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Bit by moo ban cat


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Talk about karma. I tried to save the little shit from being wedge in two branches of a shrub. Stuck real good. All of a sudden out of the bush comes mee. Catches me good on the wrist with 1 puncture wound. Advise please. Reading horror stories of black plague.......omg!

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I've been bitten by cats, but always ones I knew to be up-to-date on rabies shots. It is a nasty bite -- cat saliva is filthy and healing is painful. With one bite, I started to develop red streaks on my hand around the wound. The doctor said I should have come to see him right after the bite for antibiotics.

Get to a doctor now, not just for antibiotics, but also for rabies jabs.

Oh, the next time you want to "rescue" a cat, throw a jacket or blanket around the cat before you try to dislodge it. Even if it's your own personal cat who sleeps with you every night. The cat may be panicked if it thinks it's "stuck" and cats don't like people reaching out to grab them, especially when they're higher than the person trying to grab them.

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I get lightly bitten by cats pretty often when playing with them - enough to draw blood - and have never gotten an infection or anything else. However, I know that they have had their shots. It is better to be safe than sorry when you are not sure.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I get lightly bitten by cats pretty often when playing with them - enough to draw blood - and have never gotten an infection or anything else. However, I know that they have had their shots. It is better to be safe than sorry when you are not sure.

Yeah, there's a big difference between being "lightly bitten" by a cat and having a deep puncture wound. Having a history of the former, the first time I had a serious puncture wound I was surprised at how nasty the healing process was. I guess the cat saliva really doesn't cause problems when the wound is only skin deep -- once it gets into muscle then the germs in the saliva must kick in.

Like you, Ulysses, Hubby and our cat like to do something Hubby calls "sumo kitty wrestling" and he's been lightly bitten many times to no ill effect, except for getting blood stains on the bedcover. (I really should do a You Tube video of a grown man wrestling a housecat, with the housecat usually winning.)

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Update: hats off to McCormick and Bupa . Arrived 11:am out in 30 minutes. 1 tetanus and the first of 5 rabbits shot administered. Anti-biotics and pain pills. Have to go back for the other shots over the next 3 weeks. Service and English was fine. Best of all Bupa pick up the entire 1500 bht charge. Can't imagine what this would have cost back in my country! Thanks to all who scared the <deleted> out of me. Better safe than sorry.


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Update: hats off to McCormick and Bupa . Arrived 11:am out in 30 minutes. 1 tetanus and the first of 5 rabbits shot administered. Anti-biotics and pain pills. Have to go back for the other shots over the next 3 weeks. Service and English was fine. Best of all Bupa pick up the entire 1500 bht charge. Can't imagine what this would have cost back in my country! Thanks to all who scared the <deleted> out of me. Better safe than sorry.


Glad to hear it all worked and very fair price indeed.

Just one thing withe rabies shots.

Watch out for the side effect of the two front incisor teeth starting to grow! If that happens you may need a steak.


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Shooed my dogs away from my cat who took refuge under the table thanfully, in a darkened kitchen.

She was so hyper that she latched onto my arm with four paws and sunk her teeth into my hand, it was dark afterall. Yeow! howled the cat, and myself, as I eventually shook her off.

Tetanus shots were recommended and worked.

She too was fine. We're still friends.

Bitten too, trying to separate two entangled fighting pet dogs. As above, best to let fighting dogs fight.

I've yet to come up with a quick separation strategy, except to keep well clear. whistling.gif

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Shooed my dogs away from my cat who took refuge under the table thanfully, in a darkened kitchen.

She was so hyper that she latched onto my arm with four paws and sunk her teeth into my hand, it was dark afterall. Yeow! howled the cat, and myself, as I eventually shook her off.

Tetanus shots were recommended and worked.

She too was fine. We're still friends.

Bitten too, trying to separate two entangled fighting pet dogs. As above, best to let fighting dogs fight.

I've yet to come up with a quick separation strategy, except to keep well clear. whistling.gif

I've yet to come up with a quick separation strategy, except to keep well clear


Hosepipe :D

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I get lightly bitten by cats pretty often when playing with them - enough to draw blood - and have never gotten an infection or anything else. However, I know that they have had their shots. It is better to be safe than sorry when you are not sure.

Yeah, there's a big difference between being "lightly bitten" by a cat and having a deep puncture wound. Having a history of the former, the first time I had a serious puncture wound I was surprised at how nasty the healing process was. I guess the cat saliva really doesn't cause problems when the wound is only skin deep -- once it gets into muscle then the germs in the saliva must kick in.

Like you, Ulysses, Hubby and our cat like to do something Hubby calls "sumo kitty wrestling" and he's been lightly bitten many times to no ill effect, except for getting blood stains on the bedcover. (I really should do a You Tube video of a grown man wrestling a housecat, with the housecat usually winning.)

Yeah, I got bit by a cat at an animal shelter. The poor thing was just frightened out of it's mind. Unfortunately for him, that bite cost him is head which was sent to a lab to check for rabies. And the bite was painful and slow healing. Puncture bites are not cool. And headless kitty didn't have rabies so no shots for me. I still feel bad for him. Frightened, schizoid kitties really couldn't be played with. Feed them, talk to them, but best not to touch. But there are lots of other friendly cats on our local sois that I stop and pet often. They're the ones that will come and "head-butt" you in the leg. "Ok Human, I now officially own you, now start petting. Yeah, yeah, right there under the chin...and don't forget the ears." Just look out for the ears to go back and the "tail snap" to start, which generally means that, "I'm going to bite you Human just because I like you so much."

Edited by connda
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