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Bailed British Expat Caught Attacking A 13 Year Old Boy Near Pattaya


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I think the report is misleading as it indicates that Lee Booty was arrested, or am I just missing something here?

Also I don't understand why the man would physically attack a boy if all he wanted was sex? and if he was offering cheap mobile phones and the boy grabbed it and tried to run off, so what, just let him go.

And why does he not realize if he took boys only 2 years older (ie 15) he could have consensual sex quite legally?

when did they lower the age of consent?

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I think the report is misleading as it indicates that Lee Booty was arrested, or am I just missing something here?
Also I don't understand why the man would physically attack a boy if all he wanted was sex? and if he was offering cheap mobile phones and the boy grabbed it and tried to run off, so what, just let him go.
And why does he not realize if he took boys only 2 years older (ie 15) he could have consensual sex quite legally?

when did they lower the age of consent?

They dint, actually it was raised quite a long time ago, the law relating to the age of consent for Thailand is as follows:
1) Male & female is set at 15 or over for consensual sexual relationships. (BUT... The parent or the child may file charges against the other side if he or she later regrets his or her own action)
2) Male & Female The age of consent is set at 18 and over for bars and other public establishments.

The point is if you have sex with an under 15 year old it is illegal and you might go to jail (years ago it was not as long as you had permission from the legal guardian)
If you pick someone up and pay for sex and that person is under 18 it is illegal. (and you might go to jail especially so if you are a farang)
It is not illegal to have sex wit an under 15 year old if that person is not Thai (For example I have a friend who legally married a 14 year old Cambodian)
Just because I am writing this does not mean I agree with it. in fact I believe prostitution is just wrong whatever the age.

FYI : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Asia (This is correct info as of May 2013) Edited by newermonkey
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Why on earth is the pervert still allowed to stay in Thailand any of these perverts should have to pay big compensation then put on the next flight and banned from Thailand forever

As far as I know he hasn't been convicted yet. I would think if he is found guilty he will be deported although they may want him to serve time in jail first.

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@Suradit69 Post 94

You know I have to agree with you 100%, this is not Australia and I have known that for some time. When I first arrived and saw all the asians and heard the way they spoke I thought to myself, I don't think I am in Melbourne anymore.smile.png Just teasing my friend anyway I was responding to a post above mine where eyeswideopen said, "Am pretty sure in the rest of the real world, a court sets bail." Just pointing out that Thailand is not alone when it comes to the coppers setting bail.thumbsup.gif

Edited by chooka
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Looks like Michael Caine. Seriously though the headline seems all wrong as it reads that the man who reported the incident spent the night in jail. " A businessman spent the night in jail having been reported by ... " ?

I think it's because the poster is not a native English speaker.

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Totally CRAP headline.

If you read it, My Booty, gets a night in jail after reporting Mr Tracy.

Not at all the case.

Props to Mr. Booty for getting Mr Tracy away from his Beating and Booty Call,

and into the calaboose.

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I agree with all of those who wish to deny this creature Tracey bail.

In Thailand, defamation is a criminal offence, at least for now. Say you have an argument in a pub and call someone a stupid idiot. That is defamation - that is a crime for which you can be imprisoned.

It is also a tool for putting pressure on you -so be careful what you say.

For defamation of an "ordinary" person you could pay a bail of about 50,000 baht.

Remember, too, that bail can be a "business" and massively lucrative for the bail bondsmen. Remember too (before I wander into the realms of 'defamation' that some jails are also 'businesses.'

Bail is awarded to those who are not going to be a menace to society or who are not a flight risk.

I share your horror of this 'man' Tracey. this child rapist. Paedophilia is alive and well in the world. Most of it is committed by homosexual men on male children.

Which is why 'gay adoption rights' is a spine-chilling idea.

One day, perhaps because of a traffic accident, YOU may need bail. The alternative is remaining in remand prison until your case is finished.

If you are innocent - you cannot pursue evidence for your defence. If you cannot afford bail - you could spend years and years in a Thai prison and then be released as a free man.

For those of you who live in Thailand, make a point of visiting a jail or prison. On its own it is a huge warning to behave well.

Make certain you have a criminal defence lawyer and make certain they will come to visit you in jail (not prison).

If, possibly through no fault of your own, you find yourself in the horror of being put in jail - you NEED that number urgently.

My friend, I'm not quite sure what your post is intended to be, but before the pack gets at you, I would suggest a lot more research to some of your comments....................thumbsup.gif

"In Thailand, defamation is a criminal offence, at least for now"................Really, seriously, they are going to de-criminalize it?

