of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The R's are opposed because they want to create and pursue a political circus and theater, not to have a judicial proceeding that would be strictly conduced in compliance to the rule of law.
As I said, it's called McCarthyism.
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The title of "leftist" is so much nicer than "rightwingnut", as some posters use to describe those of us on the "right" (aka, "correct") side.

I am happy to note you realize the labor unions mentioned along with moveon.org really are "shameless and brazen 'leftists".

It has been duly noted that Bush appointed Mr. Shulman prior to his leaving office. In fact, I have already apologized for that on President Bush's behalf.

Having said that, exactly who do you believe was the influencing factor in any decisions made by Mr. Shulman since 21 January 2009 ...President Bush, President Obama or the little lady?

You good folks can't blame this one on GWB, as hard as you try.thumbsup.gif

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The title of "leftist" is so much nicer than "rightwingnut", as some posters use to describe those of us on the "right" (aka, "correct") side.

I am happy to note you realize the labor unions mentioned along with moveon.org really are "shameless and brazen 'leftists".

It has been duly noted that Bush appointed Mr. Shulman prior to his leaving office. In fact, I have already apologized for that on President Bush's behalf.

Having said that, exactly who do you believe was the influencing factor in any decisions made by Mr. Shulman since 21 January 2009 ...President Bush, President Obama or the little lady?

You good folks can't blame this one on GWB, as hard as you try.thumbsup.gif

The McCarthyite accusation "leftist" is used in print by a rightwingnut news organization, Breitbart News. You chose to quote Brieitbart News using the term "leftist" as if Breitbart were a mainstream and balanced news organization - or maybe you know Breitbart is not a respected or respectable news organization and you quoted them anyway. Either way, perhaps my choice of terminology here at TVF applies to each of you.

So yes, I use the term "rightwingnut." However I'm not trying to pass myself off as a legit news organization. I worked in journalism and I know better than to even consider using either term in print or on air.

Posters on your side of these issues have mentioned Prez Obama and used words such as "socialism" or "communism," which is their choice to do. I've been called, among other pejoratives, "dishonest" and "deceiptful" [sic] by posters. However, none of us are trying, as Breitbart News does, to pass ourselves off as a legitimate news organization which the public can use as a (feeble and self-embarrassing) reference.

As to the IRS itself, one of the glaring unknowns is the relationship between then Prez Bush and his appointee to head the IRS, Doug Schulman. Regardless, I don't refer to either Mr Schulman or his wife as "leftists." I do refer to Bush as "Dumbya" (W - Dubya) but never as a rightwingnut.

Presenting the extreme right news organization Breitbart as if it were legitimate could be considered an intellectual and cultural affront

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Do you hear or see Republicans in Congress or Republican party oriented commentators or activists around the country clamoring for a Special Counsel?

Yes, I do, on Fox News every single day. You keep insisting that this canard is a fact and trying to dance around the fact that you have been proven wrong. You said that "not one" Republican is calling for a special council and that I "seem to be the only guy in the world who thinks and believes there should be a special counsel". Both claims are balderdash.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Do you hear or see Republicans in Congress or Republican party oriented commentators or activists around the country clamoring for a Special Counsel?

Yes, I do, on Fox News every single day. You keep insisting that this canard is a fact and trying to dance around the fact that you have been proven wrong. You said that "not one" Republican is calling for a special council and that I "seem to be the only guy in the world who thinks and believes there should be a special counsel". Both claims are balderdash.

It's no surprise the rightwingnuts completely consider Fox News to be a part of the Republican party.

I watched the Sunday morning news programs, to include CNN's interview of Chairman Darrell Issa - a bomb thrower with a checkered political past - and heard nothing in the mainstream centrist media of any need or preference to appoint a Special Counsel.

Several Republicans among the hundreds in Congress and the right wing extreme media don't constitute a clamoring. Neither does one guy at TVF constitute a clamoring.

I did come across this tidbit from the newspaper that reports on Congress, The Hill:


"Both Republicans and Democrats have expressed anger over the IRS scandal, but lawmakers on both sides are split over the need to appoint a special prosecutor.

"GOP leaders say they want to give House investigators more time to probe the matter, as the Oversight and Ways and Means committees hold hearings. Republicans have also expressed skepticism that a prosecutor appointed by Holder could conduct a fair review.

"Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.), who is also investigating the IRS, said last week that it was “too soon” to call for a special prosecutor."

