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Foreigner Killed In Bangkok Bar Fight


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''great death'' you say.. must be a Freudian slip.. Not pleased the guy was murdered, just don't really care. If someone frequents places like that and gets into fights with Thais then what do I care. But what does amuse me is people like you taking offence to my post which was a bit of banter to begin with. I've lived here for 12 years and never even had an argument with a Thai.. Nor a Farang either come to that. Why.. Because I understand that I'm a foreigner in a foreign country and would not disrespect the country I'm living in nor the people, so when I see something like this, I think to myself, he probably was a wrong 'un if he's getting into fights with locals in a local bar.

Where did I use the words "great death". However, you & I definitely have a different intrepretion of the meaning of "banter"

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2 things I do not really understand .

1. Every time there is a fight Thai men use a gun, does that mean every Thai man has a gun?! And carries it around

2. Every time there is a fight Thai men shoot in front of witnesses. Does that mean every time man is so stupid to shoot someone in front of witnesses to end up in jail

Yes they all have guns.. Especially the snobs and the taxis...

Thais dont think or care about that at the moment... Guess you have never had a real arguement that lead into a fight with a Thai. Its like some switch gets flipped to zombie mode, ignoring all common sense, and just attack like any primate would do, whatever the consequences are... Anyway if they are allowed with a gun in the club it means they pretty much think, yes THINK, that they own the place...

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A tragic accident. The Arab was almost certainly lost and had stopped to ask directions. Everybody knows that Arabs do not frequent bars that serve alcohol and have scantily clad tarts everywhere.

>A Muslim in a bar.. a girly bar.. Nah can't be true. Unless of course he's like the millions of other hypocritical Muslims around the World. Maybe the Thai shooter had seen the news from the UK about the two folk from the religion of peace who hacked a young father to death and he was practicing good self-defence. Give him a few hundred thousand baht together with a big thank you and let him jog on.

First quote, I will say that was there even a mention that the guy was a muslim? Just because he is a Libyan national does not mean he is a muslim. There are Christians there and plenty of people who were born muslim but don't practice it... But the fact remains that there has been NO mention of his religious beliefs anywhere in this story. Ever been to Libya? I doubt it.

Second post is just a racist rant. I am from the UK and I am Christian, and I have an education and common sense not to blame all muslims for what a nutter did, who has been systematically radicalized by hateful people, much like yourself.

While I would love to see every radical muslim swinging from the branches of the nearest tree, I would never go around spouting hatred in public. For all you know, that dead guy might well have been a really decent chap. totally moderate to the point he will have a beer etc etc... Just like the rest of us. So why the hell are you so happy about this? Did you know him??

1. You are a Christian.

2. You would love to see every radical muslim swing from a tree.

Is it any wonder why muslims doubt the credibility of the christians?

As far as the motive of the Libyan goes... I have no idea except to walk by 20 7-11's, flower shops, drugstores, etc and walk into a pick-up bar to ask for directions is a little suspect.

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One thing I dont understand : Why would anyone be in any bar , any club , where there are Thai males. Its common knowledge that they resent foreign males here. And especially in a club where they are drinking and there are Thai ladies.


I spent my first 3 or 4 years here going to clubs where I was the only white face. Not once did I have a problem inside or just outside the clubs with Thai males.

More often than not I went to these clubs alone too.

Later, in BKK, I'd often go out to bars and places alone. Never once have I had a problem.

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I have been here for over 10 years and haven't seen that Thais don't like foreigners, okay always an <deleted> here and there but which Country don't have them?

When Thais are loosing their temper it goes fast, like a pulled curtain and all common sense goes out of the window.

I seen much more tourists/expats where I thought to myself: OK buddy time to drink up and move on, this guy is a nut case and you better stay clear.

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Then why is it that any time i have a traffic scare and want to berate the Thai driver, my Thai partner says no! no! no! forget it. Thai man carry gun, he might shoot you ?

Just like America then?

In Thailand, it's advisable to not berate anyone no matter how angry you may feel. Jai yen yen.

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2 things I do not really understand .

1. Every time there is a fight Thai men use a gun, does that mean every Thai man has a gun?! And carries it around

2. Every time there is a fight Thai men shoot in front of witnesses. Does that mean every time man is so stupid to shoot someone in front of witnesses to end up in jail

You will when you have lived here long enough.

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One thing I dont understand : Why would anyone be in any bar , any club , where there are Thai males. Its common knowledge that they resent foreign males here. And especially in a club where they are drinking and there are Thai ladies.

this is thailand. are you calling for aparthied?

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I've been jumped on before in a bar by 6 Arabs in Bangkok for no reason,luckily I had friends there to help me out.They are all troublemakers and think they are tough guys,this one went looking for trouble and found it.
Tough luck I have no sympathy for him!

