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Controversial Thai monk appears on air purifier advertisement


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It's going viral throughout Thailand. My wife and I use to donate some money...but we'll only donate perishables now. Had my suspicions with monastaries, but never could convince the wife. I was seeing items that not even the poor Thai had..ludicrous. As I believed for the longest time, religions are businesses.

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You'd have to think this person is either very stupid and naive or supremely over confident because of who he is, what he is and the kind of connections he has which makes him " untouchable ".

How can fawning devotees actually believe in him and consider him to be all that's good about Buddhism ?

If what they do is seen as making merit they are completely corrupting Buddhism andIi mean it in all uses of the word.

I agree - but the same can be said for the leaders of various other relgious groups who all preach about charity and some who take vows of poverty. Look at the wealthy and comfortable life styles many lead (and how often many get exposed for their very immoral behaviour). All these have one thing in common - they are all prepared to prey on the poor and uneducated and exploit their hopes and fears for monetry gain.

And, they wonder why people turn away from relgion.

Yes it's as much of a con as anything seen on " Hustle " etc. but I can't make up my mind about those who think they are doing themselves good buy giving money to their religion and it's priests, ministers, monks or whatever title is appropriate as not all are ignorant by any means.

I used to have a friend who was quite unforgiving in his attitude and had no sympathy whatsoever for those who were allowing themselves to be used.

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Another one of the so called "good people" of Thailand raping the naivety and superstition of his fellow contrymen for his own benefit.


Clearly the goal of the Thai government is to restrict access to real education for the masses. This is in keeping with their strategy to easily control the masses, and to loot the country at will. This monk is simply taking advantage of the same system......

Religions explained >>>>>>>>>>>

Catholicism: Give us money, and we will prevent you from going to hell.

Buddhism: Give us money, and we will shower you with good luck.

Catholicism: Big angry guy up in the sky who is in full charge

and keeps careful track of what everybody does.

Buddhism: A series of teachings, none of which the Thai seem to

follow except for perhaps a few forest monks.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Perhaps someone needs to explain the Buddhist path of non-attachment to this guy. Or for that matter, explain it to the entire country.

The first part I agree but the whole country? What an ignorant thing to say. I imagine your country are Christians - are they all saints?

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Perhaps someone needs to explain the Buddhist path of non-attachment to this guy. Or for that matter, explain it to the entire country.


Few 'Monks' in this country follow any religious rules; cigarettes, Betel, Luxury, cars, money - all disallowed, but common here.

Codswallop. Have you spent much time in all Thailand's temples?

Learn about the different types of monks before making ridiculous statements.

The guy straight out of prison for bank robbery or the heroin addict trying to reform are allowed into the Sanga. There are also many many dedicated long -term monks that practice the Buddha's teachings.

Did you know that actually every Thai male is encouraged to be a monk for a while. Maybe the guy you see smoking at Panthip plaza is only in for 3 days before getting married. The fact is you don't know so don't judge.

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Why everyone get so uptight?

The foolish only can be attracted by the foolish.

Is it any different to bull fighting in Thailand? Or any business? Or the 10000 monk check in NR where the followers chant 'give me fortune, give me riches, make me a millionaire?

As said in the Baghavad Gita, let those who worship money and fortune be given these from their inferior gods.

Nobody gets hurt... Except everyone gets what he deserves, even the Monk, clearly you can/will see.

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The guy straight out of prison for bank robbery or the heroin addict trying to reform are allowed into the Sanga. There are also many many dedicated long -term monks that practice the Buddha's teachings.

Did you know that actually every Thai male is encouraged to be a monk for a while. Maybe the guy you see smoking at Panthip plaza is only in for 3 days before getting married. The fact is you don't know so don't judge.

That is all true and pertinent. But if you don't think there are also many "long term" monks who adhere to Buddhist precepts only to the absolute minimum necessary and who consciously wallow in all sorts of corruption (spiritual and material), you are very much mistaken.

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Perhaps someone needs to explain the Buddhist path of non-attachment to this guy. Or for that matter, explain it to the entire country.


Few 'Monks' in this country follow any religious rules; cigarettes, Betel, Luxury, cars, money - all disallowed, but common here.

