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Bangkok: Red Bull heir's Ferrari crash indictment postponed for a fourth time


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Prosecutors said that they were still waiting for more testimony from police

In most countries, if a police officer was killed and dropped on the side of the road like garbage the police would be eager to present their evidence.

But here it's all about the cash. And his daddy is Rich, Rich, Rich.

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...suddenly...the booze....the drugs.....even the speeding ....are being disputed........until the statute of limitations runs out.....

.....truly shameful.....but typical Thai hypocrisy...........

......just look in that guy's eyes..........

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An undeniable example of the primitive nature of this country and these people. They're so far behind the civil societies of this world it's laughable, yet so many of us flock here and then even settle here!! For what? Quality of life? Nope, cheap "Tail." No matter how you explain it, that's what it comes down to, sadly. Living here for almost 10 years has exhausted my patience and my skewed my once positive perspective beyond belief. Story after story.

An undeniable example of hatred for Thais by many expats on Thaivisa .

Perhaps it's a lack of respect. "Hatred" seems strong. Respect has to be earned, and earning it will be hard for people who would sell their daughters like cattle, create superstitions to explain the movement of plastic bags, lie about where their kids go to school, and have difficulty paying attention to anything more intellectually stimulating than the Thai version of "General Hospital", but I suppose if you're coming from Papua New Guinea, the Thais must seem like a really forward-thinking bunch.

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People have to realise that this is the way Thai's have been dealing with issues like this for years. Their country, their rules and they have their way of dealing with things. It might not seem right to us as things are dealt with differently in each country. Yes, in the UK, Australia or America, he would already be in jail. However this is Thailand, and they will deal with it their way ...... people are always whinging and complaining about Thailand and the way they do things etc on here. The truth is, if your home country was better why are you here? Simple solution, you can always go home.

Went home a while ago. Home country is much, much better. Unfortunately, as I'm married to a Thai, I'm married to the over-hyped sh*thole that is Thailand. But you're right: Thailand will deal with it their way, and as Thailand is a fairly corrupt, class-based developing country with a very modest per capita GDP, life will continue to come to the rich at the expense of the poor in the Kingdom. Most people from developed countries don't immigrate to places like Thailand. That would be like going from from the Arab Emirates to Saudi Arabia. Not a good move.

How about a little perspective here you claim

"Most people from developed countries don't immigrate to places like Thailand"

I claim most people from developed countries don't immigrate anywhere. They are to tied into their nanny state that the idea of taking care of them selves is reprehensible.

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Oh... what was this case about? oh yes I almost forgot... some kid driving his Ferrari home from a nice night out on the piss, not so bad, silly policeman came out of a side road and got in his way. Seems like a nice kid why are they picking on him? he dint do much wrong did he? whistling.gif

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If history is an indication he can still have a successful political life


Always remember:

run away

sober up

call your lawyer

then tell them there is someone still in your car that might need some help

After that it is just a matter of not being able to recall what happened

Lots of money will help

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So much indignation at what is occuring with this "Amart" yet these are the very people that so many Thai Visa members want to run the country (Again). "Go Fig-Your", as the Americans say.

Yes, it's not good to have criminals running a country is it? Better get rid of the convicted one who is currently doing so!

The problem of hiso wealthy and well connected people using bribes and influence to pevert the course of justice is more prevalent in Asia and developing countries than the West. But, it is not confined to any political affiliations.

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Prosecutors said that they were still waiting for more testimony from police

In most countries, if a police officer was killed and dropped on the side of the road like garbage the police would be eager to present their evidence.

Less to share with.

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When it comes to putting the filthy rich on trial, there's only one route to justice, and it's not through the courts.

Because the filthy rich can buy anything including "justice", the one-and-only route is the only affordable and effective means to the less fortunate.

That is, if the less fortunate haven't already been bought out themselves.

Even people with money bleed.

