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Woolwich Attack: ' Soldier Beheaded' By Ranting Fanatics On Busy London Street

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Transam: There have been many religious leaders in the Islamic world condemning terror attacks, live in peace with your neighbours etc. Most of them do not get any attention in the mainstream media.

Which mainstream media, the BBC? The New York Times? These religious leaders need to get more attention of the media in the Islamic world so that their own people can hear it we hope anything to change. Instead of trying to convince non-Muslims in the West that Islam is not all bad, they should try to convince Muslims themselves that Islam is the religion of peace and that it is wrong to launch missiles at your neighbors, blow up cars in front of a competing mosque, throwing acid into the face of young girls trying to get an education, flying planes into buildings, packing your pants with explosives, or running over people in the street and hacking them to death - all of the above while shouting "God is Great".

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Mosha; in the borough as a whole, 7.38%

But in the town centre part, where I live, 37%; more than Christians at 34%.

You are bloody joking! Official figures put Saviletown in Dewsbury at 97% No Figures for Ravensthorpe or Thornhill Lees I have but VERY high. The white population is a majority on 2 villages on the outskirts. Officially muslims are 33.7%, My friends would disagree.


The British nationalist parties have been predicting this for years and years. The Westminster politicians took no notice and now we have this on our hands. These two dirty pigs who murdered the British soldier should never have been allowed into the UK or if they were born here their parents should never have been allowed in.

May I suggest that ex-pats who are outraged by this should join The British National Party or the Britain First Party. You can find them with a Google search. Then you will be able to give real support to fight the disaster that continuous Governments have inflicted onto the British people.

The Governments that you say have inflicted this on to the British people are as much British as yourself, so blaming your own governments is completely absurd.

The murderers that committed this brutal attack were for your knowledge also as much British as yourself.

A dog may be born in a stable, that does not make it a horse.

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Have a look at this piece of shit. Click on the picture of Choudry, the guy with the Santa Claus beard.


All the preachers of hate should be sent back not given access to the European Human rights appeal laws which they blatently abuse.

What about the soldiers human rights???

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Indeed, simple1.

Hatred breeds hatred; it is what those who commit atrocities such as that in Woolwich bank on.

Unfortunately, so many members here, and I fear in the UK population, have fallen into these murderers hands and are now doing their work for them.

The solution then is to close the mosques where the hatred is preached and to deport the preachers and adherents without further delay. Let them sell their drugs, commit crimes and collect their benefits back in Somalia, Pakistan etc.

-1 (I've run out of likes}



I didn't say it was a majority, I said it was a high proportion; which over a third is.

I live among Muslims; I work with Muslims, I have Muslim friends.

They are not going around preaching jihad, hatred or intolerance.

I have seen far more of that in this topic, and to be frank am ashamed that Thai Visa members should be the ones doing it!

I would expect a forum consisting of people living in a foreign country or who live in the UK with their foreign wife, husband or partner to be more tolerant; sadly it appears that I am wrong.

But remember, people, if your wish becomes true and the BNP, EDL or even UKIP have their way, all people with brown skin will be removed; including your wives!

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I didn't say it was a majority, I said it was a high proportion; which over a third is.

I live among Muslims; I work with Muslims, I have Muslim friends.

They are not going around preaching jihad, hatred or intolerance.

I have seen far more of that in this topic, and to be frank am ashamed that Thai Visa members should be the ones doing it!

I would expect a forum consisting of people living in a foreign country or who live in the UK with their foreign wife, husband or partner to be more tolerant; sadly it appears that I am wrong.

But remember, people, if your wish becomes true and the BNP, EDL or even UKIP have their way, all people with brown skin will be removed; including your wives!

Why would Thaivisa members who are living in a Budhisty country or in the UK with their Budhist wife be more tolerant against muslim terrorists?

I'm sure you recall how many Thai's in the South die every week at the hands of muslim terrorists.

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Mainstream religious leaders of all the major faiths do preach tolerance and acceptance; unfortunately there is always a minority who don't listen. You are a prime example of those who turn a deaf ear.

Going to answer the question?

I'll repeat it for you: If you are unfortunate to become ill or suffer an injury will you refuse treatment from a Muslim doctor? Will you accuse him or her of refusing to integrate? Will you demand that he/she go back home?