"Most of it is committed by homosexual men on male children".................Suggest you research Paedophilia!

"Which is why 'gay adoption rights' is a spine-chilling idea.".................<deleted>

Chrisinth, I spent 11 years visiting people in jail and prison and helping where possible.

To address your points.

You ask are they going to de-criminalise Defamation. It clearly escaped your notice that a Parliamentary Commission has been studying this crime, with a view to putting it on the civil complaints list - as it is in most countries. Meanwhile we wait.

2. In those years our organisation handled every type of criminal. Including paedophiles. I noticed that over 90% of paedophiles were homosexual men raping male children. I had my wife research the matter to find that this is a very accurate average.

In Pattaya the paedophile rarely stayed longer than a day and night. Normally someone from the Gay Association came to "pay the ticket out".

This Chrisinth is not hearsay, nor second hand knowledge.

3. I see your attitude to gay adoption is <deleted>. Interesting.

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No bail just jail for all sex cases. End of.

Dangerous in a country where a few $$ can have witnesses and police bought, against someone you don't like.

You and others should read up on the case of Andrew Clements in Phuket from 2010.

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Am I missing something here? Doesn't it state clearly beneath the pic. who the person in the pic.is............."Andrew Tracey, arrested by police for the second time"

As you maybe read now already in a later Posting from 103 FM,

they changed the now more informative description for the photo later, to clear the fog! wink.png

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A British Businessman spent the night in Sattahip Police station, after reporting another Englishman for assault on a 13 year old schoolboy.

What this is telling me is that Lee Booty spent the night in jail becasue he reported Andrew Tracy for what Mr. Booty suspected was a crime; i.e. beating a boy, in a remote bush, and dragging him with what appeared to be a belt around his neck.

Can reporting get any more galactically idiotic?

And regarding foreign pedophiles getting caught in the act; is it only myself, or are there others out there who marvel at how Thai boys in particular rarely, if ever, report to the police themselves until the police apprehend the suspect and an issue is made out of it? That beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

This in itself almost has the stench of these little prostitutes seeing their cash cow being snatched away and immediately wanting to cash in on another one of their lesser favorite past times; popularity inspired by that underlying motive of greed.

Whilst I agree with all the self-righteous rantings about what should be done to these damaged individuals who prey on children, I cannot in good conscience leave it lying there.

When the "prey" knowingly and willfully place themselves within the hands of the "predator" again and again, without being able to provide any evidence that they are being confined, secretly hidden away from society and forced to commit atrocities or have atrocities committed on their little bodies, then I begin to wonder if it has been stamped upon their little heathen consciousness that what they are willfully doing is wrong. For them to knowingly, willfully and eagerly market their bodies with the support and nurturing of their families and community, they all do not seem to understand in their heathen ways that when they mature into adults that Thai society, as a whole, will corrode even further by their mere presence and participation in it. Again, that beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

I cannot believe for one instance that the Thai adults in the immediate community are ignorant of the goings on of foreigners who trespass their environment without any legal or legitimate purpose, and who are often seen in their midst demonstrating an obscenely large amount of attention to the children of these Thai adults. That beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money. I can't find a bush to piss behind without a Thai somewhere gawping at me. There is nothing kept secret in Thailand.

I also cannot believe for one instance that these Thai adults are ignorant of the scum Thai men and women who inhabit their environment and small community with the sole purpose of recruiting little girls and boys for the purpose of sexual gratification for Thais and foreigners alike. Thais know their neighbors better than the police databases throughout the kingdom. That beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

What I do believe is that many small Thai communities are fully aware of this type of trafficking and their feeble minded cultural tolerates it with Buddhist-type yearnings of hope for a few Thai bahts if nothing more. Or, perhaps their sense of Kreung Jai forbids them from disrupting some poor, ignorant soul's path to Nirvana. Again, Thai Buddhism at work making vulnerable children unsafe and turning them into future disasters for Thai society reaching self-actualization. That beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

Admitting your crime and pleading for mercy after you are caught is about as disingenuous as shouting "victim" after the fact, when in fact there was nothing stopping you from doing it all along. But... WHY did you not say anything until now? yet again beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

But that is what it is all about with these people, isn't it? Money! Get as much as you can whilst alive, and even when you die they will purchase spirit money and burn it so you can have it in the next stinking hole you incarnate to.

This is not about pedophiles doing what they do. No! It is all bass-akwards. What it is really about is a culture that breeds the substance which attracts flies, and its willingness to turn the garbage dump into an international attraction that exists like nowhere else. After all, what could Thailand possibly offer that would compete with the rest of the world and create an attractiveness for tourists were the Thais not so tolerant on these issues? I ask you, what?

