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Fried chicken takeaway called 'Hitler' opens in Thailand


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it's the education system. I don't think these people actually admire Hitler but it's possible the school history syllabus didn't cover what he did and the millions he murdered.

At least the chicken is pretty good...

I think the point is they don't care what he did. (In reality neither do I, and neither did Prince Harry of the UK, and the uniforms look pretty snappy)
I'm sorry, but are you really saying you don't care what hitler did?
Don't care at all, nor do I care what Genghis Khan, Slobodan Milosevic, Stalin, the Japanese, the IRA, Pol Pot, et al did.

It's in the past, forgive and forget.

Have to disagree. Some things can never be forgiven and should never be forgotten. There are people still living with what pol pot and his murderous regime did. The revulsion at the evil actions hitler and stalin as well as pol pot carried out is something we can never let go of. To forget diminishes us as people.

Best steer clear of Caffe Nero then.

doesn't caffe nero just mean black coffee in italian?

Edited by Bluespunk
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Have to disagree. Some things can never be forgiven and should never be forgotten. There are people still living with what pol pot and his murderous regime did. The revulsion at the evil actions hitler and stalin as well as pol pot carried out is something we can never let go of. To forget diminishes us as people.

Would you also include the Genocide that England committed in that list ?

Or is it one rule for one and another for others.

Don't forget Americas role in the Genocide in Cambodia also.

Before having a pop you really should read all the posts. As I have said several times, genocide is evil and so are those who are responsible for carrying it out. There are no right sides when it comes to genocide, it is utterly evil no matter who carries it out.

Before writing a list, you should be mindful to include examples of your own country in it. It's not balanced to point fingers to far away places, even if you oppose all Genocide incidents.

My so called list was in response to the post I was replying to, however that said, you could not be more wrong. Genocide is a crime against humanity, it does not matter what country you are from or where the genocide took place, it is evil and should be opposed by us all. There is no finger pointing going on, to say you can only criticise genocide because it happened in your country is ridiculous.

That is not what I'm saying. I'm saying you cannot criticise acts of Genocide committed by other countries, whilst omitting acts of Genocide committed BY your own country

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Have to disagree. Some things can never be forgiven and should never be forgotten. There are people still living with what pol pot and his murderous regime did. The revulsion at the evil actions hitler and stalin as well as pol pot carried out is something we can never let go of. To forget diminishes us as people.

Would you also include the Genocide that England committed in that list ?

Or is it one rule for one and another for others.

Don't forget Americas role in the Genocide in Cambodia also.

Before having a pop you really should read all the posts. As I have said several times, genocide is evil and so are those who are responsible for carrying it out. There are no right sides when it comes to genocide, it is utterly evil no matter who carries it out.

My so called list was in response to the post I was replying to, however that said, you could not be more wrong. Genocide is a crime against humanity, it does not matter what country you are from or where the genocide took place, it is evil and should be opposed by us all. There is no finger pointing going on, to say you can only criticise genocide because it happened in your country is ridiculous.

That is not what I'm saying. I'm saying you cannot criticise acts of Genocide committed by other countries, whilst omitting acts of Genocide committed BY your own country

Wrong. I can and do criticise all acts of genocide. What country have you decided I come from by the way? You clearly have made a decision. However that is not the point. I condemn all acts of genocide regardless of who commits them. Where I am from and my country's history is irrelevant.

Edited by Bluespunk
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My grandparent's generation suffered greatly during WW2, many Americans gave their lives also. Please, have some decency by acknowledging their sacrifice and bravery. Lest We Forget.

So what your saying only Americans were killed in WWII ?....now that is offensive...BTW "Lest We forget" comes from the British...

so we should we only acknowlege the Americans sacrifice and bravery and screw everyone else....your post is just as bad as the topic being discussed..

Nowhere in my post did I imply only Americans lost their lives…. I stated that Americans ALSO lost their lives as the OP I was replying to seems to be American. My grandparents lost friends and family in WW2. My grandparents were British and so am I, BTW….. try thinking before attempting to criticise other posters, Soutpeel……. feel free to apologise…..coffee1.gif

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Have to disagree. Some things can never be forgiven and should never be forgotten. There are people still living with what pol pot and his murderous regime did. The revulsion at the evil actions hitler and stalin as well as pol pot carried out is something we can never let go of. To forget diminishes us as people.

Would you also include the Genocide that England committed in that list ?

Or is it one rule for one and another for others.

Don't forget Americas role in the Genocide in Cambodia also.

Before having a pop you really should read all the posts. As I have said several times, genocide is evil and so are those who are responsible for carrying it out. There are no right sides when it comes to genocide, it is utterly evil no matter who carries it out.

My so called list was in response to the post I was replying to, however that said, you could not be more wrong. Genocide is a crime against humanity, it does not matter what country you are from or where the genocide took place, it is evil and should be opposed by us all. There is no finger pointing going on, to say you can only criticise genocide because it happened in your country is ridiculous.

