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Sweden Reinforcing Police In Riot-Hit Stockholm


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Sweden reinforcing police in riot-hit Stockholm

STOCKHOLM: -- Reinforcements of specially trained police are being sent to Stockholm after five nights of unprecedented rioting in the capital's suburbs.

Police officers are being sent from the cities of Gothenburg and Malmo, both of which saw rioting in recent years, a spokesman told BBC News.

"They are trained and educated for the police tasks going on in Stockholm," Kjell Lindgren said.

Several schools and scores of cars have been burnt in Stockholm this week.

The nightly riots began on Sunday in the north-western suburb of Husby, a deprived, largely immigrant area. It is believed they were sparked by the death of a man nearly a week before, who was shot by police after he allegedly threatened to kill them with a machete.

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-22656657


-- BBC 2013-05-25

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At least the police shot the guy before he had a chance to do the same as the guy in London.

From the linked article, "Police have tried to calm the situation by speaking to community leaders, such as in mosques."

Sounds familiar.

Better first read up here, before you comment again


The 69 year old Portugese man was confronted earlier by MUSLIM youths and mistook the police for being the returning youths.

May be it would have been better if they had let him roam free with his machete for a while.

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The rioting kids say they have been offered and received money from the tabloids Expressen and Aftonbladet, to take pictures and videos of themselves while burning cars and causing mayhem. Great journalism! The eqivalent of 30000 Baht must sound pretty good to a kid with zero income.

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The rioting kids say they have been offered and received money from the tabloids Expressen and Aftonbladet, to take pictures and videos of themselves while burning cars and causing mayhem. Great journalism! The eqivalent of 30000 Baht must sound pretty good to a kid with zero income.

Darwinism at it's best. I hope the government uses the pictures as evidence to expell them from the country

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What we're seeing is the end days.. bwah ha ha ha ... No, I'm just pulling your weinie.. what we're seeing is a widening chasm of the have and have nots. The whole world is being affected by this economy.. worse than I've ever seen it. Greed is the main cause. Back in the day, those with money used to contribute to their communities, now they hoard it. There seems to be no feelings of helping your neighbors anymore. It's world wide. Think about it.. How many CEO's are really worth a 20 - 30 million dollar bonus? How big a house do you need to live in? How many cars do you really need? How much is too much? Of course it seems our governments aren't any help.. Politicians are as greedy as these CEO's. It's beyond time to take a step back and say, how can I help those in need. We raise enough food in this world to feed everyone. If we really tried, we could put every able bodied person to work. IF we really tried, we could fix these problems.. Why are we having all these problems with Islam? Do you think maybe it's because they don't have anything, and no chance to get anything.. No chance to feed their families. No chance to hold their heads up with decent work? Yes, those teachers at the madrass's are partialy to blame. Poverty and lack of self esteem also is to blame. Ignoring their plight is also to blame. I'm not going to go into what I think about Islam. But ignoring the problem is not going to help. What's that old saying, give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, teach him to fish and etc and etc. Anyway, that's just my thinking. coffee1.gif

Edited by metisdead
Font! Stop posting in Itallics.
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What we're seeing is the end days.. bwah ha ha ha ... No, I'm just pulling your weinie.. what we're seeing is a widening chasm of the have and have nots. The whole world is being affected by this economy.. worse than I've ever seen it. Greed is the main cause. Back in the day, those with money used to contribute to their communities, now they hoard it. There seems to be no feelings of helping your neighbors anymore. It's world wide. Think about it.. How many CEO's are really worth a 20 - 30 million dollar bonus? How big a house do you need to live in? How many cars do you really need? How much is too much? Of course it seems our governments aren't any help.. Politicians are as greedy as these CEO's. It's beyond time to take a step back and say, how can I help those in need. We raise enough food in this world to feed everyone. If we really tried, we could put every able bodied person to work. IF we really tried, we could fix these problems.. Why are we having all these problems with Islam? Do you think maybe it's because they don't have anything, and no chance to get anything.. No chance to feed their families. No chance to hold their heads up with decent work? Yes, those teachers at the madrass's are partialy to blame. Poverty and lack of self esteem also is to blame. Ignoring their plight is also to blame. I'm not going to go into what I think about Islam. But ignoring the problem is not going to help. What's that old saying, give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, teach him to fish and etc and etc. Anyway, that's just my thinking. coffee1.gif

So you are saying that rioting is caused by people with money? You are saying that the reason we are having problems with some Muslims is poverty?