Herein is a story about the true meaning of human greed, and how it can morally decay a society to the lowest form of existence on the evolutionary scale of mankind's forward development.


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"Say you have an argument in a pub and call someone a stupid idiot. That is defamation - that is a crime for which you can be imprisoned."

Looks like I'd better stay in then for the rest of my time in Thailand!whistling.gif

No, you can still go out. But just stop calling people 'stupid idiots' whistling.gifthumbsup.gif

Actually, Eesat, here in Belgium, you can call anyone a 'stupid idiot' and may not be wrong a lot.

But you cannot "insult" or "offer offence to the character" of any Government or local Government employee, any official and of course, any politician.

Which is why corruption on this side of the Channel is joyously rife. For example, in a public place or newspaper in most of the EU countries, when I read that the EU Commission "Lost or Misplaced" 87 billion euro in 2011 or 67 billion euro in 2010" and have no idea where it may have gone - on pain of imprisonment, I cannot say, "Old Barroso pocketed the larger part and shared the balance with....."

That Law was introduced by Napoleone - that most enthusiastic of democratic dictators. After, Boney was thrashed at Waterloo, the Law remained in most of the countries he "liberated."

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I would think the UK has a right to have him sent back home to face trial. Many countries now allow for extradition for certain offences that occur in another country, underage sex is one of them.

So even if the Thai authorities do nothing the UK can get their hands on him and lock him away. If guilty of course.

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Looks like Michael Caine. Seriously though the headline seems all wrong as it reads that the man who reported the incident spent the night in jail. " A businessman spent the night in jail having been reported by ... " ?

Yes, it was confusing and made no sense. I understand what they meant now, but it only after someone else translated.
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Good on Mr Booty for stopping and investigating, many people would not have.

Andrew Tracey seems to be a first rate scuz-bucket. If he can't pay for it he will take it by force. bah.gif

Why is it people like himself can continually make bail and re-offend?

Good on Mr and Mrs Booty for acting. When confronted with such a situation, many would just look the other way so as not to be labelled busybody, or a prude who thinks the worse of "innocent" situations.

From the picture, to me Mr. Booty even looks like a good man. Good for him for taking action. Brits should be proud. All countries have child abusers, but not everyone would step up like Mr. Booty did.

I had to stop at the third 'not many would take action . . . '

Seriously? What kind of action? Calling the cops? What kind of world do you live in where you believe someone wouldn't call the cops when seeing a child being beaten with a belt around his neck? A phonecall? Really?

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A British Businessman spent the night in Sattahip Police station, after reporting another Englishman for assault on a 13 year old schoolboy.

What this is telling me is that Lee Booty spent the night in jail becasue he reported Andrew Tracy for what Mr. Booty suspected was a crime; i.e. beating a boy, in a remote bush, and dragging him with what appeared to be a belt around his neck.

Can reporting get any more galactically idiotic?

And regarding foreign pedophiles getting caught in the act; is it only myself, or are there others out there who marvel at how Thai boys in particular rarely, if ever, report to the police themselves until the police apprehend the suspect and an issue is made out of it? That beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

This in itself almost has the stench of these little prostitutes seeing their cash cow being snatched away and immediately wanting to cash in on another one of their lesser favorite past times; popularity inspired by that underlying motive of greed.

Whilst I agree with all the self-righteous rantings about what should be done to these damaged individuals who prey on children, I cannot in good conscience leave it lying there.

When the "prey" knowingly and willfully place themselves within the hands of the "predator" again and again, without being able to provide any evidence that they are being confined, secretly hidden away from society and forced to commit atrocities or have atrocities committed on their little bodies, then I begin to wonder if it has been stamped upon their little heathen consciousness that what they are willfully doing is wrong. For them to knowingly, willfully and eagerly market their bodies with the support and nurturing of their families and community, they all do not seem to understand in their heathen ways that when they mature into adults that Thai society, as a whole, will corrode even further by their mere presence and participation in it. Again, that beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

I cannot believe for one instance that the Thai adults in the immediate community are ignorant of the goings on of foreigners who trespass their environment without any legal or legitimate purpose, and who are often seen in their midst demonstrating an obscenely large amount of attention to the children of these Thai adults. That beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money. I can't find a bush to piss behind without a Thai somewhere gawping at me. There is nothing kept secret in Thailand.

