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Obama To Press Chinas Xi To Act Against Cyber Spying


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US President Barack Obama, right, meets with China's then Vice President Xi Jinping in the Oval Office of the White House on Feb. 14, 2012. Xi will meet Obama again this week, this time as China’s president. (Photo: Reuters)

US President Barack Obama, right, meets with China’s then Vice President Xi Jinping in the Oval Office of the White House on Feb. 14, 2012. Xi will meet Obama again this week, this time as China’s president. (Photo: Reuters)

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama will tell Chinese President Xi Jinping at a California summit this week that Washington considers Beijing responsible for any cyber-attacks launched from Chinese soil and must take action to curb high-tech spying, White House officials said on Tuesday.

Underscoring growing US suspicions of a Chinese role in cyber espionage that has targeted US government entities and major corporations, aides to Obama made clear the issue would be high on the agenda at a relatively informal retreat to begin on Friday.

The talks, Xi’s first encounter with Obama since taking over the presidency in March, are meant to allow the leaders to get to know each other away from the spotlight of Washington and begin easing mistrust between the world’s two biggest economic powers.

But any feel-good vibe at the luxury resort in the desert near Palm Springs, could be soured by Obama taking a hard line with Xi over Chinese cyber hacking of US secrets.

“Governments are responsible for cyber-attacks that take place from within their borders,†a White House official told reporters before the summit. “As a part of our interests in protecting US businesses, we will raise with China any concerns we have about intrusions we believe emanate from China.â€

The official said Obama would make clear that China must abide by international “rules of the road†on cybersecurity. China has consistently denied US accusations of cyber hacking and has insisted it is more a victim than a perpetrator.

The White House declined to specify what if any punitive measures the United States might take if Xi refused to cooperate and the cyber threats persisted.

But one official cited recent unfair trade cases that Washington had taken against China before the World Trade Organization as evidence that “when we believe we’re not making progress simply through dialogue, we are willing to use the measures available to us within the international system.â€

The summit will be followed in July by the first high-level meeting of a US-China panel on cyber-security.

Obama has been under strong pressure from lawmakers to persuade Xi to take US hacking worries seriously. The Washington Post reported last week that China had used cyber-attacks to access data from nearly 40 Pentagon weapons programs. China dismissed the report.

With China worried the United States is trying to encircle it militarily with its “Asia pivot,†Obama also faces the challenge of convincing Xi that America’s reorientation of foreign policy and the shifting of some military resources toward the region are not meant as a threat to Beijing.

The strategy is widely seen as a way of reassuring allies like Japan and South Korea of the US commitment to counter China’s power.

At the summit, Obama will also be looking to build on recent signs of a sharpening of Chinese pressure on North Korea over its nuclear and missile programs, a shift that could bring Beijing closer to Washington’s position. China has long been the closest thing North Korea has to an ally.

Another US official said Obama would try to find specific ways the United States and China could work together to force North Korea to abandon its nuclear ambitions. China has resisted full implementations of sanctions on its impoverished neighbor.

China told an envoy of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un that Pyongyang should stop conducting nuclear and missile tests, although the North showed little sign of heeding the request, said a source with knowledge of the talks held late last month.

High-level US-Chinese encounters of recent decades have been unable to match President Richard Nixon’s groundbreaking visit to Communist China in 1972 that ended decades of estrangement between Washington and Beijing.

But US officials held out the prospect that Obama and Xi would be able to develop personal rapport— something lacking between US presidents and Xi’s notoriously stiff predecessor, Hu Jintao—that could aid progress on substantive issues.

“He seems to be someone fast on his feet, open to engagement, willing to speak directly to Americans and to issues of concern to Americans in a manner that was not a hallmark of some of his predecessors,†one White House official said of Xi.

A willingness to forgo the traditional pomp of a White House visit may signal a fresh approach by Xi, who as president-in-waiting met Obama in Washington in February of last year. He is a Communist Party “princeling,†the son of a revolutionary leader. But he is also fond of Hollywood movie war dramas.

Source: Irrawaddy.org
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The super sophisticated U.S. cyber security company Mandiant found PLA hackers in U.S. defense systems so it traced the hackers, which is no simple task. Mandiant however traced the PLA hackers so effectively that it identified the non-descript building in Shanghai in which the PLA cyber spies pursue their nefarious work..

