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Decorum. Politeness And Manners! What's Happened?


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Hope you feel better now.

You're right in your concerns about decorum, but wrong in showing up early to do a 90 day report. Best to let the morning scrum of people seeking visa extensions get resolved and come in after 9:30 am -- by most reports, mid-afternoon is the best.

People act this way because there is a very finite number of queue tickets for long-term visa extensions and they want to be sure to get one. People can be very ugly when competing for a scarce commodity. The supply of 90-day report tickets is almost unlimited -- why get in the way of others by coming early?

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Hope you feel better now.

You're right in your concerns about decorum, but wrong in showing up early to do a 90 day report. Best to let the morning scrum of people seeking visa extensions get resolved and come in after 9:30 am -- by most reports, mid-afternoon is the best.

People act this way because there is a very finite number of queue tickets for long-term visa extensions and they want to be sure to get one. People can be very ugly when competing for a scarce commodity. The supply of 90-day report tickets is almost unlimited -- why get in the way of others by coming early?

I teach so its the only time I can go, I would love to go at 3.30pm and turn it all around within 10 minutes but just not possible unfortunately : (

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That's nothing.

A couple of trips ago I was getting my tourist visa extended and this disgusting pervert falang was basically trying to grope me. This guy was gross too.

I told him something like "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TOUCHING ME?" and he stayed a few feet away from me.

I guess punching out a low life tourist inside immigration is frowned on by the RTP

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about a year ago i had a similar experience. when the clipboard with the list was presented to the line of people at 8am, 2 "pros" with a fistful of passports tried to non-chalantly jump the line. Needless to say I placed my body between them and the list with a sharp verbal warning. But they were ready to do anything to jump the line. It is good that word is out that these people exist, and you need to be prepared to assert your place in line.

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Hope you feel better now.

You're right in your concerns about decorum, but wrong in showing up early to do a 90 day report. Best to let the morning scrum of people seeking visa extensions get resolved and come in after 9:30 am -- by most reports, mid-afternoon is the best.

People act this way because there is a very finite number of queue tickets for long-term visa extensions and they want to be sure to get one. People can be very ugly when competing for a scarce commodity. The supply of 90-day report tickets is almost unlimited -- why get in the way of others by coming early?

I teach so its the only time I can go, I would love to go at 3.30pm and turn it all around within 10 minutes but just not possible unfortunately : (

you wouldn't catch me dead reporting in my free time if i could do it on my employers, that said, you can report by mail, so who is the fool?

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Queue jumping particularly pisses me off aswell.

Good manners are the first mark of good breeding and reflect directly on a person’s upbringing. Its about consideration for other people. Lack of tact, diplomacy, decorum whatever I don’t think necessarily means you are rude.

The culture/race thing is important actually and dependant where you are. What is rude in Japan may be perfectly acceptable in Latin America…and of course here I am lambasted every week for doing something with my feet. So you should be forgiven for not knowing the rules of an alien culture. You will not be excused for being careless in your own country. In any case, always remember the principle of not making others uncomfortable.

However, having said that the Immigration office I guess (never been myself) is full of Westerners who know the rules about queuing and the OP was quite right to say something especially if the queue was long.

I think something along the lines of I’m trying to be helpful here “hey man, the end of the line starts back there, just so you know”……….you never know; it may look like someone trying to push in when in reality s/he is making an honest mistake or doing something irrelevant.

But I am a less “tactful” sort of person and would probably say “hey don’t jump the queue” and if he argues then say “I have a gun”


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Quote from the OP:

I told them all they were disgusting and should be ashamed when disrespecting other similarly aged people of the same race,

Do you want to explain this comment? If people are black, would it be OK to disrespect them? What are you trying to say here?

I was of the impression the queue list was long gone and you now had to line up to get a queue number to be called up to get a queue number.

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Why should that they are same or different race make a difference. Third post recently I've read that seemed to be lacking a decorum, politeness and manners when dealing with race.

It matters because the people who took advantage were English, Japanese and American people who are all races of people and are normally renowned for their politeness. That's why I referenced the word 'race'.

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Hope you feel better now.

You're right in your concerns about decorum, but wrong in showing up early to do a 90 day report. Best to let the morning scrum of people seeking visa extensions get resolved and come in after 9:30 am -- by most reports, mid-afternoon is the best.

People act this way because there is a very finite number of queue tickets for long-term visa extensions and they want to be sure to get one. People can be very ugly when competing for a scarce commodity. The supply of 90-day report tickets is almost unlimited -- why get in the way of others by coming early?