Exactly what i have been telling myself. Methinks, there is a good business opportunity here for someone here ! thumbsup.gif

Edited by oldsailor35
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Those moaning about it, just remember even 15 years ago this wouldn't have even been out on the public domain.

I can't imagine how arbitrary justice was 50 years ago. One day, just one day someone in this supposedly exalted position will get put in the clink.

I am going to hang around to watch that wondrous day

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So much indignation at what is occuring with this "Amart" yet these are the very people that so many Thai Visa members want to run the country (Again). "Go Fig-Your", as the Americans say.

If the Dems were running the country right now, the red shirts would all be saying ,"well there you go, the amart helping the amart", and "no way this guy will be punished all the time the amart are in power".

If you are daft enough to overlook all the contradictions to the PTP/red shirts claims of being anti amart, such as including some of the wealthiest people in the country, some of whom flaunt it by driving around in brightly coloured Bentleys, i guess it is no surprise that you have no problem with this so called "anti amart" government doing nothing about this amart fellow getting away with murder.

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Different culture, different way of dealing with things.... MOVE ON.

Like in Syria, Afghanistan, Irak etc, yet still some countries feel the need to get involved there.

Anyway, this case just shows again that money is the most important thing in Thailand, the only thing that really determines ones status.

As the article says, he's the 'heir'. He didn't do anything himself, didn't achieve anything.

Him in jail would in no way harm or hinder or be of any disadvantage to Thailand, yet, they are slowing this case, why?

Because his family is rich. And it is not even a family with a long line of entrepreneurs that goes back back over 100 years,

just a few decades.

Ah well, I will still (have to) yield right of way next time he comes out of the soi in his new super sport scar.

Apart from winning beauty contests, what is his mothers background. We all know how to get ahead in that industry don't we. rolleyes.gif

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Those moaning about it, just remember even 15 years ago this wouldn't have even been out on the public domain.

I can't imagine how arbitrary justice was 50 years ago. One day, just one day someone in this supposedly exalted position will get put in the clink.

I am going to hang around to watch that wondrous day

If the Dems win the next general election you might just get your wish!

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People have to realise that this is the way Thai's have been dealing with issues like this for years. Their country, their rules and they have their way of dealing with things. It might not seem right to us as things are dealt with differently in each country. Yes, in the UK, Australia or America, he would already be in jail. However this is Thailand, and they will deal with it their way ...... people are always whinging and complaining about Thailand and the way they do things etc on here. The truth is, if your home country was better why are you here? Simple solution, you can always go home.

Why do such "highly intelligent" posters always give me the xxxxx when they say this. facepalm.gif

Edited by metisdead
3) Not to post in a manner that is vulgar, obscene or profane.
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Can't Ferrari Italy please take the official importership away from this horrible family? First it was the security guard driving the thing, then a bunch of lying & cheating. Now after 9 months more investigation needed on the driven speed (assume the car had a board computer with average speed details etc. / or brake tracks on the tarmack). And what about the cocaine? Disgusting class justice.

OBVIOUSLY, Ferrari condone this type of behaviour, and could'nt care less. cosa nostra comes to mind!

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I'm not defending the Thai guys behavior, but in the US poor people usually rely on public defenders and the rich hire $500 an hour defense attornys.

Guess who does better in court? smile.png

At least it goes to court and the court is impartial, if it is a jury then the rich have few advantages - don't believe all the tv shows you watch

Do you think they want real justice or money?

If the family have been paid a hefty sum. Then justice has been done. Thai style!

Different culture, different way of dealing with things.... MOVE ON.

we'll all move on if you, perhaps, get into a spot of bother and can't pay your way out of it.. i suspect you'll condone the difference in culture once it happens to you

It's the same old and tired argument from people like darren . . . coffee1.gif

The first good laugh I've had today.

only want to comment, the exact same thing is happening in Australia. Its not peculiar to Thailand. There are

still corrupt police perverting the course of justice and money still buys a lot of favours in a country, sorry bureaucracy, ruled

by lawyers. . . and a monarch of another country, in another country, confusion? Its deliberate. . .

