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Superstition Stuff - Why Do They Keep Believing In It ?


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Superstition stuff you ask? Millions (billions?) of people still believe in religion. It's the same thing.

Billions at it's around 85% of humanity which some people argue is so many that it must be true or at the very least that there must therefore be some substance to the claim.

In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people") is a fallacious argument that concludes a proposition to be true because many or most people believe it. In other words, the basic idea of the argument is: "If many believe so, it is so."

This type of argument is known by several names,[1] including appeal to the masses, appeal to belief, appeal to the majority, appeal to democracy, argument by consensus, consensus fallacy, authority of the many, and bandwagon fallacy, and in Latin as argumentum ad numerum ("appeal to the number"), and consensus gentium ("agreement of the clans"). It is also the basis of a number of social phenomena, including communal reinforcement and the bandwagon effect. The Chinese proverb "three men make a tiger" concerns the same idea.


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Superstition stuff you ask? Millions (billions?) of people still believe in religion. It's the same thing.

true Buddhism asks that you believe only what you see and what makes sense, that which are seen with your 5 senses.

It is not faith based, so how is it related to superstition being that it is a way of living.


Well 'thai buddhism' is actually a good name for it, since it is mixed up

with so much other stuff, from India, fortunetellers ghosts black magic and whatnot,

and how about those dildos that everyone from streethooker to foodshack

has in the drawer for luck ?

Edited by poanoi
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Superstition stuff you ask? Millions (billions?) of people still believe in religion. It's the same thing.

true Buddhism asks that you believe only what you see and what makes sense, that which are seen with your 5 senses.

It is not faith based, so how is it related to superstition being that it is a way of living.


Well 'thai buddhism' is actually a good name for it, since it is mixed up

with so much other stuff, from India, fortunetellers ghosts black magic and whatnot,

and how about those dildos that everyone from streethooker to foodshack

has in the drawer for luck ?

They mix it with Ancient animism, local and nothing much to do with India.

And black magic should be called simply magic, not black magic, and spelt magick not magic.

Magic is what illusionists do, magick is a whole different thing.

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well my mind is open to many things,

i believe in UFOs, so spirits, i wouldnt cross them off either,

i dont agree with monks walking round on there i-phones,

and i dont like them waking my up with music so high they have to go for a walk to get away from it,

they never had music so high in the old days so whay now do they have to make so much noise,

and not just the monks it must be a thai thing, have the base up at weddings so the whole village can here,

thats my rant,,lol

Edited by metisdead
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Those who have yet to meet and understand the truth will always be subject to superstitions....and that includes religions...because they are unproveable.

This why Buddhism is not classed as a religion. It doesn't require you to believe....doesn't threaten you with punishment for not believing in it....doesn't go out trying to get converts..

It is just natural laws which apply to all beings....whether they choose to believe in them or not....understand them or not...

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well my mind is open to many things,

i believe in UFOs, so spirits, i wouldnt cross them off either,

i dont agree with monks walking round on there i-phones,

and i dont like them waking my up with music so high they have to go for a walk to get away from it,

they never had music so high in the old days so whay now do they have to make so much noise,

and not just the monks it must be a thai thing, have the base up at weddings so the whole village can here,

thats my rant,,lol

Smoke some lantana jake, became one with the music, dance naked in the fields.

just get into it lol.

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well my mind is open to many things,

i believe in UFOs, so spirits, i wouldnt cross them off either,

i dont agree with monks walking round on there i-phones,

and i dont like them waking my up with music so high they have to go for a walk to get away from it,

they never had music so high in the old days so whay now do they have to make so much noise,

and not just the monks it must be a thai thing, have the base up at weddings so the whole village can here,

thats my rant,,lol

Smoke some lantana jake, became one with the music, dance naked in the fields.

just get into it lol.

Smoke Lantana?

Does it give you a buzz?

Roll it up or use a PIPE?

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My problem is that I am one who learned about Buddhism ( in the U.S.) in the west, and find those that follow the Buddha there take the 5 rules you listed pretty seriously.

Now that I live in a "Buddhist country" ( Thailand ), I am very disappointed to find that most Thais will kill anything they can kill, even if it can't be eaten and poses no danger. They enjoy killing!

