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Phuket Gov faces battery of 17 ambassadors


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Blah, blah, blah, blah and double blah.

What the ambassadors SHOULD have done is told the Governor that if he does nothing positive within one month ALL the abassadors will put Phuket on a black list detailing ALL the scams and laying the blame on him personally.

You are the Governor. It is YOUR problem.

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Good for the Euro ambassadors going and raising the issues. I was so appalled by my US ambassador making statements that even a bar girl would blush making. I don't expect much more than a committee to look into it: there is no problem too big that can't be ignored. A little threat may be in order along with the wishes for improvement. Money talks and bs walks.

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Perhaps contributors here may wish to send an e-mail to all the newspapers in their home countries giving the Internet address of this thread. Hmmm. Maybe not. Think of the backlash that would surely follow.

I'm mildly surprised that the Governor didn't say that he was aware of the multitude of problems but to rectify them would cost money - and his coffers were bare. Maybe the EU countries could chip in a few thou (million?), in readies of course.

The comment linking Phuket with the Democrat party may well be considered asinine by many. The point that the author missed was declaring which political faction the Governor owed his loyalty to.

Asinine - like an ass. In the US this has two meanings, same same but different.

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Ambassadors from around the world have been pointing out the problems to Governors for years and nothing has ever been done. Nothing will change and the same points will be discussed at next years meeting. What would these meddling farangs know?

Well it did say

"Phuket Governor Maitri Inthusut explained that an “incremental”

approach was being taken in improving Phuket’s road transportation for


I looked up the word incremental just to be sure I had it right. The defination was increasing gradually.

I had it right.

Steps will be taken

1 Check to see if the allegations about jet skis are true

2 Check to see if the allegations about Taxi's are true

3 Check to see if the allegations about misuse of colored flags on the beach are true

4 Check to see if the allegations about false beach warnings are true

5 Check to see if the allegations about of double pricing are true

6 Check to see if the allegations about the unsafe road conditions

Fast forward 2015 form a committee to check into possible solution's if indeed the allegations turn out to be true.

Fast forward 2017 check to see if any solutions will interfere with the inflow of tea money

Fast forward 2020 hope the whole thing will have blown over.

Edited by hellodolly
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I find it amusing that none of the usual bashers of the central government do not acknowledge that Phuket is a Democrat party fiefdom and that some of the implicated local politicians are key supporters of the Democrats in Phuket.

Actually despite all it's faults Phuket is still the popular place to visit in Thailand and Bangkok is regularly touted as one of the best tourist cities in the world.

Not bad for Democrat fiefdoms !

With all that going on it shows that they still have enough wisdom to try to stop Dictatorship.

Can me any one name one red shirt PTP stronghold that smart.

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VIDEO REPORT: European Union tackles Phuket tourism woes

Phuket Gazette

PHUKET: -- Ambassadors from 17 European nations today brought to the Phuket Governor’s attention four critical issues plaguing Phuket’s tourism industry: road transport, boat safety, tourist security and jet-skis.

“The meeting today was held to identify several key issues affecting European tourists to Thailand and to come up with solutions to these problems,” said European Union (EU) Ambassador to Thailand David Lipman, who led the 18-ambassador delegation.

At a press conference after the closed-door meeting, Phuket Governor Maitri Inthusut explained that an “incremental” approach was being taken in improving Phuket’s road transportation for tourists.

“We are working with local authorities in developing several key aspects of road transportation. We are working on providing public bus services and on improving the taxi situation. It will improve gradually,” he said.

He added that the same approach was being taken in improving boat safety.

A key factor in improving tourists’ safety while in or on the water around Phuket is having tourists understand the warnings and safety information provided, Italian Ambassador Michelangelo Pipan pointed out.

“Having the same flag out all the time [indicating whether or not it is safe to swim] during the monsoon period, doesn’t help. People disregard it,” Amb Pipan said.

“Also, having beach guards issue inappropriate warnings causes problems of their own,” he added.