The Saudis who support terrorists are impoverished? Libya's Gadaffi who sponsored the explosion of Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie Scotland clear back in 1988 was impoverished? Osama Bin Laden who's father was one of the wealthiest men in Saudi Arabia, and who was himself worth at least $100 million USD was impoverished?

If poverty and haves-have-nots is the problem, why wasn't blood flowing in the streets worldwide during the Great Depression of the 1930's?

Sorry, but this terrorism goes back decades and is fueled by religious zealotry. It is supported by the wealthy who share the zealotry, believing that all infidels must die. It's not "all rich must die." It is "all infidels must die."

If everyone listened to your ideas, we all might just get out bred and overrun and die in our own poverty. We have to admit that there are crazy people out there who want to kill us, and stop them.

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I just don't understand why most European
countries allowed them to live here in such huge numbers! In Sweden, Holland,
Belgium, France, Germany, UK, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, they have become a
huge and aggressive minority who have more rights that the Europeans! In Sweden
if you dare to say something negative about Islam you can lose your job, you
are considered a fascist, extremist, etc.

In many parts of Western Europe you don't feel like in Europe anymore. They
have transformed nice neighborhoods in ghettos where you only hear Arabic
language, see mosques, dangerous places, and the worst is they act like they
belong there.

I hope that it will come one day when European leaders will wake up and send
all Muslims in their home countries and...

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What we're seeing is the end days.. bwah ha ha ha ... No, I'm just pulling your weinie.. what we're seeing is a widening chasm of the have and have nots. The whole world is being affected by this economy.. worse than I've ever seen it. Greed is the main cause. Back in the day, those with money used to contribute to their communities, now they hoard it. There seems to be no feelings of helping your neighbors anymore. It's world wide. Think about it.. How many CEO's are really worth a 20 - 30 million dollar bonus? How big a house do you need to live in? How many cars do you really need? How much is too much? Of course it seems our governments aren't any help.. Politicians are as greedy as these CEO's. It's beyond time to take a step back and say, how can I help those in need. We raise enough food in this world to feed everyone. If we really tried, we could put every able bodied person to work. IF we really tried, we could fix these problems.. Why are we having all these problems with Islam? Do you think maybe it's because they don't have anything, and no chance to get anything.. No chance to feed their families. No chance to hold their heads up with decent work? Yes, those teachers at the madrass's are partialy to blame. Poverty and lack of self esteem also is to blame. Ignoring their plight is also to blame. I'm not going to go into what I think about Islam. But ignoring the problem is not going to help. What's that old saying, give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, teach him to fish and etc and etc. Anyway, that's just my thinking. coffee1.gif

Shouldn't each country take care of it's own ?

Most of the Muslim countries are much richer than any western country, because most of them have oil.

I think our governments have been generous enough to these people in the past decades. In my country, they get free housing, social security, unemployment benefits and so much more on their arrival.

I've never got free housing in my own country, let's stand in countries I considered to move to.

But the least they could do in return is obey to the laws of their host country, instead of issueing their own laws.

The problem lays much deeper, and I dare to say that it lays with one particular super power, who has continiously ignited and secretly financially sponsored protests and rebellion in the Muslim countries, only to get hold of the oil wealth they possess. You reap what you sow

But then we are back at the first line of my post.

Shouldn't each country take care of it's own ?

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I just don't understand why most European

countries allowed them to live here in such huge numbers! In Sweden, Holland,

Belgium, France, Germany, UK, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, they have become a

huge and aggressive minority who have more rights that the Europeans! In Sweden

if you dare to say something negative about Islam you can lose your job, you

are considered a fascist, extremist, etc.

In many parts of Western Europe you don't feel like in Europe anymore. They

have transformed nice neighborhoods in ghettos where you only hear Arabic

language, see mosques, dangerous places, and the worst is they act like they

belong there.

I hope that it will come one day when European leaders will wake up and send

all Muslims in their home countries and...

With the socialist bias of most European countries, the leaders bend over backwards to try and accommodate every special interest group, hoping over time all groups will assimilate and accept their host country's customs. The problem is that Muslims do not integrate well and are violent when not catered to. There is no civilized way to address the situation, as in much the way radical Muslims don't assimilate, they don't negotiate or compromise either. So you have 2nd and 3rd generation native-born Muslim radicals in these countries, tearing them apart from the inside.

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It seems the nations that take in foreign immigrants are punished by the non-contributors. Massive deportation would quell the incidents in that beautiful city, but then the world opinion and those crybabies who tout rights would have their bowels in an uproar. Time to put a moratorium on immigration for sure.