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/302479-poll-76-percent-want-special-prosecutor-to-investigate-irs-scandal#ixzz2V9hZdazo

(Even these guys miss the change of the terminology of the Special Counsel law. It reveals their prejudiced mindset.)

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So now we are learning that Stephanie Cutter was present at some of these WH meetings with Schulman.<br /><br />It's political alright. Reminds one of the enemies list.

I am looking forward to the ethical gymnastics that the left-wing media and other Obama apologists are going to try to use to explain this one. What excuses will be used to justify Stephanie Cutter, the Deputy Campaign Manager for Obama's 2012 reelection meeting with the Commissioner of the IRS? The term "Inappropriate" does not even begin to excuse this sort of behavior.

It would seem inappropriate, or a wrongheaded idea, yes.

So we need to wait for more information on this particular matter. It's been pointed out that no actual political type among the Democrats would give an order of this nature, i.e., tell the IRS to investigate citizens. This is especially true after Watergate, which provides a real life horror show of what can/does happen when, in that case, certain Republican party political operatives in the White House and high up in the Nixon administration did actually issue such orders.

Which president would be stupid in this way? We all saw or know what happened to Richard Nixon and his den of thugs.

So we have this concise statement from Stephanie Cutter: “A couple of facts here that I think are important for us to stick by, number one, the only reason we know about these visits is because the President makes everything public.

“Number two, what we’re really looking at some of these visits… What we are looking at the number of times that Mr. Shulman was cleared into the White House. It doesn’t necessarily mean he went to a meeting.

“Number three, many of those meetings were for healthcare implementation. I was in them with him. So there’s nothing nefarious going on,” Cutter said.


And this piece in The Atlantic:

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House
White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.


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Do you hear or see Republicans in Congress or Republican party oriented commentators or activists around the country clamoring for a Special Counsel?

Yes, I do, on Fox News every single day. You keep insisting that this canard is a fact and trying to dance around the fact that you have been proven wrong. You said that "not one" Republican is calling for a special council and that I "seem to be the only guy in the world who thinks and believes there should be a special counsel". Both claims are balderdash.
It's no surprise the rightwingnuts completely consider Fox News to be a part of the Republican party.
Do you have to spin everything? There are Republicans and Democrats on Fox News every single day. Some Republicans want a special prosecutor and some prefer other methods to get to the bottom of this deepening scandal. However, as I've pointed out over and over again, your claim that Republicans are not calling for a special prosecutor is simply not true. Edited by Ulysses G.
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The title of "leftist" is so much nicer than "rightwingnut", as some posters use to describe those of us on the "right" (aka, "correct") side.

I am happy to note you realize the labor unions mentioned along with moveon.org really are "shameless and brazen 'leftists".

It has been duly noted that Bush appointed Mr. Shulman prior to his leaving office. In fact, I have already apologized for that on President Bush's behalf.

Having said that, exactly who do you believe was the influencing factor in any decisions made by Mr. Shulman since 21 January 2009 ...President Bush, President Obama or the little lady?

You good folks can't blame this one on GWB, as hard as you try.thumbsup.gif

I blame it on Darrell Issa, the small time Don.

Martin Bashir Reminds Viewers of Darrell Issa's Criminal Past


It's amazing who some voters will elect to Congress.

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And this piece in The Atlantic:

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House

White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.


Fake Story? More like an extremely convoluted bit of propaganda by the liberal Atlantic.

White House defense: Visitor logs too unreliable to reveal whether Shulman actually visited 157 times

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/31/white-house-defense-visitor-logs-too-unreliable-to-reveal-whether-shulman-actually-visited-157-times/#ixzz2V9sifWF4

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The title of "leftist" is so much nicer than "rightwingnut", as some posters use to describe those of us on the "right" (aka, "correct") side.

I am happy to note you realize the labor unions mentioned along with moveon.org really are "shameless and brazen 'leftists".

It has been duly noted that Bush appointed Mr. Shulman prior to his leaving office. In fact, I have already apologized for that on President Bush's behalf.

Having said that, exactly who do you believe was the influencing factor in any decisions made by Mr. Shulman since 21 January 2009 ...President Bush, President Obama or the little lady?

You good folks can't blame this one on GWB, as hard as you try.thumbsup.gif

I blame it on Darrell Issa, the small time Don.

Martin Bashir Reminds Viewers of Darrell Issa's Criminal Past

It's amazing who some voters will elect to Congress.