I teach so its the only time I can go, I would love to go at 3.30pm and turn it all around within 10 minutes but just not possible unfortunately : (

you wouldn't catch me dead reporting in my free time if i could do it on my employers, that said, you can report by mail, so who is the fool?

Well Mr twominutesbuddy, its certainly not me because if you knew what you were talking about you would know you can no longer report by mail.

Edited by Tywais
Flame removed
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Quote from the OP:

I told them all they were disgusting and should be ashamed when disrespecting other similarly aged people of the same race,

Do you want to explain this comment? If people are black, would it be OK to disrespect them? What are you trying to say here?

I was of the impression the queue list was long gone and you now had to line up to get a queue number to be called up to get a queue number.

What on earth have black people got to do with this??? The race comment was aimed at the people from the English, American and Japanese race of people, colour was not even mentioned for all you know some of the people could have been black, yellow or green (it doesn't matter), it is the simple fact that the three races of people who chose to try and queue jump are from countries were politeness and good manners are regarded as being common place.

Even if the list is there or not why should a 65 year old push in front of another 65 year who is little more frail than the other when one has been waiting for nearly 2 hours longer than the other.

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Let's get off the race issue please. It has no place here and just will start a flame war. Cultural differences would be more accurate.

Yes, never mind "political correctness," the racial context is ridiculous, but, as it seems most who post here are English-speaking "Westerners" a "scrum" is upsetting for those whose mothers taught them better manners.

A legitimate complaint, IMHO, is agents trying to nose in ahead of the crowd. Although I can sympathize with one view (possibly that of some immigration officers) that the agents are favored because they generally have the paperwork in order and know the system, it grates that they are favored, as some of them clearly are. On the other hand, many foreigners simply don't do their homework, are not prepared, and consequently bog things down quite a bit.

Otherwise, I can't say that I have been groped while waiting in line !!! That's a new one !!! rolleyes.gif

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Let's get off the race issue please. It has no place here and just will start a flame war. Cultural differences would be more accurate.

Yes, never mind "political correctness," the racial context is ridiculous, but, as it seems most who post here are English-speaking "Westerners" a "scrum" is upsetting for those whose mothers taught them better manners.

A legitimate complaint, IMHO, is agents trying to nose in ahead of the crowd. Although I can sympathize with one view (possibly that of some immigration officers) that the agents are favored because they generally have the paperwork in order and know the system, it grates that they are favored, as some of them clearly are. On the other hand, many foreigners simply don't do their homework, are not prepared, and consequently bog things down quite a bit.

Otherwise, I can't say that I have been groped while waiting in line !!! That's a new one !!! rolleyes.gif

The race issue should be minimised, but the "pros" with fistfuls of passports were from a specific country. Rather than make it a racist issue, be prepared that some people will actively try to jump the line. By the way, the agents with "clout" don't show up at 6:30am. They are trying to jump the line because they have no connections...
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Barmy idea going at that time in the morning for 90 day report. Stroll in a lot later and it's a lot easier without too much hassle.

The longest I ever waited was one and a half hours. That was when I went in at 10:30 in the morning. Going in the afternoons is definatly the best. My last time in I was first in line when they started handing out 90 day numbers and out of there with an over all time of 20 minutes which included standing at the counter to get a number. I have heard people say that they come in at 3:30 and are processed immediately.

I believe they are open until 4:30 or 5:00 try a late time.

I can not comment on the rude people as I have not been in there when there is that many people.

The yearly well that is another story. Some times a long story

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I went there last week to pickup some forms only, not for anything else as I returned the next day.

- Do I have to wait in line to pickup 2 forms to bring home?

I asked a lady near the entrance door if she allowed me to go ahead and was granted that favor.

- Do I have to ask all and each people in line for that permission?

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I went there last week to pickup some forms only, not for anything else as I returned the next day.

- Do I have to wait in line to pickup 2 forms to bring home?

I asked a lady near the entrance door if she allowed me to go ahead and was granted that favor.

- Do I have to ask all and each people in line for that permission?

You can download them from TV or the Ch Imm site.

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Here's a quote from post #1 of the 'certificate of residence' thread...

"Tip: Don't be an idiot and wait in line, TIT cut to the front of the line and hand the girl/boy Tom or whatever it is the form. Noones gonna start a fight with you at the immigration office and the girls at the counter could care less who is next."

And of the 36 posts in the thread, only one person even mentioned it. That's how outnumbered you are by apathetic sheeple, which seems to be confirmed by your being the only one to speak out.