Codswallop. Have you spent much time in all Thailand's temples?

Learn about the different types of monks before making ridiculous statements.

The guy straight out of prison for bank robbery or the heroin addict trying to reform are allowed into the Sanga. There are also many many dedicated long -term monks that practice the Buddha's teachings.

Did you know that actually every Thai male is encouraged to be a monk for a while. Maybe the guy you see smoking at Panthip plaza is only in for 3 days before getting married. The fact is you don't know so don't judge.

well done you are very correct in your post,look at the monks and nuns who belong to the ASOKE communities wonderful people,,,and i dont even believe in any god/daity,,,,,,remember buddhism isnt a religon,they are teachings ,,,,

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How is he any different from a horde of yank evangelists? Or kiddy diddling catholic priests for that matter?

Religion can be a wonderful moneymaking machine. The history of mankind is full of successful "engineers".

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It's because of people like this 'Monk'-Charlatan, and the hypocrisy in this culture, that my time is up here. I see no legitimate reason to be another walking 'ATM' for these scammers to scam from. Totally disgusted with what is called 'Buddhism' here.

I see no reason to be a walking ATM either (and never have been over the last 3 decades here) - is that what you have been up to now?

The state of "what is called 'Buddhism' here" has no more direct impact on me than what is called "Christianity" (and the hypocrisy associated with it) did when I lived in my native country...

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The guy straight out of prison for bank robbery or the heroin addict trying to reform are allowed into the Sanga. There are also many many dedicated long -term monks that practice the Buddha's teachings.

Did you know that actually every Thai male is encouraged to be a monk for a while. Maybe the guy you see smoking at Panthip plaza is only in for 3 days before getting married. The fact is you don't know so don't judge.

That is all true and pertinent. But if you don't think there are also many "long term" monks who adhere to Buddhist precepts only to the absolute minimum necessary and who consciously wallow in all sorts of corruption (spiritual and material), you are very much mistaken.

No sure your point.

I think it so ironic that some people criticize a monk that is not perfect. They are trying to better themselves spiritually, which the people criticizing are probably not.

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The newspaper should cover the good work of Father Joe Meier spending his life and work down there in the Klong Toey slum.

Father Joe has been covered quite a few times over the years.

What's he got to do with the thread?

Is it like Christians are better than Buddhists?

There are many Christian monks/priests who are FAR from enlightenment.

Edited by Neeranam
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Perhaps someone needs to explain the Buddhist path of non-attachment to this guy. Or for that matter, explain it to the entire country.


Few 'Monks' in this country follow any religious rules; cigarettes, Betel, Luxury, cars, money - all disallowed, but common here.

Codswallop. Have you spent much time in all Thailand's temples?

Learn about the different types of monks before making ridiculous statements.

The guy straight out of prison for bank robbery or the heroin addict trying to reform are allowed into the Sanga. There are also many many dedicated long -term monks that practice the Buddha's teachings.

Did you know that actually every Thai male is encouraged to be a monk for a while. Maybe the guy you see smoking at Panthip plaza is only in for 3 days before getting married. The fact is you don't know so don't judge.

well done you are very correct in your post,look at the monks and nuns who belong to the ASOKE communities wonderful people,,,and i dont even believe in any god/daity,,,,,,remember buddhism isnt a religon,they are teachings ,,,,

Buddhism is a religion. No idea why you think it isn't.

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How is he any different from a horde of yank evangelists? Or kiddy diddling catholic priests for that matter?

How is he different from 'diddling catholic priests'?

Has he been accused/found guilty of paedophilia?

Edited by lostmebike
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Just look at http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Luang+Pu+Nen+Kam+Chattiko any one can see what a smooth operator he is, looks soooo authentic.

Then look at http://en.luangpunenkham.com/ its all "give money, donate, send offering, GIVE ME MONEY.

Problem is people "are" doing exactly what he wants they are giving and giving and giving like there's no tomorrow.

You can see a plastic model of his private jet on his table in one of the YouTube vids !!


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The guy straight out of prison for bank robbery or the heroin addict trying to reform are allowed into the Sanga. There are also many many dedicated long -term monks that practice the Buddha's teachings.

