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Do You Support Thaksin?


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I must say this though, when the financial crisis happened (what 97?) he managed to pay back the massive debt very quickly using his own money /../

Did you just write what I think you did?

That is a myth. Don't fuel it.

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Lidsay, sorry but to the best of my knowledge Taksin didn't use a penny of his own money nor was the debt totally paid off, certain amounts were forgiven by the WMF. :o

As to if I support Taksin, inasmuch as I am not a Thai, it doesn't really matter. My opinion of the man and his party are not that much different than the protestors. Will Thailand be better off without Taksin, maybe yes, maybe no....... I am getting a little tired of Taksins wars on Drugs, Nightlife, Pornography the Internet, Breathing! :D

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I don't think I'd ever vote for Taksin, but he has done a lot of good things and has been a competent PM. Also, as the question was about what foreigners think, I think a lot of foreigners dislike him for the wrong reasons. They accuse him of xenophobia.. Really. Read up on what Sondhi's mob is shouting. They're the ones going on about 'selling out to foreigners', and worse.

Also I find the notion that a vocal segment of the Bangkok population can reasonably expect a PM, elected in a landslide victory just last year, to just resign quite preposterous. And even more preposterous I find the boycott of elections. You just don't DO that in a democracy, under the same consitution that the democrats helped write and actively campaigned for.

Just my 25 satang. I fully expect a lot of people to disagree. :o

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Britmaveric post#5

Mr T - hmmmmm wish he was booted out via an electoral process. Smart businessmen who's self serving, but he has done alot for the poor considering in the past this wasnt a concern for the usual suspects.

Concise comment. I agree, except I tend to lean toward supporting Thaksin. It looks like there has been tangible, long term good done here in the Isaan. The Isaan people are so far behind in education, economy and even health that it would take a long painstaking process to improve their lot. I think the PM has taken some positive steps toward that end. I am still learning though. Is it good that every house in the village now has a cell phone? I think so. Would it have been better if there would have been a landline? Probably - but that's because I use the internet. Cell phones are more handy if you are out in the rice field. Short sighted, self serving policies? I am still learning.

Since it is the responsibility of the Thai citizens to make these decisions, I wish that there had been a normal election with all parties participating. The opposition is now campaigning for people to choose "no vote". That seems rather unproductive. IMHO the voters should have had the opportunity to vote for Democrat, Chart Thai, etc.... Even if they could not win they might have come in as larger minority parties.

Leftcross post#9

i, like the vast majority of thais, support thaksin.

i wasn't all that keen before but after weeks and weeks of seeing a small unrepresentative mob trying to oust the democratically elected PM i've started to take his side.

the sondhi lot lost all credibility when they refused to take part in the april 2 election.

it's a good things thais are so calm or the people who voted thaksin in would have confronted the anti mob by now. they must be getting very annoyed that these people are trying to force out the man they voted for.

There has been a lot of comment on this post. Many comments using the old argument "The Thaksin supporters might be the majority, but they're uneducated - and furthermore you must be uneducated yourself if you think that way, etc..." A majority is still a majority. From living in the Isaan I see that this is not the intellectual capital of the world, but their vote still ought to count. From watching the PAD and the opposition, they don't look to me like rocket scientists either.

Of course Sondhi and Chamlang were never planning to stand for election, but it looks to me like there is a strong association between the PAD and the opposition parties. We should all keep their names and functions straight, but to generalize the two groups in their ideology is not that far off.

Edited by Bryan in Isaan
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My wife will vote in this election but will tick the no vote box; she will go to the polling booth so as not to be conspicuous by her absence

In previous elections she has like many others had taken money for the same reason and then voted for her candidate.

The constitution stipulates that a candidate must be a member of a political party for 90 days before an election and Taksin did not use his money to repay the IMF.