Mandiant even identified the PLA army unit doing the cyber spying against U.S. military contractors - its name is the PLA's Unit 61398.

It's no surprise that during the past ten years the CCP-PRC has gone from making junk weaponry into the realm of having stealth fighter jets, anti-aircraft carrier ballistic missiles and the like. The CCP-PRC in ten years has gone from being two generations behind the U.S. in military technology to less than one generation behind.

And to what peaceful purposes do the CCP dictators in Beijing seek military superiority over the United States? Is it so we can have a love fest together? Or so we together can dominate and jointly rule the world? Certainly not. As with all fascist dictatorships, Beijing has its covetous eyes on the world. That would require having a superior military technology, the way the United States has and shall continue to have.

The United States does not seek to rule the world..

So there's a bad moon risin'.

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Surely, the countries getting hacked can lay some sort of trap that sends back a nasty virus.

What I just don't get is why China is allowed to get away with this.

Prez Obama created the U.S. military Cyber Command in April, 2009. Units that had existed separately, but operated didactically, were incorporated into the Cyber Command along with newly created units.

Bush and the neocons had been focused on the ME, which took away from the Asia-Pacific much in resources of every kind. (Troops from S Korea and Japan, for instance, were transferred to Iraq and Afghanistan. Now bustling Guam looked like a sleepy Pattaya of 50 years ago.,)

Obama placed a four star general in charge of U.S. Cyber Command to indicate to the CCP and to the Russians that a serious new recognition had occurred in Washington.

However, it took U.S. Cyber Command two years to write all the rules and procedures, processes etc consistent with its operations, its jurisdiction etc and with U.S. laws and the Constitution. Bureaucracy and all of that.The CCP-PRC and Russians meanwhile continued to have a grand time of it.

Now that Cyber Command is up and running, we are finding all these horrors that have been occurring during the years of neglect by Bush and his neocons.

The key to dealing with cyber spying, as I keep hearing and reading, is to be ready at the end point of the cyber system. It is at the end point, the terminus, that the malware emerges to do its nefarious work. Cyber systems for some time now have prevented intercepting a message or operation in process. It's the gatekeepers at the receiving end point who must do the critical work.

The weak point is not the Pentagon or the government, but, rather, the inadequate security systems of U.S. civilian defense contractors. That's where the damage has been done. Now Cyber Command, the National Security Agency, Department of Homeland Security and others are installing anti-malware systems in the hardware and software of civilian defense contractors, and are upgrading the personnel who operate the systems.

We are recovering from all the damage done during the period of neglect, but at the cost of tens of billions of dollars we would not otherwise have had to spend.

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This out today. I'm wondering if this will have any impact on the Chinese visit.


Michelle Obama 'snubs' China's first lady
By Tom Phillips, Shanghai9:11AM BST 05 Jun 2013
Communist Party bosses had seen the June 7-8 Sunnylands summit as a golden opportunity to deploy Peng Liyuan’s much-vaunted charms on the world stage in a bid to spin a more favourable image of China’s leaders.
But on Tuesday Mrs Obama’s office told the New York Times the first lady would remain in Washington with her daughters who are coming to the end of their academic year.
Mrs Obama’s absence is likely to limit her Chinese counterpart’s role at the two-day California meeting, which begins on Friday, and may be interpreted as a snub, analysts said.
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This out today. I'm wondering if this will have any impact on the Chinese visit.


Michelle Obama 'snubs' China's first lady
By Tom Phillips, Shanghai9:11AM BST 05 Jun 2013
Communist Party bosses had seen the June 7-8 Sunnylands summit as a golden opportunity to deploy Peng Liyuan’s much-vaunted charms on the world stage in a bid to spin a more favourable image of China’s leaders.
But on Tuesday Mrs Obama’s office told the New York Times the first lady would remain in Washington with her daughters who are coming to the end of their academic year.
Mrs Obama’s absence is likely to limit her Chinese counterpart’s role at the two-day California meeting, which begins on Friday, and may be interpreted as a snub, analysts said.

I can say with confidence that the PRChinese sheeple don't give a rat's arse whether Xi's wife and Michelle Obama meet or don't meet. Americans on the whole don't much care either.

Xi's wife is a supposedly popular singer in the CCP-PRC whose pseudonym is Peng Liyuan (I guess the CCP owned and operated media can either make or call her a "popular" singer, but a well known singer she is),

Peng Liyuan holds a ceremonial, civilian rank in the People’s Liberation Army that’s the equivalent of major general (two stars).

