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Why are TV members so anti Hi-So Thais?


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i'm anti hi-so thai because they prevent working class thais from improving their lives, just like any where else in the world. I think hi-so thais understand that their status of power can only be maintained if the working classes are subdued. In a fully functioning democracy the "reds" in whatever reincarnation they call themselves (Pheu thai, PPP, thai rak thai party etc) would be forever in power.

Do you actually think that would help? How do you think Thailand would look after 20 years of Chalerm and the rest in full control?

sure it would help if the people in government represented the people, and whose policies reflect what the people want. At any rate democracy is only concerned with acting out the will of the people, what the country will look like in the future is irrelevant.

So if the people want a guaranteed 5,000 baht a day income then the government should just give them it because that's the will of the people?

Do you understand democracy? Do you understand why it can't work?

I do! Democracy historically speaking is the shortest life span regime. Because it is supposed to rule by the MAJORITY. Meaning the DUMB!tongue.png

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One of the most efficient ways to get accurate perspective on your native land and its system of government and its interaction with its banks and its corporations is to immerse yourself for a few years in an alien environment such as Thailand.

And no, I am certainly NOT suggesting that one will emerge from this experience with a newfound appreciation for "the old country"

Edited by Donnie Brasco
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What's a "rockn rolla"?

Apart from the name of a Guy Ritchie film starring the delcious Thandie Newton..

To be fair to the "haves", a lot don't drive, they have a driver.

As for your "research" care to share your results?

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This thread is hilarious.

If Thai "HiSo" are such incredibly great, honest, generous, hard working, moral individuals ....

--why is the division of wealth in Thailand the way it is?

--why is there no freedom of speech?

--why is there no common rule of law?

--the list goes on and on.

Reality check: Just because you got a chance to talk to someone at a cocktail party does not mean that you know the real person or what they are about in real life and in business in real life.

Reality check #2: Farang in Thailand are obsessed with identity. Many dropped out or were rejected by their own country. They have all sorts of issues and are constantly trying to one up each other. This thread is just a way to tell everyone that you know "HiSo people" and that you are much more wordly and a better farang then all of those who haven't.

I think Thai Visa averages about a thread a day in this topic of "Why aren't all the other farangs as smart as I am??? ///Confused and innocent, yet polite face////"

Can you point me in the direction of any farang that has been rejected by their own country?

Is there a special "rejected" stamp in their passport?

I never applied for dual citizenship in time. Does that count?

Donno.......I'll maybe don a safari suit tomorrow and go looking for this rare species. This thread has been an education, "rejected farangs^ and people who are " unworthy " to be on a golf course. ( or was that another thread, I'm getting confused ).

Yup, an education. smile.png


I play off an 8 hdcp anyone beat that ? :P

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Doesnt seem to matter what the topic is on TV, it's all about endlessly proclaiming our superiority to every other Farang in Thailand, and the majority of the Thai people. What a sensational collection of humanity.

And your username is....tongue.png

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Doesnt seem to matter what the topic is on TV, it's all about endlessly proclaiming our superiority to every other Farang in Thailand, and the majority of the Thai people. What a sensational collection of humanity.

And your username is....tongue.png

It was that or 'Takky', and I didn't think the latter would be well received. Based on this thread, Takky is cool because he has money, and lots of it - Donald Trump also has lots of money, so I guess he's cool too. Imagine being a member of a club that would accept those two into their ranks.

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I knew a Thai girl years back and her family were all senior judges in Bangkok. They loved to joke and ask all kinds of questions about living in Canada and were in no way hi so or fake.Its the girls making the 20,000 baht a month as a fashion model that are so over the top and acting like a celebrity when in reality they will be a nobody in 5 years time.

Thai senior judges are the most honest, moral, enlightened, articulate, educated, democratic, caring, intelligent, amazing, generous, subtle, simple, joking, stupendous individuals in Thailand.


Have you met a Thai judge?

Yes I did! I have made a complaint. It was accepted. I saw the judge (3 at the bench). We spoke. She asked me a question. I was 100% within my rights. She postponed the hearing for about 3 months.

One day before the next hearing I withdrew Application. Case closed....

Want to know the question she asked me at the bench? Mind it - I was right. I had irrefutable documented proof. Yet I withdrew the case because of her question... tongue.png Can you think of what she asked?

Edited by ABCer
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Sorry Scottythai - I play off 7... Though haven't played since February, so you'll probably have the edge ;)

I could beat you both, but I won't. 'Cos it won't be fair, you being handicapped and all. :whistling:

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I knew a Thai girl years back and her family were all senior judges in Bangkok. They loved to joke and ask all kinds of questions about living in Canada and were in no way hi so or fake.Its the girls making the 20,000 baht a month as a fashion model that are so over the top and acting like a celebrity when in reality they will be a nobody in 5 years time.