You're a riot.

You claim Breitbart is not a "respected or respectable news organization" and then have the audacity to quote Martin Bashir of MSNBC.

This guy is left of everybody except his cohorts Rachel Maddow and Chris (shiver up my leg) Mathews.

I'll give you credit for trying to pull something like that off though.

PS: Congressman Issa is from the same state that has given the world Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein and Jerry Brown. What I can't figure out is how somebody as sensible as Issa got through the loop-d-loops in California to get elected.cheesy.gif

Caveat: I am aware Jerry Brown is not a member of Congress. He is the Governor of the state.

You know that Issa is elected from a conservative Republican congressional district of San Diego, representing in Congress some 500,000 population (California's population is 30 million). His constituents don't care Issa is a Don, it's up to them. It's just that we need to know who and what he is, and that the House Republicans voted him chairman of the committee now leading the investigations of the IRS stuff. I consider all of this strange behavior and a disregard of respectability by the House Republicans.

I mean, a Don calls the White House spokesperson "a paid liar?"

MSNBC is a respectable news and opinion organization, whether you agree with it or not. Breitbart is neither respectable nor is it respected - it's a right wing organization that, upon the death of its CEO two years ago, due to a heart attack, raised rightwingnut questions that went to Washington and to the White House. Breitbart and family have my sympathy, but not my tolerance of such conspiracy rubbish.

You don't like MSNBC, try the New Yorker magazine (which is unlikely to be your favorite zine as well).

The Political Scene

Don’t Look Back

Darrell Issa, the congressman about to make life more difficult for President Obama, has had some troubles of his own.


(A reader might want to skim the first 15 paragraphs or so, finally to get the criminal matters.)

Edited by Publicus
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And this piece in The Atlantic:

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House

White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.


Fake Story? More like an extremely convoluted bit of propaganda by the liberal Atlantic.

White House defense: Visitor logs too unreliable to reveal whether Shulman actually visited 157 times

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/31/white-house-defense-visitor-logs-too-unreliable-to-reveal-whether-shulman-actually-visited-157-times/#ixzz2V9sifWF4

Read the article about the fake story.

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And this piece in The Atlantic:

The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House

White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.


Fake Story? More like an extremely convoluted bit of propaganda by the liberal Atlantic.

White House defense: Visitor logs too unreliable to reveal whether Shulman actually visited 157 times

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/31/white-house-defense-visitor-logs-too-unreliable-to-reveal-whether-shulman-actually-visited-157-times/#ixzz2V9sifWF4

Read the article about the fake story.

Yet another laughable excuse from this administration.

They had no idea all this targeting of conservatives by the IRS was going on until it was announced intentionally by the IRS at an ABA speech given by the illustrious Lois Lerner when she blurted it out. Surprise!!!

Now it seems, the White House has no idea who is coming and going, if they are coming or going, where they are going to or coming from or even if they were coming or going at all on any given day. All we know for certain is Shulman came to the White House on Easter Sunday to see the Easter Bunny.

This administration is beginning to resemble the Marx brothers in one of their slapstick movies.

They are equally as competent as the Marx brothers but not nearly as humorous.

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Then do pardon me because I have suspicions of the Republican party and the rightwingnuts who, continuously for the past four and a half years, have tried everything to try to separate the majority of the U.S. body politic - the American centrist middle - from Prez Barack Obama.

The burden of proof presumptively is on your guys and your party, your ideology. You guys are the Energizer bunny that never quits. Now you want to take an IRS malpractice all the way up to the White House. Why? So you can hope to cripple the re-elected Prez Barack Obama by burying him in investigations for the next three and a half years.

You are not trustworthy, not believable, not credible. Not from the birthers to this strictly IRS matter are you people trustworthy or credible. You will say anything, try anything, do anything.

I prefer that a Special Counsel be appointed to pursue this matter. Having a special counsel would take the political circus and theater out of the hands of the R's in Washington by placing the investigation on a judicial basis rather than a political one.

In the meantime, here's your guy Cong Darrell Issa at work again. I suspect if Issa doesn't get his way in this matter, he may revert to his previous form to burn down the White House in the same way he burned down the manufacturing plant so he could collect the insurance, as discussed in the articles I've linked in my most recent posts. Trouble is, Issa got peanuts of the insurance money after the insurance company investigated the suspicious fire and the suspect Issa.

