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This is my understanding of why and where Thai teenagers are sent abroad to study. I'd like to hear your comments.

Firstly, it is only fairly well-to-do families that can send their kids abroad.

Nearly all of the kids that are causing problems, whether it be with discipline, alcohol, drugs etc. are sent to either New Zealand or India. India also is popular for those families that can't afford Australia, USA.

India seems to be for the ones that need strict discipline. New Zealand for ones that can be kept away from drugs, alcohol, parties.

Australia is popular as the climate is pleasing to Thais and the education is good value for money.

USA is the choice of some wealthier ones, especially the nouveau riche Chinese. The schools there have a good reputation.

The UK is the first choice usually if money is no option. So the hi-so, and upper class usually go there unless the weather is not to their liking, then they choose the USA.

Engineering students usually go to Germany.

Pharmacy PhDs first choice is Scotland. Surgeons also to Edinburgh.

Any you know of?

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There was a half page ad from a Thai university in one of the Thai newspapers last week showing which students had achieved placements at what universities, I believe the ad/article was entitled "the class of 2013". The list of countries was extensive although the US, Australia and the UK featured largely, the quality of the universities was also impressive with Cambridge, Stamford, USC and the like taking many Thai students. From memory it seemed to me that the US was the most popular followed by the UK and AUstralia although I cannot be certain about that, perhaps worth doing a search of the Bangkok Post (I think) site to check.


Not only in Scotland this happens. A friend of mine in Brisbane visits a Thai prostitute regularly at a massage parlour , who is on a student visa. I contacted immigration in Brisbane only to be told that as long as she was doing her study it was her business what she did in her own time !


Not only in Scotland this happens. A friend of mine in Brisbane visits a Thai prostitute regularly at a massage parlour , who is on a student visa. I contacted immigration in Brisbane only to be told that as long as she was doing her study it was her business what she did in her own time !



I went to an international school in Switzerland. There was one mixed Thai student i knew of, but most the Asian students were Japanese. I recall reading about the King Bhumibol studing in Switzerland and that is where he met his queen. So it would seem both studied there.(?) I imagine for some Thai they may wish to follow in their Kings footsteps?
Have no idea however how many Thai study in Switzerland.


My wife did her Masters in Switzerland, basically because she was under the impression that hospitality training from Switzerland has a worldwide reputation. She was disappointed but maybe that was just the international school she attended.

There was a very large Thai contingent there at the same time, this was evident in the fact that some enterprising women had opened a proper Thai restaurant catering for the homesick Thai students :)


My wife and many friends were with me at uni in the UK. Most doing masters.

3 of wifes cousins did degrees in the UK. Another a masters in Germany ( an international university I think), first degree art at Chula.

Best mates wife international uni in Sweden.

Best mate was one at uni with me in UK doing a masters after doing engineering at Chula.

Why because a Thai degree is worthless and means nothing where ever it is from. Ah actually, most the blokes wanted to pull blonde large chested females.


I met a Thai student at the consulate in NYC a couple of months ago. He was in NY studying film. Of course NYC and LA have some of the best film programs in the world, but it's a very expensive proposition in either place, so I can only assume his family is very well-to-do.


My wife did her Masters in Switzerland, basically because she was under the impression that hospitality training from Switzerland has a worldwide reputation. She was disappointed but maybe that was just the international school she attended.

There was a very large Thai contingent there at the same time, this was evident in the fact that some enterprising women had opened a proper Thai restaurant catering for the homesick Thai students smile.png

The fact Sek Loso is doing a gig this summer in Switzerland lets you know how many there are.

London, in particularly UCL, is packed with Thai students. Its hardly unique to Thailand that the rich send their kids overseas. Having an English taught degree from a UK/US Uni looks pretty dam good on the CV for any kid looking employment in Bangkoks ever growing services sector.


My friends, I am impressed. I am overwhelmed. I am developing a huge inferiority complex...smile.png

But on a more serious note, Thailand Education Ministry urgently needs to open at least one ACADEMICALLY oriented Gov't school per each Provincial center with adequate staff and facilities

with admissions based strictly on merits (maybe by exams).

