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Army Chief Prayuth Plans To ' Fence Off' Border The Entire Thai-Malaysian Border


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Considering that currently you can walk through the border control area without ever being asked to show any documents, I think a fence would be a waste of time.

The same is true of most borders with Thailand, I often wander through to the other side of a Thai border to do some shopping without ever being asked for my passport.

That is because Thailand profiles people. If you were an African or looked like a Bengal you would be stopped.

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Far more effective and economical to use 'smart mines' on the border ones you can turn off and on, should have been done on the US/Mexico border long ago, but so many profit from the labor (soon votes) from illegal aliens that it would never happen.

I believe Thailand is a signatory to the landmine ban treaty.

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Far more effective and economical to use 'smart mines' on the border ones you can turn off and on, should have been done on the US/Mexico border long ago, but so many profit from the labor (soon votes) from illegal aliens that it would never happen.

I believe Thailand is a signatory to the landmine ban treaty.

Isn't tboxcar a lovely person . . wanting to blow up Mexicans who want to go to the US to do the dirty jobs <deleted>$ like tb wouldn't touch . . .

Good news for you, though, tboxcar - more Messicens leaving than coming

As usual no one considers the huge impact such a fence would have on the local wildlife. The border runs through some of the last remaining forrests in this area. The whole idea is crazy.

No one has considered anything . . . as is the norm - but you are absolutely correct. . . fear not, it will never happen

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And elsewhere in military la la land, and Thailand in general, the good general is now complaining bitterly about the negative Thai media coverage of his latest wheeze.

Some advice. Man up, act like you really are commander in chief and stop whining and threatening the media.

It case you haven't noticed, since last Friday, around 10-12 military and civilians have been murdered in the south.

Edited by arthurboy
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A lot of smart arse, arm chair experts here, non of whom could handle the problem. And when the next bomb goes off, killing and ruining peoples lives, say to yourselves: "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

Edited by TechnikaIII
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The walls are to keep progress for Thailand out ? They don't do anything else as ladders take care of a wall problem.

The way its going, big industry will leave Thailand, tourists will flock elsewhere and then all of Thailand population can say.. "Oooops... that was a dumb idea"

-second thought -
Actually.. they wont... because they will think of some stupid reason to Save Face http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/640721-saving-face-thailands-biggest-problem/

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A lot of smart arse, arm chair experts here, non of whom could handle the problem. And when the next bomb goes off, killing and ruining peoples lives, say to yourselves: "There, but for the grace of God, go I."

Well, self-proclaimed Technikall and part-time Mister Happy . . . How about we start something and call it a . . . forum . . . foe people to voice their opinions. A novel idea perhaps, but eminently doable, I assure you - though I am not an x and o man myself.

On this forum of ideas one can postulate on all sorts of topics. Yes, even topics one is not an expert in - can you discuss issues in which you are not a certified expert in, Mister Happy?

I'll give you an example. The mightiest military man in Thailand decides that the way to stop the unrest in the south is to build a fence along the 600 mile border to Malaysia . . . because only in Malaysia can bombs me manufactured . . . only there, the good general assures us.

Now, I am not a military expert per se - my few years in the navy are but a blip in time . . . but I can honestly say that I find the idea quite ludicrous . . . as do most others - possibly everyone else aside from the good general's wife. While the general is being queried regarding his state of mind with this brainfart he decides to threaten people who dissent . . . that is one step away from your feelings toward this matter.

And there we have it - almost full circle and prof positive that you and the general operate on the same wavelength

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Bids to build the wall have been received from China. The Ray Ling Construction Co. Ltd are favoured to win the contract. tongue.png

Was that the same old Chinese company that built the one in Jerusalem eons ago?

No. I'm wrong. That began with a W.


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Did this General ever attend a Staff College?. If so he would presumably have studied the careers and tactics employed by Army Commanders from the year dot, from Sun Tzu through to the misguided Westmoreland. Perhaps he was away playing hookey (or golf) when the subjects of the Maginot and Siegfried lines were examined.

Dad's Army comes to mind.

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Did this General ever attend a Staff College?. If so he would presumably have studied the careers and tactics employed by Army Commanders from the year dot, from Sun Tzu through to the misguided Westmoreland. Perhaps he was away playing hookey (or golf) when the subjects of the Maginot and Siegfried lines were examined.

Dad's Army comes to mind.

The Maginot and Siegfried lines were built for a completely different purpose, which the jungle only provides here. A more apt comparison would be the US/Mexican border or perhaps Israel - both are expensive with little actual deterrent.