Thai senior judges are the most honest, moral, enlightened, articulate, educated, democratic, caring, intelligent, amazing, generous, subtle, simple, joking, stupendous individuals in Thailand.


Have you met a Thai judge?

Yes I did! I have made a complaint. It was accepted. I saw the judge (3 at the bench). We spoke. She asked me a question. I was 100% within my rights. She postponed the hearing for about 3 months.

One day before the next hearing I withdrew Application. Case closed....

Want to know the question she asked me at the bench? Mind it - I was right. I had irrefutable documented proof. Yet I withdrew the case because of her question... tongue.png Can you think of what she asked?

Is this worth it?

That's my best answer so don't drag it out coffee1.gif

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"flaunt your wealth which can be a little "annoying" to a lot of westerners"

Is the flaunting of wealth an unheard of practice in the West?

Does it happen ONLY in these "undeveloped, 3rd world, Asian countries?"

An inferiority complex also causes a whole lot of complications, I've heard.


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WOW! We morsels from the "undeveloped" part of the Universe has a lot to learn from these intellectual comments here - in fact our Universities should incorporate these in to their curriculum somehow - a sure fire method to get 'developed' super fast!

Edited by ravip
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I doubt anyone posting on Thai Visa has ever met or talked with a hi-so person.

Most posters here seem to be confused by greedy money grubbing peasants.

Most hi-sos wouldn't even talk to a white foreigner.

The idea any obese romance travellers could mix with them is just laughable.

Why not? Are you suggesting hi-sos are racist? I am pretty sure they do mix with foreigners, even try to get seen with them (but they have to be the right ones). However, their venues of choice tend to be upper class networking nights held at 5-star hotels in Bangkok, with the most powerful Thai and expat company directors, country managers etc. present. They certainly don't care about either foreign sex tourists or Somchai the farmer from Udon Thani.

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I doubt anyone posting on Thai Visa has ever met or talked with a hi-so person.

Most posters here seem to be confused by greedy money grubbing peasants.

Most hi-sos wouldn't even talk to a white foreigner.

The idea any obese romance travellers could mix with them is just laughable.

Why not? Are you suggesting hi-sos are racist? I am pretty sure they do mix with foreigners, even try to get seen with them (but they have to be the right ones). However, their venues of choice tend to be upper class networking nights held at 5-star hotels in Bangkok, with the most powerful Thai and expat company directors, country managers etc. present. They certainly don't care about either foreign sex tourists or Somchai the farmer from Udon Thani.

to be fair... our resident farang noi is correct....

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The fact of the matter is that 90% of the supposed Hi-So population are posers who just dress pretty & act pompous.

The few affluent people that I know, are actually quite approachable, classy in their own way, but they don't brag about it.

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Jealousy mainly. In my home country the 'lower classes', for want of an expression, are always bitching about people who have got anything that they don't have.

I brought my family up to believe that with hard work anything is possible no matter your family history of perhaps working class roots. I think it is true to say that there are many more Thai's than my fellow countrymen who have inherited wealth previously gathered through nepotistic means or corruption. However; that's the way it works in Asia generally and i just can't see the point in jealousy at all. What good has it ever done anyone? Happiness is not about what you want; it is about wanting what you have.

Lower classes :)

We called "scum" thank you. Maybe we have an affinity with scum arond the world.

Don't have a problem with Thai hi-so.

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It always amazes me through the various TV topics that most members appear to be critical of Hi-So Thais. I don't understand this? This is their Country and most of them or the ancestors have contributed some way into making Thailand the strong Asian economy that it is.

I realise that a great deal of these Hi-So Thais have Chinese heritage and judging by my business dealings with suppliers, control the majority of businesses here in Thailand. However without this contribution I doubt that Thailand would be in its current position and probably still an agricultural based economy. I agree that foreign investment has been a major contributing factor but without the Hi-So Thai "component" it would not have happened. The low unemployment and growing middle class, also would not have happened.

The culture here is too flaunt your wealth which can be a little "annoying" to a lot of westerners but this is not a Western Country and even the poorest Thais look at this exhibition of wealth and aspire to achieve the same thing isn't this a good thing for a country?

Happy to take comments and rebuttals on this but thought I would just express an opinion.

Most of the foreigners on this forum would be considered Lo So in their own country.

Here in Thailand these foreigners get a feeling of superiority because their meager revenues (by western standard) allow them to consider themselves part of a "Higher" So, but only in their own little environment.

Funnily, these foreigners even side with the Thai "Elites" in politics, while they would vote for the exact opposite side in their own country.

Most foreigners on this forum don't like the Thai Hi So because it reminds them of who they really are and what position they really have in society in general.

