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Blatantly ripped off 1000 baht


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"Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else and can anyone tell me how I could have handled this situation better?"

Never try to buy anything from a market stall without something resembling the correct change,go to 7/11 and buy a can of Coke or bottle of water or something if you don't have it.Although Thais are generally reasonably honest about this,I'm sorry but you must look like an easy target!

Same with taxis as I had it the other day,my Aussie mate tried to pay a 200 baht fare with 500 baht and the scumbag taxi driver claimed he had no change!Luckily I had some so I scrunched it up and threw it at him,he went off cursing but who cares,dickheads like that make it worse for everyone and give all Thais a bad name!

I think the OP was just very unlucky, several times in the last 7 years I have had stallholders in a market come after me because I walked away without my change, the last time being only last week, living up in the sticks means I use markets several times a week and I don't remember having any problems with any stallholders so far.

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Yes you were robbed. As you are a regular to those markets I would make a point of returning as often as possible, do some window shopping at her stall then buy the same items from the stall next to her and make sure she knows you tipped the other lady and remember to smile at the one who ripped you off when you tip that lady.

Do that often. smile.png

A couple of years ago in Sukhumvit Soi 11 I was reading the menu board at a street food stand, but I didn't know what the dish the lady was cooking was so I just asked her in Thai what she was cooking and she yelled at me with such venom in English "ORDER! ORDER! ORDER!!!!" and signalled at another guy who I didn't even realised worked there that I was supposed to order from him. It doesn't sound like a big deal but I was really offended; I'd been polite, I'd read their Thai menu, I spoke to her in Thai and she just yelled in my face like I was scum. Luckily I didn't know how to curse in Thai so I just said in Thai "I did nothing bad, why do you speak badly to me" and she just gave me that look bad people always have slapped on their faces in Thai soaps. I guess she thought I was just a tourist but 2 years later I still walk past her stall every day and if I'm carrying several bags of food I make sure she sees them and I give her my best impression of a Thai soap bad guy look.

She couldn't care less.

The point is, the thieving stall owner in the OP's story won't care at all what happens because she has already won. She got 1,000 baht for nothing from a foreigner and she probably talked a lot of bad gossip about the OP after she left. She got big face that day.

Different culture, different values. Don't let her taint your view of every Thai person here but be aware that there are people like that here.

Edited by KunMatt
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NO time to read 7 pages however eventually everyone is going to have something like this happen unless they never go out or are very very very lucky and most likely both.

I consider loosing 4000 baht from a hotel room, and an agent trying to keep 50-100,000 from me (i still don't know how much he made off me) the price of doing any kind of business here.

your's is unusual as they don't do in your face stuff.

mostly behind your back


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Never known of this happening before.

But thanks for letting me know, as my sister is going Bangkok tomorrow I must warn her, and make sure she has small money.

But really, never have experienced this before, not have heard if it before.

Only in bars, like for instance, when I ordered a sang som and coke, when received they gave me a glass of coke, thinking i was drunk and would t notice and I was with my thai wife at the time found it really strange as this hasn't happened to me before.

It was a reasonably common scam about 6-12 months ago. Cashier giving back change for 100 or 500 when a 1000 was handed over. Initial your 1000's next time.

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Yes you were robbed. As you are a regular to those markets I would make a point of returning as often as possible, do some window shopping at her stall then buy the same items from the stall next to her and make sure she knows you tipped the other lady and remember to smile at the one who ripped you off when you tip that lady.

Do that often. smile.png

My very thoughts, but do not show open vindictiveness, also make sure you have the right money for the neighbouring vendor otherwise she/he might try the same scam, God forbid!w00t.gif

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The OP was ripped off. Even though she said she had been to those shops before a less than honest vendor saw a chance to cheat her- and took it.

I agree with some other posters that correct change solves many problems here in Thailand.

OP, maybe the not so nice lady will spend her next life as a soi dog...