Still not found a comment from me excusing this, or any other atrocity? I await your apology, but wont hold my breath.

I'll believe that muslims preach tolerance and acceptance when they allow those born into, or even converted, to walk away from it. Why should a child be forced into a lifetime of following the orders of an ancient myth?

I believe there are millions of educated "muslims" who pay nothing more than lip service, who would happily abstain, if not for the potential consequences.

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No one here nor in the mainstream Muslim population is making excuses for or ignoring the violence of radical Islam. But far too many here are blaming all Muslims for the actions of a small minority.

Check the old news reports; mosques where hatred and violence was preached have been closed; people who preached hatred and violence have been arrested and dealt with.


Where have I ever said that anyone should be tolerant of terrorists? I haven't! Why don't you, transam et al actually read what I post? Afraid of enlightenment?


You say "Why should a child be forced into a lifetime of following the orders of an ancient myth?"

Do you apply this equally to Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc.?


This callous murder has nothing to do with Islam.

It is the act of two loonies with their insane and personal agenda.

Period, full stop.

They wanted to create conflict, strife and tension and judging by the many foolish comments and reactions on here, they have succeeded.

Two maniacs murdered a person and wanted to generate publicity for their foolish beliefs.

Anti abortionists do it in America.

It's all equally wrong, as is using this to expound anti muslim emotional rhetoric.

Any sane human from whatever belief system deplores this.

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No one here nor in the mainstream Muslim population is making excuses for or ignoring the violence of radical Islam. But far too many here are blaming all Muslims for the actions of a small minority.

Check the old news reports; mosques where hatred and violence was preached have been closed; people who preached hatred and violence have been arrested and dealt with.


Where have I ever said that anyone should be tolerant of terrorists? I haven't! Why don't you, transam et al actually read what I post? Afraid of enlightenment?


You say "Why should a child be forced into a lifetime of following the orders of an ancient myth?"

Do you apply this equally to Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc.?

Freedom of religion should include freedom FROM religion. None of those you mention urge followers to ostracize and kill those that reject their faith.



Islam is a peace loving religion, as much as Christianity.

I am not a statesman, I cannot offer a solution to extremism and terrorism, no matter what it's cause or who are it's perpetrators.

This thread shows that ignorance and prejudice are rampant on both sides; despite the efforts of people of peace. While that ignorance and prejudice prevails, I see no solution.


You've missed my point. But if you think the problems in Ireland are solved, let alone solved after a mere 30 years, you have no idea about Irish history!

But that is not the topic of this thread; if you wish to discuss Irish history further with me I will be happy to do so via PM.

Yes you have no solutions and nothing valuable to contribute. You seem to be of the opinion that we should just let things play out. Sadly, you will likely get your wish.

So what would you do?


Back in the prime time of Mafia control of the Italian populations of large cities of the eastern U.S. from the 1930s through the 1970s, most Italian Americans did not 'support' the Mafia - but they did not challenge it either. Challenging the Mafia was a sure ticket for a pair of concrete boots and a swim in the local river. This was the same in Sicily and much of Italy also. Most Muslims do not support violence delivered by the radical Jidhaist - but they make no effective challenge to root it out of their Mosques and communities. As with the Mafia the failure of the greater Muslim community to combat the terrorist network is subjugation and intimidation - both implied and real.

Consider the numbers. Worldwide the Muslim population is estimated to be between 1.6 and 2 BILLION. With such a large population only a small percentage would make a huge army of radical violent Jihadies. We don't have to deal with exact numbers here - just the magnitude. Some have estimated the radical portion of the Muslim population is up to 7%. But let's just use 1 or 2 % as died in the wool - ready to blow up people or cut off their heads... that 1 to 2 % would equal 1.6 to 3.2 million potential terrorists. Okay cut that down by 1/2 to account for those who would only work as enablers providing money, transportation expense, safe houses, etc. This would leave 800,000 to 1.2 million jihadi terrorists ready - willing and mostly able to commit acts of terrorism. So you're a skeptic or a denier -- try 1/2 of that ... IT IS THE MAGNITUDE of the numbers that tells the tale. With millions of collaborating enforcers salting the Muslim communities - using intimidation, coercion, or even outright threats of violence - the Greater Muslim community becomes ineffective in controlling or subduing the radicals in their midst.