A photo that for the past 20 or so years has been strictly censored within China "appears" to show her serenading army troops in Tiananmen Square immediately after the June 4th 1989 crackdown that killed hundreds or thousands of civilians. Many Mainland PRChinese and in Hong Kong - and globally - are currently and solemnly observing the Tianamen Square massacre of countless unarmed young people by the PLA.

This per se in an inopportune time for Prez Obama to be meeting cordially, i.e., informally at a California resort with Xi as it is.

A widely and repeatedly circulated video shows Xi's wife performing a 1960s-era propaganda song from the perspective of a Tibetan woman who is purportedly eager for the People’s Liberation Army to come to conquer her country. This video has been in circulation for almost 20 years.

It's clear that the White House was not eager to have photos of General Peng of Tianamen and Tibet smiling next to Michelle Obama. The widespread propaganda value to the CCP of Michelle Obama and Xi's wife schmoozing together, seeing the sights, perhaps horseback riding together etc is wisely denied by agreement between the president and the first lady.

The pundits and the chattering classes in the U.S. and elsewhere who are gaggling about a potential diplomatic incident have their mouths fully in gear but not at all well engaged with their brains. I'd anyway welcome the claims of those who say this could be tantamount to a diplomatic incident of sorts because a high visibility snubbing of Gen Peng of Tianamen and Tibet at this particular time of PRChinese history would be exactly fine with me.

The Chinese always have been sensitive and take everything personally. That right now would be well and good.

Edited by Publicus
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This out today. I'm wondering if this will have any impact on the Chinese visit.


Michelle Obama 'snubs' China's first lady
By Tom Phillips, Shanghai9:11AM BST 05 Jun 2013
Communist Party bosses had seen the June 7-8 Sunnylands summit as a golden opportunity to deploy Peng Liyuan’s much-vaunted charms on the world stage in a bid to spin a more favourable image of China’s leaders.
But on Tuesday Mrs Obama’s office told the New York Times the first lady would remain in Washington with her daughters who are coming to the end of their academic year.
Mrs Obama’s absence is likely to limit her Chinese counterpart’s role at the two-day California meeting, which begins on Friday, and may be interpreted as a snub, analysts said.

Does that respond to your inquiry?

I should expect it would.

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The CCP in this Xi's wife thing and Michelle Obama just got an abrupt wake up call and reality check.

To the CCP, Xi's wife is a resonant personality with a kind of dynamism they are unaccustomed to whether it be in the wife of a leader or in the leader himself. She is a singer who is the general of Tianamen and the representative peasant of Tibet. Xi's wife is the first wife of a CCP leader the CCP was anxious to showcase to the United States but to the world in general and the West in particular.

Xi's wife was going to be a global star. She was going to give the CCP-PRC sorely needed soft power.

Or so they thought.

Now however comes the reality.

Xi's wife is a whopping liability to both Xi and to the CCP. She impresses no one in the U.S. or anywhere there is democracy and where the Tianamen Square massacre of unarmed PRChinese youth by the PLA is rejected in every way. In Tianamen June 4th 1989 the CCP and the PLA murdered the people of the People's Republic. They in effect ate their young. Then there's Tibet besides.

Everything superlative to the CCP concerning Xi's wife is exposed as ingrown, inbred self-reinforcement, self-congratulations, grandiose delusion.

So the shock to the CCP is that Xi's wife is a big bust.

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This out today. I'm wondering if this will have any impact on the Chinese visit.


Michelle Obama 'snubs' China's first lady
By Tom Phillips, Shanghai9:11AM BST 05 Jun 2013
Communist Party bosses had seen the June 7-8 Sunnylands summit as a golden opportunity to deploy Peng Liyuan’s much-vaunted charms on the world stage in a bid to spin a more favourable image of China’s leaders.
But on Tuesday Mrs Obama’s office told the New York Times the first lady would remain in Washington with her daughters who are coming to the end of their academic year.
Mrs Obama’s absence is likely to limit her Chinese counterpart’s role at the two-day California meeting, which begins on Friday, and may be interpreted as a snub, analysts said.

Does that respond to your inquiry?

I should expect it would.

Not really. Just another opinion piece. Thanks for the input however.

Wolf Blitzer just asked the question if Michelle is worried about being upstaged.