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i think the anti-thaksin mob should also realise that their undemocratic protest has drawn widespread criticism around the world.

they had a lot of support for their cause until thaksin called their bluff with the election.

it went something like this.........

sondhi's mob: thaksin out, thaksin out. the people want thaksin out. nobody wants you any more

thaksin: ok, let's have an election so people can choose who they want

sondhi's mob: errrrr. well when we said 'the people want you out' we didn't mean ALL the people. we just meant an unrepresentative minority!

thaksin: but all democracy's are built on elections

sondhi's mob: we don't care. we went to shout at emporium yesterday and now we are going to siam paragon. we are going to let the shopping malls know we don't like you.

thaksin (and the majority of thais who voted him in and will do so again): yawn

Edited by leftcross
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i think the anti-thaksin mob should also realise that their undemocratic protest has drawn widespread criticism around the world.

undemocratic protest? I thought thats an democratic right?

Widespread criticism: where did you find them, please provide a source

they had a lot of support for their cause until thaksin called their bluff with the election.

it went something like this.........

sondhi's mob: thaksin out, thaksin out. the people want thaksin out. nobody wants you any more

thaksin: ok, let's have an election so people can choose who they want

thaksin: OK I have the money and the power, lets have an election so fast, that the other parties does not have time to be prepared. Lets controll the TV, so noone knows about other options than TRT and oh shi*t I have to give money for the buffalos to vote for me again, say 300 Baht per person, but no problem in just 2 month of beeing premier I get the money back......

sondhi's mob: errrrr. well when we said 'the people want you out' we didn't mean ALL the people. we just meant an unrepresentative minority!

just 80-90 % of the educated people, yeah just forget about the business owner, the doctors, the theacher, they are in the minority. They are so problematic, why they can't be bought for 300Baht

thaksin: but all democracy's are built on elections

and you will not see any others than my face on TV, don't forget I gave you 300 Baht for this vote

sondhi's mob: we don't care. we went to shout at emporium yesterday and now we are going to siam paragon. we are going to let the shopping malls know we don't like you.

thaksin (and the majority of thais who voted him in and will do so again): yawn

Edited by h90
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Nowadays poor people who make virtually nothing are spending excessive amounts of money on cellphones every year as a result of the big cellphone push in Thailand.

That's like blaming Foodland and Villa for keeping people "poor" by keeping their shelves well stocked with enticing goods. If people are spending more than they should be on *insert goods or service here*, they only have themselves to blame.


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My wife will vote in this election but will tick the no vote box; she will go to the polling booth so as not to be conspicuous by her absence

Surely she knows that a "no vote" actually helps Thaksin, yes? Only a literal no vote (not going to vote) will be an effective anti-TRT vote in the upcoming election.


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i think the anti-thaksin mob should also realise that their undemocratic protest has drawn widespread criticism around the world.

they had a lot of support for their cause until thaksin called their bluff with the election.

it went something like this.........

sondhi's mob: thaksin out, thaksin out. the people want thaksin out. nobody wants you any more

thaksin: ok, let's have an election so people can choose who they want

sondhi's mob: errrrr. well when we said 'the people want you out' we didn't mean ALL the people. we just meant an unrepresentative minority!

thaksin: but all democracy's are built on elections

sondhi's mob: we don't care. we went to shout at emporium yesterday and now we are going to siam paragon. we are going to let the shopping malls know we don't like you.

thaksin (and the majority of thais who voted him in and will do so again): yawn

Good post.

After the election, the opposition will find the number of protestors getting pitifully smaller and smaller. At least they can hide the small size by protesting at Paragon :o

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Although what I think about the Thai govt. or its opposition is fairly irrelevent since I can't vote; like everyone else I am entitled to my opinion and listen to the opinions of Thai people around me.

Like every government the Taksin government has it's flaws but what I find more frightening is that a band of people can take to the streets and make so many demands. First of all we see a band of people many of whom have personal disputes with the government and those in it. Then the opposition joins the bandwagon maybe sensing they can gain some ground as these protestors seem to have a fairly primitive political agenda.