Many lie.

Many cheat.

Many help themselves to anything they want. If it's not nailed down. it's o.k. to steal it. ( especially if it can be eaten! )

Prostitution is more[popular with Thai men then it is with western sex tourist, and is an acceptable profession for women..

And what about the whole concept of the Mia Noi, or second, little wife?

In the rural area where I live Lao Kao ( whiskey Thai ) is part of the daily diet for most men, from sunup to sunrise.

I still consider myself a Buddhist, but NOT a Thai Buddhist. wai2.gif

This is such incredibly exaggerated, unadulterated, racist drivel. You, Sir, have got some serious mental issues.

He claims to be a Buddhist yet he calls them Thai Buddhist, you could be if you were Thai if in fact they themselves were called that.

It's Theravada Buddhism and is not race based.

Theravada Buddhism in the west, where I discovered it, does not condone random killing theft etc as in Thailand..

.therefore I refer to this strange concept of Theravada Buddhism as Thai Buddhism.

It is only here in Thailand that I have seen this.

Is that clear enough for you to understand???

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Wow! Lying, cheating on wives or husbands, stealing and inventing legal but morally reprehensible ways of stealing, divorce, etc., etc., sounds like Christian "religion" in the USA. Then you have the waves of "alternative" quacks, practicing all sorts of fraud on unsuspecting seekers of some physical or physic relief. Then you have frivolous lawsuits ( another kind of dishonesty) - and you think Thailand has identity problems?


I have even more contempt for western christian beliefs.

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My problem is that I am one who learned about Buddhism ( in the U.S.) in the west, and find those that follow the Buddha there take the 5 rules you listed pretty seriously.

Now that I live in a "Buddhist country" ( Thailand ), I am very disappointed to find that most Thais will kill anything they can kill, even if it can't be eaten and poses no danger. They enjoy killing!

Many lie.

Many cheat.

Many help themselves to anything they want. If it's not nailed down. it's o.k. to steal it. ( especially if it can be eaten! )

Prostitution is more[popular with Thai men then it is with western sex tourist, and is an acceptable profession for women..

And what about the whole concept of the Mia Noi, or second, little wife?

In the rural area where I live Lao Kao ( whiskey Thai ) is part of the daily diet for most men, from sunup to sunrise.

I still consider myself a Buddhist, but NOT a Thai Buddhist. wai2.gif

This is such incredibly exaggerated, unadulterated, racist drivel. You, Sir, have got some serious mental issues.

Spot on for rural Thailand I'd say

So all (or "many") Thais in Isaan are lying, cheating, stealing, hopeless drunks, eh? Admitting that you are also a racist scumbag doesn't exactly earn you any points.

Where did I mention anything about race????

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My problem is that I am one who learned about Buddhism ( in the U.S.) in the west, and find those that follow the Buddha there take the 5 rules you listed pretty seriously.

Now that I live in a "Buddhist country" ( Thailand ), I am very disappointed to find that most Thais will kill anything they can kill, even if it can't be eaten and poses no danger. They enjoy killing!

Many lie.

Many cheat.

Many help themselves to anything they want. If it's not nailed down. it's o.k. to steal it. ( especially if it can be eaten! )

Prostitution is more[popular with Thai men then it is with western sex tourist, and is an acceptable profession for women..

And what about the whole concept of the Mia Noi, or second, little wife?

In the rural area where I live Lao Kao ( whiskey Thai ) is part of the daily diet for most men, from sunup to sunrise.

I still consider myself a Buddhist, but NOT a Thai Buddhist. wai2.gif

This is such incredibly exaggerated, unadulterated, racist drivel. You, Sir, have got some serious mental issues.

Racist? Did I mention race in my post?

Sir, you have some very serious reading issues!

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Numbers of people believing in something means nothing.....

The Buddha said.....'The number of wise people can be counted like the number of horns on a cow......whilst the number of unwise are like the number of hairs on a cow...'

stupidity is rampant...

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My problem is that I am one who learned about Buddhism ( in the U.S.) in the west, and find those that follow the Buddha there take the 5 rules you listed pretty seriously.

