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Five-Car Pile-Up Brings Bangkok's Ratchada To A Standstill


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I would say the cause of the accident was the over loaded and top heavy truck. Very little to do with the rain.

Yes the rain made the road slippery but the uneven weight distribution is a bigger factor. Not to mention the puddles on the road are more dangerous than the slippery road and you can't fix the stupid road design in Thailand. This is the way they design the roads and they aren't going to design and build them any other way even if you can prove emphatically that there is a better way.

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"Heavy down pour, slippery wet road"...............How about slowing down and keeping reasonable distance. Oh! i forgot, Thais have never heard of this, and that includes senior police officers.

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The accident wasn't caused by a heavy downpour, but by the general Thai driving habit not to keep any distance to the front car.

Ah, an eye witness.

One does not have to see it because this is how they drive all the time rolleyes.gif

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Great photo! It never ceases to amaze me that there are so many of you that think they know the cause of the accident, haven't you got a life? The one thing that I have noticed is that there are far less road deaths in low season and yet when there's an accident it's always the Thais' fault. Even the Russian guy that cut himself in 2 (how fast must he have been going?) was almost exonerated by some idiot poster who claimed that it was probably the Thais' fault. I live in Koh Phangan and the manner in which some of the tourists that come here drive their rented vehicles, especially the motor scooters is nothing short of reckless.

My advice to the low life that comes here is get yourself one less tattoo and take a driving lesson with the time you've saved and lay off the Thais, there are good and bad drivers among us all.

"A driving lesson in Thailand" ........Where ? coffee1.gif

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Great photo! It never ceases to amaze me that there are so many of you that think they know the cause of the accident, haven't you got a life? The one thing that I have noticed is that there are far less road deaths in low season and yet when there's an accident it's always the Thais' fault. Even the Russian guy that cut himself in 2 (how fast must he have been going?) was almost exonerated by some idiot poster who claimed that it was probably the Thais' fault. I live in Koh Phangan and the manner in which some of the tourists that come here drive their rented vehicles, especially the motor scooters is nothing short of reckless.

My advice to the low life that comes here is get yourself one less tattoo and take a driving lesson with the time you've saved and lay off the Thais, there are good and bad drivers among us all.

All the low life here. Hmmmm....you are here too. What does that make you?

It's an easy assumption to make about Thai drivers. If you drive with them you could come to that conclusion as well. But if you are Thai maybe you think the way they drive is normal.

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The accident wasn't caused by a heavy downpour, but by the general Thai driving habit not to keep any distance to the front car.

Correct, except you forgot to add excessive speed that was most likely contributing factor.

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Only about 1 1/2 months ago there was suddenly a big down pour, the first rain in months, driving for 10kms along Viphawadee I came across two accidents, in only one 10km stretch, both rear enders at speed.

They just seem to be completely clueless that a big first rain is going to bring up all the crap on the road and make conditions even worse.

Not that they even slowdown and move back anyway.

Just seemingly, a very simple, not too bright people.

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Why are the gas tanks not located in a spot that can't be reached by a vehicle crashing into the rear end of another one???

Oh man. There is a great photo attached to the OP, take 10 seconds to look at it.

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Another idiot reaching for his hat?

And as was hypothesized before, I'll warrant that they had all breezed through their driving tests some times prior.

driving test ,..........whats one of them ? ,...........during songkran around 20%plus that were stoped , had no license, mpr 100b and your free to go drive illegally again ,....... carry on killing on the roads of death !, well done BIB.

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Yes, it was the rain's fault. rolleyes.gif

Actually not so much directly the rain's fault. Rain water displaces petroleum products accumulated in the road's surface causing them to come out. This dynamic occurs primarily because the water is heavier than the petroleum and because the oil is not soluble in the water. The problem is also exacerbated when there has been little recent rainfall as there will have been a greater quantity of petroleum product set down over time.tongue.png

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oh thais... always putting the blame on external factors... never on the driver.

