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One Born Every Minute ?


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A little background. Running massageshops with the wife for 10 years, and apart from the usual headache with Thai female staff, no big problems. All the ladies ofcourse hoping to hit the jackpot with the farang knight on the white horse!giggle.gif

But after the arrival of small internetdevices, all the ladies spend all their free time fishing on datingsites and on social media. And very succesfully, at least 90 % of the girls have at least one sponsor. The real smart ones have 4 or five. So the time they don't spend in front of the keyboard, they are comparing bankbooks.

And we are talking real money! Some have bought houses and cars, and they are not living with their giks, money is just transfered into their accounts.

This has been going on for years, and from a moral POV, I couldn't care less. But it irritates me to see stupid and horny farangs being taken for a ride. Again and again and again.

So the questionmark in the topictittle shouldn't really be there. Because one is born every minute!bah.gif


Sorry but I don't really understand the point of your Post.

You have been Pimping out Thai women for over 10 years and now object that, suddenly, as a result of the Internet, they realise they can sell themselves without having to go through you as an intermediary?


How has he been pimping them out?

Surely he'd have a flesh pot ( gogo ) beer bar, gentlemans club or the like if he wanted to pimp them out.

To pimp them out would be to suggest he makes money from them selling the only useful thing they were given at brith, their p***y, however he makes money from people paying for massages, no? IF he made money from them renting out their p*****s then i'd imagine he'd be very happy with all the dating sites and social networking sites where these, ( and i use the term losely ) ladies are looking for their knight in white.

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.

What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

Three or four inches of hemline and a couple of towels

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Sorry but I don't really understand the point of your Post.

You have been Pimping out Thai women for over 10 years and now object that, suddenly, as a result of the Internet, they realise they can sell themselves without having to go through you as an intermediary?


How has he been pimping them out?

Surely he'd have a flesh pot ( gogo ) beer bar, gentlemans club or the like if he wanted to pimp them out.

To pimp them out would be to suggest he makes money from them selling the only useful thing they were given at brith, their p***y, however he makes money from people paying for massages, no? IF he made money from them renting out their p*****s then i'd imagine he'd be very happy with all the dating sites and social networking sites where these, ( and i use the term losely ) ladies are looking for their knight in white.

I'm thinking you don't quite understand what goes on in massage shops.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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Quote :

A little background. Running massageshops with the wife for 10 years, and apart from the usual headache with Thai female staff, no big problems. All the ladies ofcourse hoping to hit the jackpot with the farang knight on the white horse!giggle.gif

But after the arrival of small internetdevices, all the ladies spend all their free time fishing on datingsites and on social media. And very succesfully, at least 90 % of the girls have at least one sponsor. The real smart ones have 4 or five. So the time they don't spend in front of the keyboard, they are comparing bankbooks.

And we are talking real money! Some have bought houses and cars, and they are not living with their giks, money is just transfered into their accounts.

This has been going on for years, and from a moral POV, I couldn't care less. But it irritates me to see stupid and horny farangs being taken for a ride. Again and again and again.

So the questionmark in the topictittle shouldn't really be there. Because one is born every minute!bah.gif


Sorry but I don't really understand the point of your Post.

You have been Pimping out Thai women for over 10 years and now object that, suddenly, as a result of the Internet, they realise they can sell themselves without having to go through you as an intermediary?


Very funny Patrick! thumbsup.gif No I have tried very hard to keep ladies, who were only interested in providing "extras" away from my doorstep. The problem for me is to get girls, who want to do an honest days work. If they did 4-5 hours a day, they would earn at least 15.000 a month + tips (another 5000 at least). 20k a month for someone with no qualifications whatsoever, seems like a good deal here?