For those that would like to read up a bit on the history of this conflict, there are a couple of good links here:

Asiaweek 1995

Journalist blog

Looking at the government and the opposition I wouldn't like to say anyone is "right" or "wrong" (they all have their flaws) but for everyone's interest they must face up to the reality of the situation and try and work within the "system" to the best of their ability.

Certainly people in the provinces are tired of seeing personal rivalries in Bangkok ruining the country.

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i think the anti-thaksin mob should also realise that their undemocratic protest has drawn widespread criticism around the world.

Please explain how it is undemocratic to protest; I thought one of the best things about democracy is that you ARE allowed to protest? Also... please show me this widespread criticism; I see that while people are concerned about the effect of the protest, the media have also been pleased to see the lawful nature of it; no looting, riots etc. Rather a peaceful way so far.

they had a lot of support for their cause until thaksin called their bluff with the election.

it went something like this.........

sondhi's mob: thaksin out, thaksin out. the people want thaksin out. nobody wants you any more

thaksin: ok, let's have an election so people can choose who they want

sondhi's mob: errrrr. well when we said 'the people want you out' we didn't mean ALL the people. we just meant an unrepresentative minority!

thaksin: but all democracy's are built on elections

sondhi's mob: we don't care. we went to shout at emporium yesterday and now we are going to siam paragon. we are going to let the shopping malls know we don't like you.

thaksin (and the majority of thais who voted him in and will do so again): yawn

Well, obviously Sonhi's mob wanted to persuade him to resign and he did call their bluff, but in a poison pill kind of way, by offering a snap election without giving an opportunity for MPs who are part of TRT to leave his party. In effect like me saying to you, OK, let's debate this, but you only have 3 seconds to reply. I think he played it astutedly, BUT realistically the opposition parties (of which Sondhi IS NOT one!) have felt that they cannot allow TRT to get a 'mandate' to continue running things. Bear in mind this is NOT like a normal election; were things allowed to run to the end of the cycle you would have seen a significant exodus of TRT factions and he would not get into power. By not allowing 90+ days to kick in, the snap election is a pointless waste of everyone's time.

Each party has their own view on what action (if any) the Privy Council might take, and this has been part of each side's strategy based on what they thought might happen. Your version is quite a way off from how either side thinks things will turn out.

What TRT have been able to exploit is the voter's lack of knowledge on this, and the Democrats have yet again totally screwed up explaining why they are doing what they are doing. The opposition feel that there is every chance the election will be voided, and i suspect they are right; there is proof that TRT have been paying other parties to stand and that the 500 seats will not be filled. The senate may not support the new govt formed and may block all legislature, effectively grinding things to a halt. All this is worth it is it JUST to allow one man (who his own economic advisors are telling me stopped listening to them 2 years ago) to continue to run things? I feel if he was slightly less arrogant, he would have given 100 days, let some people change parties, and he still would have won; he has the north in the bag and he can outspend anyone else in Isaan (where money politics reign supreme). My own family have been asked (due to one relative) to distribute 10million baht to certain village chiefs for this purpose for instance. He outspends to get in, then keeps the villagers happy with a number of good ideas (2 terribly executed and one fairly well done) - debt forgiveness, 30 baht health care, OTOP; then a number of outright bribes to key influencers - free phones to teachers, free money to chiefs, free taxis and prizes to taxi drivers; and so on. It is highly debateable whether the policies for poor have helped or hurt the poor. Many things such as world rubber prices and Chuan's policies to get the country back on track have probably done more than any of the initiatives - ask someone how 30b healthcare really works for instance, it is a crock.

A few major political pawns leading to nothing (elite card, war on dark forces, 20b price control on the tollway, diesel price fixing) uses country money to make him look like a Robin Hood, while he has signed FTAs, done deals, and misled, so he and his group can get rich; his control of the media ensures that most of this is not disclosed, but it is starting to come out now. He has funded this through selling the country assets (and wishes to continue to do so with EGAT which WILL get sold in his next term) at bargain prices to himself and various other connected Thais with a few foriegners chucked in there.

