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Thailand has a new popular sensation - Hitler

Lite Beer

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Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

Agreed. In Thailand, we foreigners are expected to respect things that are sensitive to Thais....such as the Monarchy, Temples, dress codes and behavior. When it comes to marriage, we dump tons of money on the family of the bride for the honor. In return we should expect similar courtesies/respect for issues that are sensitive to us. Hitler was a dog, no doubt about that. Nothing was ever funny or fashionable about his sadistic methods. As for Che, although an enemy to capitalism, he had a certain aura to him that might seem fashionable to some people (not to me!) But please stop with the Hitler/Nazi Fad.

As an aside, only a complete mug would dump tons of money on the family of the bride.

Back to the main issue, if Hitler had got to this part of the world (taking the Japanese out of the equation for the moment), there's no way Thais would have been spared from the flame. He would have spent one day in Thailand and it would have been "get into ze oven!" for everyone.

Yeah I don't think old Adolph would have thought much about mai bpen rai.

I think the fascists, Japanese and German, saw Thais as more like potential SLAVES though.

The fascists rated "races" on a scale. Some were for the ovens. Some for slaves. Some OK to cooperate with. Hitler wanted to ALLY with the British as he saw them as racially high on his scale. I'm curious about the Italian alliance though from a racist ideology POV as so many Italians are darker swarthy people, quite similar to many Jews ..

Edited by Jingthing
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Wonder how many people in the us know that Henry Ford was a big financial sponsor of the nazi party during it's rise to power before the war and the catholic church helped nazi war criminals escape to South-Amerika after the war .

And then there was Werner van Braun who helped a lot with the space program during the fifty's and Sixty's in the US.

Werner Von Braun was a POW, and in essence forced to work for America. He and his colleagues were considered the greatest war prize. If you are worried about Henry Ford having fascist inclinations, you must be REALLY worried about Walt Disney..... Regarding Nazi chic in Thailand, that is simply a product of a failed education system here. With Hitler's vision of a Aryan ruled world, he would have wasted little time in getting rid of the Thais....

Regarding Jing Thing's constant reference to "non-Jews", I think he is referring to the millions of gypies who were killed by Hitler.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Regarding Jing Thing's constant reference to "non-Jews", I think he is referring to the millions of gypies who were killed by Hitler.

Partly. There were other specific group victims of mass extermination beyond Jews and Roma people:


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Some Jews are white. Some Jews aren't. White isn't really a race. It is a color associated with MANY ethnicities, including many Jews.

The current Miss Israel:


Yes the history of anti-semitism is related to majority populations focusing on the "differentness" of Jews and the ones that don't assimilate culturally are quite different from their surrounding majority populations.

The Nazis didn't differentiate between the assimilated and the un-assimilated when carrying out the genocide.

Next ...

Yes true.

But my point is that according to the far right, those who have Jewish ancestry, no matter how many generations their history dates back in any particular country, no matter how much they maybe the same in appearances or have traits similar to those of the so-called native populations of the countries in which they live, they will always be labelled as Jews, which of course is what happened to them during the reign of the Nazis and hence the large imposed yellow stars in order to identify them, which was in fact the mark of death for many of the victims of this persecution, that the Nazis did not consider as being suitable candidates to live under the Nazi ordeal. And unfortunately the same opinions are still carried around with many who share the same beliefs today, people who believe that certain others do not have the right to exist.

This to me is what these Hitler caricatures stand for; propaganda for the far right, just to remind us that it`s all still there and will never go away, a big wind up for many.

So obviously these images are going to appear more offensive and intimidating to some more than others and as I said previously, it all depends on what side of the fence you’re are on, and how educated and wise people are in order to fully understand why this is so traumatic and unsettling to many.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Wonder how many people in the us know that Henry Ford was a big financial sponsor of the nazi party during it's rise to power before the war and the catholic church helped nazi war criminals escape to South-Amerika after the war .And then there was Werner van Braun who helped a lot with the space program during the fifty's and Sixty's in the US.

Werner Von Braun was a POW, and in essence forced to work for America. He and his colleagues were considered the greatest war prize. If you are worried about Henry Ford having fascist inclinations, you must be REALLY worried about Walt Disney..... Regarding Nazi chic in Thailand, that is simply a product of a failed education system here. With Hitler's vision of a Aryan ruled world, he would have wasted little time in getting rid of the Thais....Regarding Jing Thing's constant reference to "non-Jews", I think he is referring to the millions of gypies who were killed.
Nice post but hitler was the product of inbreeding parents ,the local priest in his birthtown at first would not give them permission to get legally married because there bloodline was to close these are al documented facts.So he would never fit the profile of the master race.
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Cha cha guys,get over it.Hitler and his team are history.3 generations of well aware of the horrible history Germans are grown up.I totally agree to never forget was has been happened but all this outrageous screaming about the hitler stuff? Come on non of your guys has been personally involved so get over it.or should we also get furious about the catholic church( how many had to die in their name)? Or Napoleon,or dschingis khan,or atilla,or...or..or.it is the human nature( unfortunately) to be superior.and if I read some comments in this forum about Thailand I don't wanna know what would be happened if those guys would have the power to eradicate other races.....just food for thought

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Wonder how many people in the us know that Henry Ford was a big financial sponsor of the nazi party during it's rise to power before the war and the catholic church helped nazi war criminals escape to South-Amerika after the war .And then there was Werner van Braun who helped a lot with the space program during the fifty's and Sixty's in the US.

