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Breaking Up in Thailand


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Your story proves to show that lack of others perspective in a mixed relationship is not limited to the poorly educated in thailand. In her defense; she waited a while to commit to you and now she sees that in her perspective it is not mutual. Probably she loves you toooooo much and this is than how a simple mind reacts. All emotions no sense ! Understandably ?? That is for you to decide because you know her best.

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Thanks boosta, that was a great reply. We, however, are not living together. She would never go for that.

At present, we are still a couple. She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option. As you say, she is still the woman I've cared about to this point. Nevertheless, with ASEAN around the corner, and Thailand growing leaps and bounds, an M.Ed would create much needed stability for me, before deciding to start a family here.

Edited by aTomsLife
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Don't take too much to heart......she will have another lined up before your plane leaves the runway,,,,,,majority of them are psychotic nutters ...just be very careful and stay safe......watch for the brothers,cousins,etc

My money's on the boarding gate!laugh.png

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She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option.


NO. I can't imagine what podunk degree mill in the west would be as bad as even the most prestigious Thai university for credibility in the international education and corporate marketplace, your education would be viewed as suspect for the rest of your life.

And as bad as some of the International Schools are (especially the many dozen "so called" ones) for negative work environment, absolutely no Thai-run school will be bearable for you professionally afterwards.

If you really love her, put a ring on it and take her with you.

Otherwise stick to your career plan and don't try for a "distance relationship" either, if your love were strong enough to make that possible you'd take the previous option.

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Thanks boosta, that was a great reply. We, however, are not living together. She would never go for that.

At present, we are still a couple. She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option. As you say, she is still the woman I've cared about to this point. Nevertheless, with ASEAN around the corner, and Thailand growing leaps and bounds, an M.Ed would create much needed stability for me, before deciding to start a family here.

What happened to:"I'm a teacher here, and have realized the Thai education system isn't a good fit for me."?

I think you'll find that most schools in Thailand, whatever type, follow the same education system.

As for your original question: I guess it can be many things, but it is probably just that she likes you and doesn't want you to leave her.

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What happened to:"I'm a teacher here, and have realized the Thai education system isn't a good fit for me."?

I think you'll find that most schools in Thailand, whatever type, follow the same education system.


Not at all true comparing the true International Schools where no Thais are involved in pedagogical management issues, night and day.


As for your original question: I guess it can be many things, but it is probably just that she likes you and doesn't want you to leave her.


Difference being the possibility of violently destructive confrontation maybe even physical danger, blackmail, getting authorities involved claiming trumped up rape charges etc etc.

Doesn't tend to happen so much back home. . .

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Stupid control freak, dump her, who cares about "her" culture, you have one too and she should think about that, its give and take except in her case all take.

Ask yourself this question, do you really want to marry someone like this???


By manipulating her into sleeping with you, it should have been clear to you what you were doing. In some circles, having a farang boyfriend and being dumped can affect the way friends and family look at her.


Amazing how people from the same culture can live in the same place and create such totally different realities.

Neither is "right" or "wrong" just different points of view.

I'm really going to miss returning to one homogeneous culture. . .

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Thanks boosta, that was a great reply. We, however, are not living together. She would never go for that.

At present, we are still a couple. She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option. As you say, she is still the woman I've cared about to this point. Nevertheless, with ASEAN around the corner, and Thailand growing leaps and bounds, an M.Ed would create much needed stability for me, before deciding to start a family here.

What happened to:"I'm a teacher here, and have realized the Thai education system isn't a good fit for me."?

I think you'll find that most schools in Thailand, whatever type, follow the same education system.

As for your original question: I guess it can be many things, but it is probably just that she likes you and doesn't want you to leave her.

Indeed, I have realized the Thai education system isn't a good fit -- what I've experienced of it. She said there are better options. I am considering seeking them before leaving. Admittedly, I am indecisive, hence my OP. If I really knew up from down right now, I wouldn't need to talk it out here. I'm in Central Thailand, all my buddies are either in BKK or CM, so Thai Visa it is. wai.gif

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She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option.


