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Samui Regatta 2013

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The line-up of boats for the 2013 Samui Regatta, which is set to take place May 25th to June 1st off Chaweng Beach on the tropical Island of Koh Samui, is looking strong with a mix of top international racers and regional regatta veterans set to compete. Organised by Regattas Asia, a leading regatta and marine-based sporting event management company in Asia, Samui Regatta is celebrating its 12th year.

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Why don't they advertise it better. I'd no idea about it until this thread! Its good for the island so tell everyone about it and create an occasion to boost the island profile.

Best kept secret since the normandy landings

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Yes it's certainly not advertised well, yet they have tons of media there during the event.... reporting after the fact.... Several big name sponsors too...

You would think it would be in their interest to get people out.... but then perhaps they don't want non competing boats in the area of the race? , which starts off near the Centura Grand Hotel in Chawang! But there would be several spots to watch from along the beach fronts...

I was given the opportunity a few years ago to be on the press boat, but only knew about it because a former member here, asked me to come along, otherwise would had no idea about it!! wink.png .

There seems to be a bunch of signs around adverting a Full Moon party in Chawang tonight... (I think )... I guess they are going to make up for loss of liquor sales yesterday!!! wink.png .w00t.gif

Beans on sale at Tesco this week, better get stocked up in case the wind does not blow! tongue.png

Edited by samuijimmy
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Hi Guys,

I thought some of the comments were interesting and thought I might chip in.

Samui Regatta used to be owned by Mobi Elite in Bangkok. It is now owned by Regattas Asia who are really focussed on running regattas and I know the guy who owns it now is trying really hard to build it back up. Sponsorship is dam hard to get and especially cash. There are some that donate resources such as Centara Grand who have hosted the event from year 1, then there are others such as Singha who contribute beer but not often cash.

I was particularly interested in the comments about wanting to get out to see the racing. I have thought about this a lot for our regatta, Top of the Gulf Regatta in Pattaya. If you were interested in getting out, how much would you pay? This is a fair question because we would have to charter the boats and unfortunately they are not free. One idea I had was to get a flat top barge and place it out on the water and have the boats race around it. It would cost a fair bit unless it was sponsored and you still need to provide a tender service out to the barge. Barge + boats + fuel = cost.

Shame there are no more Raimon Land's out there to help us run the regattas.

I look forward to reading your comments.

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Fare well Mobi DICK a truer prat I never met. I lost interest during their ownership but there was an observation boat on offer for around 1500 bhat including drinks. IMO the regatta has never taken the opportunity to make it an island event it could easily become a theme week that produced a lot of tourist money.

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It's certainly a fun event to watch from the water.... The boat I was on was moving around .... so we got to see all the boats at different locations.

I would wonder if a barge or something similar would be too much waiting between sail boats going by? It would be interesting to see comments from others on that!

(This was 2010... I had to down size images which changed the Copyright date to 2013, just so no one gets confused! )


Even the police keeping an eye on things! smile.pngwhistling.gif


And lots of people just hanging around!!! biggrin.png


Edited by samuijimmy
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Hi Guys,

Just for your info, the Optimists were started by a guy who has been behind the regatta since day 1. He ran around chasing sponsorship and managed to buy 10 boats. Weekend racing was put on by him and he personally contributed a lot. He even managed to take the top kids to other regattas and the kids were beating Phuket kids.

One day a few parents thought they could do it better. Formed a company, rented a shed and so on. This has since collapsed along with the kids sailing program. A real shame.

It is a shame to hear Samuians feel the regatta is not for them. From my point of view, it is a booster for business and timed well as it is low season. I see many boats around Samui that should be joining in but why don't they?

I have competed in the regatta since 2005. Back then I had never heard of Samui. Since then my mates in greater numbers every year have come back. All say it is one of the best and even better than Hamilton Island race week.

Come on, forget the past and get behind it!

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Hi Guys,

Just for your info, the Optimists were started by a guy who has been behind the regatta since day 1. He ran around chasing sponsorship and managed to buy 10 boats. Weekend racing was put on by him and he personally contributed a lot. He even managed to take the top kids to other regattas and the kids were beating Phuket kids.

One day a few parents thought they could do it better. Formed a company, rented a shed and so on. This has since collapsed along with the kids sailing program. A real shame.

It is a shame to hear Samuians feel the regatta is not for them. From my point of view, it is a booster for business and timed well as it is low season. I see many boats around Samui that should be joining in but why don't they?

I have competed in the regatta since 2005. Back then I had never heard of Samui. Since then my mates in greater numbers every year have come back. All say it is one of the best and even better than Hamilton Island race week.

Come on, forget the past and get behind it!

Shame you're not in more of a controlling position, you seem to be switched on to things and with the right attitude. You could do a lot of good for the event. Unfortunately i feel it does come across as rather elitist and thats not entirely its own fault because yachting is somewhat of an elitist sport. Ask yourselves how many friends you have out there with a skippers license...not many i would think. And thats not the fault of the sport, more a case of just the way it is.