Yet another opinion.

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It is interesting to note that the President of China wasn't hosted at the White House. I wonder why?

It is fact that the penumbra of time surrounding June 4th every year is a sensitive time in the CCP-PRC.

The CCP has somewhat obliterated the Tianamen Square massacre of June 4th 1989 from the consciousness of its youngest population, those who are students in Grades 1-9. Too many of the adult sheeple of the PRChina, of all ages, ignore or allow themselves to forget the slaughter that night and into the dawn hours of an untold number of unarmed protesting Chinese youth.

The significant number of PRChinese however remember or, if they are adolescents, have been informed by their parents or other family members, the people they trust and believe first and foremost, of the June 6th massacre. Most of the present students of Grades 1-9 are told of the crime by these family members, family members who care and who want reforms in the CCP-PRC. PRChinese adults however strongly instruct their offspring and younger generations never to attempt any such movement for change themselves, for fear of the recurrence of yet another bloodbath involving their own.

Chairman Xi owes Prez Obama a big favor in return for Obama's willingness to meet with Xi (and his big bust wife) during this time period. It is a time when many PRChinese mourn and solemnly remember the tragic time and the carnage inflicted against its youth by the CCP government. In Hong Kong and Singapore virtually everyone knows of the carnage of June 4th and take it seriously, grievously - and in Taiwan the June 6th butchery of the CCP against its own youth is well known and apprehensively grieved.

Chinese were mass murdered by Chinese, i.e., their own government. All of East Asia is aware of the fact and is mortified by it.

Prez Obama is sensitive to this feeling. So he and his advisors decided no official state dinner at the White House, no photos of Xi and Obama meeting in the Oval Office, no official state arrival ceremony on the White House south lawn with bands and representative troops of all the armed forces etc. Only a low key, well sheltered meeting in shirtsleeves with Xi under some palm trees in California, which nonetheless remains distressing to many PRChinese. So Obama knows Xi is grateful to have such a meeting with the president of the United States at such a time as this that defines life in the modern CCP-PRC.

And Prez Obama made clear during the runup to the meeting he will take Xi to the woodshed on matters such as cyber spying, the CCP's territorial aggressions in the Indo-Pacific Oceans to include against treaty allies of the U.S., on necessary reforms in the PRChina, along with many other issues important to both the U.S., the PRChinese, East Asians and India alike.

The bottom line is that Xi owes Obama big time for this one and both Xi and Obama know it.

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This out today. I'm wondering if this will have any impact on the Chinese visit.


Michelle Obama 'snubs' China's first lady
By Tom Phillips, Shanghai9:11AM BST 05 Jun 2013
Communist Party bosses had seen the June 7-8 Sunnylands summit as a golden opportunity to deploy Peng Liyuan’s much-vaunted charms on the world stage in a bid to spin a more favourable image of China’s leaders.
But on Tuesday Mrs Obama’s office told the New York Times the first lady would remain in Washington with her daughters who are coming to the end of their academic year.
Mrs Obama’s absence is likely to limit her Chinese counterpart’s role at the two-day California meeting, which begins on Friday, and may be interpreted as a snub, analysts said.

Does that respond to your inquiry?

I should expect it would.

Not really. Just another opinion piece. Thanks for the input however.

Wolf Blitzer just asked the question if Michelle is worried about being upstaged.

Yet another opinion.

Wolf Blitzer is a journalist, one of the better ones but a media figure nonetheless.

He's going to pursue the glib, the trite, the mundane - Blitzer is looking at the vague shadows shimmering on the wall rather than at the fire.

Every circumstance has facts to it. The fact in the matter of Xi's wife and Michelle Obama is the reality of the June 4th 1989 carnage of Tianamen Square and PLA Major General Peng Li Yuan, the pseudonym of Xi's singer wife, serenading the troops of Tianamen Square immediately after they massacred unarmed protesting PRChinese youth.

Major General Michelle Obama?!

We're talking two opposite worlds here.


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The U.S. can have dialogue and trade relations with the CCP-PRC, and continue to have investment activity - although investment activity has slowed as the PRC economy now is staring at the dead end of a stagnant CCP-PRC-state-corporate-military industrial complex - but it's becoming increasing clear that a powerful democracy and an ambitious powerful dictatorship cannot peaceably coexist.