That is not what I'm saying. I'm saying you cannot criticise acts of Genocide committed by other countries, whilst omitting acts of Genocide committed BY your own country

Wrong. I can and do criticise all acts of genocide. What country have you decided I come from by the way? You clearly have made a decision. However that is not the point. I condemn all acts of genocide regardless of who commits them. Where I am from and my country's history is irrelevant.

I don't care where you come from, but I would lay odds you are not from the places you used as examples.

I agree with your stance that Acts of Genocide should never be forgotten, but I disagree that they should never be forgiven. If the hatred is continued, then it will be repeated and it is being repeated in the present time.

In threads like these, it never surprises me that those who point the fingers most, are people from countries whose own history is more than blemished with their own history of Genocidal acts. They seem to like pointing the finger elsewhere, where maybe they would be better off looking in the mirror first.

I don't understand what holding onto hate by not forgiving will achieve. Especially when the targets of this hate are no longer alive

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I guess I wouldn't expect anything less from a country where you can get away with nearly anything at a small price. This is sickening though... whats next... The Rapist Cafe?

They definitely got the buzz going and I am sure people will flock to take pictures, but I wonder how many would eat their knowing what the company stands for.

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Have to disagree. Some things can never be forgiven and should never be forgotten. There are people still living with what pol pot and his murderous regime did. The revulsion at the evil actions hitler and stalin as well as pol pot carried out is something we can never let go of. To forget diminishes us as people.

Would you also include the Genocide that England committed in that list ?

Or is it one rule for one and another for others.

Don't forget Americas role in the Genocide in Cambodia also.

Before having a pop you really should read all the posts. As I have said several times, genocide is evil and so are those who are responsible for carrying it out. There are no right sides when it comes to genocide, it is utterly evil no matter who carries it out.

My so called list was in response to the post I was replying to, however that said, you could not be more wrong. Genocide is a crime against humanity, it does not matter what country you are from or where the genocide took place, it is evil and should be opposed by us all. There is no finger pointing going on, to say you can only criticise genocide because it happened in your country is ridiculous.

That is not what I'm saying. I'm saying you cannot criticise acts of Genocide committed by other countries, whilst omitting acts of Genocide committed BY your own country

Wrong. I can and do criticise all acts of genocide. What country have you decided I come from by the way? You clearly have made a decision. However that is not the point. I condemn all acts of genocide regardless of who commits them. Where I am from and my country's history is irrelevant.

I don't care where you come from, but I would lay odds you are not from the places you used as examples.

I agree with your stance that Acts of Genocide should never be forgotten, but I disagree that they should never be forgiven. If the hatred is continued, then it will be repeated and it is being repeated in the present time.

In threads like these, it never surprises me that those who point the fingers most, are people from countries whose own history is more than blemished with their own history of Genocidal acts. They seem to like pointing the finger elsewhere, where maybe they would be better off looking in the mirror first.

I don't understand what holding onto hate by not forgiving will achieve. Especially when the targets of this hate are no longer alive

I cannot forgive acts of genocide, that is beyond me to do so. However I don't hate anyone, I believe justice should be served, not revenge, upon those responsible. Future generations in those countries are not responsible for the genocides of the past and I did not say they were, im not pointing any fingers at any particular country. I don't hate, but for me genocide cannot be forgiven.

Edited by Bluespunk
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it's the education system. I don't think these people actually admire Hitler but it's possible the school history syllabus didn't cover what he did and the millions he murdered.

At least the chicken is pretty good...

No need for Asians to learn about European wars. Europe doesn't teach children about Asian conflicts. In fact, I was never taught anything at all about Hitler or WW2 in the UK, Our history lessons were about stone age, Romans and other boring things. No modern history whatsoever. If I wasn't taught it in the UK, I can't see why Thailand should teach it.

Most Westerners take these Hitler things too seriously. Just a few images. Just a name. It's funny.

You really didn't study modern history at school in the UK?

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Hahah only in Thailand.

Should let of a few smoke grenades in there and wrap the seats in barbed wire to make the dining experience more authentic.

But seriously are these people so backward that they don't know about history.

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it's the education system. I don't think these people actually admire Hitler but it's possible the school history syllabus didn't cover what he did and the millions he murdered.

At least the chicken is pretty good...

I think the point is they don't care what he did. (In reality neither do I, and neither did Prince Harry of the UK, and the uniforms look pretty snappy)
I'm sorry, but are you really saying you don't care what hitler did?
Don't care at all, nor do I care what Genghis Khan, Slobodan Milosevic, Stalin, the Japanese, the IRA, Pol Pot, et al did.

It's in the past, forgive and forget.