Now that I live in a "Buddhist country" ( Thailand ), I am very disappointed to find that most Thais will kill anything they can kill, even if it can't be eaten and poses no danger. They enjoy killing!

Many lie.

Many cheat.

Many help themselves to anything they want. If it's not nailed down. it's o.k. to steal it. ( especially if it can be eaten! )

Prostitution is more[popular with Thai men then it is with western sex tourist, and is an acceptable profession for women..

And what about the whole concept of the Mia Noi, or second, little wife?

In the rural area where I live Lao Kao ( whiskey Thai ) is part of the daily diet for most men, from sunup to sunrise.

I still consider myself a Buddhist, but NOT a Thai Buddhist. wai2.gif

This is such incredibly exaggerated, unadulterated, racist drivel. You, Sir, have got some serious mental issues.

He claims to be a Buddhist yet he calls them Thai Buddhist, you could be if you were Thai if in fact they themselves were called that.

It's Theravada Buddhism and is not race based.

Theravada Buddhism in the west, where I discovered it, does not condone random killing theft etc as in Thailand..

.therefore I refer to this strange concept of Theravada Buddhism as Thai Buddhism.

It is only here in Thailand that I have seen this.

Is that clear enough for you to understand???

Theravada Buddhism has no home, It's a Religious Philosophy, Thoughts.

If people are doing wrong in it's name it is their issue and not the fault of the Religion.

You need to be honest, your lying, no one can honestly say all in Thailand are doing it wrong.

and if you believe they are why worry, continue your search in the USA.

How long have you been a Buddhist by the way.

You still in the excited honeymoon phase, the ignorant phase but know all phase.

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Superstition stuff you ask? Millions (billions?) of people still believe in religion. It's the same thing.

true Buddhism asks that you believe only what you see and what makes sense, that which are seen with your 5 senses.

It is not faith based, so how is it related to superstition being that it is a way of living.

I agree with this that Buddhism tells us to observe based on our own experiences and it is something that can be verified independently by any person who wishes to try. It is something you can verify in this very life, not something you have to wait until after this life to experience.

I would say though that there is always an element of faith in everything and faith is something that can help us in our progression down the Path. We just need to be smart about what we have faith in and how we go about using that faith.

Also, I would argue that we have six senses - five external and one internal.

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Superstition stuff you ask? Millions (billions?) of people still believe in religion. It's the same thing.

true Buddhism asks that you believe only what you see and what makes sense, that which are seen with your 5 senses.

It is not faith based, so how is it related to superstition being that it is a way of living.

I didn't mention Buddhism; I just said religion in general. Technically, Buddhism is not a religion so much as it is a way of living a pure way of life. Unfortunately, very few humans beyond the age of young children are pure. Most have been indoctrinated into the many nasty practises of humans. Buddhist monks are no different. Most of us are inflicted somewhat with greed, avarice, jealousy, and some sort of sexuality that affects all of us. We've all heard the nasty stories of Catholic and Anglican priests. Why would Buddhist monks be any different. Nasty stories of what goes on within Islamic and Hindi groups are legend.

It only stands to reason that leaders in any group will change the original doctrines to suit their own needs.

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Superstition stuff you ask? Millions (billions?) of people still believe in religion. It's the same thing.

true Buddhism asks that you believe only what you see and what makes sense, that which are seen with your 5 senses.

It is not faith based, so how is it related to superstition being that it is a way of living.

I didn't mention Buddhism; I just said religion in general. Technically, Buddhism is not a religion so much as it is a way of living a pure way of life. Unfortunately, very few humans beyond the age of young children are pure. Most have been indoctrinated into the many nasty practises of humans. Buddhist monks are no different. Most of us are inflicted somewhat with greed, avarice, jealousy, and some sort of sexuality that affects all of us. We've all heard the nasty stories of Catholic and Anglican priests. Why would Buddhist monks be any different. Nasty stories of what goes on within Islamic and Hindi groups are legend.

It only stands to reason that leaders in any group will change the original doctrines to suit their own needs.

This has happened with Buddha's teachings as well. However, I would like to point out that most of those other religions (especially the Abrahamic ones) have teachings that you are not good enough on your own to work out your own problems. You need help from something outside of you - God, Jesus, whatever.