That's because the CCP has demonstrated repeatedly and in many ways that we cannot trust or believe them. The entire existence of the CCP-PRC is based on deception, duplicity, secrecy. One can ask who knows what they are up to. I'm sure Washington has a better and more clear idea than I do concerning the answers.

But it is clear to me the CCP is a 21st century fascist dictatorship. And we know from history that fascist dictatorships are never contented to stay at home to mind their own business. To them, the world is their oyster lying there for the taking. The CCP dares not utter the word liebensraum in public, but that is the plan.

The constant cyber spying against U.S. corporations and U.S. military defense contractors has provided the CCP with much advanced technology and knowledge both in economics and militarily. To what purpose, and to what end?

The current period is the observation and mourning of the untold number of PRChinese unarmed youth massacred June 4th 1989 by the PLA in Tianamen Square. Given that Chinese will kill Chinese who want democracy and freedoms, what with the CCP try against us?

The CCP plans nothing good for us - that can be said with certainty. Consequently we need to be prepared for the worst.


U.S.-China Summit a Chance for U.S. to Express Concerns to China

http://thediplomat.com/2013/06/07/u-s-china-relations-stop-striving-for-trust/?all=true U.S.-China Relations: Stop Striving For “Trust”

Edited by Publicus
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The first article deals with the real world of the CCP's huge cyber spying against U.S. corporations and U.S. government military contractors, which Prez Obama said is the most important threat to national security, ahead of foreign terrorism.

The second piece is a play on Xi Jinping's theme he created for his presidency - what he calls the "China Dream." Xi's "China Dream" is the world's nightmare. The "China Dream" of Xi Jinping's creation is a CCP dictatorship in Beijing lording over the world. Xi thus establishes the new "China Dream" in direct contradiction of the American Dream we in the United States know so well.

The headline in the third piece, which links to its original publisher, The Economist, speaks loudly and clearly enough.

Report Suggests How to Counter China’s Cyber Espionage


An Invitation to Barack Obama and Xi Jinping Dare to believe in the dream of a ‘Free China’


China's New President Should Scare The
Crap Out Of The Rest Of The World
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-dream-not-peaceful-or-beneficial-2013-5#ixzz2SdUDt7JZ
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From the article, it is clear that the CCP-PRC's immediate goal is to upset and change the status quo, both in the Indo-Pacafic Asia region, but, more importantly, globally.

From the article:

"As a rising power, China wants to change the game rules,” Shi Cangshan said, while adding the important caveat that this usual dynamic, of a rising power challenging an established power, is all being filtered through, and carried out along distinct, ideologically communist lines. “The Chinese Communist Party’s final goal is of course to be the boss,” Shi said, using the Chinese term “Laoda,” whose connotations are somewhat broader. “They want to be like the U.S., and even more powerful than the U.S.”

US–China Summit Framed by Cold War Politics Beijing seeks to carve out its sphere of influence


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Haha, saw something on news about this meeting. Obama looked like dear God get me out of here.

Yeah, if you have any experience with the Chinese, they are not pleasant company in general . When they talk to each other they sound like they're always arguing. Younger people, given they come from families that are Chinese middle class, are more upbeat than all of the older generations.

Now however the CCP is squawking that they wanted an official state visit to Washington, the official state dinner, a formal press conference, the official arrival ceremony on the south lawn of the White House etc etc.

They tried to make a big stink about Michelle Obama not being present to meet Xi's PLA major general wife of Tianamen and Tibet. That fell flat in the U.S. in a hurry once Americans were advised about Major General and PLA army singer Peng Li Yuan, her pseudonym which hides nothing in the PRC.

There's no pleasing them. The Chinese are always griping about something, to someone else when they're not grumping at each other.

The summit is over but the following article gives some idea of the topics and the nature of the conversation the prez and the chairman of the CCP would have had. The article comes from a Chinese dissident newspaper, the Epoch Times, which has had great success, now being published in17 languages in 36 countries in the West and in the Indo-Pacific Asia region:

A Look Inside the Obama-Xi Summit:
What the two leaders will say to one another
Edited by Publicus
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The first article deals with the real world of the CCP's huge cyber spying against U.S. corporations and U.S. government military contractors, which Prez Obama said is the most important threat to national security, ahead of foreign terrorism.