I also cannot believe for one instance that these Thai adults are ignorant of the scum Thai men and women who inhabit their environment and small community with the sole purpose of recruiting little girls and boys for the purpose of sexual gratification for Thais and foreigners alike. Thais know their neighbors better than the police databases throughout the kingdom. That beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

What I do believe is that many small Thai communities are fully aware of this type of trafficking and their feeble minded cultural tolerates it with Buddhist-type yearnings of hope for a few Thai bahts if nothing more. Or, perhaps their sense of Kreung Jai forbids them from disrupting some poor, ignorant soul's path to Nirvana. Again, Thai Buddhism at work making vulnerable children unsafe and turning them into future disasters for Thai society reaching self-actualization. That beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

Admitting your crime and pleading for mercy after you are caught is about as disingenuous as shouting "victim" after the fact, when in fact there was nothing stopping you from doing it all along. But... WHY did you not say anything until now? yet again beggars belief much more than a single predator getting out on bail because he paid these cretins money.

But that is what it is all about with these people, isn't it? Money! Get as much as you can whilst alive, and even when you die they will purchase spirit money and burn it so you can have it in the next stinking hole you incarnate to.

This is not about pedophiles doing what they do. No! It is all bass-akwards. What it is really about is a culture that breeds the substance which attracts flies, and its willingness to turn the garbage dump into an international attraction that exists like nowhere else. After all, what could Thailand possibly offer that would compete with the rest of the world and create an attractiveness for tourists were the Thais not so tolerant on these issues? I ask you, what?

Herein is a story about the true meaning of human greed, and how it can morally decay a society to the lowest form of existence on the evolutionary scale of mankind's forward development.


...Huh? *hic* ...What?huh.png

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Good on Mr Booty for stopping and investigating, many people would not have.

Andrew Tracey seems to be a first rate scuz-bucket. If he can't pay for it he will take it by force. bah.gif

Why is it people like himself can continually make bail and re-offend?

>Good on Mr and Mrs Booty for acting. When confronted with such a situation, many would just look the other way so as not to be labelled busybody, or a prude who thinks the worse of "innocent" situations.

From the picture, to me Mr. Booty even looks like a good man. Good for him for taking action. Brits should be proud. All countries have child abusers, but not everyone would step up like Mr. Booty did.

I had to stop at the third 'not many would take action . . . '

Seriously? What kind of action? Calling the cops? What kind of world do you live in where you believe someone wouldn't call the cops when seeing a child being beaten with a belt around his neck? A phonecall? Really?

Some Thais will stand by & do nothing, don't know the justification unless it's the classic "not your business".

Some years back I witnessed a Thai boy being beaten with a cable by his father in my local community. Many Thais were watching & did nothing so I stepped forward, quickly warned to stay out of it, but I stopped the beating as to me their is no justification for such a severe beating of a eleven year old. Said I wanted to call the police, but again warned not to do so as it would be interfering. I took the boy to a local Thai female doctor for treatment. She said if it happens again call me & I will contact the police.

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Good on Mr Booty for stopping and investigating, many people would not have.

Andrew Tracey seems to be a first rate scuz-bucket. If he can't pay for it he will take it by force. bah.gif

Why is it people like himself can continually make bail and re-offend?

From the picture, to me Mr. Booty even looks like a good man. Good for him for taking action. Brits should be proud. All countries have child abusers, but not everyone would step up like Mr. Boot

y did.

I had to stop at the third 'not many would take action . . . '

Seriously? What kind of action? Calling the cops? What kind of world do you live in where you believe someone wouldn't call the cops when seeing a child being beaten with a belt around his neck? A phonecall? Really?

Some Thais will stand by & do nothing, don't know the justification unless it's the classic "not your business".

Some years back I witnessed a Thai boy being beaten with a cable by his father in my local community. Many Thais were watching & did nothing so I stepped forward, quickly warned to stay out of it, but I stopped the beating as to me their is no justification for such a severe beating of a eleven year old. Said I wanted to call the police, but again warned not to do so as it would be interfering. I took the boy to a local Thai female doctor for treatment. She said if it happens again call me & I will contact the police.

I was referring to the belief that westerners would not get involved and that I can't imagine it . . . Thais yes - the whole 'face' thing . . . better to watch some moron beat someone senseless than to ask him to stop in case he may be offended at your intrusion.

Good for you for helping . . .

I have and will keep doing so, much to the chagrin of my wife who is afraid that I'll bear the brunt of any repercussions, though she does support me.

Two classic examples - our neighbour across the road was beating his new puppy violently with a stick and the dog was clearly in total pain . . . I walked over and told him to stop quite loudly . . . my children were horrified at the savage beating.

After that fairly well no-one in our street spoke to us again . . . aside from one neighbour, a lawyer, who told us that I was being ostracised for insulting the man.

