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Bangkok: Red Bull heir's Ferrari crash indictment postponed for a fourth time


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I have always said, if you have enough cash, you can buy your way out of nearly any crime. Now, the courts are proving that fact to the public, who was already pretty skeptical. Even in the US, if you can afford $2,000,000 for an outstanding attorney, you have more or less bought your way out of a conviction. Especially holds true here. Why charge him for speeding? It would be the first speeding ticket written in the LOS, in 2013, would it not?

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I knew it would end up the farangs fault somehow.

I await the headline, that creating all of these fast track courts for foreingers has diverted people away from the Thai courts.

The piece de resistance, will be that he will claim that the throttle stuck open on his farang car.

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If this spoilt, little pr*ck gets away with this, the police should just throw away their badges and return home to their wives, 'kiks', 'mia nois', mothers, or whatever.

The over whelming evidence against this 'heir' (lucky xxxxx) dictates that he should be banged up awaiting trial.

Who the xxxx drives at over 170 KM/H in central BKK?

The actions of the police, courts and the justice system in general, are making these little monsters worse! They xxxx up then daddy buys them out of it, everytime!!!

If he walks from this, he should change his name to Elliot Ness.

Edited by metisdead
3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane.
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When it comes to putting the filthy rich on trial, there's only one route to justice, and it's not through the courts.

Because the filthy rich can buy anything including "justice", the one-and-only route is the only affordable and effective means to the less fortunate.

That is, if the less fortunate haven't already been bought out themselves.

Even people with money bleed.

Edited by theajarn
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Here's an idea, why don't you start by checking this guy Ferrari whether it's a legit

car or "assembled locally car" and don't be surprise at the findings...

very unlikely.

firstly his family is rich, rich in the sense of forbes kind of rich and they import and sell new cars, not dodgy used luxury cars

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An undeniable example of the primitive nature of this country and these people. They're so far behind the civil societies of this world it's laughable, yet so many of us flock here and then even settle here!! For what? Quality of life? Nope, cheap "Tail." No matter how you explain it, that's what it comes down to, sadly. Living here for almost 10 years has exhausted my patience and my skewed my once positive perspective beyond belief. Story after story.

Preach, brother! clap2.gif (So when are you leaving?)

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Here's an idea, why don't you start by checking this guy Ferrari whether it's a legit

car or "assembled locally car" and don't be surprise at the findings...

very unlikely.

firstly his family is rich, rich in the sense of forbes kind of rich and they import and sell new cars, not dodgy used luxury cars

And guess what one of the brands are?

"The Yoovidhya family co-owns the sole authorized importer of Ferrari cars into Thailand.[8] In September 2012, a grandson and heir faced charges of recklessly driving a Ferrari and fleeing police, after allegedly causing the death of Police Master Sergeant Wichian Klanprasert.[9]"

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An undeniable example of the primitive nature of this country and these people. They're so far behind the civil societies of this world it's laughable, yet so many of us flock here and then even settle here!! For what? Quality of life? Nope, cheap "Tail." No matter how you explain it, that's what it comes down to, sadly. Living here for almost 10 years has exhausted my patience and my skewed my once positive perspective beyond belief. Story after story.

You need a Red Bull perhaps?

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Would the police be acting as fast if it were someone not so well connected ? Sickening how being a member of a powerful family different rules apply.

It all means, there are still a lot of pay offs left and they cant keep up with demand...giggle.gif

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Justice in Thailand is just like it is in the USA. You get the justice you can afford to buy not that which you deserve. Just ask all those fat cat bankers that destroyed so many peoples lives in the mortgage fiasco of a couple years ago. Not one of those criminals went to jail and they all are back making money hand over fist.

Here in Thailand some dumb s@#t kid has a Ferrari and kills a cop due to negligence and speed then tries to avoid responsibility by driving off. Nine months later and he still hasn't been charged. Yeah, justice in action. NOT!

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It takes time to be sure that all the payments to the right people have been accounted for. The 'Red Bull' estate probably won't even miss the money.

I don't really expect him to suffer any real inconvenience............

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If this spoilt, little pr*ck gets away with this, the police should just throw away their badges and return home to their wives, 'kiks', 'mia nois', mothers, or whatever.

The over whelming evidence against this 'heir' (lucky xxxxx) dictates that he should be banged up awaiting trial.

Who the xxxx drives at over 170 KM/H in central BKK?

The actions of the police, courts and the justice system in general, are making these little monsters worse! They xxxx up then daddy buys them out of it, everytime!!!

If he walks from this, he should change his name to Elliot Ness.

...or OJ Simpson

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So much indignation at what is occuring with this "Amart" yet these are the very people that so many Thai Visa members want to run the country (Again). "Go Fig-Your", as the Americans say.

I can't believe anyone is as intellectually challenged as you. Do you really think you guys who are in power are any less ? Just look at Charlem and his son. They are both bad just that the Democrats that you call the amart are a bit less corrupt. All corruption indices are up since your party took to power.

"All corruption indices are up since your party took to power."

I have no party, I am not Thai so am not involved in Thai politics.

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Different culture, different way of dealing with things.... MOVE ON.

Like in Syria, Afghanistan, Irak etc, yet still some countries feel the need to get involved there.

Anyway, this case just shows again that money is the most important thing in Thailand, the only thing that really determines ones status.

As the article says, he's the 'heir'. He didn't do anything himself, didn't achieve anything.

Him in jail would in no way harm or hinder or be of any disadvantage to Thailand, yet, they are slowing this case, why?

Because his family is rich. And it is not even a family with a long line of entrepreneurs that goes back back over 100 years,

just a few decades.

Ah well, I will still (have to) yield right of way next time he comes out of the soi in his new super sport scar.

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In the 5th Century a Roman guy called Priscus wrote:

"If the transgressor of the law be of the monied class, it is not likely that he pays the penalty for his wrongdoing. Whereas if the transgressor should be poor and ignorant of how to handle the business, he endures the penalty according to the law - if he does not depart life before his trial. For the course of these cases is long protracted, and a great deal of money is expended on them. No-one will ever grant a court to a wronged man unless he lay aside some money for the judge and his retinue."

So what's new?

This case sounds like a load of Red Bull to me.

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