And, of course, the fact that the members of the Thai Hi So look down at them (If they happen to look) reinforce that feeling.

It's just a question of jealousy. I don't think members of this forum don't like the Thai Hi So, ... They simply don't like any HI So.

However, there are lovely people in every level of the Thai society... Including many people in the Thai Hi So. But how would the vast majority of the members of this forum know that whey are stuck in there own little world...

From where is this great knowledge of the members of this forum?

I never met any of them, and I bet you didn't meet more then a handful.

In any case, I come from a society where Hi-So does not exist, and I couldn't recognize a Hi-So Thai person if my life depended on it.

However, from my experience, having an interesting or stimulating conversation with most Thais is almost impossible, as most have a very limited knowledge of the world, and of course their English is not that great, so I am looking forward to meet some Hi-So people, maybe the conversation will be good...

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It always amazes me through the various TV topics that most members appear to be critical of Hi-So Thais. I don't understand this? This is their Country and most of them or the ancestors have contributed some way into making Thailand the strong Asian economy that it is.

I realise that a great deal of these Hi-So Thais have Chinese heritage and judging by my business dealings with suppliers, control the majority of businesses here in Thailand. However without this contribution I doubt that Thailand would be in its current position and probably still an agricultural based economy. I agree that foreign investment has been a major contributing factor but without the Hi-So Thai "component" it would not have happened. The low unemployment and growing middle class, also would not have happened.

The culture here is too flaunt your wealth which can be a little "annoying" to a lot of westerners but this is not a Western Country and even the poorest Thais look at this exhibition of wealth and aspire to achieve the same thing isn't this a good thing for a country?

Happy to take comments and rebuttals on this but thought I would just express an opinion.

Most of the foreigners on this forum would be considered Lo So in their own country.

Here in Thailand these foreigners get a feeling of superiority because their meager revenues (by western standard) allow them to consider themselves part of a "Higher" So, but only in their own little environment.

Funnily, these foreigners even side with the Thai "Elites" in politics, while they would vote for the exact opposite side in their own country.

Most foreigners on this forum don't like the Thai Hi So because it reminds them of who they really are and what position they really have in society in general.

And, of course, the fact that the members of the Thai Hi So look down at them (If they happen to look) reinforce that feeling.

It's just a question of jealousy. I don't think members of this forum don't like the Thai Hi So, ... They simply don't like any HI So.

However, there are lovely people in every level of the Thai society... Including many people in the Thai Hi So. But how would the vast majority of the members of this forum know that whey are stuck in there own little world...

From where is this great knowledge of the members of this forum?

I never met any of them, and I bet you didn't meet more then a handful.

In any case, I come from a society where Hi-So does not exist, and I couldn't recognize a Hi-So Thai person if my life depended on it.

However, from my experience, having an interesting or stimulating conversation with most Thais is almost impossible, as most have a very limited knowledge of the world, and of course their English is not that great, so I am looking forward to meet some Hi-So people, maybe the conversation will be good...

Many members of the Thai Hi So went to university abroad. In England, the US, Switzerland, ...

I am sure you could have good conversation with them.

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I doubt anyone posting on Thai Visa has ever met or talked with a hi-so person.

Most posters here seem to be confused by greedy money grubbing peasants.

Most hi-sos wouldn't even talk to a white foreigner.

The idea any obese romance travellers could mix with them is just laughable.

Why not? Are you suggesting hi-sos are racist? I am pretty sure they do mix with foreigners, even try to get seen with them (but they have to be the right ones). However, their venues of choice tend to be upper class networking nights held at 5-star hotels in Bangkok, with the most powerful Thai and expat company directors, country managers etc. present. They certainly don't care about either foreign sex tourists or Somchai the farmer from Udon Thani.

to be fair... our resident farang noi is correct....

You're talking about someone who lives in a village in nakorn nowhere. He's hardly likely to know how people socialise all over Thailand.

Edit: and says he has no Thai or farang friends.

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You're talking about someone who lives in a village in nakorn nowhere. He's hardly likely to know how people socialise all over Thailand.

I live just north of CM in a little village called Mae Rim.

When my new house is finished (next month) I will be living in a little village called MaeJo.

Lunches at Sausage King, shopping at RimPing and soon the new big Tesco at RuamChok.

I love the big city, I hate nakon nowhere and would never consider living there.

Where are you living then Arthur?

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You're talking about someone who lives in a village in nakorn nowhere. He's hardly likely to know how people socialise all over Thailand.

I live just north of CM in a little village called Mae Rim.

When my new house is finished (next month) I will be living in a little village called MaeJo.

Lunches at Sausage King, shopping at RimPing and soon the new big Tesco at RuamChok.

I love the big city, I hate nakon nowhere and would never consider living there.

Where are you living then Arthur?


The real Thommos back. Thankfully.

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