The second piece is a play on Xi Jinping's theme he created for his presidency - what he calls the "China Dream." Xi's "China Dream" is the world's nightmare. The "China Dream" of Xi Jinping's creation is a CCP dictatorship in Beijing lording over the world. Xi thus establishes the new "China Dream" in direct contradiction of the American Dream we in the United States know so well.

The headline in the third piece, which links to its original publisher, The Economist, speaks loudly and clearly enough.

Report Suggests How to Counter China’s Cyber Espionage


An Invitation to Barack Obama and Xi Jinping Dare to believe in the dream of a ‘Free China’


China's New President Should Scare The
Crap Out Of The Rest Of The World
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-dream-not-peaceful-or-beneficial-2013-5#ixzz2SdUDt7JZ

I realise that you are a sub honorary expert 3rd class,(self appointed), but you appear to be blinded by your obvious, almost groupie like devotion to all things Obama. The major news topic which has been gripping the West for the past few days, (sadly not on this forum, much more life changing stuff like some nutty women interrupting the First Lady's speech to concern us here), lays bare the extent to which the charlatan Obama, the so called liberal champion of "hope and change", has been spying on private citizen's private correspondence, facebook, e mails etc, not just in the US, but in the UK as well, and presumably anywhere else his administration sees fit to do so. I would humbly suggest to you that any threat of spying that affects the citizens of the free world comes not from the Chinese, but from the Charlatan Obama and his secretive, anti democratic administration. He is a disgrace to right thinking people everywhere, truth be told he could teach the Chinese a thing or two. Of course when the Chinese do it, it's called "spying". When the Obama administration do it, it's called "eavesdropping"!

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The first article deals with the real world of the CCP's huge cyber spying against U.S. corporations and U.S. government military contractors, which Prez Obama said is the most important threat to national security, ahead of foreign terrorism.

The second piece is a play on Xi Jinping's theme he created for his presidency - what he calls the "China Dream." Xi's "China Dream" is the world's nightmare. The "China Dream" of Xi Jinping's creation is a CCP dictatorship in Beijing lording over the world. Xi thus establishes the new "China Dream" in direct contradiction of the American Dream we in the United States know so well.

The headline in the third piece, which links to its original publisher, The Economist, speaks loudly and clearly enough.

Report Suggests How to Counter China’s Cyber Espionage


An Invitation to Barack Obama and Xi Jinping Dare to believe in the dream of a ‘Free China’


China's New President Should Scare The
Crap Out Of The Rest Of The World
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-dream-not-peaceful-or-beneficial-2013-5#ixzz2SdUDt7JZ

I realise that you are a sub honorary expert 3rd class,(self appointed), but you appear to be blinded by your obvious, almost groupie like devotion to all things Obama. The major news topic which has been gripping the West for the past few days, (sadly not on this forum, much more life changing stuff like some nutty women interrupting the First Lady's speech to concern us here), lays bare the extent to which the charlatan Obama, the so called liberal champion of "hope and change", has been spying on private citizen's private correspondence, facebook, e mails etc, not just in the US, but in the UK as well, and presumably anywhere else his administration sees fit to do so. I would humbly suggest to you that any threat of spying that affects the citizens of the free world comes not from the Chinese, but from the Charlatan Obama and his secretive, anti democratic administration. He is a disgrace to right thinking people everywhere, truth be told he could teach the Chinese a thing or two. Of course when the Chinese do it, it's called "spying". When the Obama administration do it, it's called "eavesdropping"!

I think it's clear that the right wing in the U.S. and elsewhere is obsessed, has been for four and a half years. So now Obama is worse than the CCP who 24 years ago this month gave the world the Tianamen Square PLA massacre of their unarmed youth demonstrating for democracy and freedom.

Soon Prez Obama will visit the Brandenburg Gate to deliver a speech there. I'll bet he draws a huge crowd, the people you might call "groupies."

Listen to yourself.

Edited by Publicus
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The first article deals with the real world of the CCP's huge cyber spying against U.S. corporations and U.S. government military contractors, which Prez Obama said is the most important threat to national security, ahead of foreign terrorism.

The second piece is a play on Xi Jinping's theme he created for his presidency - what he calls the "China Dream." Xi's "China Dream" is the world's nightmare. The "China Dream" of Xi Jinping's creation is a CCP dictatorship in Beijing lording over the world. Xi thus establishes the new "China Dream" in direct contradiction of the American Dream we in the United States know so well.

The headline in the third piece, which links to its original publisher, The Economist, speaks loudly and clearly enough.