There must be talents out there among 70M+ Thais and their kids. It's either this, or continue to rot in their Culture/Customs/Thainess excuses for each and every case of inadequate social development.

On the other hand what a 'loss of face' for people paying 600,000 Bt /year for their precious dodo at International school here plus unbelievable expenses in UK, USA, Switzerland, etc. to see a 'low status' kid excelling for free!

Thailand must really get the best of its potential.


Not only in Scotland this happens. A friend of mine in Brisbane visits a Thai prostitute regularly at a massage parlour , who is on a student visa. I contacted immigration in Brisbane only to be told that as long as she was doing her study it was her business what she did in her own time !

Quite right too, I can't begin to imagine why a wholly unrelated person would call Immigration over such a thing but equally, that's not my business to know either.

She is just getting xperence and skills so she get get a 457 visa for being a whore.


Old money goes to England

New money goes to the US

No money to Australia.

More seriously, the Thai civil service sends many many hundreds of new promising grads overseas each year, not only to these countries, but also to places like Canada, Japan, France, Switzerland and Germany.

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On the other hand what a 'loss of face' for people paying 600,000 Bt /year for their precious dodo at International school here plus unbelievable expenses in UK, USA, Switzerland, etc. to see a 'low status' kid excelling for free!

Thailand must really get the best of its potential.

They might excel for free but it will still be a 2nd rate Thai effort of an educational institute. You know they can't get the education system here sorted out, not until a few fossils become extinct !


It's not just the wealthy who study overseas. Scholarships are available for the poor but bright. I know a Thai who did a PhD in Materials Science in the UK and went back to do a stint of teaching to 'pay off' his scholarship. I believe that Thai banks offer scholarships too. Our local university has a large Asian contingent, many of them Thai and I've met all sorts of students from the very poor to people who work at the very highest levels of Thai government.


Had friends study in Germany, Australia, Us, Uk, Canada, and New Zealand.

My girlfriend studied in Italy for her Italian undergrad and Sweden for her MA in fashion design.


It's not just the wealthy who study overseas. Scholarships are available for the poor but bright. I know a Thai who did a PhD in Materials Science in the UK and went back to do a stint of teaching to 'pay off' his scholarship. I believe that Thai banks offer scholarships too. Our local university has a large Asian contingent, many of them Thai and I've met all sorts of students from the very poor to people who work at the very highest levels of Thai government.

Indeed. A young Thai lawyer I met once got a scholarship to study in the UK under a government scholarship. I wrote a referral for him. He had grown up in Chomburi in a stilt house with chickens underneath.


Interesting you say new zealand in order to stay aware from parties and drugs. Marijuana use in nz extremly high. The meth problem is getting bad. And nz has a massive drinking culture.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Quite a lot do their master's with scholarships from universities, both government and private, and also some other government institutions. Unless they're totally outstanding, they tend to go mid/upper-mid level universities. Most seemed to head for the States but I've noticed that in the last couple of years more are going to the UK. This is true even for those being funded by families, although they often go to lower-tier unis.


I went to boarding school in Switzerland and I had some Thai friends there. Then I went on to study hotel management in Switzerland and there were plenty of Thai's there as well and at other nearby hotel management schools / universities. Also met a few cute Thai girls who were attending Swiss finishing schools.They all had rich parents, no scholarships.


Old money goes to England

New money goes to the US

No money to Australia.

More seriously, the Thai civil service sends many many hundreds of new promising grads overseas each year, not only to these countries, but also to places like Canada, Japan, France, Switzerland and Germany.

You haven't seen the living costs in Australia recently, have you? 555

Many are mentioning about naughty students being sent overseas. We just lost three of our best students, 2 girls to NZ and a boy to Adelaide.


Where And Why Thais Study Abroad?

here are a couple of answers, straight from the horses mouth.