I admire him greatly for his ability to get votes; but then again most spending leaders get elected at the expense of frugal leaders. Add to that his attitude and ability to appeal to the rural poor (who account for most of the votes) and I think he could have got back in legitimately and fairly had he just said, 100 days; I hear the voices of this group. I also admire him greatly for his business acumen during a period of regulation and control; say what you will, but there are a specific set of skills required, some legal some not, required to operate in a 'being deregulated' environment. He understands and has played these 'hands' well - much like Enron and others overseas.

The opposition are in disarray, and would not have beaten him with 100 days notice i suspect.

Instead, he will get in technically legitimately, but he has failed to silence his critics, and they will continue *democratically* complaining. And there is SO MUCH material they can bring up, eventually he could be a Marcos type character in a worst case scenario.

Without understanding the issues here, if is difficult to see why the opposition have done what they have done. All this would have been quite avoidable if:

- the PM wasn't leading a corrupt administration

- the PM gave 100 days to the next election

- there was a true democracy in place with a population capable of electing representatives based on their own feelings rather than money and instructions (and thus a likelihood of proper MPs rather than the current situation which includes kids and relatives of mobsters plus major business families)

instead, the opposition have only one real choice to boycott ,and hope for either intervention from a higher power, a null result or a result that ends up bringing the country to a grinding halt and forcing a true election.

There is some heartache to come, but it may be worth it if it can bring Thailand to a more modern form of democracy with less money politics.

There is much to be said for Singapore's approach; and you'll note that areas like Isaan would not be given a vote until they had the ability to choose a party; my family are from Isaan and they will be the first to say that the villagers vote for the person giving them money for a party plus a headman telling them who to vote for.

This being the case, I fail to see that democracy is working, at least in that area.

BTW the south?! You have 3 provinces with unrest, and several with out. After the balls up from TRT in managing the south (relationships are the worst they have been since I can recall) are you surprised that TRT cannot penetrate this area/!!!!!

Edited by steveromagnino
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Some excellent points Steve.

I don't agree with it all but I think we both agree that there is no credible opposition to Thaksin.

In that respect the protest is a waste of time.

When governments are toppled they are done so by rivals who believe they can do a better job. They are not usually brought down by yellow-clad mob who sit outside shopping malls whining about how much they hate the PM.

You are right the protest is democratic, I chose my words poorly. I meant the aims of the protest are undemocratic. They don't want a vote, they don't offer an alternative and they only represent a minority.

The 90 day point is interesting but I also believe that Thaksin would sweep the board no matter how much notice he got because the opposition are so poor.

As for vote buying .... is it much different to politicians promising to cut taxes in the West etc? That is always a big vote winner. Sure, they aren't physically handing you money but it's the nearest thing.

You mention a 'higher power' intervening. Would that higher power be prepared to go against what the majority of Thais want?? I think it is very unfair that the higher power is being dragged into this.

The ballot box is the only way to settle political issues otherwise you have the bedlam that is going on in the muslim south.

Mob rule cannot overthrow the majority.

Edited by leftcross
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My wife will vote in this election but will tick the no vote box; she will go to the polling booth so as not to be conspicuous by her absence

Surely she knows that a "no vote" actually helps Thaksin, yes? Only a literal no vote (not going to vote) will be an effective anti-TRT vote in the upcoming election.


sorry I do not understand how ticking the no vote box or spoiling your ballot paper helps Taksin.

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I meant the aims of the protest are undemocratic. They don't want a vote, they don't offer an alternative and they only represent a minority.

The 90 day point is interesting but I also believe that Thaksin would sweep the board no matter how much notice he got because the opposition are so poor.

As for vote buying .... is it much different to politicians promising to cut taxes in the West etc? That is always a big vote winner. Sure, they aren't physically handing you money but it's the nearest thing.

