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Has Your Wallet Got Fatter In Thailand?


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I use a big belt here, i used a wallet in my back pocket home,

For starters i need to carry my passport now, but the primary reason is i

am uncomfortable without safety here, with pickpocket thieves etc,

the belt in front of me gives me peace of mind.

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I know what you mean,never carried a wallet back home. What done it for me though was buying a bloody Samsung S3 and then having to wear glasses, so now i have to use a man bag to fit it all in...am disgusted with myself to be honest sad.png

I know what you mean, it's like packing to go on holiday!

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I carry bugger all except some money, driving licence stays in the car, no ID yeah I know Im supposed to, can't be arsed, I'm rarely outta the car anyway or very close to it.

I have a samsung tab thing like a paperback size only as I'm too lazy to wear glasses and I can enlarge the screen easily to read anything, also good for small labels in supermarkets, take a photo and then blow it up to read what it says

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It's a struggle finding shorts with enough zip pockets in but I've managed to acquire enough over the years to deal with cash, keys, smokes and, at a push, shades or glasses.

Bum bags and man bags are just a no-no.

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Yes, I know exactly what you mean. Plus a card to operate the lift in the condo.

Luckily some places have now started to link the card number to a phone number - spot card at Tops is one you could do that for. Manpong another and 1st card at central. So for these no need to carry, and I just give them the wife's mobile phone number and they key that in and link it to the card.

I also put my wallet in my front pocket. As my dad used to say, it's less easy to pick than a back pocket, and if someone does manage to steal it at least you might get a feel out of it :)


Fletch :)

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I envy you guys who have wallets you can put in your pocket. Women have to carry a purse. At least in thailand everything is transacted in cash. I carry a purse that fits in my pocket with an ATM card and my larger bills. I try to wear shorts with at least 4 pockets in which to separate my change, and my 20 baht bills and another pocket for my 100 baht bills. I empty all the coins I collect each day and toss them into a jar. Then, about every two weeks I cash in the coins. I give the satang coins to the little old lady who lives across the street.

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I don't carry a wallet. Just some cash and drivers license does me fine.

You don't think in an emergency you might need to get a large sum of money fast?

No, do you think I'm an idiot? cheesy.gif Just turn your pockets inside out and speak French. cheesy.gif

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Like the Op I loathe using wallets. I don't keep any business cards or discount cards in my wallet and regularly remove receipts and excess paper.

For Thailand I initially used to use my small digital camera case. It could carry my old Nokia phone, laminated copy of passport, Drivers License, Credit/ATM Card, cash, plus any coins. Fit nicely into the pocket of my cargo pants, jeans or shorts.

The zip on that broke and now I use a similar size wallet/purse for my cards/coins etc. Small enough for my pocket and not large enough to carry too much stuff.

I have a larger smart phone now and you can get the protective cases for them that have a sideways flip with a pocket that you can store a ATM card and cash in. but no coins, so that can be a wallet also...oh, lets not forget having to carry the tablet device...and bottle of water... sunscreen...long sleeve shirt, during any day trip laugh.png ...

For those I have a small Thai style shoulder bag that I can take anywhere....

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No wallet, scared i'll lose it. Phone, cash, smokes in my pocket, driving licence stays in the car. Never carried id in 4 years of being here, ATM card stays at home unless I need to draw out money, it then goes in the car with the driving licence. As for bum bags or man bags, never in a million years! Nor would you catch me wearing socks with sandals!

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Why do you carry your UK cards/licenses in Thailand ?

No reason really and it's now removed thanks to you. I put it in some time ago to get a couple of documents notarized at the British Consul.

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No wallet, scared i'll lose it. Phone, cash, smokes in my pocket, driving licence stays in the car. Never carried id in 4 years of being here, ATM card stays at home unless I need to draw out money, it then goes in the car with the driving licence. As for bum bags or man bags, never in a million years! Nor would you catch me wearing socks with sandals!

I understand socks with sandals are coming back into fashion judging by the amount of people wearing them in Chiang Mai........purple seems popular. biggrin.png

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It's a struggle finding shorts with enough zip pockets in but I've managed to acquire enough over the years to deal with cash, keys, smokes and, at a push, shades or glasses.

Bum bags and man bags are just a no-no.

Back in UK I never bothered with long trousers (no shorts lol) with zips, why here?

You'd get clocked at the clock end with a bum bag. biggrin.png

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I carry bugger all except some money, driving licence stays in the car, no ID yeah I know Im supposed to, can't be arsed, I'm rarely outta the car anyway or very close to it.

I guess no need if you only go from the house to the car.

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I carry nothing but a picture of my Chinese-Thai Hi-So wife,a copy of my bank statement proving I'm a multi-millionaire and my Special Forces ID card.Anyone who doesn't carry the same really has no business posting on Thai Visa!coffee1.gif

I just show my special forces tattoo. wink.png

I didn't know they had a team called 'muppet'?
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I carry nothing but a picture of my Chinese-Thai Hi-So wife,a copy of my bank statement proving I'm a multi-millionaire and my Special Forces ID card.Anyone who doesn't carry the same really has no business posting on Thai Visa!coffee1.gif

I just show my special forces tattoo. wink.png

I didn't know they had a team called 'muppet'?

Men Under Pressure Pentagon Exotic Team (but mines much superior)

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I know one guy who always takes his wallet out of his pocket and sits it on the bar in front of himself, it must be about an inch and a half thick stuffed with notes. If you take a good sneaky peek at it they are all twenty baht notes with maybe a couple of 1000's. Always pays with the 1000 note and stuffs the change in his pocket.

Really don't know what it's all about.blink.png

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