But no, because the money in scamming/selling body is so much better! sad.png The attitude is sadly enough: "I will sleep with anyone, as long as I can afford the latest iphone"

What made me start this thread, was 3 weeks ago we got a new staff straight from the ricefields. After 1 week learning how to massage, this very average Thai girl with no Englishskills at all, had a sponsor lined up. She now drives her own new Fino and calls to Isaan using the latest iphone. I don't know if paying 70k to get laid for 2 weeks, can be called a good deal? whistling.gif Hence my question in the topic headline.

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If men are willing to send money to help some Thai women then that is their concern. Many people give to charities. The money just goes round and round. Why should it be of any interest to others. It is like the continual topic of tips for services rendered. If one woman can keep several men happy then more power to her. If the men are happy then why should anyone else care? Why ruin someone else's party?

glad i didnt marry youlaugh.png

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Sorry but I don't really understand the point of your Post.

You have been Pimping out Thai women for over 10 years and now object that, suddenly, as a result of the Internet, they realise they can sell themselves without having to go through you as an intermediary?


How has he been pimping them out?

Surely he'd have a flesh pot ( gogo ) beer bar, gentlemans club or the like if he wanted to pimp them out.

To pimp them out would be to suggest he makes money from them selling the only useful thing they were given at brith, their p***y, however he makes money from people paying for massages, no? IF he made money from them renting out their p*****s then i'd imagine he'd be very happy with all the dating sites and social networking sites where these, ( and i use the term losely ) ladies are looking for their knight in white.

I'm thinking you don't quite understand what goes on in massage shops.

I know exactly what goes on in massage shops but i'd be surprised if the owner see's any of the money the girls get for 'extra's', however i may be wrong?

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.
What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?
Big difference! When the sponsors later join Thai Visa, apart from pretending to be millonaires, they can honestly claim, they didn't marry a bargirl !Another diffence is the way the two categories are percieved by their customers. A massagegirl is by many seen as a "normal" average Thai lady! Little do they know! whistling.gif
You are responsible for many broken marriages coming time due to your false accusations about massagegirls ! And you want to help ?

What a ridiculous statement, he has a massage shop so he's responsible for broken marraiges, hmmm. He's had a massage shop for 10 years but you know more about the massage girls than him, hmmm. In my experience his comments about the life of massage girls is very accurate.

Thank you, my post was sarcastic. Sorry you did not get it !

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If men are willing to send money to help some Thai women then that is their concern. Many people give to charities. The money just goes round and round. Why should it be of any interest to others. It is like the continual topic of tips for services rendered. If one woman can keep several men happy then more power to her. If the men are happy then why should anyone else care? Why ruin someone else's party?

Well let's not truth and Integrity,stand in the way of happinss of a sorts eh?

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Soi141 You must be the biggest hypocrite and Pis* taker of all time. You provide the facilities and amenities for these Girls to contact westerners, with the intentions of creating an income from scamming.And then you have the audacity for justifying your scamming venue,by saying "One born every minute" yes there is born every minute,sadly some are a nasty pieces of work like you,who are trying in vain to justify your lack of morals and principals,and empathy is obviously an alien concept,for someone with your total lack of humanity! Normally I wouldn't want to see fellow Expats in a position of being Ripped Off,but in your case,I will happily make an exception. Now kindly return to your home beneath the Bridge,amongst the slime and filth, where obviously you belong!

You are really angry at the OP ! The empathy part was a good 1.

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.

What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

Big difference! When the sponsors later join Thai Visa, apart from pretending to be millonaires, they can honestly claim, they didn't marry a bargirl !

Another diffence is the way the two categories are percieved by their customers. A massagegirl is by many seen as a "normal" average Thai lady! Little do they know! whistling.gif

Total Rubbish!

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As far as massage parlours go, I haven't seen too many young, attractive women working at them. I only have the occasional massage, but the few places I've visited didn't have one woman that was remotely attractive. The times I've walked down Loi Kroh road in Chiang Mai and passed by the many massage parlours the women working there were all older (40s), very plain looking women. The same was true the few times I visited Pattaya, Krabi, Phuket and Koh Samui. I don't know where these pretty Thai women are working in massage parlours and have multiple men willing to send them money. I guess I would have to be a man to find these hidden massage parlours.