You mention a 'higher power' intervening. Would that higher power be prepared to go against what the majority of Thais want?? I think it is very unfair that the higher power is being dragged into this.

The ballot box is the only way to settle political issues otherwise you have the bedlam that is going on in the muslim south.

Mob rule cannot overthrow the majority.

Yep, if it is this terminology, then certainly, yes, the protests are having problems, because there really is not a credible opposition at the moment.

I would argue that, generally, the liberal parties of the world love to tax the rich and so on because they know that the rich only get one vote and middle classes/poor get lots more votes. It is a very shortsighted way to run things, and generally every few years a fiscally conservative party is required to sort out the mess; as per NZ in 1984 when the previously left wing labour party privatised everything and reduced taxes and benefits; or as per Thailand in 1997 when Chuan got in and introduced a bunch of market liberalisation measures. Or most republicans in USA (although not the current one, who is also a spend spend spend kind of guy, although on just things for him and his mates). In this regard, one could argue that TRT are no different with policy that favours the poor in some ways while long term damaging the country in that we cannot pay for it. On the other hand, vote buying is illegal, but they do that; everyone does it in Isaan. And then TRT also got in for BKK with the TAMC program and reducing barriers to a recovery; and all the money they threw at the poor ends up in BKK's pockets.

That can only last so long, as the oil prices have really hurt TRT I think; the honeymoon is over somewhat....

you have to remember that TRT is not really a party so much as a coalition of factions. Your point regarding 90 days.... IF TRT do not have Wang Nam Yen faction (Ba Sanoh), I think that is about 5-10 MPs (previuosly it was 50, but some defected to TRT) ...If they do not have Sonthaya Khunplum's crowd from Chonburi that is maybe another 10. Suriya & Somsak have their faction almost 100 MPs.

So you are talking about enough MPs jumping ship; let's assume the vote stayed exactly the same... these factions could join with Democrats (as some of them did in 1997) and form a govt ok.

If promised enough of the tea money, these groups would all jump, as all 3 are not happy with the treatment they have received lately.

If we look at BKK, TRT won most of it last time; this time they will hold just maybe half the seats; even our TRT guy from our business may not be able to hold his seat (but probably will be ok).

So...this is why the 90 day thing means a lot. If these factions went to another party, say Chart Pattana or something, then it would be creditable to have a new govt.

but sadly, it would be all the same crooks running things; just the biggest crook would not be joining them :o

The higher powers are considering carefully what to do and the privvy councillors likewise; nothing happens by accident and that is why you haven't seen Ba Prem hanging around Emporium etc etc; yet at the same time there was a well timed speech prior to the election announcement.

The mob are looking for resignation from a man they feel is useless. They do not necessarily hate TRT and some actually like SOME of the people in TRT such as Somkid and Sudarat. They feel the leader is morally bankrupt and should leave. That is their right, but I feel that having a credable opposition woudl mean electing TRT out; as TRT can only exist with a very rich person's patronage; it is a hugely expensive operation to run all that vote buying, MP buying and so on; having done that only a very rich person with the connections to get support from large Thai Chinese business families could probably run such an organisation; if there is no Taksin, I guess TRT will fall to pieces within a year.

BTW A no vote is the only way to go, otherwise you risk losing benefits derived from voting.

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In that respect the protest is a waste of time.

different than a year ago, people openly say that they don't like Toxin, they discuss it and are not afraid anymore

When governments are toppled they are done so by rivals who believe they can do a better job. They are not usually brought down by yellow-clad mob who sit outside shopping malls whining about how much they hate the PM.

not learned much history or? A lot of gouverments were brought down by mob in the history, but another fact is that what came after was between a lot worse and just a little bit better, but never that what people dreamed off.

You are right the protest is democratic, I chose my words poorly. I meant the aims of the protest are undemocratic. They don't want a vote, they don't offer an alternative and they only represent a minority.