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My mother always taught me 800 wrongs don't make a right. Since I'm younger and stronger than most people I see at immigration I don't see it as an opportunity to be a bully and use it to my advantage but I do wonder what others who are not are thinking when they push me.

Edited by junglechef
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The lack of manners and etiquette here extends to other areas.

I golf on a regular basis and the lack of manners,etiquette, courtesy by some expands across all colors,creeds etc. generally behavior that they would not attempt in their home countries as it would not be tolerated.

BTW, I am definitely one of those who will speak out,whenever I come across a situation that warrants it.

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Hope you feel better now.

You're right in your concerns about decorum, but wrong in showing up early to do a 90 day report. Best to let the morning scrum of people seeking visa extensions get resolved and come in after 9:30 am -- by most reports, mid-afternoon is the best.

People act this way because there is a very finite number of queue tickets for long-term visa extensions and they want to be sure to get one. People can be very ugly when competing for a scarce commodity. The supply of 90-day report tickets is almost unlimited -- why get in the way of others by coming early?

I teach so its the only time I can go, I would love to go at 3.30pm and turn it all around within 10 minutes but just not possible unfortunately : (

Don't they offer the facility I see of an agent turning up with a batch of 5-10 passports, and relevant paperwork and a few banknotes to present for the service?

She is normally the one just ahead of me!

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Report somewhere else.

I fill out the form at home, go to Mabtaphut (Rayong) immigrations and are in and out in less than 5 minutes.

I've heard that you can even report by mail or internet, didn't bother to figure that out yet as immigrations is on my way to work.

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Hope you feel better now.

You're right in your concerns about decorum, but wrong in showing up early to do a 90 day report. Best to let the morning scrum of people seeking visa extensions get resolved and come in after 9:30 am -- by most reports, mid-afternoon is the best.

People act this way because there is a very finite number of queue tickets for long-term visa extensions and they want to be sure to get one. People can be very ugly when competing for a scarce commodity. The supply of 90-day report tickets is almost unlimited -- why get in the way of others by coming early?

I teach so its the only time I can go, I would love to go at 3.30pm and turn it all around within 10 minutes but just not possible unfortunately : (

Don't they offer the facility I see of an agent turning up with a batch of 5-10 passports, and relevant paperwork and a few banknotes to present for the service?

She is normally the one just ahead of me!

They don't need passports for 90 day reports.

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Why should that they are same or different race make a difference. Third post recently I've read that seemed to be lacking a decorum, politeness and manners when dealing with race.

It matters because the people who took advantage were English, Japanese and American people who are all races of people and are normally renowned for their politeness. That's why I referenced the word 'race'.

English and American each constitute a race? Last time I looked each of those nationalities included many different races.

Got to agree with Junglechief on this one.

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I've been dealing with CM Immigration for over 5 years, and in that time I've only one one time which was somewhat annoying, and that was during a marriage visa renewal. In that time I have watched the growing number of people who now use this facility, and would say it is easily 3-4 times the number now as it was when I first started. I know for a fact that over 2 years ago they pleaded with BKK to give them a bigger office and more staff. BKK promised to hire 14 more staff for them, but as of yet that has failed to materialize, and even if they did, where would they put them?

Along with the growing number of people using the facility, I also agree that the "rudeness factor" has also increased on the part of the foreigners who are impatient and just downright rude, and full of self importance. For these people, whenever I have to encounter them, I have no problem staring them straight in the eye and telling them to get in line where they belong, which I've done a couple of times now.

As for the Immigration staff, come on people, ease up. Put yourself in their position of having to deal with 3-4 times the number of people you once dealt with on an hourly and daily basis. I have all my forms downloaded, filled out, and saved on my computer. The only thing I have to do is go in and change the date, then sign. About a year ago I went, waited my turn, handed my papers, along with the passport copies I'd made at home, to the man I usually see. He didn't even bother to look at the forms, but simply processed me very quickly. When I asked why he didn't check my forms, he grinned and told me that they all know me, they all know my forms are typed correctly, that I have the proper copies of everything, and nothing changes but the date. He told me that if everyone did that, it would save them a lot of time. So that is something some of you might want to keep in mind.

Hopefully BKK will finally get off their butts and give CM Imm a bigger and better office, with the additional staff, which would go a long ways to easing the present congestion. But until that happens, we sometimes have to deal with the "rude, crude and socially unacceptable" morons we sometimes encounter there now. On the other hand, those types always seem to pop up, regardless of the situation.

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