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Acting Irs Chief Ousted Over Tax Scandal As Obama Vows Change


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Oddly, Congressman Jim McDermott finds he only has an appetite for attacking tea party, conservative, Christian, pro-Israel, and pro-Constitution groups that are making use of C3 and C4 tax exemptions - another partisan hypocrite.

Congressman McDermott attacking :"pro-constitution groups?!":

McCarthyism has been present from the outset of this political theater and I can see it's only going to get worse. I hope we don't run out of rope 'cause you guys are taking it in faster than we can hand it over to you.

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Crowd Erupts in Thunderous Applause When Leno Says Obama Should Close IRS Instead of Gitmo Media members thinking the Republicans are overplaying their hand with the Internal Revenue Service scandal should pay attention to what happened on NBC’s Tonight Show Monday.

When host Jay Leno joked that President Obama should close the IRS rather than the terrorist detention center in Guantanamo Bay, the audience erupted in thunderous applause (video follows with transcript and absolutely no need for additional commentary):

The tea party has lost a lot of races during the past two election cycles, knocking off more centrist Republicans in the extremist Republican party primaries. The far right nominates a tea party person in the Republican party primary voting, he/she loses to a liberal Democrat in the general election. That seems to be the joke on the tea party and on the Republican party for several years now. (Oh well, so you're not laughing.)

Previously I'd been amused. Now I find that funny.

And since when has the IRS ever been popular?! Since when have any federal civil servants, bureaucrats, ever been popular with the public?

Cheap laughs.

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The following EDITORIAL piece came out today from the leading pollster from the 2012 presidential election.


Soros Groups Dodged Scrutiny, Pushed Tea Party Profiling
Posted 06/05/2013 07:01 PM ET
Rep. Jim McDermott has made it official that Democrats who don't support efforts to enhance border security on the grounds it means ethnic profiling do support federally backed, taxpayer-funded profiling of Tea Party groups based on their political and religious beliefs.
To make it worse, like the rape victim who is told she wore suggestive clothing, McDermott, D-Wash., pointed his finger at representatives of targeted groups at Tuesday's hearing and told them in essence that they had it coming and brought it on themselves by exercising their First Amendment rights.
....from the article....
"Interestingly, the finger-pointing Democrats who were given the opportunity to call representatives of liberal or progressive groups that were similarly targeted did not because they could not. No group with "hope," "change," "forward" or "progressive" was targeted.
Edited by chuckd
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What is the timetable for the House Republicans to vote Articles of Impeachment against Prez Obama?

That is your purpose, your ultimate goal. So when might you expect to be ready to act? By the end of the summer? The fall? The end of the year?

When you people and the other extreme right wingers continually speak of "my country," you draw an artificial partisan and ideological line.

The line becomes very real, however, because it separates you from the vast majority of Americans who are in the political center-middle - in the center-middle of the political spectrum philosophically and in temperament. Since the health care horrors of rhetoric and commotion by R's and other right wingers, in 2009 into 2010, you people inside the two coasts kept asking the bizarre question, "What's happening to my country?"

I think back to that time period, when it was the birthers with their knowingly bogus baloney. The birther scam inevitably fell on its face, as you knew it eventually would. Back then your just wanted to eat up time, to try to distract from the legitimacy of the Obama presidency. You failed. And you delegitimized yourselves.

Now it's the discredited former birthers "defending the Constitution" by self-anointment - that's you guys. And the other side, us, trying as you now falsely claim to shred the Constitution. So you really should know the current 100% partisan and extreme political hunt in this IRS matter is a lost cause from the beginning. Or do you know this?

But it doesn't matter to you. You want to, in the infamous words of one openly shameless poster, "eat up all of Obama's time in office... keep him dodging and running - out of focus... keep him so busy dodging political bullets that he has no time to do more dastardly things to my country." (Emphasis added.)

You defeat yourselves while not recognizing the fact. The "my country" assertions necessarily separate you from the normal center-middle which has a rational attitude, a temperament that is a measured and a moderate one. The center-middle doesn't want impeachment. That's too drastic, too radical. The center-middle simply wants IRS wrongs made right, without radically drastic action against the president and the country.

As long as you have that unhealthy attitude of extreme temperament, you are outside the mainstream of U.S. politics and - most important - its inherently moderate attitude and temperament.