Another time was when Is aw this man on the ground, half in the street, half on the sidewalk, being kicked by four or five taxi drivers . . . dropped my shopping and ran over (my wife said I looked quite comical, using Pythonesque (no, she is not Thai) steps) and pulled the thugs away . . . turns out the guy was a Brit in his 50s, suit and now bruised and bleeding . . . he was outraged by being charged 500 for a five minute ride.

No, I can't understand why westerners, in particular, would stand by - and watch like the animals here do - while something like this happens

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From the picture, to me Mr. Booty even looks like a good man. Good for him for taking action. Brits should be proud. All countries have child abusers, but not everyone would step up like Mr. Booty did.

Well if it wasnt for a Brit, this would have never happen in the first place...

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"Well if it wasnt for a Brit, this would have never happen in the first place..." cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Seriously, the two drunken Aussies who ran amok in Phukhet copped more flak than this guy, maybe a different type of poster attracted to this thread because there were no drunk, ashtray wielding Aussies involved.

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monetary bail is imposed to ensure thier appearance before the court. After the court case then the bail money is returned to whoever posted it. There is no money to be made unless the offender/suspect skips.

"There is no money to be made unless the offender/suspect skips."

Exactly. It is sometimes, if not often, preferred that the offender does NOT face a trial but simply disappears.

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. Paedophilia is alive and well in the world (sic). Most of it is committed by homosexual men on male children.

Which is why 'gay adoption rights' is a spine-chilling idea.

Source for this assertion?

No need for the quotation marks - it is a real thing.

Edited by SteeleJoe
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I agree with all of those who wish to deny this creature Tracey bail.

In Thailand, defamation is a criminal offence, at least for now. Say you have an argument in a pub and call someone a stupid idiot. That is defamation - that is a crime for which you can be imprisoned.

It is also a tool for putting pressure on you -so be careful what you say.

For defamation of an "ordinary" person you could pay a bail of about 50,000 baht.

Remember, too, that bail can be a "business" and massively lucrative for the bail bondsmen. Remember too (before I wander into the realms of 'defamation' that some jails are also 'businesses.'

Bail is awarded to those who are not going to be a menace to society or who are not a flight risk.

I share your horror of this 'man' Tracey. this child rapist. Paedophilia is alive and well in the world. Most of it is committed by homosexual men on male children.

Which is why 'gay adoption rights' is a spine-chilling idea.

One day, perhaps because of a traffic accident, YOU may need bail. The alternative is remaining in remand prison until your case is finished.

If you are innocent - you cannot pursue evidence for your defence. If you cannot afford bail - you could spend years and years in a Thai prison and then be released as a free man.

For those of you who live in Thailand, make a point of visiting a jail or prison. On its own it is a huge warning to behave well.

Make certain you have a criminal defence lawyer and make certain they will come to visit you in jail (not prison).

If, possibly through no fault of your own, you find yourself in the horror of being put in jail - you NEED that number urgently.

Certainly an interesting post and I can see the points you make seem sensible. I would however question your view of gay adoption. There's no reason to suggest that gay men are any less able to control their urges than heterosexuals or that they are more likely to be paedophiles and your suggestion could in itself be termed defamatory . If you take you other point about most paedophiles being gay then gay adoption of girls should be safe.

Paedophilia and sex crimes in general are more complicated than is often portrayed. Much of the reporting in the media seems to suggest these are evil monsters which should make them easy to spot. Unfortunately many are perfectly normal apart from what are, to them at least uncontrollable urges when near children.

Before someone says castration will solve it that isn't necessarily the case. Firstly people aren't like dogs and many other animals. Humans and other higher primates react differently. Secondly sex isn't always the driving factor and often the power of control over the victim is the primary goal.

It's certainly a problem but it needs a lot of varied approaches to deal with it as the cases vary greatly from fondling to rape and murder. This particular person would seem on the evidence here at least to have problems he can't control so he should be kept in custody for everyone's safety.

It's rare that this sort of knowledge or sense is seen in discussion of this topic. Kudos.

While we'd all be horrified and enraged by the thought of people, doing these things to children and we'd like to think of them as monsters that are nothing like us in any way, the simple fact is that their sexuality, as unspeakably vile and twisted as it is, is only one aspect of who they are. Moreover, just as someone whose primary or exclusive attraction is to adult males or women isn't driven solely by sexual desire but also encompasses feelings of affection and so forth, as uncomfortable and unfathomable as it is to us, a pedophile's feelings aren't always entirely about sex.

It is not at all unlikely that you know and like a pedophile...

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