The main problem lies within in that possibly too many people currently involved with the regatta want to keep it elite and like it just the way it is.

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Carmine is correct - yachting (like F1) is an elitist sport (like F1). Elitist is posh speak for expensive.

They need sponsors with lots of money - difficult to find. Those sponsors are not likely to be the companies selling to the customers of Primart and Woolworths. These sports are not for the masses. Sponsors are more likely going to be companies selling to people who buy Rolls Royces, Porches, Jaeger-leCoultre, Dior etc

I once asked a friend to take me yachting as I wanted to try it. He said that before I went, I should open the windows in the bathroom, stand naked under a cold shower, in the middle of winter (in the UK) and tear up $100 notes.

IF I enjoyed that - then I might enjoy yachting. I never tried it.

Samui is aiming for the title "5 star Island" - with 5 star sports perhaps?

It is a shame. The youngsters' flotilla was great for the kids. One (or more) of them was even winning competitions in other parts of Thailand!

Is that one still going?

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John stall is a salty dog but when it comes to sailing and kids he is a blessing. Is he still alive and atvthevradewinds? I was told that joe at centar was also a great help in getting the regatta started.

John Stall aaka Cap’n Squall is alive and well at Tradewinds and is

working with the Navy on starting a new juniors sailing school at the new

marina/base at Nathon

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The regatta is not promoted at all around the island and seems indeed very elitist. The Idea I get is that the parties are the most important to everybody and the sailing is something you do during the daytime as a filler up.

If these parties are so great, why is nobody invited except participants, a great opportunity to get 'the island' involved (not only at the parties) but most of us are probably not 'posh' enough.

Although it's all happening in Chaweng, it seems to be a 'really far from my bed' affair.

I for one, would rather see that Bangkok Airways would continue to organize the Samui marathon, which they unfortunately puled the plug on.

Edited by limbos
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The regatta is not promoted at all around the island and seems indeed very elitist. The Idea I get is that the parties are the most important to everybody and the sailing is something you do during the daytime as a filler up. 

If these parties are so great, why is nobody invited except participants, a great opportunity to get 'the island' involved (not only at the parties) but most of us are probably not 'posh' enough.


Although it's all happening in Chaweng, it seems to be a 'really far from my bed' affair.


I for one, would rather see that Bangkok Airways would continue to organize the Samui marathon, which they unfortunately puled the plug on.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Open your eyes, i have seen billboards around the island advertising it.

The parties are for the competitors, they pay money for the tickets, i'm sure if you pay the money you could have tickets too. Maybe the organisers and competitors dont want the islands baloon chasers invading their parties.

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The regatta is not promoted at all around the island and seems indeed very elitist. The Idea I get is that the parties are the most important to everybody and the sailing is something you do during the daytime as a filler up.

If these parties are so great, why is nobody invited except participants, a great opportunity to get 'the island' involved (not only at the parties) but most of us are probably not 'posh' enough.

Although it's all happening in Chaweng, it seems to be a 'really far from my bed' affair.

I for one, would rather see that Bangkok Airways would continue to organize the Samui marathon, which they unfortunately puled the plug on.

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Open your eyes, i have seen billboards around the island advertising it.

The parties are for the competitors, they pay money for the tickets, i'm sure if you pay the money you could have tickets too. Maybe the organisers and competitors dont want the islands baloon chasers invading their parties.

Well I've not seen a sign regarding the regatta and I've been around most of the island three times this week.. admittedly I have not been in Chawang beach areas or Chong Meong.... I know that is the island to some! tongue.pngbiggrin.png

I saw these signs in Nathon, a worth while coarse... so going to post it here... wink.png (not worth a new thread... off topic I know! w00t.gif )... but!


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Well I've not seen a sign regarding the regatta and I've been around most of the island three times this week.. admittedly I have not been in Chawang beach areas or Chong Meong.... I know that is the island to some! tongue.png:D

I saw these signs in Nathon, a worth while coarse... so going to post it here... wink.png (not worth a new thread... off topic I know! w00t.gif )... but!


Honestly that is a much worthwhile cause / event then any regatta.
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I just re read that I wrote and spelling .w00t.gif... let's say I had a big C moment! ..... BIG-Cism biggrin.png

got it Rooo! just took a few minutes for the penny to drop! blink.png

Too much cheese Jimmy?


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  • 2 weeks later...

As I understand it the reason the billboards did not appear until three days before the regatta was due to the contract signed by Samui Triathalon and Mayor office was for the Triathalon billboards to stay for a month after the Triathalon.