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Apparently it's no holds barred when it comes time to steal an election.

George and Jeb Bush can write the book about stealing an election, as in the 2000 one. Their additional co-authors would have to be the five Republican party "justices" on the Supreme Court who got to vote twice in the election, giving it to Bush.

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What is the timetable for the House Republicans to vote Articles of Impeachment against Prez Obama?

New information is coming out on all three of the major scandals almost every day. It took two years to get to the bottom of the Watergate with the press actually doing their job. Up until very recently, the main stream press were doing everything they could to avoid it.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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What is the timetable for the House Republicans to vote Articles of Impeachment against Prez Obama?

New information is coming out on all three of the major scandals almost every day. It took two years to get to the bottom of the Watergate with the press actually doing their job. Up until very recently, the main stream press were doing everything they could to avoid it.

So you're expecting another two years, to impeach Prez Obama during the third year of the present term?

Or are you simply hoping that after two more years of this political malice, if not sooner, Prez Obama will have become an ineffective shell of a president, politically neutered?

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Apparently it's no holds barred when it comes time to steal an election.

George and Jeb Bush can write the book about stealing an election, as in the 2000 one. Their additional co-authors would have to be the five Republican party "justices" on the Supreme Court who got to vote twice in the election, giving it to Bush.

This "Bush stole the election" is a obvious and proven piece of left-wing fantasy. The factual account is that there was a dispute on the conduct of the election. In many countries, you would have seen tanks in the street and machine-guns firing. This did not happen. This dispute was resolved in the exact manner that it should have been. It was argued and decided in our courts of law. Our independent judiciary.

The justices of our Supreme Court each voted in their decision because that was their job to do so. It was their responsibility. It was exactly what they were supposed to do. Some people continue to spread fantasy about this for the simple reason that they did not like the end decision. Those are the facts!

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I've only been following this thread on and off so forgive me if this has been covered. Here is an article from a British publication. What stood out to me was the comment that Eric Holder had been put in charge of the IRS investigation. Scarcely could there be anyone less suited for getting to the truth and communicating it than Eric Holder, his appointment imho shows contempt for the American people and the U.S system of government.


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NOM Chairman's Explosive IRS Testimony Before Congress

...Facebook and Twitter lit up yesterday with praise for (Chairman) Eastman and thanksgiving for his passionate articulation of why what the IRS did is unacceptable and how liberal politicians have emboldened bureaucrats to harass and abuse those they perceive to be their political opponents...


Edited by JDGRUEN
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Apparently it's no holds barred when it comes time to steal an election.

George and Jeb Bush can write the book about stealing an election, as in the 2000 one. Their additional co-authors would have to be the five Republican party "justices" on the Supreme Court who got to vote twice in the election, giving it to Bush.

This "Bush stole the election" is a obvious and proven piece of left-wing fantasy. The factual account is that there was a dispute on the conduct of the election. In many countries, you would have seen tanks in the street and machine-guns firing. This did not happen. This dispute was resolved in the exact manner that it should have been. It was argued and decided in our courts of law. Our independent judiciary.

The justices of our Supreme Court each voted in their decision because that was their job to do so. It was their responsibility. It was exactly what they were supposed to do. Some people continue to spread fantasy about this for the simple reason that they did not like the end decision. Those are the facts!



The Twelfth Amendment provides that when there is a contested election of the president the House votes to choose who shall be president. The only time the 12th Amendment compelling this procedure was used was in the 1824 election, when the House elected John Quincy Adams president.

Yes the Congress has the institutional role of conducting hearings, oversight, investigations, impeachment of the executive branch and of the judicial branch of the federal government. So in this Congressional fiasco involving the IRS and the Congress, the Congress technically is performing its institutional role. The House however is being so politicized in the IRS matter that it has invalidated its institutional role in the eyes of the public.

Accordingly, when the Supreme Court interposed itself to decide the election of 2000, the Supreme Court had nullified the Constitutional proscription for resolution of a contested election of the president. The Supreme Court acted unconstitutionally. Nowhere in the Constitution does it remotely state that the Supreme Court decides disputed presidential elections.

The Supreme Court is not required to accept petitions filed with it to hear a case, any case. That would include the case of Bush vs Gore. The Supreme Court, Constitutionally, needed to decline to hear the case so the proper and long ago proscribed Constitutional process of resolving a disputed election of a president could be observed, implemented, respected.