The Buddha's teachings are that we have all the answers inside. There is a cause of everything that we experience - that anger, jealousy, avarice you mentioned - and ultimately we are in charge of dealing with that cause, that we are actually able to remove the cause itself. When we understand what causes illness, we are able to remove the cause and health reveals itself. In the same way, when we are able to understand the cause of ignorance - which leads to all the unhealthy states of mind, which in turn lead to destructive words and actions - we are able to remove the cause of ignorance and wisdom and compassion will reveal themselves.

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Superstition stuff you ask? Millions (billions?) of people still believe in religion. It's the same thing.

true Buddhism asks that you believe only what you see and what makes sense, that which are seen with your 5 senses.

It is not faith based, so how is it related to superstition being that it is a way of living.

I didn't mention Buddhism; I just said religion in general. Technically, Buddhism is not a religion so much as it is a way of living a pure way of life. Unfortunately, very few humans beyond the age of young children are pure. Most have been indoctrinated into the many nasty practises of humans. Buddhist monks are no different. Most of us are inflicted somewhat with greed, avarice, jealousy, and some sort of sexuality that affects all of us. We've all heard the nasty stories of Catholic and Anglican priests. Why would Buddhist monks be any different. Nasty stories of what goes on within Islamic and Hindi groups are legend.

It only stands to reason that leaders in any group will change the original doctrines to suit their own needs.

This has happened with Buddha's teachings as well. However, I would like to point out that most of those other religions (especially the Abrahamic ones) have teachings that you are not good enough on your own to work out your own problems. You need help from something outside of you - God, Jesus, whatever.

The Buddha's teachings are that we have all the answers inside. There is a cause of everything that we experience - that anger, jealousy, avarice you mentioned - and ultimately we are in charge of dealing with that cause, that we are actually able to remove the cause itself. When we understand what causes illness, we are able to remove the cause and health reveals itself. In the same way, when we are able to understand the cause of ignorance - which leads to all the unhealthy states of mind, which in turn lead to destructive words and actions - we are able to remove the cause of ignorance and wisdom and compassion will reveal themselves.

Watch the consciousness video I posted, we are not in charge of anything, our brain decides 6 seconds before we do anything whether to go left or right or anything else for that matter

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Superstition stuff you ask? Millions (billions?) of people still believe in religion. It's the same thing.

true Buddhism asks that you believe only what you see and what makes sense, that which are seen with your 5 senses.

It is not faith based, so how is it related to superstition being that it is a way of living.

I didn't mention Buddhism; I just said religion in general. Technically, Buddhism is not a religion so much as it is a way of living a pure way of life. Unfortunately, very few humans beyond the age of young children are pure. Most have been indoctrinated into the many nasty practises of humans. Buddhist monks are no different. Most of us are inflicted somewhat with greed, avarice, jealousy, and some sort of sexuality that affects all of us. We've all heard the nasty stories of Catholic and Anglican priests. Why would Buddhist monks be any different. Nasty stories of what goes on within Islamic and Hindi groups are legend.

It only stands to reason that leaders in any group will change the original doctrines to suit their own needs.

of coarse Monks are no different and full of flaws, that is why they are Buddhist, That is why they are Monks, That is why they entered the temple.

The whole idea for them is to iron out those flaws, non of them expected to reach the end of their journey the day they put on a robe.

Buddhism is about the journey, you judging them as though they should not be flawed, they don't claim not to be, It's only natural they are flawed as it's in our nature.

That's what They are trying to achieve, the purpose of the religion, to correct themselves to end the cycle.

Isn't that a good thing.

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just because our brain takes time (6 seconds if you wish) to process info does not mean we do not have free will. it just means that it take the brain time (6 seconds) to distribute the information regarding that decision to the body. this is an argument that cant be defeated because its not valid, obviously we dont do things before our brain makes the decision.

i have not watched the video you are talking about, but assuming it is along the lines of the book "Free Will" by Sam Harris which I have read.

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Your topic covers two distinct things : superstition (beliefs that higher spirits could help us) and working out the lottery which does not have to resort to superstition but statistic which is a science.

