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We'll beat corruption: new minister

Lite Beer

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He can beat an egg. He can beat his meat, but he can not beat corruption in his government which was tailor made to maximize corruption and benefits to its lord.

<deleted>... So you mean to say there was no corruption in the last government?

Have a bit of a think,,, if you were PM and you were not happy with one or more of your ministers efforts on an issue, what would you do? Yu'p that's right you re-shuffle your cabinet yeah,,, isn't that what the PM has done?

Now you can go back to beating your eggs n meat, sick.gif

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Don't get me wrong but why do non-Thais get excited about the Thai government is screwing its own people? I (a Farang living here for 28 years) for one have no problem with it and if corruption is the name of the game here - so be it.

Let those who can decide - decide and if their educational levels do not exceed the ability of reading a clock or lashing shoestrings, so be it. Later not wonder after having the fourth minister in charge of education over the last 22 months.

Enjoy the weather and the fact that you do not have to pay taxes for all this slime and filth as in your home countries (Europe, North America or Australasia) you would pay and have no say either 8-)

Nice, so I could trigger off a lively discussion and some remarks. I've been living the majority of my adult life here, have grown kids and grandchildren. And yes, of course everybody in his right mind has to worry but moaning about corruption does not help. How many have taken the shortcut of fixing a minor traffic offence etc. with a non-receiptable outlay? Where does it start and where does it end? I was lucky enough to be able to afford proper education in international schools for my kids; this is coming at a gruesome premium. All others (albeit 99%) of the Thai youth needs parents to buy their way into registrations and classes, everything is purchased on credit, be it TVs, cars, houses and even holidays.

The problem is not corruption, it is education. Our little contribution to our host country can be, that we act as examples of what can be achieved and afforded. As a non-Thai does not qualify for most credit offerings (like real estate) it serves as a good example on how to come by with "only" your own money which is here and not with funds which might be earned in the future to pay off debts.

In closing, it is education, education and education. But as long as those deciding over education (like the last four ministers in the last 22 months) are having a conflict of interest since they directly benefit of uneducated people ...........

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Don't get me wrong but why do non-Thais get excited about the Thai government is screwing its own people? I (a Farang living here for 28 years) for one have no problem with it and if corruption is the name of the game here - so be it.

Let those who can decide - decide and if their educational levels do not exceed the ability of reading a clock or lashing shoestrings, so be it. Later not wonder after having the fourth minister in charge of education over the last 22 months.

Enjoy the weather and the fact that you do not have to pay taxes for all this slime and filth as in your home countries (Europe, North America or Australasia) you would pay and have no say either 8-)

Nice, so I could trigger off a lively discussion and some remarks. I've been living the majority of my adult life here, have grown kids and grandchildren. And yes, of course everybody in his right mind has to worry but moaning about corruption does not help. How many have taken the shortcut of fixing a minor traffic offence etc. with a non-receiptable outlay? Where does it start and where does it end? I was lucky enough to be able to afford proper education in international schools for my kids; this is coming at a gruesome premium. All others (albeit 99%) of the Thai youth needs parents to buy their way into registrations and classes, everything is purchased on credit, be it TVs, cars, houses and even holidays.

The problem is not corruption, it is education. Our little contribution to our host country can be, that we act as examples of what can be achieved and afforded. As a non-Thai does not qualify for most credit offerings (like real estate) it serves as a good example on how to come by with "only" your own money which is here and not with funds which might be earned in the future to pay off debts.

In closing, it is education, education and education. But as long as those deciding over education (like the last four ministers in the last 22 months) are having a conflict of interest since they directly benefit of uneducated people ...........

I agree that education is a problem here. But it is not the problem it is just one of several problems. Corruption is another one of the problems.

As for we as Farongs acting as example yes a few can. I am not one of them and I strongly suspect there is more like me than you. I am retired here and all the Thais know is that I have enough money to live on and help the wife's family. They have absolutely no idea of how I came to have that income. Unlike you they did not see me at work collecting a pay check and putting aside money for the future. As far as they are concerned I might have got it through corruption. I may be presuming that you have been working here to make a living. I may be wrong I know there are a lot of trust fund babies here.

My point is that I can and do help with there education but am unable to do any thing other than help the wife's family. Some thing they were doing any how before I arrived on the scene with a bigger resource.

There is so much more to it. I can not be a part of their society yet I can operate in it. Being almost retarded with speaking Thai I make mistakes and have to continually admit I am wrong and own up to it with out accusations generally with a smile even when they are warranted . The rare time I failed to do so all I accomplished was embarrassing the wife.

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