My Thai (step daughter, now almost 38 YO) who I took to Australia with us after marrying her mother in 1985, not speaking a word of English she started school within the same week of arrival, in the 5th Grade in a normal government school the outer suburbs of Melbourne, where, in those days, there were no other Asian school children, neither at Primary nor later at High School. I am still not privy to the full amount and details of the discrimination, bullying and racism she endured. This gave her cause after she graduated high school 7 years later to immediately head for the 'big smoke', Melbourne City Inner, simply to hook up with 'fellow' Thais, students, (supposedly) doing tertiary studies in Melbourne. You could probably write a book about this part of her life and the 'freinds' she made. But I won't go into it here and now.

Coincidently she is here visiting, on her Oz passport of course, in the LOS at the moment visiting me for my 60th Birthday.

A few years ago, out of the blue one day, she asked me if I knew why Thai Parents send their kids overseas to study?

naturally I gave her what I thought would the standard answer regarding an 'english' education.

No. She said that was not quite true. The reason. SHE said. Was to get their kids away from bad influences and the impending shit they were about to get themselves into. Simply, their kids were running out of control and it was a last resort to get them the hell out of Thailand.

In fact, generally, Thai students had a bad reputation amongst their fellow Asian students in Australia. many were very arrogant who believed themselves to be superior to the other Asian students and behaved accordingly.

I also had quite a few of them work for me in the Thai Restaurant business in Melbourne. it is no secret that to be well schooled and fluent in English is a passport to a better life in Thailand. Problem is that a large number of them don't want to go back.

Near my 1st Restaurant was a Uni that had100s of Asian Students attending from Malaysia and China mainly. They would come in very early on a Sunday Evening at opening when the place would be empty. I liked to chat with them. I would always ask them what they were going to do when they finished their studies. The majority said that they would go back to their own country and then immediately apply for a Visa to come back and live in Australia. Why? I would ask. You have your English education. You can go back home and make good. So why come back to Australia?

The answer? One word. After checking to make sure no one was within earshot. Freedom.

My wife's partner, Ning, she took in, in the late 90's after the Military invited me back for some extra service. Ning was in Australia on an Ed Visa doing her Masters Degree. Working as a waitress in a Thai Restaurant to support herself. As many do. She impressed my wife, so she took her under her wing. it wasn't long before Ning realised that the Thai Restaurant business was a hell of a lot more lucrative than studying for a Masters Degree, so stopped going to school and went to work full time.

Ning is now a successful thai restaurant owner in Melbourne, married to a very nice, hardworking, honest bloke, who is HK Chinese. They are both now Australian Citizens and doing well.

I also have two nieces who studied overseas. One who was the top female thai student (Chula) sometime in the late 90s and got sent to that famous girls school in France, whilst the younger one went to University in Perth Western Australia. After attending a family dinner a few years ago my wife asked me if I could tell which was which. Who studied in Oz and who studied in France. I picked right. Yes, the more outgoing, friendly, less arrogant, and nicer of the two was the one who studied in Perth!

anyway that's my two bobs worth for now.

A little off topic. Happy 60th birthday.


Where And Why Thais Study Abroad?

here are a couple of answers, straight from the horses mouth.

My Thai (step daughter, now almost 38 YO) who I took to Australia with us after marrying her mother in 1985, not speaking a word of English she started school within the same week of arrival, in the 5th Grade in a normal government school the outer suburbs of Melbourne, where, in those days, there were no other Asian school children, neither at Primary nor later at High School. I am still not privy to the full amount and details of the discrimination, bullying and racism she endured. This gave her cause after she graduated high school 7 years later to immediately head for the 'big smoke', Melbourne City Inner, simply to hook up with 'fellow' Thais, students, (supposedly) doing tertiary studies in Melbourne. You could probably write a book about this part of her life and the 'freinds' she made. But I won't go into it here and now.

Coincidently she is here visiting, on her Oz passport of course, in the LOS at the moment visiting me for my 60th Birthday.

A few years ago, out of the blue one day, she asked me if I knew why Thai Parents send their kids overseas to study?

naturally I gave her what I thought would the standard answer regarding an 'english' education.

No. She said that was not quite true. The reason. SHE said. Was to get their kids away from bad influences and the impending shit they were about to get themselves into. Simply, their kids were running out of control and it was a last resort to get them the hell out of Thailand.