Karma smile.png

PS- A local would always wait for their 20 baht change so do the same. Some folks mistake kindness for weakness...

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Going with a 1000 Baht note to buy some groceries from a market is wrong and tipping them is wrong too. I do at times tip some old lady or guy with 5 or 10 Baht but not the groceries seller.

When I first came to Thailand I didn't speak any Thai and I often encountered misunderstandings in prices etc. The first I learned was how to learn the numbers to speak in Thai and if I part with a 1000 Baht note, I will speak to them in Thai to confirm the exact change I will get back.

To the OP, please see your encounter as an experience to learn from.

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Just arrived in Phuket. I go to the ATM. I get 10 bills of 10,000 bahts. All I have.

I go to a bar, order a beer, and hand 1,000 bahts, of course.

The cashier gives me change for a 500 bahts note.

I tell her it was a 1,000 bahts note.

A waitress comes to us, and says, "no, I saw you hand out a 500 baht note."

I knew I was checkmate.

I just walked away.

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Just arrived in Phuket. I go to the ATM. I get 10 bills of 10,000 bahts. All I have.

I go to a bar, order a beer, and hand 1,000 bahts, of course.

The cashier gives me change for a 500 bahts note.

I tell her it was a 1,000 bahts note.

A waitress comes to us, and says, "no, I saw you hand out a 500 baht note."

I knew I was checkmate.

I just walked away.


And if you "named and shamed" that joint they could sue your arse off!

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One should neve expect anyone other than a business in a mall, tescos, 7/11 or similar to break a 1000 baht note.

Break it at the 7, buy a 10 baht bottle of water, before hitting a market. Never show off large amounts of cash in front of those who earn 300 baht per day.

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Just arrived in Phuket. I go to the ATM. I get 10 bills of 10,000 bahts. All I have.

I go to a bar, order a beer, and hand 1,000 bahts, of course.

The cashier gives me change for a 500 bahts note.

I tell her it was a 1,000 bahts note.

A waitress comes to us, and says, "no, I saw you hand out a 500 baht note."

I knew I was checkmate.

I just walked away.

You need the Asian suit.Shorts,wife beater and thongs and they know you're here to stay!

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Stop giving free money away (100 when price 80), they don't think you are nice and generous, they think you are an idiot.

Don't give large amounts.

Call the police if they try to steal from you.

Stop giving free money away (100 when price 80), they don't think you are nice and generous, they think you are an idiot.

Don't give large amounts.

Call the police if they try to steal from you.

Finally someone that talks sense on this forum.

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I made a drunken mistake my first trip to Thailand, gave a 500 baht tip meaning to give 50. After the receiver did a victory dance, there was no turning back. It happens. You just move on. It's a crappy feeling but who hasn't been scammed sometimes in life for much more than 1000 baht?

that was stupid, you do realize 500 looks and means the same as 500 in other countries? lol why would you admit that..555 thumbsup.gif

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I made a drunken mistake my first trip to Thailand, gave a 500 baht tip meaning to give 50. After the receiver did a victory dance, there was no turning back. It happens. You just move on. It's a crappy feeling but who hasn't been scammed sometimes in life for much more than 1000 baht?

that was stupid, you do realize 500 looks and means the same as 500 in other countries? lol why would you admit that..555 thumbsup.gif

Why not? I'm not running for political office.

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Today I was in a market, saw a beautiful flowering orchid. Thought I would buy it for Thai girlfriend. 'Sawasdee ka' says lady store holder. 'Sawasdee krap' says farang me, 'how much is this'? Pointing at orchid. 'Er, 2000bht' says she! "Oh, how come it have 150written on pot' says me! I got it for 150bht. Gave it to girlfriend she say thanks, how much you pay? '150' says me, proud that I hadn't paid 2000! "you should no pay any more than 80bht", says she!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I was ripped off for 70bht! Better than 1920bht! Mai pen rai!