Report Suggests How to Counter China’s Cyber Espionage


An Invitation to Barack Obama and Xi Jinping Dare to believe in the dream of a ‘Free China’


China's New President Should Scare The
Crap Out Of The Rest Of The World
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-dream-not-peaceful-or-beneficial-2013-5#ixzz2SdUDt7JZ

I realise that you are a sub honorary expert 3rd class,(self appointed), but you appear to be blinded by your obvious, almost groupie like devotion to all things Obama. The major news topic which has been gripping the West for the past few days, (sadly not on this forum, much more life changing stuff like some nutty women interrupting the First Lady's speech to concern us here), lays bare the extent to which the charlatan Obama, the so called liberal champion of "hope and change", has been spying on private citizen's private correspondence, facebook, e mails etc, not just in the US, but in the UK as well, and presumably anywhere else his administration sees fit to do so. I would humbly suggest to you that any threat of spying that affects the citizens of the free world comes not from the Chinese, but from the Charlatan Obama and his secretive, anti democratic administration. He is a disgrace to right thinking people everywhere, truth be told he could teach the Chinese a thing or two. Of course when the Chinese do it, it's called "spying". When the Obama administration do it, it's called "eavesdropping"!

I think it's clear that the right wing in the U.S. and elsewhere is obsessed, has been for four and a half years. So now Obama is worse than the CCP who 24 years ago this month gave the world the Tianamen Square PLA massacre of their unarmed youth demonstrating for democracy and freedom.

Soon Prez Obama will visit the Brandenburg Gate to deliver a speech there. I'll bet he draws a huge crowd, the people you might call "groupies."

Listen to yourself.

I note with interest that you avoid addressing the issues i raised regarding 'Prez' Obama's undemocratic and unconstitutional behaviour regarding the spying on citizen's private correspondence. Speaks volumes. You just keep repeating the tired old diversionary mantra about the right wing, as if that is relevant. He is on his second term, how much longer do you think you can keep getting away with that? Listen to yourself! Of course we all would agree that the killings of demonstrators in Tianamen Square was shocking, that goes without saying. But the Chinese hardly have a monopoly on that sort of thing, do they. Kent State University anyone?

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Rather difficult for the US to demand anything from China concerning cyber attacks when the US itself is complicit in the worst spying scandal in the history of mankind. Not even mentioning the US' role in cyber warfare worldwide. You can't have it both ways.


Obama orders US to draw up overseas target list for cyber-attacks

Exclusive: Top-secret directive steps up offensive cyber capabilities to 'advance US objectives around the world'


More than half a century ago, Dwight D. Eisenhower warned Americans of the dangers posed by the country’s growing “military-industrial complex” – a phrase that entered instantly into everyday language.

“The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government,” the outgoing Republican president said. “We must be alert to the … danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific technological elite.”



The National Security Agency has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained by the Guardian.

The NSA access is part of a previously undisclosed program calledPrism, which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats, the document says.

The Guardian has verified the authenticity of the document, a 41-slide PowerPoint presentation – classified as top secret with no distribution to foreign allies – which was apparently used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program. The document claims "collection directly from the servers" of major US service providers.

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Kent State University, where spring 1970 student protesters in Ohio were shot and killed or wounded by the Ohio National Guard, occurred during the watch of Prez Nixon and while a Republican party governor was in office - only the governor can call out his state's National Guard (unless the president federalizes it, which he had not - the terrible shootings occurred shortly after Nixon called campus protesters "bums.' ) It was not Tianamen Square nor was it done by the CCP. How can you even consider equating the two????? The right are obsessed and bent, that's how.

The Congress made these laws under the Republican president Bush after 9/11. A special national security court of law, consisting of eight judges, always meet examine to judge these kinds of national security requests. The judges approved. That's called the rule of law. Members of Congress on the Intelligence Committee of the Senate and the House, respectively, were consulted for their input, so they too had been aware.

I'd first heard the program exists when a former FBI counterterrorism agent referred it on CNN in connection with phone calls in the Boston Marathon bombing horror, specifically, post event calls between the since dead brother and his wife who remains under investigation. Their calls were not listened to, but have been selected out of the stored database so that any such calls can be retrieved to activate and listen to.

I seriously doubt Xi Jinping would have the temerity to speak to Prez Obama as the equal to the CCP in the Tianamen massacre or in its having 30,000 full time internet censors to abort free thinking or expression.

