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Life For A Farang In Nakhon Si Thammarat


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I am thinking of taking a job at Walailak university in Nakhon Si Thammarat. I am a single farang woman. I have visited Nakhon a few times, it is a beautiful area. I am just curious to hear what are some experiences of living in that area.

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Where life is always pleasant? I didn't know there was such a place... Please tell me exactly where in Chiang Mai and how much it costs. I lived in Nakon for a year. It all depends on what you are looking for. I like to say that it is the 'real' Thailand. That is to say that it is very different from the places the vast majority of farangs go ie. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket and Samui. There's not thousands of other farangs walking around. There's not Thai food specially altered for farang taste. There's not decent Western food all over the place. When I was there, there was only a half a dozen foreigners who i saw out and about on a regular basis. It was a rare occassion that I saw backpackers and I never once saw a package tourist. So you will get to know the real Thailand. If that is what you are looking for, then go for it. When I was there it was not always easy, but I am absolutely greatful that I started my Thai experience there.

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So you will get to know the real Thailand. If that is what you are looking for, then go for it. When I was there it was not always easy, but I am absolutely greatful that I started my Thai experience there.

thanks ChiangMaiThai,

The real Thailand experience sounds good to me.

May I inquire how long ago and what you were doing in Nakhon and why are you grateful you started your Thai experience there?

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So you will get to know the real Thailand. If that is what you are looking for, then go for it. When I was there it was not always easy, but I am absolutely greatful that I started my Thai experience there.

thanks ChiangMaiThai,

The real Thailand experience sounds good to me.

May I inquire how long ago and what you were doing in Nakhon and why are you grateful you started your Thai experience there?

And why are you grateful you do not stay there anymore? :o

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I like to say that it is the 'real' Thailand. That is to say that it is very different from the places the vast majority of farangs go ie. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket and Samui.

Probably 30% of the population of Thailand live in these cities but they are not really part of the "real" Thailand? Amazing how we can feel other people should not change but accept and welcome it for ourselves. :o

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In the 'real' Thailand there are no McDonalds, no Pizza Hut, no KFC, no Condos, no ADSL, no go-go bars and no farang, it can get a little boring sometimes, but after a few days in the 'new' Thailand I can't wait to get back.

In NakornSri you aren't far away from Surat/Samui/Phuket to get the occasional 'fix' of western life.


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I like to say that it is the 'real' Thailand. That is to say that it is very different from the places the vast majority of farangs go ie. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket and Samui.

Probably 30% of the population of Thailand live in these cities but they are not really part of the "real" Thailand? Amazing how we can feel other people should not change but accept and welcome it for ourselves. :D

I have to agree completely here.

The Farang who yearn for the "real" Thailand actually want a social / cultural / economic "Zoo" which they can visit and escape from as and when they wish.

It's as bucolic and romantic as ###### to watch a farmer walking behind his buffalo in the fading light of day, ploughing his paddyfield for the next planting - unless of course you are the poor bloody farmer who has been doing it for the last 12 hours and wishes he could afford a tractor ..... the examples are endless.

It's called progress, and it's not the prerogative of the West.

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Looks like my 'real thailand' comment pissed off a few people. The simple fact is life for a farang in Thailand outised of a few farang hang outs will be very, very different than it would be in these places. In bangkok, samui, pattaya and the other cities I mentioned of course there are Thai people (I'm not sure where you get 30% of the population. That would mean that there are about 20 million Thai people in the 5 places I mentioned???!!!), but they are well and truly used to seeing another farang and their general attitudes towards us have of course changed. More importantly, there are all the farang facilities you need in order to be in Thailand the farang way, which usually means the most convenient and comfortable way. This means that you can stay here for 20 years and not speak a word of Thai. You can eat a pancake in the morning, a hamburger at lunch and some pasta with pesto at dinner. It means that you can spend your weekends among farang friends and it means you don't even look twice when you see a farang coming your way.

Now there is nothing wrong with this way of life. Actually right now, it closely resembles myself, but I am well and truly aware that I am not experiencing the real Thailand, which incidently is not contingent on buffalos and poor farmers. If you don't believe me, go spend a week in Nakon Sri Thammarat and some of the Amphurs within an hour of there. Sichon, Thung Song etc. Then come back and try to tell me that life in Chiang Mai or Samui is 'just about the same'. It will be good for a laugh.

