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A Gay Rights Hero Of Our Times: David Kato Of Uganda (Rip)

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Do you know who David Kato was?
Do you know what he did?

Were you aware of his bravery in the face of one the most brutally homophobic countries in the world today (whipped up by AMERICAN right wing Christian fundamentalists)?

If not, I suggest that you learn more about David Kato. Truly an inspirational historical figure for all the people in the world, gay and straight.

Edited by Jingthing
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  • 2 months later...

Some positive Uganda gay rights news.


A federal judge ruled Wednesday that a first-of-its-kind persecution case against antigay American evangelist Scott Lively filed by LGBT Ugandans can proceed, according to the Center for Constitutional Rights, which helped Sexual Minorities Uganda file the international lawsuit. Lively had filed a request to dismiss the suit, saying his antigay proselytizing was protected by his First Amendment rights to free speech.

The ruling "is a significant victory for human rights everywhere but most especially for LGBTI Ugandans who are seeking accountability from those orchestrating our persecution," said Frank Mugisha, executive director of SMUG.

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More on the case against the anti-gay American "preacher" and his trial for the damage he did in Uganda:

Lively has openly bragged of his own role as the "father" of the anti-gay movement in Uganda, calling his campaign “a nuclear bomb against the ‘gay’ agenda in Uganda.” The question is whether all this constitutes mere speech or something more.


There is an Only-In-America quality to the fact that a U.S. court might reach out to punish hate speech and persecution of minorities using international human rights laws and an obscure alien torts statute. But that pales in comparison with the Only-In-America-ness of an American deploying First Amendment arguments to defend his anti-gay advocacy in Uganda, all while working to build a utopian family paradise in Russia. Where dissidents go to jail every day.
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