In fact, generally, Thai students had a bad reputation amongst their fellow Asian students in Australia. many were very arrogant who believed themselves to be superior to the other Asian students and behaved accordingly.

I also had quite a few of them work for me in the Thai Restaurant business in Melbourne. it is no secret that to be well schooled and fluent in English is a passport to a better life in Thailand. Problem is that a large number of them don't want to go back.

Near my 1st Restaurant was a Uni that had100s of Asian Students attending from Malaysia and China mainly. They would come in very early on a Sunday Evening at opening when the place would be empty. I liked to chat with them. I would always ask them what they were going to do when they finished their studies. The majority said that they would go back to their own country and then immediately apply for a Visa to come back and live in Australia. Why? I would ask. You have your English education. You can go back home and make good. So why come back to Australia?

The answer? One word. After checking to make sure no one was within earshot. Freedom.

My wife's partner, Ning, she took in, in the late 90's after the Military invited me back for some extra service. Ning was in Australia on an Ed Visa doing her Masters Degree. Working as a waitress in a Thai Restaurant to support herself. As many do. She impressed my wife, so she took her under her wing. it wasn't long before Ning realised that the Thai Restaurant business was a hell of a lot more lucrative than studying for a Masters Degree, so stopped going to school and went to work full time.

Ning is now a successful thai restaurant owner in Melbourne, married to a very nice, hardworking, honest bloke, who is HK Chinese. They are both now Australian Citizens and doing well.

I also have two nieces who studied overseas. One who was the top female thai student (Chula) sometime in the late 90s and got sent to that famous girls school in France, whilst the younger one went to University in Perth Western Australia. After attending a family dinner a few years ago my wife asked me if I could tell which was which. Who studied in Oz and who studied in France. I picked right. Yes, the more outgoing, friendly, less arrogant, and nicer of the two was the one who studied in Perth!

anyway that's my two bobs worth for now.

The bad reputation of Thai students abroad among their other Asian counterparts is a common theme in the US as well. I won't get into too much detail, but the arrogance is typical of well-to-do Thais abroad, and much of it can be attributed to what many call a "third wold mentality" or which might be better defined some other way, but you probably get the point. My Japanese and Korean friends at uni chatted about this periodically. To be fair, though, it wasn't only the Thais. Some of the Burmese and Indonesians had the same affliction. But, the Thais seemed to be rather notorious for it.

Wealthy Thais tend to take with them the very classist, rigid concept of themselves and their worth when they go abroad. They are uncomfortable to learn that people outside of the Thai bubble judge them by a totally different set of standards. Not necessarily their 1) skin colour and lightness, 2) families' wealth, 3) families' 'status' in the government or business or the society in general, etc. But, rather by things like -- 1) their perceived intelligence, 2) their kindness, 3) their openness, 4) their ability to be vulnerable, 5) what they themselves (not their families) have done to contribute to the world, etc. It's the same reason why when walking around in Siam Paragon or other 'high-end' venues, you see Thais walking around with 'high and mighty' heirs about them. The girls wasting kinetic energy by swinging their legs and feet apart horizontally rather than just walking straight. The guys with their silly driving shoes and 'do you know who my family is' type of attitude. Same reason so many Thais hate leaving Thailand.

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Thais have been going to John Hopkins for medical degrees since the 1950's. most dr"s at Bumingrad are US board certified. There is no debate that education abroad is for more than just keeping children out of trouble. IMO Kiwi boarding school is not much better than a private school in Bkk or phuket


It's not just the wealthy who study overseas. Scholarships are available for the poor but bright. I know a Thai who did a PhD in Materials Science in the UK and went back to do a stint of teaching to 'pay off' his scholarship. I believe that Thai banks offer scholarships too. Our local university has a large Asian contingent, many of them Thai and I've met all sorts of students from the very poor to people who work at the very highest levels of Thai government.

Indeed. A young Thai lawyer I met once got a scholarship to study in the UK under a government scholarship. I wrote a referral for him. He had grown up in Chomburi in a stilt house with chickens underneath.

Most UK uni students live in much worse conditions!whistling.gif

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