What exact same thing is happening in Australia? Specifically, thanks.

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Those moaning about it, just remember even 15 years ago this wouldn't have even been out on the public domain.

I can't imagine how arbitrary justice was 50 years ago. One day, just one day someone in this supposedly exalted position will get put in the clink.

I am going to hang around to watch that wondrous day

If the Dems win the next general election you might just get your wish!

Let's see, the Mercedes teenager who mowed down a bus stop killing several and battered a bus driver with a piece of concrete in road rage. He's still out on appeal with no trial in sight and it must be 3 years ago now (under Dem government).

I wouldn't hold your breath. Pheu Thai/Democrat different sides of the same debased coin.

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People have to realise that this is the way Thai's have been dealing with issues like this for years. Their country, their rules and they have their way of dealing with things. It might not seem right to us as things are dealt with differently in each country. Yes, in the UK, Australia or America, he would already be in jail. However this is Thailand, and they will deal with it their way ...... people are always whinging and complaining about Thailand and the way they do things etc on here. The truth is, if your home country was better why are you here? Simple solution, you can always go home.

Went home a while ago. Home country is much, much better. Unfortunately, as I'm married to a Thai, I'm married to the over-hyped sh*thole that is Thailand. But you're right: Thailand will deal with it their way, and as Thailand is a fairly corrupt, class-based developing country with a very modest per capita GDP, life will continue to come to the rich at the expense of the poor in the Kingdom. Most people from developed countries don't immigrate to places like Thailand. That would be like going from from the Arab Emirates to Saudi Arabia. Not a good move.

How about a little perspective here you claim

"Most people from developed countries don't immigrate to places like Thailand"

I claim most people from developed countries don't immigrate anywhere. They are to tied into their nanny state that the idea of taking care of them selves is reprehensible.

Nanny state?! The quality of government services in Thailand is pathetic. It's like entrusting your safety (national security, infrastructure, etc.) to a used-car salesman with a third-grade education and a pathological approach to telling the truth. What is the life expectancy of a person in Thailand? Perhaps people in developed countries just like to live without the fear of a yabaa-addled cement truck driver running over your family and then fleeing to scene only to never be found by the police with all of the sense of the Three Stooges.

The quality of services is pathetic compared to the Nanny states I agree.

What I am saying I am responsible for looking out into the street to see if there is a cement truck coming not just happily stepping out there with out looking because the light says walk and it is red for the cement truck. I also am responsible when crossing a street where there is no light to look both ways even though it is a one way street.

There is no policeman standing there to make sure all is OK and if it isn't a government that is set up so as I can sue the ass off of the offending party. If I get hurt in the accident I don't need health insurance they have to take me in to the hospital.

I am old and was raised before the developed countries became Nanny states and it is nice to take responsability for myself instead of depending on a Government for every thing.

I agree with you that is not a desirable way to live for every one. but I for one have a feeling of accomplishment. Much like I did when I was a kid.

I don't know what the average life span is here but it is not that far behind developed countries.

I have had occasion to be in places in developed countries where they help extend the life of people who sit in there pajamas and robe in a wheel chair staring off into space day after day. Or are confined to bed and can not even take care of their basic needs. Just live forget the quality of life.

This is my own opinion based on the life I have led and the things I have seen. Your experience is different so of course you are going to feel different.

You did not respond to

I claim most people from developed countries don't immigrate anywhere.

Any particular reason for lack of response to that.

I also claim that of the ones who do they do it for the experience of a different life style. Or they did not plan ahead and can not live on what they get in their Nanny countries. From my country of birth they don't give me enough to live on because I opted out of their SS plan. I now have a larger income in my retirement than any of those getting full benefit of their system.

