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Pheu Thai MPs also upset over changes

Lite Beer

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When will the foolish Issan MPs for Pheau Thai come to their senses and realise Pheau Thai is simply Pheau Shinawat ? They are merely employees to be hired and fired at will by their master, to expect more than a token Deputy Minister's post is hopeless optimism.Even the self confessed 'servant' of Thaksin lost his job.

No dignity working for Thaksin, perhaps the money's good.

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A newspaper headline reads " Yingluck gets an earful " referring to a rough reception she had in the North East as PTP MPS voiced anger over cabinet changes. Is an earful of any value on any subject, is there anything between those ears ?

And the ear medicine man gave her an earful also.

Yes he really spat the dummy on Friday but I wonder how far he will go, will his loyalty to Mr. T balance out against this loss of face, make that massive loss, as he can only have so much of a go at Yingluck since she doesn't exactly make the decisions. ?

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Cherdchai said some of the new ministers were bureaucrats who would be unable to "think outside the box".

At least they can think. :)


Well we can live in the hope that they can think. It does seem like they have been appointed to be bodies for 'THE BRAIN' Thaksin rather than to actually do any thinking though.

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Just how will anew Minister of Commerce turn a stinking dunghill into a rose garden? Will he be a magician who can conjure the millions of tons of missing rice and the hundreds of billions of baht?

BTW the suggestion that Chalerm will be dumped is ludicrous; he is Thaksin's man and will not be moved. A fat leech bloated with wealth stolen from the taxpayers of Thailand, only fire will loosen his grip.

Ozmick, from another thread, but a good job you didn't say you would eat your hat! ;) I hope Chalerm sees he is not the friend of Thaksin any more. We don't need the people to bring down PTP, they will do it themselves. Give it a week and leaks of information will start appearing to harm those who have done the 'stitching'.

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Here's a novel idea for PTP MPs - have a meeting and select a new PM who listens to the members of the party instead of passing on orders from her criminal brother.

Even better have a MP and a PM who look out for the peoples interest.

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The issue I see is that the people who have now been brought in are far more powerful than the likes of jatuporn, chalerm etc etc. The game of chess is reaching the end and the Shiniwatra grip and control on the country is almost complete. Thaksin is sitting now and biding his time for 'the inevitable event', and when that happens...............stock up on Ammo!

The only hope now is that someone as vindictive and egotistic as Chalerm starts to rally the disaffected MP's and make an unsuspected move to bring down the house of cards. Trouble is I am sure Thaksin has enough dirt on Chalerm to sink him, but Chalerm really does have a taste for powerful positions.

Has the complete list of official changes been published?

I think although Thaksin has the dirt on Chalerm Chalerm has enough on Thaksin that he had to be given a bone. He could not have become another back bencher.

Perhaps a more appropriate roll for him would have been minister in charge of ear medicine quality.whistling.gif

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Well, well, well.

Maybe something is beginning to dawn on some people. Their great strategic thinker is not interested in democracy, challenges or listening to other's opinions. It's his way or the highway.

The PTP MP's who were actually elected and the Red Guards will find out that this means nothing. Thaksin thinks, PTP does (as its told) - sums it up nicely. Now they will see his true clours - only his family and cronies will have positions of power, few of whom were actually elected. This will be the same in government and civil service. Will these sheeple see through this cunning but openly obvious plan before it's too late?

Interesting to see how history so often repeats - a small faction manipulating and ruthlessly exploiting the masses to take control. What's worse, the US and EU treat him like he is already in power!

And I wonder if jatuclown is still so keen to give his unwavering support?

Give him a pack of lard and he's anyone's

Could come in handy for him if he winds up in jail where he deserves to be.

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"Cherdchai said some of the new ministers were bureaucrats who would be unable to "think outside the box". What's more, he said, it was also unclear if they were really capable of running their respective ministries"

Is he saying the current ones are capable.

the fact is even if they were capable party policy would stop them.

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The wheels are coming off.

Farmers are up in arms

Not long before the red shirts revolt.

The red shirts are revolting already.

The thing is the red shirts dont even realise they have been used by our man in Dubai and the clan, now their usefullness is over, toss them aside and get on with ripping off the nation of Thailand

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A newspaper headline reads " Yingluck gets an earful " referring to a rough reception she had in the North East as PTP MPS voiced anger over cabinet changes. Is an earful of any value on any subject, is there anything between those ears ?

I am sure that they are yelling because they are now not going to get their kick-backs promised from their current MPS

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One gets the distinct impression that not all is well with the ruling party. The Rice Pledging scheme is in disarray, the Farmers are beginning protests at the recent price reductions, Government has been ordered to hold Public Inquiries into the proposed flood defence system, popularity of PTP and the PM appears to be on the wane and now, there is what appears to be quite vitriolic in-fighting going on between the MPs. Is it possible that Khun Chalerm and the disaffected MPs might be thinking of forming a separate Party - now there's an interesting thought!w00t.gif .

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It's just another edition of musical chairs which happens periodically.

PTP consists of numerous factions and, depending on their size, each faction has to be given a number of seats on a sort of rotational basis - with big T the manipulator.

I'm surprised that Chalerm has been moved to Labour (equivalent to an inactive post). He must have pissed off Thaksin plus he hasn't a faction as such.

Still, I'm sure that Chalerm will be able to provide his usual comedy routine as there's no chance of him keeping his north & south shut.

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Now that the PTP parade is in disarray our fellow posters who fervently supported this mess have disappeared maybe to reappear with a new name in support of the opposition.

Oh, the cutting cynicism! cheesy.gif

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Well Chalerm is not being either graceful or magnanimous in defeat. he is blaming the top policeman in the South for lying about him to Thaksin and Yingluck. In an interview on Friday, amongst many other things he said

"If ai Thawee does not respect me, so be it. But he must respect the committee. If he is not satisfied with me, just lobby for my transfer. Eventually, he managed to do just that.

He told lies to Thaksin and Yingluck, which has resulted in me being transferred in the cabinet

Thawee lied that I opened and operated gambling dens and this had upset police

I curse anyone who said untrue things about me. May bad things befall all their family members for seven generations

Let me say that ai Thawee is partly to blame for the government's difficulty in handling the southern problems"


I bet he is at home now pulling the heads of baby chicks and asking his son to do some more spontaneous whacking.

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Hopefully the dropkicks referred to as - "our fellow posters who fervently supported this mess" have disappeared, never to be heard of again.

If I wanted to hear retards dribbling rubbish I would watch CNN or FOX. whistling.gif

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A newspaper headline reads " Yingluck gets an earful " referring to a rough reception she had in the North East as PTP MPS voiced anger over cabinet changes. Is an earful of any value on any subject, is there anything between those ears ?

I guess they meant an earful of medicine...just to calm her nerves of course
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A newspaper headline reads " Yingluck gets an earful " referring to a rough reception she had in the North East as PTP MPS voiced anger over cabinet changes. Is an earful of any value on any subject, is there anything between those ears ?

And the ear medicine man gave her an earful also.

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I see in the news thread there is a picture of the new cabinet in their flash white uniforms.......... without Chalerm being present.

I see they all have a heap of medal ribbons, wonder what they are given out for?

Certainly wont be bravery, honesty and integrity.

Seen the photo, and maybe Chalerm has been dropped completely since the "I don't want to be Minister of Labour' outburst.

The medals are not for bravery honesty and integrity, they are for Malfeasance, Corruption and Selfishness.

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