If Western Countries want a solution - then they will have to do it ... If the Government won't then the people will have to do it - or perish in the long run.

I suggest as a starter for Western Countries -- apply a clone of Thailand's immigration policy - specifically to Muslims. But have a proviso - allow 'no border runs' - they must go back to their home country two times each year.... That will definitely slow them down. Then gradually reduce the numbers of Muslims immigrants allowed... And increase deportations of Muslims who preach hatred and violent Jihad.

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This callous murder has nothing to do with Islam.

No, it has EVERYTHING to do with Islam, but to get into a debate about it here is pointless.

Why ??

I am very agnostic, but if I killed your relative whilst shouting in the name of Christ, would it be connected to Christianity ??


7 by 7

"They are not going around preaching jihad, hatred or intolerance."

then count yourself lucky and check where those bastards who bombed London lived. If the came from your area, you might understand better. They learn this shit in the mosques and discourage unbelievers from even standing outside there mosques


Julie Siddiqi, Islamic Society of Britain

We need to remain calm and people need to remain vigilant.

We need to make sure we don't allow extremists to divide the country. We need to remain calm and measured and get the message out there that we will not allow this to divide us.

It was an attack on all of us, on our country, all of us.

It's very hard for the good people of this country to understand what's going on. How can you say your religion is a religion of peace and then you have a guy literally with blood on his hands and a knife in his hand doing something completely the opposite?

I don't think it matters what is happening in another country in any way whatsoever. This should never have happened. There is no justification.

Ajmal Masroor, an Imam and broadcaster in London

..........These idiots have done this, there is no God in what they've done, it is not done in the name of Islam. It is not done for Muslims, it is just their thuggish low-life scum mindset.

The Muslim Council of Britain, a representative Muslim body

This is a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam and we condemn this unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the victim and his family. We understand the victim is a serving member of the armed forces. Muslims have long served in this country's armed forces, proudly and with honour. This attack on a member of the armed forces is dishonourable, and no cause justifies this murder.

This action will no doubt heighten tensions on the streets of the United Kingdom. We call on all our communities, Muslim and non-Muslim, to come together in solidarity to ensure the forces of hatred do not prevail. It is important we allow our police authorities to do their job without speculation. We also urge the utmost vigilance and ask the police authorities to calm tensions.

Meanwhile, thousands of members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community are expected to gather in London to offer prayers for the dead soldier and his family and to "express solidarity against extremism".

National president Rafiq Hayat said: "We hope that the perpetrators of this crime, that is based on a twisted and warped ideology, are brought to justice."

These are simply examples of Al Taquiya ( deception / propaganda ) in action, feigned outrage, designed to placate the populace and to seize time and the freedom towards the end game.

When I see those same Muslim organisations / their spokespeople and representatives / individuals....march into mosques and pull the hatred-spewing, radicalising Imams from the pulpit, kick their arrses to the kerb and tell them in the strongest possible terms...."WE DO NOT WANT YOUR HATEFUL WAR-MONGERING HERE...GET OUT'....then I'll believe they are sincere peaceful Muslims.....till that happens..no...ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS...as proven by radicalised terrorists.. !!!

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This callous murder has nothing to do with Islam.

No, it has EVERYTHING to do with Islam, but to get into a debate about it here is pointless.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

You can lead a fool to knowledge, but you can't make him think!

Have you not read the condemnation of this and other atrocious acts by Muslim leaders?

Did you not read the article about the many fatwas issued against acts of terrorism?

  • Like 1

This callous murder has nothing to do with Islam.

No, it has EVERYTHING to do with Islam, but to get into a debate about it here is pointless.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

You can lead a fool to knowledge, but you can't make him think!

Have you not read the condemnation of this and other atrocious acts by Muslim leaders?

Did you not read the article about the many fatwas issued against acts of terrorism?

Sorry, I won't be drawn. It has EVERYTHING to do with Islam!

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In my opinion the police should have shot those 2 bastards in the head thereby saving the cost of a trial and the cost of keeping them in prison for however may years at the taxpayers expense and also sit would stop them from spreading their vitriol any further .

RIP to the slain young man and condolences to his family friends and fellow squaddies !