You're dredging the bottom of the barrel to have Darrell Issa as your main point man in this newest of your neverending efforts to try to destroy Prez Obama.

Republican lawmaker says IRS targeting likely led by Washington


As the above story points out, Democrats on Issa's committee are no longer going to maintain their reserved cooperation. Without any evidence, Issa is now showing his extreme nature and nefarious purposes. The fight is only beginning.

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Then do pardon me because I have suspicions of the Republican party and the rightwingnuts who, continuously for the past four and a half years, have tried everything to try to separate the majority of the U.S. body politic - the American centrist middle - from Prez Barack Obama.

The burden of proof presumptively is on your guys and your party, your ideology. You guys are the Energizer bunny that never quits. Now you want to take an IRS malpractice all the way up to the White House. Why? So you can hope to cripple the re-elected Prez Barack Obama by burying him in investigations for the next three and a half years.

You are not trustworthy, not believable, not credible. Not from the birthers to this strictly IRS matter are you people trustworthy or credible. You will say anything, try anything, do anything.

I prefer that a Special Counsel be appointed to pursue this matter. Having a special counsel would take the political circus and theater out of the hands of the R's in Washington by placing the investigation on a judicial basis rather than a political one.

In the meantime, here's your guy Cong Darrell Issa at work again. I suspect if Issa doesn't get his way in this matter, he may revert to his previous form to burn down the White House in the same way he burned down the manufacturing plant so he could collect the insurance, as discussed in the articles I've linked in my most recent posts. Trouble is, Issa got peanuts of the insurance money after the insurance company investigated the suspicious fire and the suspect Issa.

You're dredging the bottom of the barrel to have Darrell Issa as your main point man in this newest of your neverending efforts to try to destroy Prez Obama.

Republican lawmaker says IRS targeting likely led by Washington


As the above story points out, Democrats on Issa's committee are no longer going to maintain their reserved cooperation. Without any evidence, Issa is now showing his extreme nature and nefarious purposes. The fight is only beginning.

Obama is destroying himself. He needs no help from the Republicans on that issue.

Talking about the IRS, I notice this came out today on the topic of Obamacare. Slightly off topic if the mods will permit me. I just thought somebody might be able to explain all this by in the morning.


Proposed instructions on calculating the penalty/tax due on not having private insurance.

"(i) In 2016, Taxpayers H and J are married and file a joint return. H and J have three children: K, age 21, L, age 15, and M, age 10. No member of the family has minimum essential coverage for any month in 2016. H and J’s household income is $120,000. H and J’s applicable filing threshold is $24,000. The annual national average bronze plan premium for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 children) is $20,000.
"(ii) For each month in 2016, under paragraphs ( b(2)(ii) and ( b(2)(iii) of this section, the applicable dollar amount is $2,780 (($695 x 3 adults) + (($695/2) x 2 children)). Under paragraph ( b(2)(i) of this section, the flat dollar amount is $2,085 (the lesser of $2,780 and $2,085 ($695 x 3)). Under paragraph ( b(3) of this section, the excess income amount is $2,400 (($120,000 - $24,000) x 0.025). Therefore, under paragraph ( b(1) of this section, the monthly penalty amount is $200 (the greater of $173.75 ($2,085/12) or $200 ($2,400/12)).
"(iii) The sum of the monthly penalty amounts is $2,400 ($200 x 12). The sum of the monthly national average bronze plan premiums is $20,000 ($20,000/12 x 12). Therefore, under paragraph (a) of this section, the shared responsibility payment imposed on H and J for 2016 is $2,400 (the lesser of $2,400 or $20,000).”
Anybody??? cheesy.gif
Edited by chuckd
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Then do pardon me because I have suspicions of the Republican party and the rightwingnuts who, continuously for the past four and a half years, have tried everything to try to separate the majority of the U.S. body politic - the American centrist middle - from Prez Barack Obama.

The burden of proof presumptively is on your guys and your party, your ideology. You guys are the Energizer bunny that never quits. Now you want to take an IRS malpractice all the way up to the White House. Why? So you can hope to cripple the re-elected Prez Barack Obama by burying him in investigations for the next three and a half years.

You are not trustworthy, not believable, not credible. Not from the birthers to this strictly IRS matter are you people trustworthy or credible. You will say anything, try anything, do anything.

I prefer that a Special Counsel be appointed to pursue this matter. Having a special counsel would take the political circus and theater out of the hands of the R's in Washington by placing the investigation on a judicial basis rather than a political one.

