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Chiang Mai Thai Man Seriously Assaulted And Ripped Off At A Karaoke Bar – Beware


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I've heard at least 3 first hand stories similar to this one. Unfortunately, the local police are complicit with the crime. Many of the local police are owners or part owners of these rip-off joints. The threat of retribution is very real for any Thai man who might file a claim.

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Any place that has really, really hot girls outside, I'll pass. That is often a trap waiting to happen.

I don't get the really, really hot girls bit. To me they look quite silly, much like an over made up praying mantis. Now if they were a bunch of hot Latino's, I might understand it a little better. Even boobs instead of false cups might go some way to being a better attraction.

As for me, I too always used to pass the hot girls, or that's what it seemed like when I awoke the next morning. biggrin.png

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If you want to go to a decent, well run, honest Karaoke Bar, go to China. I've spent many happy hours having a lot of fun in several Chinese City's Karaoke Bar's and never been ripped off for a single Yuan.

They should all be closed down in Thailand but it will never happen as the Police are involved with them as partners in crime. I'm surprised the bloke complained at all and it's probably taken threats on his life for him to realise that you just don't complain about being ripped off here....even by your own kind.

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These stories come up regularly. Terrible for the guy involved. First time I've heard it happening to a Thai. It's fairly easy to spot a legit Karaoke bar from a honey trap (I have to suffer the legit ones occasionally as the wife enjoys them!) In particular, the Karaoke joints down Changklan Rd/Chiang Mai Land seem to be best avoided.

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These stories come up regularly. Terrible for the guy involved. First time I've heard it happening to a Thai. It's fairly easy to spot a legit Karaoke bar from a honey trap (I have to suffer the legit ones occasionally as the wife enjoys them!) In particular, the Karaoke joints down Changklan Rd/Chiang Mai Land seem to be best avoided.

Right wink.png

I always wondered who was belting out, Knocked 'em in the Old Kent road?

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It is a ridiculous business model to grossly rip off your clients.

It's like an infection killing it's host, this ain't good for the infection either.

Yet the karaokes still exist after decades.

So what's not right here?

I've been in some upmarket and some lowmarket (some years ago) and had varying degrees between a great and a "meh" time. I had a friend who was a regular at a Changklan karaoke. He wasn't a masochist and was not particularly well off. Why was he a regular?

Are the "violent" ones exceptions?

ps: hear a lot about police involvement. Evidence, or so much mouthflap?

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It is a ridiculous business model to grossly rip off your clients.

It's like an infection killing it's host, this ain't good for the infection either.

Yet the karaokes still exist after decades.

So what's not right here?

I've been in some upmarket and some lowmarket (some years ago) and had varying degrees between a great and a "meh" time. I had a friend who was a regular at a Changklan karaoke. He wasn't a masochist and was not particularly well off. Why was he a regular?

Are the "violent" ones exceptions?

ps: hear a lot about police involvement. Evidence, or so much mouthflap?

I think the violent ones must be the exception. There are so many and they seem to get a lot of customers, night after night. I can't believe that everyone who goes in gets ripped off......sure they will pay a much higher price but that's evident just looking at the outside. If they are getting ripped off they certainly aren't telling about it otherwise the news columns would be absolutely full day after day.

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Being punched *ONE* time equates to "Seriously Assaulted"???? Was it Mike Tyson that punched him?

what else? exaggeration at his best.

any men going in dodgy sleazy places deserved to get ripped off

And amazingly while reporting it to the police decides not to report it.

No reason given.I am surprised that given the attitude of the poster he didn't say the police threatened him. Every once in a while these rumors come up but not very often, If they were fact the word would spread like wildfire. It would not surprise me if the man was very very drunk and did some thing stupid and while reporting it to the police sobered up enough to remember every thing and rather than admit it and look like a fool (which he probably is) forgot it and left the police station.

Carrying on with the attitude shown in the letter I am surprised that the police let him drive in an intoxicated state. They had him and the car rite there. How come the story dosen't go on to say the police then for a certain amount of money over looked the fact that he was driving while drunk.

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I don't have the link handy but it was reported on CM108.

The Bing translator even coughed up this gem.

"after spending time with a HOE...".

The automatic translation leaves much to be desired but that gave me a chuckle

Amazing this practice persists but I suppose its a relief to know they are not just ripping off tourists.

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These stories come up regularly. Terrible for the guy involved. First time I've heard it happening to a Thai. It's fairly easy to spot a legit Karaoke bar from a honey trap (I have to suffer the legit ones occasionally as the wife enjoys them!) In particular, the Karaoke joints down Changklan Rd/Chiang Mai Land seem to be best avoided.

Just the look of them from the outside wrings the don't go in there bell in my head.

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bit of a insight,you have to order a bottle of whisky every hour your there, every girl given a drink gets paid every girl just passing room or table gets paid, soon adds up farang got done for 20k in one of those places not so long ago.

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I can think of a few western-oriented establishments about town where people get seriously assaulted and ripped off every night.

though most people seem who visit them have a great time, and people still keep going back in droves.

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I think that many Westerners are under a delusion about Thailand’s adult entertainments industries and the female staff who work in them.

The sweet little subservient, willing to please the men folk for a pittance, lusting over any guys with white skins, Thai Princesses is long gone.

These places and the staff is all about departing the customer from his money, with only a bit of titillation and some eye candy as the bait for doing very little in a short period of time. This includes beerbars and many so-called karaoke clubs.