Quite a few statistic gifted people have been using their skills to win the lottery. I don't think statistic PHD 4 times lottery winner could be called "uneducated".


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just because our brain takes time (6 seconds if you wish) to process info does not mean we do not have free will. it just means that it take the brain time (6 seconds) to distribute the information regarding that decision to the body. this is an argument that cant be defeated because its not valid, obviously we dont do things before our brain makes the decision.

i have not watched the video you are talking about, but assuming it is along the lines of the book "Free Will" by Sam Harris which I have read.

I suggest you watch it then before commenting.

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just because our brain takes time (6 seconds if you wish) to process info does not mean we do not have free will. it just means that it take the brain time (6 seconds) to distribute the information regarding that decision to the body. this is an argument that cant be defeated because its not valid, obviously we dont do things before our brain makes the decision.

i have not watched the video you are talking about, but assuming it is along the lines of the book "Free Will" by Sam Harris which I have read.

I suggest you watch it then before commenting.

The point is that the time before the decision doesn't mean the decision was made freely or not. Watching your video, of which I seen many similar, will not make any difference. The unconscious mind could have made a free, separate, decision prior to the conscious awareness of it.

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just because our brain takes time (6 seconds if you wish) to process info does not mean we do not have free will. it just means that it take the brain time (6 seconds) to distribute the information regarding that decision to the body. this is an argument that cant be defeated because its not valid, obviously we dont do things before our brain makes the decision.

i have not watched the video you are talking about, but assuming it is along the lines of the book "Free Will" by Sam Harris which I have read.

"Will" means conscious intention, that's the whole point. If it's your unconscious mind then you are not controlling it, just following it, with the illusion that you are controlling it. Your "awareness" doesn't control what you do, that's the point.

Your awareness can't affect what you decide, because it doesn't know what that is until after the decision has happened. It's not processing time. If something has happened before your conscious mind knows it, your conscious mind can't control it.

Will is conscious intent. Unconscious intent is by definition out of your control.

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Western culture has just as many superstitions

It's OK there because they are educated.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

I wanted to look at a condo and the wife said no it was haunted.

A friend of mine and are wife's went to visit another friend. When we left both the women said the elevator was haunted.

Went by my self a week later darn nice place. No way to argue against superstition.sad.png

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just because our brain takes time (6 seconds if you wish) to process info does not mean we do not have free will. it just means that it take the brain time (6 seconds) to distribute the information regarding that decision to the body. this is an argument that cant be defeated because its not valid, obviously we dont do things before our brain makes the decision.

i have not watched the video you are talking about, but assuming it is along the lines of the book "Free Will" by Sam Harris which I have read.

"Will" means conscious intention, that's the whole point. If it's your unconscious mind then you are not controlling it, just following it, with the illusion that you are controlling it. Your "awareness" doesn't control what you do, that's the point.

Your awareness can't affect what you decide, because it doesn't know what that is until after the decision has happened. It's not processing time. If something has happened before your conscious mind knows it, your conscious mind can't control it.

Will is conscious intent. Unconscious intent is by definition out of your control.

Without 'your' definition of consciousness which you seem to be happy to tosh about, what you say means nothing.


tosh (tsh)

n. Chiefly British

Foolish nonsense.

[Probably blend of trash and bosh.]

Also used in trades to represent doing something without care and attention. A painter decorator who seemingly has just thrown the paint on the walls in order to cover every square inch without considering the finished product would have just toshed it on. You use 'conscious' in the same manner.

Edit: Be careful because you are going to get into TAG.


Edited by notmyself
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  • 10 months later...

dont look between your legs as you will see a ghost.

dont stand in doorways as ghosts will come in.

dont talk at the table ghosts will take your rice.

dont talk to people whilst holding a knife, ghosts will push you.

dont put the baby in front of the mirror her teeth will not grow.

dont tickle her feet she will be scared to walk later.

howling dogs means a ghost is around.

if your leaving the house and a lizard, jing jot makes a noise it means your going to have an accident.

a few of hundreds i have heard.

A family member had a dream that I was killed. They somehow used my birthday to play lottery the next day and won 60,000

Baht. That's a proven scientific fact. It works 5555

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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