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Some of you missed my point. I agree that there are suckers born every minute, and for every conman there has to be a group of suckers. But, in the case of internet relationships it is different, and it should be obvious that it is a case of "buyer beware". It is like a poker game where everyone is trying to fool their opponent. If you don't know how to play the game then don't sit down at the table.Blaming the women for taking advantage of a system set up for relationships is wrong. My best guess is that most men here are hypocrites if they believe it is wrong. I've never met a man yet that didn't at some point tell lies to some woman to get in her pants. Any guy who has said "I love you" to some young woman for the express purpose of having sex with her is a classical example. Thai women have been lied to so many times that they become hardened and lies are just meaningless banter the same as swear words.I still think if the men are happy sending these con-women money then why rain on their parade? They must be getting something out of the deal... even if it is just the satisfaction of helping someone. Attractive women have been conning men since the Adam and Eve fable.

It is not about women scamming men or vice versa. Its about scamming, lying, creating a false perception, misleading and cheating. Did you really not understand that ?

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You must be the biggest hypocrite and Pis* taker of all time. You provide the facilities and amenities for these Girls to contact westerners, with the intentions of creating an income from scamming.

And then you have the audacity for justifying your scamming venue,by saying "One born every minute" yes there is one born every minute,sadly some are a nasty pieces of work like you,who are trying in vain to justify your lack of morals and principals,and empathy is obviously an alien concept,for someone with your total lack of humanity!

Normally I wouldn't want to see fellow Expats in a position of being Ripped Off,but in your case,I will happily make an exception. Now kindly return to your home beneath the Bridge,amongst the slime and filth, where obviously you belong!

you put that so well,

hes just a pimp, at the end of the day hes pissed off that the girls can make afew baht without him,


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You must be the biggest hypocrite and Pis* taker of all time. You provide the facilities and amenities for these Girls to contact westerners, with the intentions of creating an income from scamming.

And then you have the audacity for justifying your scamming venue,by saying "One born every minute" yes there is one born every minute,sadly some are a nasty pieces of work like you,who are trying in vain to justify your lack of morals and principals,and empathy is obviously an alien concept,for someone with your total lack of humanity!

Normally I wouldn't want to see fellow Expats in a position of being Ripped Off,but in your case,I will happily make an exception. Now kindly return to your home beneath the Bridge,amongst the slime and filth, where obviously you belong!

you put that so well,

hes just a pimp, at the end of the day hes pissed off that the girls can make afew baht without him,


Nothing wrong with being a pimp if the women are well taken care of. If everyone is taken care of then why should it be of concern to others?

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I have seen this many times and actual know a few girls here that have between 3-5 men send them montly money one tell me see gets 90,000. Bht per month from just one Canadain man but she still works ever day because she wants more money. She thinks all those guys are so stupid that she laughs all the way to the bankshe says and they think I love them or I wait for you to come back. Lol

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Yes, I do understand the concept of lying, scamming and cheating. Do you? Are you telling me that you've never told a lie for personal gain?

I know very few men that would lie to take money from women.

Lying to get sex, every guy will do that.

I'm sorry that you can't understand the difference!

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Some of you missed my point. I agree that there are suckers born every minute, and for every conman there has to be a group of suckers. But, in the case of internet relationships it is different, and it should be obvious that it is a case of "buyer beware". It is like a poker game where everyone is trying to fool their opponent. If you don't know how to play the game then don't sit down at the table.Blaming the women for taking advantage of a system set up for relationships is wrong. My best guess is that most men here are hypocrites if they believe it is wrong. I've never met a man yet that didn't at some point tell lies to some woman to get in her pants. Any guy who has said "I love you" to some young woman for the express purpose of having sex with her is a classical example. Thai women have been lied to so many times that they become hardened and lies are just meaningless banter the same as swear words.I still think if the men are happy sending these con-women money then why rain on their parade? They must be getting something out of the deal... even if it is just the satisfaction of helping someone. Attractive women have been conning men since the Adam and Eve fable.