I'm sure that if the driver was a Westerner it would be different. rolleyes.gif

Right on!!! These ol' fots drive around on heavy motorbikes and it's like they are in a bubble. They don't see nothin' and have no perception of what a one-way street is. annoyed.gif

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Yes, it was the rain's fault. rolleyes.gif

Actually not so much directly the rain's fault. Rain water displaces petroleum products accumulated in the road's surface causing them to come out. This dynamic occurs primarily because the water is heavier than the petroleum and because the oil is not soluble in the water. The problem is also exacerbated when there has been little recent rainfall as there will have been a greater quantity of petroleum product set down over time.tongue.png

Fascinating! So it was the Petrol!

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Why are the gas tanks not located in a spot that can't be reached by a vehicle crashing into the rear end of another one???

Don't know off hand. The drive train and engine take up the rest of the space? Lets just blame it on the Thais or on Thai police corruption.coffee1.gif

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I'm just waiting for when the poor old Sun also gets the blame.

"Officer, I only closed my eyes because the Sun was too bright and then somebody put a tunnel in the way. It's the Sun's fault"


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dan someone please explain how are you supposed to see through a windscreen in the rain when you have to save power and keep the wipers off?! :wai:

I'm not sure this defence would stand up in court buddy.

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The police report seems stangely different from the photo supplied. OTOH they rarely match reality.

How so? It looks to me like the truck lost it and went sideways, catching a few tailgaters or those attempting to pass. This tunnel, to me is just plain scarey, wet or dry. I've personally seen it in the wee hours and, luckily, traffic is relatively sparse (or in this case it probably would have been a lot more than just 5 vehicles). The drivers actually have to focus and drive somewhat sanely to traverse it which may be a challenge for many to do so ... even sober.

"The taxi behind the Isuzu truck smashed into its gas tank, causing the fire, police said." Now look at the picture.

Yes. I've looked at the picture again. And....?

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The accident wasn't caused by a heavy downpour, but by the general Thai driving habit not to keep any distance to the front car.

True but when one driver follows another vehicle at a safe distance, four cars try -and do- squeeze in.

Like removing your hand from a bucket of water- the void is filled immediately.

TIT smile.png

...so you slow down to create the gap again...and end up virtually going backwards....

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dan someone please explain how are you supposed to see through a windscreen in the rain when you have to save power and keep the wipers off?! wai.gif

same as at dusk...driving on only side lights...to save electricity?...or bulbs?

and which is cheaper I ask....a bulb or an accident?

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I knew it as soon as I read this story and I was right.. post after post denigrating and insulting thai people.. why are you all here? ..and if you live in Thailand why on earth would you live in a country in which you seem to think it's people are so beneath you?
For goodness sake accidents like this happen in every country.. there are idiot drivers in every country.. driving too close to the car in front happens in every country.. Blaming conditions happens in every country.. Why is it that people need to insult and put down others just to make themselves feel superior and somehow without fault?
All you do by so freely mocking and blaming Thai people and their culture, as if they are inferior, is show the same ignorance that you seem to so love accusing them of.

All countries and all cultures have their faults and also their good sides.. instead of being so ready to criticise in order to make ourselves feel superior how about some kindness, understanding and intelligence.. We are all in the same boat (planet earth) and it's surely about time we all got on and started trying to see beyond the differences.. these people are our brothers and sisters..

You may laugh at this and say I am making a big deal out of a few jokes or whatever but what I am saying needs to be said.. The kind of attitude that is behind this mocking of our fellow man and woman is the cause of most of the wars and suffering in this world.. It's time for change and it starts with us changing those attitudes..
Something I have noticed during my many visits to Thailand and other countries too is that if you treat people with respect and trust you usually find they trust and respect you in return.. and if you mistrust them or mock them that is just what you get back.. which then reinforces your misguided belief that they are to blame..
If you think the Thais will take advantage of you and are only interested in your money and that is your attitude to them that is probably what will happen. I never felt like that and in all my years in Thailand I never got taken advantage of.. and that holds true in every country worldwide.

People have often called me a fool for being so trusting in Thailand but I assure you Thai people are acutely aware of how westerners mistrust them and respond accordingly.

Try a little openness and trust.. you may just be very surprised!

Edited by Bobinyangdor
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