The 90 day point is interesting but I also believe that Thaksin would sweep the board no matter how much notice he got because the opposition are so poor.

agree to that, the opposition is neither popular nor rich enough

As for vote buying .... is it much different to politicians promising to cut taxes in the West etc? That is always a big vote winner. Sure, they aren't physically handing you money but it's the nearest thing.

sad but true, but there were also votes were the opposition told to increase taxes and won, or cases were other could show that these presents are only populistic and the people did not accept that (else every vote would be just a "I cut the taxes more".

On the other hand, at least in Austria I never saw a car with speaker telling me vote me, come I give you 200 Euro, that is sure a lot worse style than promising tax cut.

You mention a 'higher power' intervening. Would that higher power be prepared to go against what the majority of Thais want?? I think it is very unfair that the higher power is being dragged into this.

100 % agree we should not discuss what the higher power might do or not do, thats really unfair

The ballot box is the only way to settle political issues otherwise you have the bedlam that is going on in the muslim south.

you might not understood that even in the south only a minority are muslim and from them only a minority are really hardcore muslim. The buddhists in the south do not like Thaksin. South is not muslim! Only three (they call it cities but I guess provinces is better) are muslims, and most of them are friendly people drinking their chang beer the same as the buddhists. There is no real fight of religion there.

Mob rule cannot overthrow the majority.

can you explain that??? Often in history a mob overthrow the majority, why cannot???

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Don't post in block capitals:it is considered rude.And while I'm at it, try and write grammatical English."No bashing about" is illiterate and sloppy.The whole point of writing clear English is so that others know exactly what you mean.It is not a question of being pedantic or seeking to find fault.If clear English is not used there is a problem with interpretation of meaning as I am afraid is the case with your rather post.If you are not up to a minimum standard of clear expression, with the greatest respect, you had better reconsider your position as a moderator.

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As for not filling every seat, if I recall Thaksin said that wouldnt be a problem. What I forsee is those seats not filled, probably special elections will occur. Trust me someone will eventually fill those seats if it comes to it.

Brit ... not seating a new Parlaiment for how long?

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I don't know if you ever heared or not, but yes THERE ARE COUNTRIES OUTSIDE USA AND UK.

They speak some weired things, it is called french, german, dutch, japanese or even thai, but there are rumours that there are even more of that.

These people might have problems with english, what does not mean that they are stupid, there are russian rocket scientiests who does not speak one word english.

So if there are problems feel free to ask back what she/he meant, maybe help in finding the right words and think of how good you would do at a russian, japanese, persian or german forum.


Don't post in block capitals:it is considered rude.And while I'm at it, try and write grammatical English."No bashing about" is illiterate and sloppy.The whole point of writing clear English is so that others know exactly what you mean.It is not a question of being pedantic or seeking to find fault.If clear English is not used there is a problem with interpretation of meaning as I am afraid is the case with your rather post.If you are not up to a minimum standard of clear expression, with the greatest respect, you had better reconsider your position as a moderator.

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As for not filling every seat, if I recall Thaksin said that wouldnt be a problem. What I forsee is those seats not filled, probably special elections will occur. Trust me someone will eventually fill those seats if it comes to it.

Brit ... not seating a new Parlaiment for how long?

Who knows? :o But by the PM comments he didnt look that concerned about this, who knows perhaps he has more in his bag of tricks yet unrevealed. :D

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Don't post in block capitals:it is considered rude.And while I'm at it, try and write grammatical English."No bashing about" is illiterate and sloppy.The whole point of writing clear English is so that others know exactly what you mean.It is not a question of being pedantic or seeking to find fault.If clear English is not used there is a problem with interpretation of meaning as I am afraid is the case with your rather post.If you are not up to a minimum standard of clear expression, with the greatest respect, you had better reconsider your position as a moderator.

Could you please put a space between the full-stop and the first letter of the following sentence - very sloppy!