Edited by Publicus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cincinnati IRS employees say their actions started the targeting efforts


Cong Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the ranking Democrat on Chairman Darrell Issa's House investigative committee, Tuesday released the full transcripts of sworn interviews with the Group Manager of the Cincinnati IRS office who said he alone initiated the investigation of tea party groups.

Previously, Chairman Issa had refused to release the particular sworn interview except in parts that Issa wrongfully claimed proved the president gave the order in the Republican party's whodunit approach to the investigation. Whodunnit? The president dunnit, of course. NOT!

The Cincinnati Group Manager described himself as a "conservative Repbulican" who 1) noticed a slew of new applications for tax exempt status in 2010, 2) instructed certain staff personnel in Cincinnati to devise a system to identify applications that appeared to originate from tea party groups, and, 3) then initiated contact with a lawyer in the IRS office in Washington for further technical discussions of the matter.

The Group Manager's sworn statements to the Issa committee investigators, both Democrats and Republicans of the committee staff, is 100% consistent with the origins report of the IRS Inspector General, who after one year of inquiry, concluded that the selecting of tea party groups originated in the Cincinnati office itself.

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June 18th, 2013

06:00 AM ET

16 hours ago

CNN Poll: Did White House order IRS targeting?

Posted by

CNN Political Unit

Updated 8:01 a.m. ET, Tuesday, 6/18

Washington (CNN) – A growing number of Americans believe that senior White House officials ordered the Internal Revenue Service to target conservative political groups, according to a new national poll.

And a CNN/ORC International survey released Tuesday morning also indicates that a majority of the public says the controversy, which involves increased IRS scrutiny of tea party and other conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, is very important to the nation.

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Full Transcript Reveals That Darrell Issa Lied About Obama Involvement In IRS Scandal


By releasing the full transcript of interview with the IRS Screening Group manager, Rep. Elijah Cummings has proven that Rep. Darrell Issa lied about Obama’s involvement in the IRS scandal.

Rep. Cummings absolutely destroyed Issa’s conspiratorial claims that Obama was masterminding the IRS scandal:

This interview transcript provides a detailed first-hand account of how these practices first originated, and it debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases. Answering questions from Committee staff for more than five hours, this official—who identified himself as a “conservative Republican”—denied that he or anyone on his team was directed by the White House to take these actions or that they were politically motivated.

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As promised, following is an EDITORIAL concerning the testimony of Holly Paz, IRS Supervisor.


IRS Tea Party Targeting Was Directed From D.C.
Posted 06/18/2013 05:33 PM ET
Scandal: A D.C.-based supervisor in the IRS's tax-exempt status division has indicated during interviews with congressional investigators that the targeting was deliberate and not run by rogue agents in Cincinnati.
Holly Paz, who until recently was a top deputy in the IRS division that handles applications for tax-exempt status, told congressional investigators she was personally involved in reviewing Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status as far back as 2010, reviewing as many as 30.
The involvement of Paz thickens the plot considerably and shatters the theory that two rogue agents in Cincinnati got bored in their cubicles one day and decided to target for special scrutiny Tea Party and other conservative groups.
Paz's supervisor was Lois Lerner, who headed the tax-exempt division. It was on May 22, the day after Paz was interviewed by investigators, that Lerner refused to answer questions from lawmakers at a congressional hearing, citing her Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate herself.
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Full Transcript Reveals That Darrell Issa Lied About Obama Involvement In IRS Scandal


By releasing the full transcript of interview with the IRS Screening Group manager, Rep. Elijah Cummings has proven that Rep. Darrell Issa lied about Obama’s involvement in the IRS scandal.

Rep. Cummings absolutely destroyed Issa’s conspiratorial claims that Obama was masterminding the IRS scandal:

This interview transcript provides a detailed first-hand account of how these practices first originated, and it debunks conspiracy theories about how the IRS first started reviewing these cases. Answering questions from Committee staff for more than five hours, this official—who identified himself as a “conservative Republican”—denied that he or anyone on his team was directed by the White House to take these actions or that they were politically motivated.

