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I was last year (July) granted a retirement extension until 24 August 2013. So under normal circumstances that extension is up for renewal a few days before 24. August this year.

Now, after some health problems this year and a check back home last month I have got appointment for a total hearth check up. This is a costly procedure in private hospitals both here and in my home country but due to the National Insurance scheme in my country we get this free at State Hospitals (Well, free means covered by paid taxes) Now if I wish to move this appointment I get placed back in the queue again and will also get a generally lower priority comparing to new and serious cases.

Is there any changes for doing the renewal at immigration as much as 2 weeks before the "permitted up to date" or is it better to start all over again when I eventually are back in Thailand?




Always a good idea to do early in case of any problems/missing documents etc.

Don't forget to get a Re Entry Permit when you leave Thailand.


Lite beer, just a small question. I read earlier that it is valid now to be able to seek already 45 days before the date....

Is it not yet OK to do, or what happens with it... Have you heard anything??



You can apply up to 30 days early and are encouraged to do so.

Immigration can be very helpful- when they want to be. A big smile and respectful attitude can over come many "situations" here.

Good luck!



45 days? I tried at just 31 days this past February, no can do, was the answer, come back tomorrow.


OK maybe I just misunderstood the whole thing. Just wanted to ask anyhow



There has been such a recent report but no confirmation as yet. 30 days is the normal allowance although some have provided more in a case-by-case basis when a need was shown. And until recently Pattaya was allowing several months in advance but recent reports were they had adopted 30 days.


I always do my annual retirement extension 3-4 weeks before (one time right at the 30 days before point)the Permitted to Stay date arrives in order to have time to work out any unexpected roadblock/rejection issue, and/or to avoid Murphy's Law of "If you wait unit the last week or so before the extension is due something unexpected will surely pop-up to prevent you from applying in time."


I have been very fortunate in having immigration at Cheng Wattana grant my retirement extension sixty days before the expiration of my current permission to stay. This was only after much pleading and this year I was told "Not again." Next year I am planning to request my extension forty days before the extension of my present permission to stay but they could very well refuse to grant it that early. Since I am now retired from my job, I would be able to stick around the additional ten days if necessary before I return to Japan. My hope though is only to spend three and a half months in Bangkok when it is cold in Japan. My reason is that it is actually cheaper to live in Japan at the level that I want but it's just too cold here from January through the middle of March.

Pertinent to the OP's request for information, it seems to me that the easiest way to arrange for 15 months of permission to stay is to come on a visa waiver, convert to a Non-imm O within 30 days and then extent that visa for retirement. The advantage would be only having to deal with one proof of adequate funds and not having to submit all of the paperwork required for getting the O visa at Hull although it would require two trips to immigration in Thailand. The proof of funds used for the conversion to non-imm O can be recycled and used again for the extension for retirement. That's what I've done and since the officers at Cheng Wattana were familiar with my first submission of the proof, they really didn't examine it when they granted the extension. They never questioned my place of residence at all and simply accepted what I put down. I hope this helps. Good luck in getting your visas!


I have permission to stay (as per date when I entered) or admitted until 19 Aug 2013. I would like to go to the immigration office as early as possible (as I want to leave the country). I understand that I should renew the permission to stay and also get a re-entry permit (two things to do).

What is the earlier date I can go to the immigration office? Note that July has 31 days.

I think I can go to the immigration office on July 21 (in other words, if July 21 is the first day of the 30-day period, August 19 is the 30th day).

If so (if you agree), then July 21 is a Sunday. Can I go on July 20 (Saturday) or July 19, 2013 (Friday)?

(Originally I had an O-A visa from the U.S. that expired and I then entered on a re-entry permit).

Thank you.


Immigration is not open on weekends so the best day would be the July 22.

You could though try on the 19th. They might let you do it then since the 30 days falls on the weekend.

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