Listen to yourself.

The right in their zeal and obsessions are the people who make me feel uneasy. And imagine Darth, er, Dick Cheney running this program.

Edited by Publicus
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Who wants to be the guy who stops this intelligence which might then miss a foreign terrorist attack against the United States?

Eight judges examined the request and granted it. That doesn't scare me. I feel more secure, or as secure as possible.

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The National Security Agency has obtained direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other US internet giants, according to a top secret document obtained by the Guardian.

The NSA access is part of a previously undisclosed program calledPrism, which allows officials to collect material including search history, the content of emails, file transfers and live chats, the document says.

The Guardian has verified the authenticity of the document, a 41-slide PowerPoint presentation – classified as top secret with no distribution to foreign allies – which was apparently used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program. The document claims "collection directly from the servers" of major

US service providers.

This is false, untrue.

Zuckerberg, Page: NSA Has No ‘Direct Access’ to Facebook or Google Servers


The following concerning Prez Obama taking the initiative in cyber warfare activity, against the CCP-PRC especially and in particular, is true.

Obama Asked Intel Agencies to Draw Up List of Possible Cyber Targets Overseas


And it is overdue that the United States should strike back against the CCP-PRC and other countries that do not wish us well, to state it mildly.

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I suggest that you stick to the topic of THIS OP. Further off-topic posts, however, interesting and informative will be deleted unless they are related to or incorporated into the general discussion of the OP

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Prez Obama has given the United States a new top priority and sophisticated new systems to defend itself in new and myriad ways against the PLA cyber spying and theft of top secret classified weapons systems that the CCP-PRC has been conducting and carrying out over the past ten years. The CCP-PRC cyber spying has stolen many of the U.S. most secret and sophisticated weapons systems of land, sea, air and space.

Now the CCP-PRC will have its hands full trying to protect itself on any further occasions it may try to cyber spy against the United States.

It's long past time this was done. This kind of program should have been initiated ten years ago.

U.S. Declassifies Part of Secret Cybersecurity Plan


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Kent State University, where spring 1970 student protesters in Ohio were shot and killed or wounded by the Ohio National Guard, occurred during the watch of Prez Nixon and while a Republican party governor was in office - only the governor can call out his state's National Guard (unless the president federalizes it, which he had not - the terrible shootings occurred shortly after Nixon called campus protesters "bums.' ) It was not Tianamen Square nor was it done by the CCP. How can you even consider equating the two????? The right are obsessed and bent, that's how.

The Congress made these laws under the Republican president Bush after 9/11. A special national security court of law, consisting of eight judges, always meet examine to judge these kinds of national security requests. The judges approved. That's called the rule of law. Members of Congress on the Intelligence Committee of the Senate and the House, respectively, were consulted for their input, so they too had been aware.

I'd first heard the program exists when a former FBI counterterrorism agent referred it on CNN in connection with phone calls in the Boston Marathon bombing horror, specifically, post event calls between the since dead brother and his wife who remains under investigation. Their calls were not listened to, but have been selected out of the stored database so that any such calls can be retrieved to activate and listen to.

I seriously doubt Xi Jinping would have the temerity to speak to Prez Obama as the equal to the CCP in the Tianamen massacre or in its having 30,000 full time internet censors to abort free thinking or expression.

Listen to yourself.

The right in their zeal and obsessions are the people who make me feel uneasy. And imagine Darth, er, Dick Cheney running this program.

No, listen to yourself. Once again your political affiliations are clouding your judgement. There is no way in hell that the invasion of privacy for basically every human being on the planet is legal, acceptable or justifiable in today's world. Regardless of any terrorist threat. The US is going to have their ass handed to them by their allies and foes on this one. Rightfully so in my opinion.

Do YOU want to live in a world where every touch-point you have with the outside world is monitored, recorded, categorized and available for cross-reference should you have a run in with law enforcement. Or perhaps if your political affiliations don't match with the current sitting government? We have all seen the outcome of this little tidbit with the ongoing IRS investigations and scandal in DC.

It is encouraging that at least one American saw that his duty to society outweighed his personal safety and income.


The chairmen of the House and Senate intelligence committees on Sunday defended a recently disclosed government surveillance program as the whistleblower behind the bombshell leak about the program willingly revealed himself to the public and spoke proudly of his actions.


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