As the Mayor office is in charge of public billboards the regatta committee was powerless. The Triathalon recieved over 10m Baht of tax payers money, the Samui regatta recieved nothing

Triathalon athletes received air fares, accomodation and guaranteed prize money

The regatta yachts arrive at their own expense - some owners providing 200k to 1m Baht to get their boats and crew accomodation plus an entrance fee of 17k Baht

They stay for two weeks and number up to 500 and spent 50m Baht on hotels, fuel, food, restaurants and bars

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I understand it the reason the billboards did not appear until three days before the regatta was due to the contract signed by Samui Triathalon and Mayor office was for the Triathalon billboards to stay for a month after the Triathalon.

As the Mayor office is in charge of public billboards the regatta committee was powerless. The Triathalon recieved over 10m Baht of tax payers money, the Samui regatta recieved nothing

Triathalon athletes received air fares, accomodation and guaranteed prize money

The regatta yachts arrive at their own expense - some owners providing 200k to 1m Baht to get their boats and crew accomodation plus an entrance fee of 17k Baht

They stay for two weeks and number up to 500 and spent 50m Baht on hotels, fuel, food, restaurants and bars

Well said Tornado40. I entered my sportsboat again this year; crew of 5. Two flew in from Australia and one from HK; so 1 small boat has 3 return international flights to Samui and 30 hotel room nights in Samui hotels, the other two crew are locals. Plus the regatta fees (THB 17000 per boat and THB 4500 per crew member), and beer, water, food etc.....I understand that the total number of room nights as a result of the regatta was 3000+, not bad in low season, and only Bangkok airways will know the revenue from flights. Yes it costs money to enter regatta and there is no prize money on offer so cash is important. I'm a Samui tax payer so why does the administration think it should completely ignore the Regatta which is a truely international event and give THB 10 m to the triathlon where athletes are paid to come here and race for cash?????

There were only 2, yes 2, Samui based boats competing all week......why were the others, all multihulls swinging on their anchors when they could have been racing; why indeed were they not offering a charter to watch the racing on the water?????

I have raced in 10 of the 12 Samui Regattas and this one was fun....friendly, competitive and 100% enjoyable; my crew are already preparing for next year's!

As for coments about parties; anyone who has raced yachts competitively will know all yachties want to do after a hard day on the water is get on the beach with some cold beer and food and relax......parties like Beach Republic are usually not well attended by the racers as it means being bussed there and back when they would rather stay in Chawaeng and chill out.....

I would like to see us get back to the monthly racing on Samui which we had a few years back; a weekend of racing with a BBQ after and a few beers.....anyone want to help get that back on the water???

Edited by MoonShadow
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A pity it's ignored, it gives a stigma that it's a closed shop. As you said it would be great to encourage some spectator

facilities / involvement might revive the interest in sailing.

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A pity it's ignored, it gives a stigma that it's a closed shop. As you said it would be great to encourage some spectator

facilities / involvement might revive the interest in sailing.

There is always the problem that often the racing takes place 5-6 miles off-shore.....not easy to spectate from the beach or even a headland!

Two things which could make it more spectator friendly are; a) spectator boats offering on the water views of the racing with some catering thrown in and a ticket for that days beach party where they can mix with the yachies, see the prize giving etc and cool.png moving the finish line closer inshore for all or some of the classes; Chawaeng bay is a great location and yes, the wind can be a bit variable in the bay but its the same for all boats and they have to come back there at the end of racing anyhow.

For sure the big IRC Zero boats would be better finishing offshore but the 40' ers and bareboat/cruising/sports boat and multihulls could have their own finish line in the bay. I'm going to suggest that but sadly I think it may be down to logistics as that will entail more mark/finish boats and committee members which cost $$$'s.....that why the regatta needs cash sponsorship......the more boats that enter the more cash there is and maybe if every Chawaeng hotel gave THB 10,000 from their petty cash too there would be another cash injection which would help bring the sailing closer to the public.

I too would like to see a sports boat class as we can race close inshore which is fun to watch.....

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MoonShadow, I think indeed that more general public involvement or opportunities to watch in some way are needed to lift the popularity among the 'general islander'. It still seems a bit 'elitist' to me.

Although I'm a runner myself, I do not quite understand why 10M Baht has been given to the triathlon, I can understand some funding but this seems a bit over done.

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MoonShadow, I think indeed that more general public involvement or opportunities to watch in some way are needed to lift the popularity among the 'general islander'. It still seems a bit 'elitist' to me.

Although I'm a runner myself, I do not quite understand why 10M Baht has been given to the triathlon, I can understand some funding but this seems a bit over done.

I'm also a runner, well a hasher, as well, but as you know there is practcally zero involvement by locals in the tri-athlon except as part of the support teams.....same as the regatta...???!!!

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That's not completely correct. Two weeks before the start of the triathlon, a team duathlon was introduced, one person running and one person cycling, since both activities are very popular on Samui but not the combination. This brought forward a lot of local, including Thai, participants in the Duathlon, especially considering the short notice of the race categories!

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