Did you know that actually every Thai male is encouraged to be a monk for a while. Maybe the guy you see smoking at Panthip plaza is only in for 3 days before getting married. The fact is you don't know so don't judge.

That is all true and pertinent. But if you don't think there are also many "long term" monks who adhere to Buddhist precepts only to the absolute minimum necessary and who consciously wallow in all sorts of corruption (spiritual and material), you are very much mistaken.
No sure your point.

I think it so ironic that some people criticize a monk that is not perfect. They are trying to better themselves spiritually, which the people criticizing are probably not.

You're not? I'm surprised but it's probably my fault. I'll try again:

You point out (correctly) that monks who are not adhering to Buddhist precepts may be recently paroled criminals or only in the monk hood temporarily and that there are others that have devoted their lives to the monkhood with sincerity and a genuine effort to be true to the teachings of the Buddha.

I point out that there is a large group that is neither: they are not temporary monks or recently paroled criminal et al but monks who are NOT following the Buddha's teachings or even attempting to.

Get my point yet?

This monk is "not perfect"? That would be a very generous description. Some monks are trying to better themselves. The monk in the OP and many others are not. Some are not only not trying to better themselves but are doing evil.

And as for the presumed irony that is based on an assumption that has no basis in fact - some of us who aren't monks are trying to better ourselves - indeed some of us have looked to Buddhism as a vehicle by which to do that. Some of us perhaps have enough regard for Buddhist teachings and philosophy, and for the good it could do for a society woefully in need, that we feel a great deal of opprobrium for those who distort and corrupt the potential that lies with it.

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The newspaper should cover the good work of Father Joe Meier spending his life and work down there in the Klong Toey slum.

Father Joe has been covered quite a few times over the years.
What's he got to do with the thread?

Is it like Christians are better than Buddhists?

There are many Christian monks/priests who are FAR from enlightenment.

Your question should be asked of the poster who brought Father Joe up.

If you think that I am going to defend Christians or their clergy...well, that would be hilarious.

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This particular "monk" either thinks he is clever, or that he is untouchable because of his success. Many Thais see financial success as a heroic trait.

Maybe he is right or maybe his greed and overconfidence will actually bring him down. Not at all clear yet.

But there are many examples of Wats in Bangkok where the monks are so fat they can hardly walk across the temple grounds while playing with their iPads, let alone go out collecting. Their temples are a circus ground of thinly disguised games of chance and opportunities to donate money with a vague promise of good fortune or advantage over others.

In the end the people who patronise these Wats are publicly giving donations (making merit) as a way of absolving themselves from day-to-day responsibility for moral behaviour. The monks are simply providing a service by taking on this responsibility in return for donations. (A parallel with the Catholic rite of confession)

Yes of course many temple goers have good motives, but where in Buddhist teaching does it say that merit making must be publicly endorsed by others? Just another form of gaining "Face" by making a larger donation than other people. Rich Thais show their Face by giving gold and getting nameplates put on statues.

I feel that most Thais are quite content with their temple system, as it fulfils their needs.

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Another one of the so called "good people" of Thailand raping the naivety and superstition of his fellow contrymen for his own benefit.


Clearly the goal of the Thai government is to restrict access to real education for the masses. This is in keeping with their strategy to easily control the masses, and to loot the country at will. This monk is simply taking advantage of the same system......

Religions explained >>>>>>>>>>>

Catholicism: Give us money, and we will prevent you from going to hell.

Buddhism: Give us money, and we will shower you with good luck.

Catholicism: Big angry guy up in the sky who is in full charge

and keeps careful track of what everybody does.

Buddhism: A series of teachings, none of which the Thai seem to

follow except for perhaps a few forest monks.

For such a blind man you sure have a funny name. Or is it just a wish you have?

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The newspaper should cover the good work of Father Joe Meier spending his life and work down there in the Klong Toey slum.

Father Joe has been covered quite a few times over the years.

What's he got to do with the thread?

Is it like Christians are better than Buddhists?

There are many Christian monks/priests who are FAR from enlightenment.

I didn't realise Christian monks/priests are looking for a level of enlightenment . . . you mean salvation?

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