In Thailand today, the adult scene has become big business, totally commercialised, high pressure and fast and furious. No more are there the sorts of girls within a soft relaxed atmosphere of the back street bars that have been so often depicted in the Hollywood movies or published in magazine articles. Perhaps 10 or more years ago, but not today.

I can equate many of these places with the rip off clubs of 1960s Soho in London. In actuality, the police don`t want to know. Their take on the subject is; venture inside at your own risk, because these establishments are a law among themselves, if anything happens there will be no cavalry coming to your rescue.

So for those who consider visiting Thailand for the wine, women and song, should think again. None of these places are regulated and cannot be compared with some European destinations such as Hamburg and Amsterdam, that have thriving regulated adults entertainments industries and safer too.

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So for those who consider visiting Thailand for the wine, women and song, should think again. None of these places are regulated and cannot be compared with some European destinations such as Hamburg and Amsterdam, that have thriving regulated adults entertainments industries and safer too.

De Walen and The Reeperbahn are wonderful adult places. thumbsup.gif

But I'm sure there are some who think Loi Kroh and CM Land is as good as it gets.

And if you want an Indian, Chinese, Mexican or German etc, we are not talking food. They are vibrant, multicultural places, safe, exciting, EXPENSIVE, but they are in a class of their own.

Personally, I just went for the excellent coffee and free wifi. wink.png

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I think that many Westerners are under a delusion about Thailand’s adult entertainments industries and the female staff who work in them.

You are way over generalizing. There are plenty of women in the adult entertainment industry in Thailand who want to please their customers and who are very good at their jobs. Yes, of course they want to get paid. That is why they are there. There are also plenty of bars that are fun, safe places to go with staff that are honest. Thailand is still a great place to visit for adult entertainment if you use a little common sense.

You were doing OK there with him until you mentioned common sense.

He tries to make it sound like over half the establishments in Chiang Mai are drinking joints full of hookers out to rip you off. From the tone of almost all his posts I wonder why he stays here in Thailand. Can't say as he dosen't miss a chance to Thai bash.

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Being punched *ONE* time equates to "Seriously Assaulted"???? Was it Mike Tyson that punched him?

what else? exaggeration at his best.

any men going in dodgy sleazy places deserved to get ripped off

Ya ya ya, the poor guy was trying to support local businesses, probably close to having his own bursary fund, and you think he's deserves to be thrashed?

Why would you think anyone should be assaulted (which I might add is illegal in Thailand)?

Ripped off, assaulted!! Wow....... w00t.gif

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You have to be suspicious that a place with 20 ladies sat out front every night must have some mighty high salaries to pay, as well as the girls needing to hit a minimum of drink sales. I can't really say that the places look dodgy or sleazy, but much as in a store here, I get the feeling that entering would find you swarmed with attention. And that leads to buying lady-drink pressure.

I've been one time in Phuket to a place like that, paid way to much for a girl or two to sit with my friend n I and sing out of tune melodies. Sit and sing. And pay heftily for it. And that was it. I was a vacationer back then and didn't know any better.

One time in CM, the big pace on the right near Chiang Mai Land about 6 yrs ago I went with a friend who'd just made a pile of cash. We drank maybe drinks each, had girls switching in n out trying to sit with us, have them sing us songs, and make us by drinks for them. We could hardly speak to each other, let alone keep track of expenses. In less than and hour we must have turned down 20 lady drink requests, though we/he did spring for about 6 lady drinks. Our 4 drinks plus the other drinks came to a few thousand baht. My friend was able to laugh about it, I was simply put off by the whole experience. Glad that I was there with somebody ready to put down some cash and that we didn't get stuck with an extortionary bill. Can't say that I feel like I'm missing anything by never returning.

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You have to be suspicious that a place with 20 ladies sat out front every night must have some mighty high salaries to pay, as well as the girls needing to hit a minimum of drink sales. I can't really say that the places look dodgy or sleazy, but much as in a store here, I get the feeling that entering would find you swarmed with attention. And that leads to buying lady-drink pressure.

I've been one time in Phuket to a place like that, paid way to much for a girl or two to sit with my friend n I and sing out of tune melodies. Sit and sing. And pay heftily for it. And that was it. I was a vacationer back then and didn't know any better.

One time in CM, the big pace on the right near Chiang Mai Land about 6 yrs ago I went with a friend who'd just made a pile of cash. We drank maybe drinks each, had girls switching in n out trying to sit with us, have them sing us songs, and make us by drinks for them. We could hardly speak to each other, let alone keep track of expenses. In less than and hour we must have turned down 20 lady drink requests, though we/he did spring for about 6 lady drinks. Our 4 drinks plus the other drinks came to a few thousand baht. My friend was able to laugh about it, I was simply put off by the whole experience. Glad that I was there with somebody ready to put down some cash and that we didn't get stuck with an extortionary bill. Can't say that I feel like I'm missing anything by never returning.

Sounds to me like you were offered excellent service......you're complaining that all the girls made themselves available for your choice?

If you didn't want it like that you should have made it clear what or who you did want....you are there to give the orders.

I presume you speak good Thai if not you can hardly blame them.

So all this attention from some of the prettiest girls in town all about 19 or 20 by the look of driving past on my way home, and it came to a few thousand baht bacause you didn't specify your demands......like no singing for example?

You let them run the show.

Everyone's gotta make a living.

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