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I just don't understand why most European

countries allowed them to live here in such huge numbers! In Sweden, Holland,

Belgium, France, Germany, UK, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, they have become a

huge and aggressive minority who have more rights that the Europeans! In Sweden

if you dare to say something negative about Islam you can lose your job, you

are considered a fascist, extremist, etc.

In many parts of Western Europe you don't feel like in Europe anymore. They

have transformed nice neighborhoods in ghettos where you only hear Arabic

language, see mosques, dangerous places, and the worst is they act like they

belong there.

I hope that it will come one day when European leaders will wake up and send

all Muslims in their home countries and...

With the socialist bias of most European countries, the leaders bend over backwards to try and accommodate every special interest group, hoping over time all groups will assimilate and accept their host country's customs. The problem is that Muslims do not integrate well and are violent when not catered to. There is no civilized way to address the situation, as in much the way radical Muslims don't assimilate, they don't negotiate or compromise either. So you have 2nd and 3rd generation native-born Muslim radicals in these countries, tearing them apart from the inside.

They must have learned from the minority groups that do riots in America. They use a racial incident to instigate and inflame their violence to gain free things, and it works as the politicians are very anxious to hand out our money.

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What we're seeing is the end days.. bwah ha ha ha ... No, I'm just pulling your weinie.. what we're seeing is a widening chasm of the have and have nots. The whole world is being affected by this economy.. worse than I've ever seen it. Greed is the main cause. Back in the day, those with money used to contribute to their communities, now they hoard it. There seems to be no feelings of helping your neighbors anymore. It's world wide. Think about it.. How many CEO's are really worth a 20 - 30 million dollar bonus? How big a house do you need to live in? How many cars do you really need? How much is too much? Of course it seems our governments aren't any help.. Politicians are as greedy as these CEO's. It's beyond time to take a step back and say, how can I help those in need. We raise enough food in this world to feed everyone. If we really tried, we could put every able bodied person to work. IF we really tried, we could fix these problems.. Why are we having all these problems with Islam? Do you think maybe it's because they don't have anything, and no chance to get anything.. No chance to feed their families. No chance to hold their heads up with decent work? Yes, those teachers at the madrass's are partialy to blame. Poverty and lack of self esteem also is to blame. Ignoring their plight is also to blame. I'm not going to go into what I think about Islam. But ignoring the problem is not going to help. What's that old saying, give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, teach him to fish and etc and etc. Anyway, that's just my thinking. coffee1.gif

Shouldn't each country take care of it's own ?

Most of the Muslim countries are much richer than any western country, because most of them have oil.

I think our governments have been generous enough to these people in the past decades. In my country, they get free housing, social security, unemployment benefits and so much more on their arrival.

I've never got free housing in my own country, let's stand in countries I considered to move to.

But the least they could do in return is obey to the laws of their host country, instead of issueing their own laws.

The problem lays much deeper, and I dare to say that it lays with one particular super power, who has continiously ignited and secretly financially sponsored protests and rebellion in the Muslim countries, only to get hold of the oil wealth they possess. You reap what you sow

But then we are back at the first line of my post.

Shouldn't each country take care of it's own ?

That's one of the problems.. Those Muslim countries are not taking care of their own. They are letting them live in poverty and blaming us. Then those muslim immigrants come to our countries, with no job skills, virtually no education, can't get a job so their living in poverty, then blame us. What I'm trying to say is, those muslim countries with very wealthy people running them, need to loosen up the purse strings, support some kind of industry to give their people work, You know, for everywhere I have been in this world, I believe that the US is generally a force for good, however, I freely admit, when it come to oil, American principles get a little fuzzy. And Yes, I believe each country should take care of their own. coffee1.gif

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What's that old saying, give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, teach him to fish and etc and etc.

Give a man a religion and he'll starve to death while praying for someone to give him another.

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I just don't understand why most European

countries allowed them to live here in such huge numbers! In Sweden, Holland,

Belgium, France, Germany, UK, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, they have become a

huge and aggressive minority who have more rights that the Europeans! In Sweden

if you dare to say something negative about Islam you can lose your job, you

are considered a fascist, extremist, etc.

In many parts of Western Europe you don't feel like in Europe anymore. They

have transformed nice neighborhoods in ghettos where you only hear Arabic

language, see mosques, dangerous places, and the worst is they act like they

belong there.

I hope that it will come one day when European leaders will wake up and send

all Muslims in their home countries and...