Gisele, I was an exchange student in Nakon for a year, living with a Thai family and attending a Thai school. I saw another farang maybe once a month. There was a lot of absolute boredom. It was difficult at times, but I am very grateful for the experience as it gave me a good cultural understanding and a good base to build on language wise. I enjoy going back for a visit, but I couldn't live there again. Like most other farangs I prefer some of the comforts I'm accustomed to back home.

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So you will get to know the real Thailand. If that is what you are looking for, then go for it. When I was there it was not always easy, but I am absolutely greatful that I started my Thai experience there.

thanks ChiangMaiThai,

The real Thailand experience sounds good to me.

May I inquire how long ago and what you were doing in Nakhon and why are you grateful you started your Thai experience there?

And why are you grateful you do not stay there anymore? :o

Because it is difficult and boring and there is nothing I really like to eat and I would miss contact with English speaking people. This is not to say that there is not value to be gained in the experience.

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I like to say that it is the 'real' Thailand. That is to say that it is very different from the places the vast majority of farangs go ie. Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya, Phuket and Samui.

Probably 30% of the population of Thailand live in these cities but they are not really part of the "real" Thailand? Amazing how we can feel other people should not change but accept and welcome it for ourselves. :o

I have to agree completely here.

The Farang who yearn for the "real" Thailand actually want a social / cultural / economic "Zoo" which they can visit and escape from as and when they wish.

It's as bucolic and romantic as ###### to watch a farmer walking behind his buffalo in the fading light of day, ploughing his paddyfield for the next planting - unless of course you are the poor bloody farmer who has been doing it for the last 12 hours and wishes he could afford a tractor ..... the examples are endless.

It's called progress, and it's not the prerogative of the West.

It has nothing to do with progress. There are major cities in China which have progressed hughely over the past 50 years. This doesn't mean that you will find it especially easy, comfortbale or convenient to be a foreigner there.

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I understood "Real thailand" to mean non-tourist area. Bangkok is a big city like any other big city and for sure will have more diversity in demographics.

Do Pattaya or Samui reflect the lifestyle of Thais in general?

Beijing does not give an accurate picture of the whole of China, it is a very big city so as such more permeated by western influence. Is it the real China? Has living here given me the real Chinese experience? It's given me the experience of the real Beijing, a good experience.

However, my question is not about semantics but rather just a simple query to find out about the experiences of farangs who have lived in Nakhon. :o

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Yes, gisele, I think you've simplified it well. Of course everywhere is 'real', but Nakon is simply not a tourist area and so of course your experiences there will be quite different. Even is Pattaya, there are 'real' Thais living a lifestyle reflective of Thailand. But the point is that if you go there as a foreigner, you will be exposed to only a little, if any, of this lifestlyle whereas in Nakon, you will have no choice.

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Do you like pork?, I had my first taste of pigs ears and pigs tongue in Nakhon Sri. Pigs tongue is the absolute dogs <deleted>. Also the first time I saw a thai guy slaughter a pig with a large carving knife. Makes you appreciate what you eat, a dirty, smelly, grunting pig was transformed into pork chops within half an hour. What was most impressive was the clinical precision of the whole process, the guy didn't blink an eye. Also absolutely nothing is wasted, if you are fortunate enough to witness such a slaughter you might recognize the pig's head on display in the local market.

No, I'm not trying to disgust you. This was my first experience in Nakhon Sri. I also managed to get out and see some absolutely beautiful countryside, quite a distance from Nakhon Sri city. Last year I think some European guy married to a thai got stabbed to death in Nakhon Sri city by a group of thai guys because he wouldn't hand over his camera.


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I think some European guy married to a thai got stabbed to death in Nakhon Sri city by a group of thai guys because he wouldn't hand over his camera.

He should have known better.

You CAN NOT take pictures in Nakhorn ST. You CAN NOT show the "real" Thailand,... :o

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I think some European guy married to a thai got stabbed to death in Nakhon Sri city by a group of thai guys because he wouldn't hand over his camera.

He should have known better.

You CAN NOT take pictures in Nakhorn ST. You CAN NOT show the "real" Thailand,... :o

Are you still insisting that living on Sukhumvit or Patong or Chaweng is just about the same as living in Loei or Nakon Si Thammarat or Khoen Kaen? Yeah, they are all real places. I'll give you that. So maybe its a matter of semantics, but there are two very different Thailands here and most farang never see one of them.

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