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Phuket Mob Violently Bounces Aussies From Kangaroo Bar

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This kind of story happens all too often in Thailand. Wannabe tough guys who are used to throwing their weight around back home, try the same thing in Thailand and find out (the hard way usually) that people aren't as willing to back-down. Similar crap happens in Pattaya quite often (like those guys that were stirring up trouble at various bars and then got into it with Thai security at a disco. The 3 trouble makers ran for it and ended up jumping into Pattaya bay. One drowned.) Been quite a few other stories of guys "just minding their own business" getting their butts kicked for no reason at all. whistling.gif

Amazing how some people travel half-way around the world and it seems the first thing on their minds is to get drunk and cause trouble. I used to see a lot of "their kind" in the (Canadian) army. Lots of big mouths, but only had balls when they had a couple of friends to show off for (and to jump in when their big mouths got them into trouble). Get them alone though and they turn into mild-mannered wussies.

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I do understand these two dingle-berries ... In Aus, when you go to a pub, its 50 blokes to 1 sheila.... and its a good chance, she is fat, uses too much perfume/deodorant and has a mate that is just as fat or fatter than her.... So Thailand for these two is... <deleted>... and they lose is completely as its 50 sheilas (not a fatty to be seen), to one bloke in Thailand....

Their brains cannot cope !!!


I am not condoning what these 2 boys have done... Im just saying I understand some of their background and also understand that coming to Thailand is.... Like the wild wild west and they just let it all hang out !

As for the ashtray... well... Its nothing different to a bottle being hurled by some jealous Thai guy at a Karaoke bar....

Edit: sorry for all the edits... I totally messed up the topic then worked my way around to make myself more legible...


As long as simple minded drunken fools like these two get what they deserve, and it appears they did this time, fools like this will soon get the message. The problem is there's not enough consistency at Thai resort areas that are aimed at controlling out of control drunks. Global tourist destinations that promote a party atmosphere involving drink till you drop opportunities, think Sturgis Bike Week to name one, have developed an effective trained police force to handle and curb testosterone driven drunken behavior.


So what we have here is a couple of aussies who objected to the American smoking in a bar in which that is not legal. The ashtray mysteriously leaped off the table hitting the American and a chain reaction occurs.

CSI Harry! He sees how it all went down, so perceptive! Seriously, what is the point of such conjecture?

more relevent than post 25.....

or maybe they objected to being called gay and that started things

truth is no one knows what really happened so why all the blame on Aussies.

I am not a fan of the party culture of Bali Pucket aro KPG but lets get some reallity into things.


Another couple of <deleted> giving us all a bad name, someone should invent an idiot detector to stop these fools leaving Oz

And get the spiky-haired forensics boss (ex) Pornthip to endorse it!

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One very good reason why I and many others give Patong a wide berth!!

I find it very odd you neglected to mention the 2 Aussie hoodlums got exactly what they deserved.


How come there was an ashtray there. Smoking is banned in bars.

It is believed that prostitution is prohibited in Thailand, isn't it?

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Yep, really gives us Aussie's a bad name. Such a shame. Usually it is the kids coming over for their first or second trip to Thailand, getting drunk and thinking they are better than everyone else. Happens all too much in Phuket which makes me avoid it and hit Pattaya instead for a break - and that is saying something!!!!!

Says a lot for your cultural preferences. rolleyes.gif


Another couple of <deleted> giving us all a bad name, someone should invent an idiot detector to stop these fools leaving Oz

I'm quite sure the problem is with every nationality, when they left Oz I am sure they were very nice people, the drink affects people in different ways! Hope they realize what they did and realize there life could have been at risk!!

Amazing how folks talk so bad about Thais when they display despicable behavior, but

when an Aussie is a totally offensive a**hole we say they are probably "nice guys" who

just happened to have too much to drink.


A hoodlum jerk is a hoodlum jerk. We don't need to make excuses for them.

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looking by these pictures it seems there may be more to the story with all the hugging happening. Especially the pic where he didn't want to let go of his "mate"


Avoid excessively tattooed, shirtless, gay, drunken Australians?tongue.png

They should be deported end of srory.

With an eternal PNG in their passports


In my three years working at the Australian embassy from 96-98 I visited Patong regularly to assist Australian warships visiting Ao Makham and anchoring off Patong. During that period I am ashamed to say I saw some of the worst behaviour I have ever seen from Australian servicemen! I visited Patong again as a civilian last year and I was absolutely disgusted at the appearance and behaviour of young Australian "Bogans" there for a week of alcohol abuse and depravity.