However, Amb Pipan said the Governor has assured him that his office had called on local government agencies to boost maritime safety.

“The maritime authorities, including the Marine Police, have been alerted to this problem [boat safety] and are taking action to make it safer,” the ambassador said.

“We are working with all the appropriate authorities in having the right agencies giving the right warnings to tourists, posting the right flags and making sure the right personnel are on the beaches,” he said. “Hopefully, this will result in less deaths in the future.”

Amb Pipan did recognize the Governor’s comment that tourists are often determined to enjoy water activities while on holiday, sometimes at their own jeopardy.

“Many tourists come to Phuket specifically to enjoy the beaches or to go out on a boat. This can be problematic,” Amb Pipan said.

Asked what confirmed action will follow today’s meeting, EU Ambassador Lipman said the quarterly meetings between the honorary consuls on the island and Phuket’s top officials will resume in the near future.

“Also, after this meeting today, we will share these concerns with other ambassadors and government officials in Bangkok to work together to come up with solutions,” Amd Lipman said.

“We will also be meeting the Tourism Minister [somsak Pureesrisak] on about June 28,” he added.

Governor Maitri urged any tourists who find themselves in need of urgent assistance to call the Governor’s Office directly.

The Governor’s Office can be contacted at 076-211 001.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2013/VIDEO-REPORT-European-Union-tackles-Phuket-tourism-woes-21338.html


-- Phuket Gazette 2013-06-15

Shouldn't that be worded "We are working with the local Phuket Mafia "?All the ambassadorsback to Bangkok till the next annual get together wearing a memento souvenir tee shirt.."Same Same"..

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im hoping he got his ass kicked, the governor that is,,lets wait and see,but its got them thinking now us/chinese /now eu/mmmmm maybe something is wrong and weve been found out,,,a boycott of phuket would change things big time

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Very entertaining thread..... Now I am pro Dem as opposed to supporting the current Govt. I really am not sure what side of the political divide the Governor of Phuket is?..... I fear egg on face? Is he a Dem?

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Speaking at the JW Marriott in Mai Khao, Governor Maitree Intusut – after an introductory remark that Phuket appeared to be attractive not only to tourists but also to diplomats

Totally disrespecful and suggests that they are there as much to play as the tourists.

This is really how this guy views the consuls on Phuket. I don't know how they can deal with this mentality.

Things will not change, diplomats will come and go but the reral money spinners, the bribes, scams property grabs will go on as before.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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Speaking at the JW Marriott in Mai Khao, Governor Maitree Intusut – after an introductory remark that Phuket appeared to be attractive not only to tourists but also to diplomats

Totally disrespecful and suggests that they are there as much to play as the tourists.

This is really how this guy views the consuls on Phuket. I don't know how they can deal with this mentality.

Things will not change, diplomats will come and go but the reral money spinners, the bribes, scams property grabs will go on as before.

But he is a realist and probably more right than wrong - the results of their visit to Phuket may turn out to be just the same as upmarket tourists would achieve... just paid for by the taxpayers of their countries...more fool us.

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Ambassadors from around the world have been pointing out the problems to Governors for years and nothing has ever been done. Nothing will change and the same points will be discussed at next years meeting. What would these meddling farangs know?

Yes. How many times have we read similar stories.

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Ambassadors from around the world have been pointing out the problems to Governors for years and nothing has ever been done. Nothing will change and the same points will be discussed at next years meeting. What would these meddling farangs know?

One thing that has changed, and will continue to change, is the local economy.

The European tourists continue to detour Phuket for other destinations in Thailand and/or neighbouring countries. That's a lot of baht gone from the Phuket economy.

The tourist numbers may be up, from the Chinese and Russians, but the baht turnover is down, way down, and the baht is the only thing Thai's will listen to, not Ambassadors.

That said, "money go down - put price up" will be their way of dealing with the issue, and that will cause a further spiral down of European tourist to Phuket.

They want the tourists they had in the past - but their greed and corruption has caused Phuket to outprice itself, especially with transport, food and beverage.