This article doesn't prove anything, much less that Rep. Issa lied. It is an opinion piece written for a blog that has this as their logo:


One small thing the author failed to advise his readers is that the attorney for the witness advised the Committee that even though the IRS had given the attorney authorization to look at some documents, they had failed to produce the requested documents in order for the witness to be properly briefed. In other words, the IRS didn't cooperate with one of their own employees' attorney prior to his appearance before a House Committee investigating the actions of the IRS.

See pages 7 and 8 here: http://democrats.oversight.house.gov/images/stories/IRS_Screening_Manager_Part_I.pdf

When I post an opinion piece, it is clearly marked as an Editorial. TV readers may then decide whether to even read it or not.

FIRST-HAND ACCOUNT: Cummings Releases Full Transcript of “Conservative Republican” IRS Manager Explaining Genesis of Tea Party Screening

Manager Denies Republican Claims of White House Involvement or Political Motivation


Republican Committee Chairman Darrell Issa makes his bogus statements while releasing only selected segments of the interview transcripts - never the full transcript. The Washington Post story above isn't good enough for you (my Post #534 on this page)? I'll give you more below, Fox news for one.

Before I do that, I call your attention to the above piece headlined in this post. Cong Cummings, the highest ranking Democrat on the committee, uses the identical forum as the liar Chairman Issa to release for the first time the entire transcript, i.e., an official statement issued by the Democrats on the Committee. Unlike the gangster Chairman Issa, the Democrat Cong Cummings then makes statements that are entirely consistent with the full (entire) transcript.

Remember Chairman Issa before he got elected to Congress burned down his own factory to collect the insurance (which was never paid out due to arson). This guy Issa is a liar, a thug, from before he got to Congress. If that's who the Washington Republicans want to put forward to lead them in the IRS matter, then that's the unexplainable and self-embarrassing choice of the Republican party in the House.

Here's the Fox News Story of the first time release of the entire transcript by the committee's highest ranking Democrat, Cong Elijah Cummings - the first time the entire transcript of this interview was released to the American public. Republican Chairman Issa had been keeping the entire transcript secret, refusing to share it with Democrats on the committee or, more importantly, to release it to the American people.

IRS worker claims Tea Party scrutiny originated in Ohio office, according to transcript released by Dem

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/06/18/irs-worker-claims-tea-party-scrutiny-originated-in-ohio-office-according-to/#ixzz2WfvaDJJZ

The truth will out in this and that's both inevitable and good because the Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives are lying, keeping public transcripts secret from the American people, then doing and saying as they please, i.e., accusing Prez Obama of things he did not do. Chairman Issa is the guy who for months now keeps crying wolf.

Try another news story that speaks the frank, honest and open truth, to include the central statement in the transcript:

Darrell Issa Furious After Democrat Releases IRS Transcript That Blows Up His Investigation

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/irs-scandal-transcripts-obama-tea-party-targeting-2013-6#ixzz2Wfx8X9bU

The truth not only will out, the truth now is out. The Republicans in Washington are lying. The Republicans in Washington are conducting a political hunt with their minds not only already made up, but firmly set in concrete. Facts don't matter to the Republicans in Washington. But then again, that's really not news, is it?!

The scandal in all of this is the Republican party in Washington and its big lie.

I welcome your next bogus reply so you can continue to expose yourself and your Republican party in Washington - any of you.

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You seem peeved.rolleyes.gif

Here is yet another story about the IRS and shows yet again how much out of control this group is.


Senator: IRS to pay $70M in employee bonuses
By Stephen Ohlemacher, Associated Press | Associated Press – 58 mins ago
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Internal Revenue Service is about to pay $70 million in employee bonuses despite an Obama administration directive to cancel discretionary bonuses because of automatic spending cuts enacted this year, according to a GOP senator.
Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa says his office has learned that the IRS is executing an agreement with the employees' union on Wednesday to pay the bonuses. Grassley says the bonuses should be canceled under an April directive from the White House budget office.
The directive was written by Danny Werfel, a former budget official who has since been appointed acting IRS commissioner.
"The IRS always claims to be short on resources," Grassley said. "But it appears to have $70 million for union bonuses. And it appears to be making an extra effort to give the bonuses despite opportunities to renegotiate with the union and federal instruction to cease discretionary bonuses during sequestration."
I wonder if The "Prez" will take out his magic pen and sign an order stopping this foolishness.
Edited by chuckd
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