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My Thai girlfriend bought me a small and easily hidden razor cutter, the kind kids have in their stationary bags to cut paper. No explanation but she DID think I should always carry it. I don't but I might start. Perhaps the Libyan didn't realize that Thailand is such a dangerous place and he should have been armed himself.

2 weeks ago I was in a new coffee shop in the new gas station and chatting with an old guy. His family was with him. He asked if I speak Thai and I said that I speak a little. Then, out of the blue, he said, "you know people around here don't like foreigners." His daughter/granddaughter understood and turned bright red. My response was quite Asian, I nodded and said, "I see," and then excused myself and left.

I run into it allot also. I do not drink, and have never been in a bar here in Thailand. And have lived here for a few years. I love photography and travel extensively all over Thailand. It is amazing how many Thais really dislike foreigners. Many times when shooting with other Thais I am confronted or treated with disrespect. I personally am tired of it. I look at it as a no win for me. Better to leave than fight IMO.

There is good reason for that. History teaches that two of the most undesirable things have come in the wake of farang: Imperialism and Ethnocentrism. Any guess why Thailand did not succumb?

Pity they don't teach the Thais That it was Falang that kept there freedom for them, and why they don't speak Japanese today.

Edited by Thongkorn
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here we go again...... banal comments regarding religion. Just because somebody is born in a 'muslim country' does not necessarily mean they are a practicing muslim..... shall we take the conversation further and talk about all the Christian hypocrites. the same Christian soldiers that dropped nuclear bombs and napalm........religion was hijacked by the politicians a long time ago...

That is very correct.

There are a number of Soi's in both Bangkok where literally 1000's of Muslim men frequent. These men look Muslim and are obviously from a country that strictly enforces Islam but sure as hell they are not acting to what I assumed was general Muslim 'we are so pure behaviour'.

Ill fix the drinks up tonight Mohammed it's your turn to pay the barfines.

Edited by Scott
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Probably off-duty BIBs...

I do Not know if this Picture is the actual gun , But most policemen carry this type,

The caption "file photo" might be a clue.

Do you believe every thing you see and read in the papers.

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Problem is that weapons are illegal to farangs.

For the second time, I tell you foreigners: arm yourself! Get as many weapons as you can so when you get these crazy <deleted> without education and judgement who wants to deliver a fatal blow because they are losing, you will be able to defend yourself. Guns, knuckles and paralyzing gaz are a need in this far West country.

They're illegal for everyone unless they have a licence.

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Probably off-duty BIBs...

I do Not know if this Picture is the actual gun , But most policemen carry this type,

The caption "file photo" might be a clue.

Do you believe every thing you see and read in the papers.

Nope - what is claimed to be a photo is obviously a drawing, but that is the extent of the extravagance of their claim.

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One thing I dont understand : Why would anyone be in any bar , any club , where there are Thai males. Its common knowledge that they resent foreign males here. And especially in a club where they are drinking and there are Thai ladies.

Best place to go for a fight, just shoot first
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Problem is that weapons are illegal to farangs.

For the second time, I tell you foreigners: arm yourself! Get as many weapons as you can so when you get these crazy <deleted> without education and judgement who wants to deliver a fatal blow because they are losing, you will be able to defend yourself. Guns, knuckles and paralyzing gaz are a need in this far West country.

They're illegal for everyone unless they have a licence.

There are thousands of unlicensed Guns in Thailand, and even licensed Guns can be borrowed for a few baht, Police Guns are not all the same, And are not standard issue, The picture looks like a colt 45. and most policemen carry them.

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2 things I do not really understand .

1. Every time there is a fight Thai men use a gun, does that mean every Thai man has a gun?! And carries it around

2. Every time there is a fight Thai men shoot in front of witnesses. Does that mean every time man is so stupid to shoot someone in front of witnesses to end up in jail

Are your comments based on your experiences or what? In 15 years living here I have seen one fight between a Thai and a farang and the Thai battered him one on one . Personally I have never had any trouble with a Thai man although a few drunken farangs have tried to pick a fight now and again.

If I compare Thailand to UK and Australia there is far less chance of being the target of violent drunks here than those places where random drunken violence is almost normal.

I know where I would rather be so I'm staying here:-)

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Guns, bars and fights? And no one thought to mention Chalerm's son?

Unbelievable you lot tongue.png

What has his family got to do with this incident?


To spell it out for you: an example where everyone saw a man released for murder in a very similar case, setting an example to the public. In addition, the intimidation of key witnesses. So if this man has connections and/or money, then there'd be little consequences. Consequences would tend to deter don't you think, in which the system gave penalties for all across the board? Sure they'll hammer him if he's poor, while red bull son, chalerm's rats, his lord, and 16 year olds who kill 8 people run free....that was the point other posters made.

