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Yingluck tipped to double up as minister of defence


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I smell a coup brewing in the thousands of Thai generals brains!

:-) Nope, only about 1700 generals in Thailand. So if is true

that too many cooks spoil the broth, Thailand will be in a world

of hurt in the next war. And the coups are not decided by the


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some of the comments here are completely idiotic, what does any minister know about anything, thats why the have expert advisors, a minister is a representative of the people by the the people to oversee that government is run according to the people wishes and in the best way pooisble without corruption..............oh, what planet am i on, must have got off at the wrong stop

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Must be the joke headline of the year.... Good thing that Cambodia and Burma have no plans of invading Thailand. ( or maybe they will now...)

some of the comments here are completely idiotic, what does any minister know about anything, thats why the have expert advisors, a minister is a representative of the people by the the people to oversee that government is run according to the people wishes and in the best way pooisble without corruption..............oh, what planet am i on, must have got off at the wrong stop

That's true. You could put a pole in charge of a ministry with the same effect... maybe even better. Their ability would be similar, they never lose their cool under pressure and none to my knowledge have ever lost an election, unlike some PT party list MPs.

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The plan to have Yingluck double as defence minister dates back to the end of last year, but the move has met with resistance from the military, which fears she may not understand its culture and needs.

Why should the military be left out...she doesn't understand the culture and needs of normal people either whistling.gif

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A joke. An utter joke.

Fully agree.

It's beyond ridiculous.

The notion of someone (anyone) performing such individually important and time-consuming positions at the same time is abject absurdity.

Her brother's abysmal failure at trying to do so before should have served as a learning precedence for the clan, but it hasn't.

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How different is Yingluck becoming DM than Peter Garrett becoming Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth? (Oz parliament). Same difference = none. Both are/were puppets.

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A joke. An utter joke.

It has to be a joke and a bad one at that. This is a woman who hides from the media or laughs and walks away when cornered and questioned, a woman who misses parliamentary sessions regularly and as chair of the rice management committee never attends any meetings.

With such a track record she is now to be in direct charge of the military and defending the country, it's enough to make the neighbours decide to invade as she'll be too busy travelling, shopping or hiding to take charge of the " war room ".

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she would have them all wearing bright colours and makeup, she is simply to ditzy to do anything in the real world, should have been a blonde or she has died her hair. No one is that stupid in reality, no idea at all.

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If you ignore the obvious political machinations and look at the situation regarding the nation's defence on behalf of all it's people not just one then having a PM double up is a nonsense. Two heads are better than one.

Unless you're a turtle of course... bless 'em.

Edited by bigbamboo
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she would have them all wearing bright colours and makeup, she is simply to ditzy to do anything in the real world, should have been a blonde or she has died her hair. No one is that stupid in reality, no idea at all.

Excellent suggestion sir!


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although three former civilian prime ministers have doubled as defence minister: Chuan Leekpai, Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat.

I for one, hope that it works as well for her as it did for Samak and Somchai.

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she would have them all wearing bright colours and makeup, she is simply to ditzy to do anything in the real world, should have been a blonde or she has died her hair. No one is that stupid in reality, no idea at all.

Excellent suggestion sir!


One thing's for sure. If she was their leader the men would follow her anywhere!

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"oh, what planet am i on, must have got off at the wrong stop".............You could always get back on your spaceship and p**s off, I doubt if you will be missed around here.

I hope Yingluck does not think that being the Minister of Defense is going to protect her from them big, bad rice farmers who are going to make her life a misery. Can just see the Army sitting back and laughing at her expense.

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she would have them all wearing bright colours and makeup, she is simply to ditzy to do anything in the real world, should have been a blonde or she has died her hair. No one is that stupid in reality, no idea at all.

'She would have them......'

Have you seen the Thai army? It's full of 'ka-tois' wearing make up and shaking their toosh. It's quite funny to witness a soldier shaking his hips, pouting his lips and screaming like a girl!

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Plan to create some leverage to bring him back huh?

Says she doesn't know the military culture of needs; which means she'll have an unqualified position that will do more to harm than to help the nation; like her task of being PM.

Hope the military shut her & this oligarchy down for good.

Shut her down before she give amnesty to the man i Dubai clap2.gif

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she would have them all wearing bright colours and makeup, she is simply to ditzy to do anything in the real world, should have been a blonde or she has died her hair. No one is that stupid in reality, no idea at all.

'She would have them......'

Have you seen the Thai army? It's full of 'ka-tois' wearing make up and shaking their toosh. It's quite funny to witness a soldier shaking his hips, pouting his lips and screaming like a girl!

Don't underestimate katoi soldiers, they can confuse the enemy to believe they get a BJ instead of a bullet laugh.png

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she would have them all wearing bright colours and makeup, she is simply to ditzy to do anything in the real world, should have been a blonde or she has died her hair. No one is that stupid in reality, no idea at all.

'She would have them......'

Have you seen the Thai army? It's full of 'ka-tois' wearing make up and shaking their toosh. It's quite funny to witness a soldier shaking his hips, pouting his lips and screaming like a girl!

If you were fantsizing, this may help.



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With all the flak Abhisit copped for only having lectured at a military academy in lieu of national service, can anybody shed any light on Yingluck's past military experiences/credentials? Nobody wants to see any double standards, and surely this will make it more difficult to continue the witch-hunt against Abhisit.

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