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If you have a Thai friend, I would go back with the friend to the vendor. Let the friend explain what you couldn't say. If the vendor then don't return your money she is a thief. There is an outside chance that she mistook the B 1000 for a B 100 and by going back she can correct the situation. As other people said its a good idea to buy with smaller bills at markets. Another rule is never to let the money go out of sight (same as with cards), most vendors have money bags on them and don't need to go behind something to get your change. 99% Chance you won't get your money back but atleast your Thai friend can let the vendor understand what you think of her and could prevent her from doing it again. If you Thai friend makes alot of noise the vendor could feel she is losing face and could return your money, if she turns aggressive just leave.

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I made a drunken mistake my first trip to Thailand, gave a 500 baht tip meaning to give 50. After the receiver did a victory dance, there was no turning back. It happens. You just move on. It's a crappy feeling but who hasn't been scammed sometimes in life for much more than 1000 baht?

that was stupid, you do realize 500 looks and means the same as 500 in other countries? lol why would you admit that..555 thumbsup.gif

I love the victory dance that closed the deal,pure Thai!laugh.png

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If you have a Thai friend, I would go back with the friend to the vendor. Let the friend explain what you couldn't say. If the vendor then don't return your money she is a thief. There is an outside chance that she mistook the B 1000 for a B 100 and by going back she can correct the situation. As other people said its a good idea to buy with smaller bills at markets. Another rule is never to let the money go out of sight (same as with cards), most vendors have money bags on them and don't need to go behind something to get your change. 99% Chance you won't get your money back but atleast your Thai friend can let the vendor understand what you think of her and could prevent her from doing it again. If you Thai friend makes alot of noise the vendor could feel she is losing face and could return your money, if she turns aggressive just leave.

Good luck with all of that. All the vendor will do is say the OP is lying or she doesn't remember her.

If it was such an innocent mistake why wasn't the OP allowed to take her shopping after her had paid for it and received the change? The stall owner gave her the wrong change no matter what note the OP handed her (goods cost 370, change given 20 baht, what 1 note could the stall owner have thought she was given?) and then when questioned and a scene raised the owner then stole the goods back so the OP lost her money and her shopping.

You want to go back and mess with this person, nothing productive will come from it, I guarantee it. The vendor has already won and gained her face, you're not going to break it now after the event. She got 1,000 for free, she will remember it as a very lucky day.

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After you were cheated you could have stayed around and when anyone else came to shop at the stall you could tell them that you were robbed by her.

The vendor won't be at all happy about losing customers.

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"Has anything like this ever happened to anyone else and can anyone tell me how I could have handled this situation better?"

Never try to buy anything from a market stall without something resembling the correct change,go to 7/11 and buy a can of Coke or bottle of water or something if you don't have it.Although Thais are generally reasonably honest about this,I'm sorry but you must look like an easy target!

Same with taxis as I had it the other day,my Aussie mate tried to pay a 200 baht fare with 500 baht and the scumbag taxi driver claimed he had no change!Luckily I had some so I scrunched it up and threw it at him,he went off cursing but who cares,dickheads like that make it worse for everyone and give all Thais a bad name!

Agree, go to 7/11, buy a drink or whatever and get change.

And get And don't let anybody see what other money you have in your purse.

I'm aware of several Thai wives who politely scold their farang husbands for opening their wallet so that all can see what's inside.

Presort your money in small bundles, some in each pocket (and beware of pickpockets).

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All the advice you're getting about having small money, I gave to my kids before they left primary school.

It's a bloody market, in a foreign country and you don't speak the language......surely something upstairs must have told you to at least be a bit prepared, before going?

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it is natural to cry, i was very sad for you. i hate when humans return to there primate roots.this is what you need to do. go back to that shop video record the outside and inside also the woman who cheated you and voice over exactly what happened, post it on you tube. take that link and post it back here for us and post that link everywhere you can, facebook,tumblr,everywhere

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