Of course some do it to work. But to move here to take a 30,000 baht a month teaching job seems to me like there is more to their decision.

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This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that we have seen glaring examplies of the judicial system here in Thailand.

1) An old man who barely knew how to use a phone is convicted of sending "defaming messages" via text - with zero proof he actually did it, is arrested, tried, convicted in a short period of time, and dies a month later in prison.

2) The son of a rich politician executes - ganster style - a policeman in a night club with hundreds of witnesses. Flees the country till family has time to pay off witnesses. Finally comes home and, surprise, surprise, no one can remember anything.

3) Mercedes Bus Stop killer is arrested, sentenced to 10 years, but get's out on bail to await his appeal. Shortly after that he drives his Mercedes against the side of the bus because the bus was in his way. Where is he now? Home. With doctors claiming he is "too tramatized" to go to prison. Say WHAT?!?!?

4) 17 year old girl with NO license, slams into the back of a mini van full of university students and professors, killing nine of them. What has happened to her? Nothing. Oh, she did publically say "I'm sorry", so I guess that makes it okay.

5) Another young rich punk drives his fancy sports car so fast it literally cut a girl in half. Was never charged or arrested for anything. But, hey, she wasn't Thai, so no big deal. 50k to the family and all is forgiven.

6) A politician is caught on various CCTV going into a bathroom at a gas station and shooting a guy something like 9 times. But he's a politician, so he can't be touched, and he even flaunted his "immunity" by refusing to turn his gun over to the police for forensic testing.

The term "Justice" in Thailand has been corrupted to become "Just Us". As in Just Us with the money, power and political connections can do whatever the hell we please, and we can't be touched.

There are a lot of things I love about this country, which is why I live here with my Thai wife and son, but the total lack of anything resembling a police force, or a justice system, are not on that list.

You forgot the cops sentenced to death for the extra-judicial murder of the Thaksin era drug dealer. They were released on bail last year and I heard, but don't know if it is true, that they have disappeared. If this is true it would be a great surprise that they scarpered.

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Here's an idea, why don't you start by checking this guy Ferrari whether it's a legit

car or "assembled locally car" and don't be surprise at the findings...

Do you really think that the Red Bull family had to pay taxes on their supercars? What's the point of being wealthy if you have to pay taxes like the little people?

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Time after time after incident after incident, whether its a local Thai victim or a tourist, no justice done. Except for the pockets that get lined.

I'm outta here shortly, never to return for ANY reason. There are some lovely sweet beautiful Thai people out there, but sadly there are the exception rather than than the rule. Oh the Land of scams and sex tourism

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I know many of you are more up on this case and Thai law than I. I read posts about statutes of limitations maybe running out. I believe that once a person is charged, there is no statute of limitations. Otherwise, a person could just be on the lam until that runs out. Recall case of radical from 60's in USA arrested a few years back for 40 some year old crime. Hmmm so perhaps just the warrant is enough to void those statutes of limitations. I don't know how it works (or doesn't!) here. Anyone care to enlighten?

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movsrus, on 20 Jun 2013 - 10:09, said:snapback.png

Justice in Thailand is just like it is in the USA. You get the justice you can afford to buy not that which you deserve. Just ask all those fat cat bankers that destroyed so many peoples lives in the mortgage fiasco of a couple years ago. Not one of those criminals went to jail and they all are back making money hand over fist.

Here in Thailand some dumb s@#t kid has a Ferrari and kills a cop due to negligence and speed then tries to avoid responsibility by driving off. Nine months later and he still hasn't been charged. Yeah, justice in action. NOT!

Yeah, those 'fat-cat' bankers should be dragged out into the street and shot. Nevertheless, I don't quite see the similarities between a banker who steals millions/botches billions in trades and a clearly intoxicated billionaire heir who physically murders a local police officer, except money. One is a thief and one is a murderer. In my very limited experience, it always seemed that those guilty of even threatening police officers in the US tended to die in a hail of gunfire. But hey, maybe you're right. Same, same. I guess murder and theft are both crimes...

