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Helping victims of accidents.

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If I seen a seriously injured person thai or farang they would get my help.

I would not walk away and would deal with the consequences.

What's the world coming to when fellow humans won't help a dying person.

f they want to sue me good luck I have deep pockets.

Thank you for your contribution.

But I still haven`t heard from anyone who has actually gotten in trouble for helping.

I*ve never gotten in to trouble because my right foot has stepped hard on the accelerator every time I've seen that there has been an accident. It's harsh, but that's life in Thailand.

It's hard but thats life in Thailand???

No.. you should have written.. "It's harsh, but what difference does one more careless person in the world make?"

You just need to hope that when you are in need someone stops to help you.

This has nothing to do with what you should do or not. But if your kindness is more important to you than your wallet you have to pay. And as a "farlang" they are gonne ask for conciderabely more money from you than they would want from a thai person.

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I could turn that around and suggest that your greed is of more concern to you than your humanity....

But, I understand someone who lives in fear and paranoia that the Thai's and BiB at each step are going to attempt to extort you. I just wonder how such paranoia sits with attempting to enjoy a comfortable existence in Thailand.

I would choose to help someone rather than concern myself with the extremely remote possibility that the BiB may choose to extort me, I don't feel that I have to act any differently in Thailand than I would at home...

But - This discussion has taken place on numerous threads on ThaiVisa.com - Its evident that some people are far more selfish than others.

IMO: The only excuse for not helping is if your personal safety or that of your family is at risk as a direct result of rendering assistance.

I have read of one example on ThaiVisa.com where a westerner was extorted when helping out at the scene of an accident. But there are many many more stories where someone has helped out without any negative results....

I'd suggest that the Jungle Drums of Paranoia beat louder for some than the Rhythm of a Balanced Outlook on life in Thailand for others.

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Espen,your wife isn't the only Thai who would advise you not to stop at the scene of an accident,i've seen this happen with my Thai in laws. One time an accident happened right in front of us.A pick up had been racing a truck and the pick finished up on it's side in the road.The driver was trapped in the cab of the vehicle and his wife was wandering in the road,in shock ,after climbing out of the vehicle.My Thai wife and i had to force the family to stop the vehicle in which we were travelling,so that we could help.My Thai in laws just stood and watched us help the casualties.I flagged down a truck full of Thai workers who helped me get the pick up back onto its wheels and get the driver out.The driver had a badly broken arm. My wife and i gave first aid to the husband and wife whilst the workers who helped me right the truck appeared to be rifling through the cab of the vehicle before carrying on with their journey.

A short while after, an ambulance arrived with a TV crew.At this point the in laws took an interest in the proceedings thinking that they might be featured in the news that evening.Unbelievable!!

No Police attended,just this ambulance crew/TV crew,so no statements taken from witnesses and we just left the scene.

Sadly,life seems cheap in Thailand but as others on here have already posted, i could not pass by someone needing help.

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PS I've never seen a cop ticketing a car, they may shackle the wheels, but ticketing is a pretty much Western thing.

I have seen some guys like parking "gods" do it once, just before the cops arrived to shackle the cars, busy metro Bangkok.

Must have been a western cop that booked.


Sorry but if I saw someone in need of first aid then I'd have to help. Not doing anything in my opinion is pathetic. Its typical pathetic Thai mentality. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for helping it really is hear say.

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