NO. I can't imagine what podunk degree mill in the west would be as bad as even the most prestigious Thai university for credibility in the international education and corporate marketplace, your education would be viewed as suspect for the rest of your life.

And as bad as some of the International Schools are (especially the many dozen "so called" ones) for negative work environment, absolutely no Thai-run school will be bearable for you professionally afterwards.

If you really love her, put a ring on it and take her with you.

Otherwise stick to your career plan and don't try for a "distance relationship" either, if your love were strong enough to make that possible you'd take the previous option.

Change the school I work at, not change the school I'm considering attending back home.

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She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option.

-NO. I can't imagine what podunk degree mill in the west would be as bad as even the most prestigious Thai university for credibility in the international education and corporate marketplace, your education would be viewed as suspect for the rest of your life.And as bad as some of the International Schools are (especially the many dozen "so called" ones) for negative work environment, absolutely no Thai-run school will be bearable for you professionally afterwards.If you really love her, put a ring on it and take her with you.Otherwise stick to your career plan and don't try for a "distance relationship" either, if your love were strong enough to make that possible you'd take the previous option.

Change the school I work at, not change the school I'm considering attending back home.


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There is so much wrong with what you wrote.

I hope I am wrong, but that is the way it reads to me. Perhaps my reading skills are lacking. Anyway, good luck and I hope she doesn’t get pissed off and take a more adversarial approach.smile.png

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Not my business at this point, but. . .

It seems clear that you don't want to marry her.

99% sure she wants to marry you. For you to change your life plans to "make her happy" would not be doing her any favors, she needs to move on to another prospective husband - and she will, much sooner than you'd like to think, quite likely I hate to say from experience here there are multiple other fellows in the running right now standing in the wings, perhaps even higher up her priority list than you. Not saying anything bad about her, that's just how the courting process works here.

For you to string things out from here on would be both a bad move for you, and inconsiderate of her, wasting her valuable time - remember she's well past her use-by date by Thai standards, probably feeling pretty old-maidish by now.

Do you both a favor and cut her loose.

And do beware the possibly violent psycho-bitch acting out anytime between now and when you board the plane.

If it doesn't play out that way, do please come back and let us know, this place could use some positive stories. . .

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Anyone else inclined to share a bit of their own break up history, or is this just gonna keep getting slung back at me?


Every single time it's been a major drama scene, with all the scenarios I mentioned above. Never once has it been a clean calm rational discussion, even with explicit P4P girls after just a few weeks of residence.

Worst was the mother of my children, many instances of violence in front of them, sometimes while I was sleeping, tried to stab me with a knife once and another time threatening to plant yaa baa in my belongings and call the cops telling them I'm a dealer.

That was to persuade me to let her go, not to prevent us breaking up.

I did grant her her freedom eventually, two years of hell first.

Situation normal here, many friends and co-workers report the same. One girl showed up at school barged into his classroom shouting about him diddling little kids, cops had to be called.

All along the same lines, etc etc, boring stuff repeating it

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Wow, just wow. Who is sleeping around? I'm monogamous -- end of that discussion. I date "good girls" because I'm a decent, hard working guy.


He didn't mean to imply you're promiscuous, just reflecting the dominant Thai value system of sexual mores, by having sex before marriage and then not marrying her even though she did nothing wrong, according to this culture you are automatically doing wrong by her.

You can argue all you like about modern swinging upper-class girls, and of course they do exist - when it suits them they'll shag a guy 'cause they're horny and then drop him like a hot potato.

But if you enter into a regular thing, become a monogamous couple, in Thai culture you already ARE married, the paperwork really doesn't mean much - see the Thai PM for an example.

So that's the position she's taking, where she's coming from, and now you have to deal with the situation on that basis, not the one you thought was operating.

She will probably expect some sort of compensation to make up for her psychic injuries and loss of face.

Not saying you owe it to her, just don't be surprised to know you can buy your way out of trouble.

Or run away like a thief in the night, that's the usual way it's handled here.

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