He probably wasn't drunk when he brought his gun with him prior to arriving at the joint.

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Probably off-duty BIBs...

I do Not know if this Picture is the actual gun , But most policemen carry this type,

Not the ones I know. Policeman buy their own gun. I've seen a huge variety of revolvers and semis with our local officers.

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For the second time, I tell you foreigners: arm yourself! Get as many weapons as you can so when you get these crazy <deleted> without education and judgement who wants to deliver a fatal blow because they are losing, you will be able to defend yourself. Guns, knuckles and paralyzing gaz are a need in this far West country.

Problem is that weapons are illegal to farangs.

They're illegal for everyone unless they have a licence.

There are thousands of unlicensed Guns in Thailand, and even licensed Guns can be borrowed for a few baht, Police Guns are not all the same, And are not standard issue, The picture looks like a colt 45. and most policemen carry them.

I don't think the gun in the OP looks like a Colt 45. I would certainly challenge your assertion that most policemen carry Colt 45's. I'm "nosey" enought about guns and usually look out of curiosity. Seen all sorts of revolvers and semis. I only know one local officer who has a Colt 45 - a really nice model he's had for years. The others, a real mixture.

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It's in Nakhon Pathom.

Strange, Yes. He just blurted it out like it was something he's wanted to say for a long time. I've lived overseas too long and in too many places to give it much thought.

I was thrown out of a bar in Japan as I walked in. In Japanese the own/barman simply looked up and said, "No foreigners." I turned around and left taking my business elsewhere. If he doesn't want my business, I don't want to give it to him. I've also left a disco in China where there was a strong feeling of hostility. What do I need to prove? That I'm as big an a-h0le as they are. Nah!

asupeartea, on 29 May 2013 - 08:51, said:
My Thai girlfriend bought me a small and easily hidden razor cutter, the kind kids have in their stationary bags to cut paper. No explanation but she DID think I should always carry it. I don't but I might start. Perhaps the Libyan didn't realize that Thailand is such a dangerous place and he should have been armed himself.

2 weeks ago I was in a new coffee shop in the new gas station and chatting with an old guy. His family was with him. He asked if I speak Thai and I said that I speak a little. Then, out of the blue, he said, "you know people around here don't like foreigners." His daughter/granddaughter understood and turned bright red. My response was quite Asian, I nodded and said, "I see," and then excused myself and left.

Where was this gas station? A very, very strange thing to say I have to say...what was wrong with this guy?
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Guns, bars and fights? And no one thought to mention Chalerm's son?

Unbelievable you lot :P

What has his family got to do with this incident?



Guns, bars and fights? And no one thought to mention Chalerm's son?Unbelievable you lot :P
What has his family got to do with this incident? Unbelievable.
To spell it out for you: an example where everyone saw a man released for murder in a very similar case, setting an example to the public. In addition, the intimidation of key witnesses. So if this man has connections and/or money, then there'd be little consequences. Consequences would tend to deter don't you think, in which the system gave penalties for all across the board? Sure they'll hammer him if he's poor, while red bull son, chalerm's rats, his lord, and 16 year olds who kill 8 people run free....that was the point other posters made.He probably wasn't drunk when he brought his gun with him prior to arriving at the joint.

Thanks for setting Harry straight ;)

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Yeah, That's why I don't bother.

My Thai girlfriend bought me a small and easily hidden razor cutter, the kind kids have in their stationary bags to cut paper. No explanation but she DID think I should always carry it. I don't but I might start. Perhaps the Libyan didn't realize that Thailand is such a dangerous place and he should have been armed himself.

2 weeks ago I was in a new coffee shop in the new gas station and chatting with an old guy. His family was with him. He asked if I speak Thai and I said that I speak a little. Then, out of the blue, he said, "you know people around here don't like foreigners." His daughter/granddaughter understood and turned bright red. My response was quite Asian, I nodded and said, "I see," and then excused myself and left.

The problem with the small and easily hidden razor cutter is that it doesn't compare well with a visible 2 foot long machete.

In other words, it will likely get you in more trouble than you would be in without it.

Pause for thought......................wink.png

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I don't think the gun in the OP looks like a Colt 45. I would certainly challenge your assertion that most policemen carry Colt 45's. I'm "nosey" enought about guns and usually look out of curiosity. Seen all sorts of revolvers and semis. I only know one local officer who has a Colt 45 - a really nice model he's had for years. The others, a real mixture.

I Agree with you about mixtures, We where on the Police firing range. In Sah mut Prakan a few weeks ago, one Police officer had a gun , a mixture, of Guns, also it had been tweaked, it had a magazine of 17 bullets, all 45, calaba.

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