It seems Australian tourists are quickly developing a reputation for being the most aggressive and rude nationality across the world. One of the reasons I chose to leave Australia and live in Thailand was the seemingly rampant disregard to the rule of law by the young people of Australia.

Disgusting behaviour by two Australian men who clearly do not know when they have had enough to drink. They must have been truly wasted for the bouncers at Hollywood to refuse them entry judging by the state of some of the people I have seen admitted over the years!

Makes one ashamed to be Australian!

You have a very valid point mate. I have seen the same kind of bahavour with Australian's on the Indonesian island of Bali.

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looks like the bloke with the broken leg is still wearing his golf shoes ..

what a waste of a good holiday I bet they worked hard to earn the money to holiday in Phuket now look at the state they are in......

pin-heads for sure..


No one is suggesting that these two trouble makers aren't complete drunken boobs that got their punishment, but I'm amazed at the amount of people choosing to utilise this thread purely to stick the boot into Aussies, 95% of who are decent, respectful people.

Judo chop, I think you will find that most of the people sticking the boot in are fellow Aussies that do not want to be tarred with the same brush!


Yep, really gives us Aussie's a bad name. Such a shame. Usually it is the kids coming over for their first or second trip to Thailand, getting drunk and thinking they are better than everyone else. Happens all too much in Phuket which makes me avoid it and hit Pattaya instead for a break - and that is saying something!!!!!

Certainly, no nationality has a monopoly on a**holes. There are plenty everywhere, in any and all countries.

Having said that, this story renews my faith in the idea of instant karma. It makes me very happy to see that

these hoons received swift and just retribution at the hands of their own peers in a bar.

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I don't hold this against Australians. They (as a group) are generally the most easy going and enjoyable nationality I can think of. Jerks come in all flavors. I am an American, btw. Glad to see "local justice" at grassroots level was applied to them.


No one is suggesting that these two trouble makers aren't complete drunken boobs that got their punishment, but I'm amazed at the amount of people choosing to utilise this thread purely to stick the boot into Aussies, 95% of who are decent, respectful people.

Judo chop, I think you will find that most of the people sticking the boot in are fellow Aussies that do not want to be tarred with the same brush!

Or brushed with the same tar !


Meh, still better than Eurotrash.

They look caucasian to me. Surely that makes them the descendants of eurotrash?

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If there was no mob, locals would still get them for hitting the bar lady. They probably walked around like all Thai are ho's and lows and not stand up for themselves. Well guess what, no nation let some tourist fools sabotage a town. By the way drunk is not any reason, it's the true personality and what ever was missing during there childhoods.


I feel its mainly Aussies putting the boot in to their supposed fellow country men than other nationalities, this i can understand as us Aussie/thai are embarrassed for their actions. I am Aussie and behaviour like this is wide spread, although living in patong, i see more and more aussies acting the fool, maybe coz i can pick the aussies better than other countries.

look at his shorts, he has UFC (ultimate fighting champ) printed, he didnt do well this knob- head!

I also assume this was an attack (justified of course) from predominately thai's as they love the leg kick and can and DO break legs, i know i have had it done to me, 3 on 1 fight. I can look after myself or could better then, but more than 1 or 2 guys and your pretty well beaten if you have been drinking alot!

many years ago, i came to thailand for work, not knowing anything like i do now about the country, thai people/culture, got drunk with the party atmosphere, had my GF now my wife with me at the time and we were nearly run over by stupid motor bike taxi. i said a few words to him, the F word which thais HATE, next minute he comes at me... i was ready and dropped this guy only 1 punch. Next "second" there were 3 thai guys surrounding me, while i was watching 1 guy, another kicked my front leg which had all my weight on and smashed it apart. I dropped in pain and subsequently got the shit kicked out of me. The thai guy was arrested but he couldnt pay my medical bills, lucky i was insured.

"The moral of the story" this is Thailand not Australia and like someone said, your more likely to end up in hospital than a jail cell here, if you start this kind of delinquent behaviour!

I am afraid Aussies will get the name like they have in Bali, "drunken, disrespectful Aussies" as one indo lady i know told me the locals call them.

why doesnt Jetstar put on their outdated in flight intro to Thailand before landing, dont come here to be an A HOLE or you'll end up in hospital, jail or worse1

It was a lesson learnt for me and now i know many of the local Thai guys, who are great people....well the ones i know anyways. ;)

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