Then again, the Enron folks, Bernie Madoff,and others seem to have actually gone to prison for stealing money. Grandson Red Bull is not going to see trial for running over a human being in the street and driving off. Hmmm. Trying to see your perspective here.

Edited by Unkomoncents, Today, 11:20 .

Justice in Thailand is just like it is in the USA. You get the justice you can afford to buy not that which you deserve. Just ask all those fat cat bankers that destroyed so many peoples lives in the mortgage fiasco of a couple years ago. Not one of those criminals went to jail and they all are back making money hand over fist.

Here in Thailand some dumb s@#t kid has a Ferrari and kills a cop due to negligence and speed then tries to avoid responsibility by driving off. Nine months later and he still hasn't been charged. Yeah, justice in action. NOT!

Yeah, those 'fat-cat' bankers should be dragged out into the street and shot. Nevertheless, I don't quite see the similarities between a banker who steals millions/botches billions in trades and a clearly intoxicated billionaire heir who physically murders a local police officer, except money. One is a thief and one is a murderer. In my very limited experience, it always seemed that those guilty of even threatening police officers in the US tended to die in a hail of gunfire. But hey, maybe you're right. Same, same. I guess murder and theft are both crimes...

Then again, the Enron folks, Bernie Madoff,and others seem to have actually gone to prison for stealing money. Grandson Red Bull is not going to see trial for running over a human being in the street and driving off. Hmmm. Trying to see your perspective here.


Money is the point and what both your cited examples have in common. You get the justice you can afford. This kid will walk because he has the money to buy his way out of it. The "fat cat bankers" in the US had the money to buy lawyers and politicians so they could walk off scott free.

That is my whole point- you have money and rules that apply to most of us don't apply to them.

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Yes they conveniently forgot that he was drunk and under the influence of cocaine. But the prosecution will be forgiven. They are busy spending the money they received and are too busy locking up schoolchildren for one Yaa Baa pill.

Who is going to sack the people responsible?

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This is not the first time, nor will it be the last time, that we have seen glaring examplies of the judicial system here in Thailand.

1) An old man who barely knew how to use a phone is convicted of sending "defaming messages" via text - with zero proof he actually did it, is arrested, tried, convicted in a short period of time, and dies a month later in prison.

2) The son of a rich politician executes - ganster style - a policeman in a night club with hundreds of witnesses. Flees the country till family has time to pay off witnesses. Finally comes home and, surprise, surprise, no one can remember anything.

3) Mercedes Bus Stop killer is arrested, sentenced to 10 years, but get's out on bail to await his appeal. Shortly after that he drives his Mercedes against the side of the bus because the bus was in his way. Where is he now? Home. With doctors claiming he is "too tramatized" to go to prison. Say WHAT?!?!?

4) 17 year old girl with NO license, slams into the back of a mini van full of university students and professors, killing nine of them. What has happened to her? Nothing. Oh, she did publically say "I'm sorry", so I guess that makes it okay.

5) Another young rich punk drives his fancy sports car so fast it literally cut a girl in half. Was never charged or arrested for anything. But, hey, she wasn't Thai, so no big deal. 50k to the family and all is forgiven.

6) A politician is caught on various CCTV going into a bathroom at a gas station and shooting a guy something like 9 times. But he's a politician, so he can't be touched, and he even flaunted his "immunity" by refusing to turn his gun over to the police for forensic testing.

The term "Justice" in Thailand has been corrupted to become "Just Us". As in Just Us with the money, power and political connections can do whatever the hell we please, and we can't be touched.

There are a lot of things I love about this country, which is why I live here with my Thai wife and son, but the total lack of anything resembling a police force, or a justice system, are not on that l


..And the cowardly father of current Chonburi provincial governor who feigned illness to escape being detained for murder/fleeing the law. What happened to him?

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