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Thailand Sex Industry Compete with....Germany?

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The title of the article is "Germany Has Become the Cut-Rate Prostitution Capital of the World."

I was honestly not aware. Some excerpts:

"Prostitution became legal in Germany in 2002, and the open sex trade has taken off in the years since. There are reportedly around 3,000 red-light establishments in the country, and 500 brothels in Berlin alone. It’s been estimated that more than 1 million men pay for sex in Germany every day."

"Germany’s prostitution scene has attracted visitors from around the world. Specialty tour operators have been booking groups of men from Asia, the Middle East and North America on “sex tourism” trips to Germany for years. As more men and money have flowed into the country thanks to prostitution, more and more women have arrived to serve them with the hopes of making a decent living. Instead, what seems to have happened is that the brothels have been aggressively competing with one another for business, and prices have plummeted."

"An English-language news site in Germany called The Local interviewed a 39-year-old man from Florida named Andrew about his brothel-frequenting habits. He said he originally visited Germany in his mid-20s because he was interested in the car culture and the history, but has since kept coming back three times annually because prostitution is legal and the prostitutes are so affordable."

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I'm sure the day will come, just as with greater acceptance of homosexuality, that countries won't need to "compete" on this basis and people won't feel the need to travel at all to partake of what should be an ordinary entertainment industry service.

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