I consider that post VERY RUDE.

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QUOTE(boppia @ 2006-03-26 02:00:57)

Nowadays poor people who make virtually nothing are spending excessive amounts of money on cellphones every year as a result of the big cellphone push in Thailand.

That's like blaming Foodland and Villa for keeping people "poor" by keeping their shelves well stocked with enticing goods. If people are spending more than they should be on *insert goods or service here*, they only have themselves to blame.

They don't lend you brainwash you with adverts and then lend you the money to shop there.

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I don't know if you ever heared or not, but yes THERE ARE COUNTRIES OUTSIDE USA AND UK.

They speak some weired things, it is called french, german, dutch, japanese or even thai, but there are rumours that there are even more of that.

These people might have problems with english, what does not mean that they are stupid, there are russian rocket scientiests who does not speak one word english.

So if there are problems feel free to ask back what she/he meant, maybe help in finding the right words and think of how good you would do at a russian, japanese, persian or german forum.


Don't post in block capitals:it is considered rude.And while I'm at it, try and write grammatical English."No bashing about" is illiterate and sloppy.The whole point of writing clear English is so that others know exactly what you mean.It is not a question of being pedantic or seeking to find fault.If clear English is not used there is a problem with interpretation of meaning as I am afraid is the case with your rather post.If you are not up to a minimum standard of clear expression, with the greatest respect, you had better reconsider your position as a moderator.

Don't attempt sarcasm if you have an unsure grasp of the language as I am afraid, as on this occasion , it will misfire.Thai Visa is an English language forum and although nobody expects all members to have perfect English, clarity of expression is important.Slovenly and obscure language, eg "no bashing about" especially from those with a responsibility for administration will be rebuked.Please could offenders pull their socks up.

If I was a member of a Russian, Persian, Japanese, Thai or German forum where my mother tomgue was not in use, I would do my level best to achieve a level where I could make a clear and useful contribution.I would not make arrogant and embarrassing posts wondering how well members would perform in a language that was not used by the forum.

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If I was a member of a Russian, Persian, Japanese, Thai or German forum where my mother tomgue was not in use, I would do my level best to achieve a level where I could make a clear and useful contribution.

So how is your mother tomgue doing anyways? Is she getting on alright? :o

Back on topic, is there any kind of source available for a neophyte trying to understand Thai politics? Preferably something that breaks down the electoral process (seats available, ridings, etc.) with a brief outline of the contemporary parties? Thanks in advance.

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Personally... I don't like him and all that he stands for... but up here in CM he is as poular as ever with the locals from what I have seen and heard... probably because this is his City of birth and he has done a lot for the place


PS I am not into Thai politics because what we think counts for nothing anyway!

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Don't attempt sarcasm if you have an unsure grasp of the language as I am afraid, as on this occasion , it will misfire.Thai Visa is an English language forum and although nobody expects all members to have perfect English, clarity of expression is important.Slovenly and obscure language, eg "no bashing about" especially from those with a responsibility for administration will be rebuked.Please could offenders pull their socks up.

If I was a member of a Russian, Persian, Japanese, Thai or German forum where my mother tomgue was not in use, I would do my level best to achieve a level where I could make a clear and useful contribution.I would not make arrogant and embarrassing posts wondering how well members would perform in a language that was not used by the forum.

Do you ever post in the Thai language section?

I'd love to see you try to post if Thai is not your native tongue.

Go on, you live in Thailand - give it a go.

Do really think TV should only be for those with knowledge of the finer nuances of english?

How would they ever learn?

I bet you know how to order a bottle of Barcardi in Thai?

What would you think if Thais were in England and could only speak English equivalent to you level of Thai? :o

Edited by Neeranam
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Thailand has a history of incapable and corrupt governments. I don't support Thaksin, but I am sure we'll not get much better after Thaksin. So, I don't see any reason to make him resign in an undemocratic way.

Edited by kriswillems
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