In the meantime, here's your guy Cong Darrell Issa at work again. I suspect if Issa doesn't get his way in this matter, he may revert to his previous form to burn down the White House in the same way he burned down the manufacturing plant so he could collect the insurance, as discussed in the articles I've linked in my most recent posts. Trouble is, Issa got peanuts of the insurance money after the insurance company investigated the suspicious fire and the suspect Issa.

You're dredging the bottom of the barrel to have Darrell Issa as your main point man in this newest of your neverending efforts to try to destroy Prez Obama.

Republican lawmaker says IRS targeting likely led by Washington


As the above story points out, Democrats on Issa's committee are no longer going to maintain their reserved cooperation. Without any evidence, Issa is now showing his extreme nature and nefarious purposes. The fight is only beginning.

Obama is destroying himself. He needs no help from the Republicans on that issue.

Talking about the IRS, I notice this came out today on the topic of Obamacare. Slightly off topic if the mods will permit me. I just thought somebody might be able to explain all this by in the morning.


Proposed instructions on calculating the penalty/tax due on not having private insurance.

"(i) In 2016, Taxpayers H and J are married and file a joint return. H and J have three children: K, age 21, L, age 15, and M, age 10. No member of the family has minimum essential coverage for any month in 2016. H and J’s household income is $120,000. H and J’s applicable filing threshold is $24,000. The annual national average bronze plan premium for a family of 5 (2 adults, 3 children) is $20,000.
"(ii) For each month in 2016, under paragraphs ( b(2)(ii) and ( b(2)(iii) of this section, the applicable dollar amount is $2,780 (($695 x 3 adults) + (($695/2) x 2 children)). Under paragraph ( b(2)(i) of this section, the flat dollar amount is $2,085 (the lesser of $2,780 and $2,085 ($695 x 3)). Under paragraph ( b(3) of this section, the excess income amount is $2,400 (($120,000 - $24,000) x 0.025). Therefore, under paragraph ( b(1) of this section, the monthly penalty amount is $200 (the greater of $173.75 ($2,085/12) or $200 ($2,400/12)).
"(iii) The sum of the monthly penalty amounts is $2,400 ($200 x 12). The sum of the monthly national average bronze plan premiums is $20,000 ($20,000/12 x 12). Therefore, under paragraph (a) of this section, the shared responsibility payment imposed on H and J for 2016 is $2,400 (the lesser of $2,400 or $20,000).”
Anybody??? cheesy.gif

If you are a U.S. citizen working and residing abroad, then you will have to have read IRS Publication 54, which has been in existence for decades, as amended.

IRS Publication 54 deals in migraine-inducing detail and convolutions with the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, the Foreign Earned Income Exemption, the Foreign Earned Income Deduction. It includes rules and knotty examples of instances in which each of the three may - or may not - apply. The deduction pertaining to housing is a masterpiece of entanglement inside a labyrinth of compound variables.

IRS Publication 54 presents the specifics of when one or more of the categories may apply. IRS Publication 54 presents, in excruciating detail, instances in which one but not the other two may apply to your taxpaying situation. Or two of the categories but not the other may or may not apply.

If you file the IRS Long Form 2555, Foreign Earned Income Exclusion, you will also know that you must get migraine pills and take them well in advance of sitting down to read the IRS Form and its accompanying instructions in IRS Publication 54. I believe the people who set up Camp Delta at Guantanamo used the IRS Publication 54 as their, as it were, "inspiration."

Then there the taxes on your property and various categories of income in the United States while you are residing, living and working abroad.

A further complication for we U.S. expats in Thailand is that Thailand does not have a Tax Treaty with the United States, which further involves the U.S. expat in the tax agencies of each respective government.

The joke is on you, pal. The IRS specializes in the torture of U.S. citizens whether we are abroad or comfortably at home. It's the nature of the beast.

I wonder what you actually may know about real life?

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I watched the Sunday morning news programs, to include CNN's interview of Chairman Darrell Issa - a bomb thrower with a checkered political past

I find this to be insulting & outrageous.

In fact the dear leader has a friend by the name of William Ayers who makes bombs & kills people.

This is not "some guy from the neighborhood" but a radical professor who says "I wish we had done more"


"... that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. (which killed people)"

And here you are claiming to be "fighting for the center" NOT.

It is not up to me to caution you BUT your uptopian statism is showing.

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