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I find it amusing that none of the usual bashers of the central government do not acknowledge that Phuket is a Democrat party fiefdom and that some of the implicated local politicians are key supporters of the Democrats in Phuket.

I acknowledge this.... I posted earlier somewhere ..... It is the weekend afterall. Yup we should hold our hands up..... Inept politicians on both (all) sides

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By highlighting the error of the immigration officer(s) in not correctly stamping their passports, this unwitting French family committed the worst offence possible by causing a loss of face - that's the real reason they were fined.

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Thais don't like being told what to do, or that they are doing things wrong.... And I guess that all the farang ideas cost money to implement so absolutely no chance they will implement them. Not unless they see it's profitable and can convince themselves it's their own idea.

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It only takes one tourist to be ripped off, and 100 back home will hear about it.

Look at the Aussie travel agent, murdered at Phuket some months back. Believe me, half the country knew about it in no time at all.

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Nothing will begin to change until the locals see how low the cash-flow is with the new, non-Western tourist demographic mix. Wait, even then, it'll not change but for a Grand "We Want You[r money] Back Euro-Farang" Sale Promotion by the TAT. End of day: if everyone votes with their wallets, things change. Only market forces change business operators' minds on how best to conduct business.

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It only takes one tourist to be ripped off, and 100 back home will hear about it.

Look at the Aussie travel agent, murdered at Phuket some months back. Believe me, half the country knew about it in no time at all.

and yet, the Aussies still keep coming............

Only the low end that don't spend as much.

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Wanna see something done about Phuket? Commercial solutions would probably work much quicker than diplomatic solutions.

Convince all travel insurance companies to demand a surcharge for travel to Phuket (or any other dangerous locale). Or to simply exclude coverage for anyone traveling in those areas.

Enough tourists will get the message to put a dent in the sweaty tourist $$$$. That will get their attention.

All the nice diplomacy won't amount to diddly as long as the numbers and $$$$$ stay up there.

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Wanna see something done about Phuket? Commercial solutions would probably work much quicker than diplomatic solutions.

Convince all travel insurance companies to demand a surcharge for travel to Phuket (or any other dangerous locale). Or to simply exclude coverage for anyone traveling in those areas.

Enough tourists will get the message to put a dent in the sweaty tourist $$$$. That will get their attention.

All the nice diplomacy won't amount to diddly as long as the numbers and $$$$$ stay up there.

and just why would an insurance company forgo profits for your "commercial" solution?

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It only takes one tourist to be ripped off, and 100 back home will hear about it.

Look at the Aussie travel agent, murdered at Phuket some months back. Believe me, half the country knew about it in no time at all.

and yet, the Aussies still keep coming............

Only the low end that don't spend as much.

May be true for certain nationalities, but not for the Australians.

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Wanna see something done about Phuket? Commercial solutions would probably work much quicker than diplomatic solutions.

Convince all travel insurance companies to demand a surcharge for travel to Phuket (or any other dangerous locale). Or to simply exclude coverage for anyone traveling in those areas.

Enough tourists will get the message to put a dent in the sweaty tourist $$$$. That will get their attention.

All the nice diplomacy won't amount to diddly as long as the numbers and $$$$$ stay up there.

They will if they're losing money here.

So they won't ...

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It only takes one tourist to be ripped off, and 100 back home will hear about it.

Look at the Aussie travel agent, murdered at Phuket some months back. Believe me, half the country knew about it in no time at all.

and yet, the Aussies still keep coming............

True, but sadly mainly the ''bogan'' types that seem to feature on news sites frequently.

Most of these jerks wouldn't be given the time of day by decent Australians, either here or back in Aus.

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It only takes one tourist to be ripped off, and 100 back home will hear about it.

Look at the Aussie travel agent, murdered at Phuket some months back. Believe me, half the country knew about it in no time at all.

and yet, the Aussies still keep coming............

Only the low end that don't spend as much.

The high end Australians invest in tattoo shops and scooter hire. :) :)

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