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"Many bomb-makers have become available after being released on bail as

their cases have gone through the normal justice procedure," Prayuth


This situation sounds exactly like the one the US was in a few years ago. Thailand should learn from America in this regard (the fence was a complete failure). The problem in Thailand is legal, something to which Prayuth's quote attests. Anyone who's ever lived in Thailand knows how slack the legal system can be. The annual pardoning that occurs with HM's birthday releases scores of violent Thai criminals onto the streets willy-nilly. Prayuth knows he can't fix the legal system...but he can build a fence.

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As the continued carnage and indiscriminate murder continues unabated, the army chief wants to build a fence.

Perhaps he should seek advice from the Israeli and US governments on this issue as to the effectiveness, cost, environmental and people impact, freedom of legitimate movement etc. of such a scheme.

If not general, please remember that google is your friend.

However, as the general continues to clutch at straws, I bet that the usual snouts are already beginning to sniff around this particular trough.

There is a meeting including the insurgents on June 13th!!!!!! Islamists are now a problem all over

the world. Hundreds are being killed EVERY day including Muslims by Muslims.

This has got to be the most stupid religion to ever grace the earth.

As for the fence idea I'm not sure that will work,however the Thai's still need to step up security.

They could of course strip the land back for 2 or 300 yards and install CCTV.

Letting bombers out on bail does not seem to be the most sensible idea.

One thing for sure is they need to do something.

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Aren't most of the components for a bomb available in Thailand? Aren't most of the bomb makers resident in Thailand? In fact, aren't the vast majority of insurgents Thai?

Wouldn't a wall make it harder for them to leave, which would make it on the whole safer?

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Seems Thailand aren't the only ones with this idea..........

ANKARA: Turkey is constructing 2.5-km-long twin walls at a border crossing with Syria to increase security at the frontier following three deadly bombings this year.
The concrete walls will be built on either side of the road leading from the Turkish side of the crossing at Cilvegozu to the Syrian border gate and will be topped with barbed wire, the Turkish Customs Ministry said in a statement.

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........ The best solution Pryauth has is to put boots...lot's of em on border patrol duty...backed up by "good" intel

and the latter may be difficult to procure.

Lots of boots on the ground. Constant patrolling and Observation Posts coupled with random (Snap) Vehicle Check Points stops the bad boys from moving, disrupts the supply of weapons and bombs, builds up the intelligence picture and, if done sensitively helps gain the support of the local population. It worked for the British in Malaya and in Northern Ireland. With their large underemployed conscript army, in theory Thailand has the resources to do it.

The trouble is that it is not glamorous, takes time and effort to establish and maintain, and there is no money to be made from it. It requires effective leadership, command and control at lower levels (Battalion, Company and Platoon), and well led and motivated soldiers. For all these reasons the Generals of the Royal Thai Army will never even consider it.

Edited by JAG
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The most effective barrier built thus far would have been the one separating Hong Kong from the mainland. Electric, electronic sensors, unscalable, sentries and roving patrols. But even then, it was a full-time and very expensive operation for British Forces HK (who utilized the most up-to-date equipment at the time) to patrol the adjacent waters ... and the mainlanders were STILL able to elude them on the water.

The General may not have considered that the cost of building the wall is only a drop in the ocean compared to manning and maintaining it properly. And if it's not going to be manned and maintained, what's the sense of it?

it's purpose is supposed to stop the southerners from achieving bombs and bring them across the border to Thailand.

I know a market in Bangkok where one can buy all electronic stuff needed to build a remote controlled trigger for a bomb, and plenty of shops around selling nitrate fertilizer by the tonnes. A Wall separating Malaysia from Thailand is good for a laugh, nothing more

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Army chief mulls fencing Thai-Malaysian border

By English News


BANGKOK, May 28 – Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha disclosed that he has proposed to the government to erect fences along the entire 600-km Thai-Malaysian border in another attempt to tackle insurgency in Thailand’s southern provinces.

He said he raised the issue during talks with Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra last night.

“It is impossible to keep an eye on the 600-km border all the time and some spots are narrow waterways. We don’t have a problem with demarcation; so building fences along the border could be one of the solutions,” he said.

Gen Prayuth’s proposal was in response to escalating attacks by militants in Thailand’s far South.

He said southern insurgents were putting pressure on the government to fulfill their demands while security forces have successively suppressed them.

Some of the suspects in explosions in the South were released on bail, he said, calling on neighbouring Malaysia to crack down on the transport of explosives across the border to Thai soil. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2013-05-28

He is assuming the explosives are coming from Malaysia. I doubt that as Malaysia has very stringent laws on explosives and guns. The Thai coast is a lot more accessable than over land.

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God help Thailand if ever one of their enemies decided to invade.

It could be the shortest war in history.

Especially if the war were to be conducted between the hours of 12pm and 1pm during the workweek when, literally, the entire Thai government goes for lunch and sometimes a short nap.

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