It is not about women scamming men or vice versa. Its about scamming, lying, creating a false perception, misleading and cheating. Did you really not understand that ?
Yes, I do understand the concept of lying, scamming and cheating. Do you? Are you telling me that you've never told a lie for personal gain? Because if you do say you've never lied then I don't believe you. I'm just saying that men should understand that everything they hear should be taken with a grain of salt. Lots of men are quite happy sharing hookers or part time lovers with other men. These long distance internet relationships are no different. And, I'll continue to say that if you don't know the rules then don't play the game.Some old, over weight guy who can't find a woman in his own country is a fool if he thinks he can get some hot little bar girl, who has men falling all over her, and keep her all to himself. But, if he is happy for the time that he does share with her then that should be all that counts... no matter what she tells him. I'm sick of all the hypocrites who think it should work for their benefit only.

You must be sick on a daily basis then, living in paradise ? Not healthy !

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If men are willing to send money to help some Thai women then that is their concern. Many people give to charities. The money just goes round and round. Why should it be of any interest to others. It is like the continual topic of tips for services rendered. If one woman can keep several men happy then more power to her. If the men are happy then why should anyone else care? Why ruin someone else's party?

Hard to say because we don't know the details. Are the men getting what was promised them?

From your point of view, it would be alright for me to call up elderly women on the phone and promise them returns on non-existing investments, separating them from their pensions.

You wouldn't condone that would you now, my dear?

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Compared to the money millions of Western men lose when their good Western wives divorce, 10000 Baht monthly for a massage girl doesn't sound too expensive. And for many of those men it's the jackpot compared to their former lives.

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.

What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

One can give a massage.

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If men are willing to send money to help some Thai women then that is their concern. Many people give to charities. The money just goes round and round. Why should it be of any interest to others. It is like the continual topic of tips for services rendered. If one woman can keep several men happy then more power to her. If the men are happy then why should anyone else care? Why ruin someone else's party?

Hard to say because we don't know the details. Are the men getting what was promised them?

From your point of view, it would be alright for me to call up elderly women on the phone and promise them returns on non-existing investments, separating them from their pensions.

You wouldn't condone that would you now, my dear?

It depends on what was promised, but it still comes down to a gullible person hoping to get something for nothing. How many here would fall for one of the Nigerian money schemes? If some man is foolish enough to send money to a total stranger met through the internet then he needs a harsh dealing with reality. However, if he meets some Thai woman over the internet and they agree to meet and have sex then they've entered into a business contract. After that they are just dickering over the price. As someone already mentioned, in western countries a marriage divorce can often be far more expensive. My ex husband found that out the hard way.

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But selling bodyparts is easier and bigger money. Mind you, we are not talking BG's here.

What's the difference between a BG selling her body and a massage lady selling her body ?

Big difference! When the sponsors later join Thai Visa, apart from pretending to be millonaires, they can honestly claim, they didn't marry a bargirl !

Another diffence is the way the two categories are percieved by their customers. A massagegirl is by many seen as a "normal" average Thai lady! Little do they know! whistling.gif

Same thing can be said for hair dressers. Some girls deliberately work in a salon because it gives them a hook without being an outright hooker. But a hooker all the same. And I'm not putting them down for that. It just is.

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As you seem to think, that scamming/cheating lonely/stupid/horny men is the business-idea of the century, one can not help wondering, how many sponsors, apart from your exhusband (s?), you have managed to line up during your time here ? rolleyes.gif

Which Thai name do you use on the datingsites? Pim, Pom, Lek, Suk or Lamjaj ?

From Buriram, Surin, Korat, Khon Kaen or even Ubon ?

I don't think rene123 suggests it is the business idea of the century at all.

She has presented an entirely reasonable point of view, which as a guy, i'd agree with in the main

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