Hi Anotherone american, Maybe you would care if you had of been in a Japanese prisoner of war camp, or a Gulag,or been in a bar in Birmingham UK when the IRA blew it up, et al, does that include 9/11 ,If we stop caring we just turn into animals. regards Worgeordie

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it's the education system. I don't think these people actually admire Hitler but it's possible the school history syllabus didn't cover what he did and the millions he murdered.

At least the chicken is pretty good...

No need for Asians to learn about European wars. Europe doesn't teach children about Asian conflicts. In fact, I was never taught anything at all about Hitler or WW2 in the UK, Our history lessons were about stone age, Romans and other boring things. No modern history whatsoever. If I wasn't taught it in the UK, I can't see why Thailand should teach it.

Most Westerners take these Hitler things too seriously. Just a few images. Just a name. It's funny.

How old are you? Seriously!

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Whatever....serious...with this government in place with in a month (a week?) the image of the kingdom is tarnished and the lot will be shut down.

My personal opinion is that anything that visible upsets a foreigner is fair game for the average Thai, no matter how much it or (many) people are seriously hurt.

Pathetic really.

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This may get ugly quickly.

Much more of this press and it may start to tarnish the Thai image

Not good for its tourist industry.

I could see someone starting a boycott.

On the plus side, you may get more neo nazi's visiting LOS blink.png

It will be interesting to see how they'll be received in TL

KFC Threatens Legal Action Against 'Hitler' Chicken Restaurant

"Hitler" fried chicken better surrender its logo, because the Colonel's ready to fight.

Kentucky Fried Chicken told The Huffington Post Friday it may take "legal action" against a fried chicken shop named Hitler that sports a storefront emblem very similar to KFC's, only with Adolf Hitler's head replacing Colonel Sanders.

"We find it extremely distasteful and are considering legal action since it is an infringement of our brand trademark and has nothing to do with us," a spokesman for KFC parent Yum! told The Huffington Post in an email.



huffingtonpost - hitler-fried-chicken article

Edited by jamhar
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We're Thais perhaps not taught about WW2 in school because Thailand bent over for Japan?

In any case this all seems like a marketing ploy although they can obviously get away with it on account of most Thais being too soft in the head to think how it may come across to others.

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This Nazi/Hitler thing in Thailand is a national disgrace. people all over the world should complain to their embassies and local governments. The Thais habitually use this Nazi/Hitler imagery to sell products and manage high school bands. Not only is it a shame and disgrace for Thailand in and of itself, but they are pirating the imaging of Colonel Sanders superimposed with Hitler's face to sell their imitation Thai fried chicken. The store should be closed down and fined heavily.

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I think the point is they don't care what he did. (In reality neither do I, and neither did Prince Harry of the UK, and the uniforms look pretty snappm sorry, but are you really saying you don't care what hitler did?

Don't care at all, nor do I care what Genghis Khan, Slobodan Milosevic, Stalin, the Japanese, the IRA, Pol Pot, et al did.

It's in the past, forgive and forget.

Have to disagree. Some things can never be forgiven and should never be forgotten. There are people still living with what pol pot and his murderous regime did. The revulsion at the evil actions hitler and stalin as well as pol pot carried out is something we can never let go of. To forget diminishes us as people.

Would you also include the Genocide that England committed in that list ?

Or is it one rule for one and another for others.

Don't forget Americas role in the Genocide in Cambodia also.

Another 'The Democrats did it too so it must be OK'. The subject is about using the image of Hitler to market a fried chicken restaurant. You can't defend pro-Hitler behavior so you change the subject and say other people are bad too. That's a child's method of arguing. This answer is also applies to you, AnotherOneAmerican.

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Mao is still on the currency of China and he killed more people than Hitler (if you want to look at history in these childishly simplistic ways) but everyone still wants their made in China iPhones. It's westerners who need to get over their obsession with Hitler, not Thais.

I don't see any obsession with Hitler on the part of westerners, I do however see them reminding younger generations that he who forgets history is destined to repeat it. Interestingly the second world war in Europe is not a part of the curriculum in Thai history classes hence that probably accounts for the knwoledge gap.

Or better still... Maybe, just maybe Thais would like to forget who built the ill-famous bridge on their river Kwai? And why they were building it? And who was supervising the works? And why so many builders died? And how they died?

In short - did Thai know anything about the WWII apart from European theater? The war was going in the South Pacific too. Did Thai participate? On which side? Why being so forgetful?

Is this a part of Thai Curriculum? Or is Thai Curriculum built " by Thais for Thais..." ?

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This Nazi/Hitler thing in Thailand is a national disgrace. people all over the world should complain to their embassies and local governments. The Thais habitually use this Nazi/Hitler imagery to sell products and manage high school bands. Not only is it a shame and disgrace for Thailand in and of itself, but they are pirating the imaging of Colonel Sanders superimposed with Hitler's face to sell their imitation Thai fried chicken. The store should be closed down and fined heavily.

Agree 99%. But the 'swastika' sign is thousands of years old. Nazis stole it from the East.

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