With the socialist bias of most European countries, the leaders bend over backwards to try and accommodate every special interest group, hoping over time all groups will assimilate and accept their host country's customs. The problem is that Muslims do not integrate well and are violent when not catered to. There is no civilized way to address the situation, as in much the way radical Muslims don't assimilate, they don't negotiate or compromise either. So you have 2nd and 3rd generation native-born Muslim radicals in these countries, tearing them apart from the inside.

In the UK's case, what started as a trickle in the late 50s to work in the NHS, turned into a torrent in the 60s to work in the Heavy Woolen and Cotton industries. Brits no longer wanted to work in the mills on low wages. A bit like the East Europeans to-day picking flowers etc.

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Judenrein = ("clean of Jews") was a Nazi term to designate an area "cleansed" of Jewish presence during The Holocaust

Why would you use this term??

Sweden is a case study of cultural suicide inflicted on a brainwashed populace by the Liberal elite. Sweden will soon be Judenrein as they are all leaving due to Muslim violence and a hitherto low crime Country now has an incidence of rape second only to South Africa. The police there incidentally enforce sharia with as much gusto as the British police do.

Edited by asupeartea
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Here is an article about the riots, note the Swedish media habitually use the word 'Youths' which is left wing semaphore disguising the fact that it is nearly all Muslim immigrants who are involved.


Husby is a neighborhood in western Stockholm which in 2007 had just over 11,000 inhabitants, fully 81.9% of whom were immigrants or the children of immigrants. The other interesting fact in the brief Wikipedia entry on Husby is that the area contains “many runestones…remnants from when Vikings used to live here.”

There are, alas, few other signs of the area’s Viking heritage.

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What we're seeing is the end days.. bwah ha ha ha ... No, I'm just pulling your weinie.. what we're seeing is a widening chasm of the have and have nots. The whole world is being affected by this economy.. worse than I've ever seen it. Greed is the main cause. Back in the day, those with money used to contribute to their communities, now they hoard it. There seems to be no feelings of helping your neighbors anymore. It's world wide. Think about it.. How many CEO's are really worth a 20 - 30 million dollar bonus? How big a house do you need to live in? How many cars do you really need? How much is too much? Of course it seems our governments aren't any help.. Politicians are as greedy as these CEO's. It's beyond time to take a step back and say, how can I help those in need. We raise enough food in this world to feed everyone. If we really tried, we could put every able bodied person to work. IF we really tried, we could fix these problems.. Why are we having all these problems with Islam? Do you think maybe it's because they don't have anything, and no chance to get anything.. No chance to feed their families. No chance to hold their heads up with decent work? Yes, those teachers at the madrass's are partialy to blame. Poverty and lack of self esteem also is to blame. Ignoring their plight is also to blame. I'm not going to go into what I think about Islam. But ignoring the problem is not going to help. What's that old saying, give a man a fish you can feed him for a day, teach him to fish and etc and etc. Anyway, that's just my thinking. coffee1.gif

Your treatise on CEO pay and income disparity does not hold for Sweden. It is a country where the large differences between haves and have nots is not as extreme as you offer. There are caps on CEO salaries and there is an egalitarian approach to the make up of company boards. Where else do company workers and union reps sit on the company board?

Sweden also offers its poor and immigrant community some of the most generous benefits and social assistance in the developed world. As such, your attempt to excuse the protests by a failure of the economic system to provide for these people is incorrect.

On the contrary, I suggest that the riots are Sweden's payoff for its "cultural" strategy. It has bent over backwards to embrace these people and has promoted a foreign policy that has only encouraged such people. I won't go off on a tangent, but I find it interesting that Sweden has for the past three decades been rather harsh and tough on its foreign and domestic policy to another ethno/cultural group which has never rioted in Sweden, nor undermined Sweden's security or well being. To be blunt, these riots couldn't happen to a more deserving nation. Maybe the Swedish population will wake up and realize that it has been backing and supporting the wrong group. I doubt it though.

Edited by geriatrickid
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The rioting kids say they have been offered and received money from the tabloids Expressen and Aftonbladet, to take pictures and videos of themselves while burning cars and causing mayhem. Great journalism! The eqivalent of 30000 Baht must sound pretty good to a kid with zero income.

Darwinism at it's best. I hope the government uses the pictures as evidence to expell them from the country

I just might have to backpedal on this one. These accusations are strongly denied by said tabloids...

I heard someone utter another interesting thing in a podcast recently (without citing sources): If the young population in any area in any city, are unemployed or not studying to an extent of 40 % of them (or over), then it's statistically proven there will be riots in that area. They just need something to ignite the whole mess. Anyone else heard about this? Input welcomed.

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