And to the british Government Man up and sort out the nonsense that gives radical idiots more rights than the british people !

man up and get your reading glasses. the two assailants were shot by the police who did not wait for your opinion to make a decision.

Not true, they waited 30 minutes but he could not get there on time.



No one here nor in the mainstream Muslim population is making excuses for or ignoring the violence of radical Islam. But far too many here are blaming all Muslims for the actions of a small minority.

Check the old news reports; mosques where hatred and violence was preached have been closed; people who preached hatred and violence have been arrested and dealt with.


Where have I ever said that anyone should be tolerant of terrorists? I haven't! Why don't you, transam et al actually read what I post? Afraid of enlightenment?


You say "Why should a child be forced into a lifetime of following the orders of an ancient myth?"

Do you apply this equally to Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism etc.?

In how many christian countries is it a crime to renounce the christian faith? If UK was one that dipsrick who carried out this attack would have been locked up.


From uk.msn The family of Lee Rigby has revealed the last text message he sent to his mother:

"Goodnight mum, I hope you had a fantastic day today because you are the most fantastic and one in a million mum that anyone could ever wish for. Thank you for supporting me all these years, you're not just my mum you're my best friend. So goodnight, love you loads."


In my opinion the police should have shot those 2 bastards in the head thereby saving the cost of a trial and the cost of keeping them in prison for however may years at the taxpayers expense and also sit would stop them from spreading their vitriol any further .

RIP to the slain young man and condolences to his family friends and fellow squaddies !

And to the british Government Man up and sort out the nonsense that gives radical idiots more rights than the british people !

man up and get your reading glasses. the two assailants were shot by the police who did not wait for your opinion to make a decision.

You get your reading glasses , he said they should have been shot in the head and killed.

Who wouldn't agree, other than a muslim.

Well I'm not a Muslim and I don't agree. Shooting 'not to kill' was the right thing. These lunatics WANTED the police to kill them, they were holding their one-way ticket to paradise and 72 Virgins and we said sorry....ticket invalid. We need to question these two, find out their entire network, their computers will already be in the hands of the police, every email they have sent along with every recipient of those mails. By not killing them we may have identified a hundred more like them. Now they can be made healthy and left to rot in a jail, with no way into their heaven!! After all taking your own life does not qualify you unless it's in an act of Jihad. They are frakked and won't see daylight again for a long long time and when they do, someone will be waiting for them to repay their act of atrocity.

Keeping them locked up and suffering is worth every penny of tax payers money. There is no point executing people who want to die, as then they die happy, it's the easy way out. Let them rot in jail and let the prison population take care of them, there will be more than enough members of BNP, EDL or ex squaddies in jail to make the next 50 years unbearable. These guys do not fear death, but everyone fears pain, prolonged, uncertain attacks. They will have a life time of it now, and when they die, nothing but dust like the rest, no paradise, no virgins, no beaming smiling God who like to rewards the worst examples of Humans. I just wish with Prisons for profit, we could sub contract their punishment out for permanent detention at Black Dolphin prison in Russia.

'let the prison population take care of them, there will be more than

enough members of BNP, EDL or ex squaddies in jail to make the next 50

years unbearable'

You have not been in a British jail recently then. There are thousands of ethic minorities in our jails many of whom would wholeheartedly support the killing of British squaddies. Muslim inmates are recruiting other young men, mainly disaffected, angry young negros to join the faith. They are forming gangs in the prisons and the white prisoners fear them and keep to themselves and so do the screws.



I didn't say it was a majority, I said it was a high proportion; which over a third is.

I live among Muslims; I work with Muslims, I have Muslim friends.

They are not going around preaching jihad, hatred or intolerance.

I have seen far more of that in this topic, and to be frank am ashamed that Thai Visa members should be the ones doing it!

I would expect a forum consisting of people living in a foreign country or who live in the UK with their foreign wife, husband or partner to be more tolerant; sadly it appears that I am wrong.

But remember, people, if your wish becomes true and the BNP, EDL or even UKIP have their way, all people with brown skin will be removed; including your wives!

So we must sit back and be more tolerant for fear of our families being removed because of the color of their skin.

That will never happen! The U.K is the most multi-cultural country in the world, some say the capital of the world!

This is about Muslim extremists and how to prevent more savage attacks on innocent victims.wai2.gif

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