Werner Von Braun was a POW, and in essence forced to work for America. He and his colleagues were considered the greatest war prize. If you are worried about Henry Ford having fascist inclinations, you must be REALLY worried about Walt Disney..... Regarding Nazi chic in Thailand, that is simply a product of a failed education system here. With Hitler's vision of a Aryan ruled world, he would have wasted little time in getting rid of the Thais....Regarding Jing Thing's constant reference to "non-Jews", I think he is referring to the millions of gypies who were killed.
Nice post but hitler was the product of inbreeding parents ,the local priest in his birthtown at first would not give them permission to get legally married because there bloodline was to close these are al documented facts.So he would never fit the profile of the master race.


He was also a failed artist.

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Maybe they make a connection with the below:

The term sauwastika (or sauvastika) is sometimes used to distinguish the "left-facing" from the "right-facing" form of the swastika symbol, a meaning which developed in 19th century scholarship.[1]

The "left-facing" variant is favoured in Bön and Gurung Dharma; it is called yungdrung in Bon and Gurung Yantra in Gurung Dharma. Both the right-facing and left-facing variants are commonly employed in Hinduism and Buddhism.


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So, so many Thais are just clueless about history and perceptions beyond the borders of their little Thailand universe.


I first witnessed this a couple of years ago in the South. A Thai guy was sitting outside a 7/11 with a swastika tattooed on his hand. I was about to say something to him when my girlfriend stopped me.

It would have been an exercise of sheer futility. Clearly he did not realize that Hitler was a white supremacist who would have thought of him to be lower the pond slime.

I don't put this down to maliciousness, just a pure lack of education.

If such stupidity exists here in Thailand, one can only wonder what an earth they actually learn is school. WW2 was kind of a big deal..........

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Neo-Nazis, especially in Russia who directly associate themselves with Hitler and the Nazi symbols, hate Asians. They target them for random attacks on the streets, even murder. In the white dominated parts of Russia such as Moscow, non-whites must stay indoors during the anniversary of Hitler's birthday. Anyone who is not white is a potential target. More than half of the active Neo-Nazis in the world are in Russia.

Are Thai people not Asians? coffee1.gif

Hitler and Nazis are not a joke.

They are not fashion.

Many Thais do not consider them selves, Asian. Cambodians, Loations and Myanmar are Asian

Thais are Thai and only ever fly on THAI

+1 clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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I'm beginning to conclude that this is a case of "let's jerk the farangs around just for grins [smiles?]" and a lot of us have fallen for it.

That might be some of it and now I expect this to become a bigger part of it.

The Bandar Log have been NOTICED! Aren't they Great People?

The sad and sorry part of the story is - they were Graduates of Chula!

Any headhunters from the West? Prospective employers?

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Is this the new Thainess that Yingluck was talking about? Comparing Western obsession with Che Guevara? Are the Thais really that stupid that they never bothered to crack open a world history book or tried to Google who Hitler was? Che Guevara was a revolutionary not credited with committing genocide matter of fact he was a doctor that believed in saving lives he just wanted to help the common man. Hitler wanted to eradicate races that were not aryan and I am sure if Thais were in country they would have suffered the same fate. Thailand is amazing but on this point Thailand just seems ignorant and quite frankly, disgusting.

Cracking open a history book beyond Thai history would be the beginning of the Thai down fall. That would mean things exist outside Thailand.

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Against stupidity, the gods themselves fail to contend...

The message is how old RM utterly destroyed a productive country with his ethnic cleansing policy. but the big question is are we slowly but surly going down the same road by forgetting world history. if we forget history we open the doors to reoccurrences of the past.

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Did I miss something????


Yes, you missed the recent posts answering all your questions about WW2 dead and its relation to holocaust dead number estimates, Jewish and non-Jewish.

But just for you, here's a summary:

Total WW 2 war dead - 50 to 80 million

Total holocaust (organized mass extermination / death camps / genocide based on race/ethnicity/sexual orientation/disablity, etc.) - 6 million Jews, 5 million non-Jews

Those 11 million holocaust related included in the 50 - 80 million TOTAL estimates.

They killed physically and mentally defective people, gays, communists, gypsies, africans, non-conformist artists and musicians. And a disproportionate number of jews.

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I remember a few years ago the King's image was used in some nightclub in the US and there's the famous Buddha bars and night clubs using Buddhist items for decorations. The outrage!

I can see where certain foreigners are ignorant for lack of full understanding of symbolism of eastern history and philosophies and such. But Thais don't know Hitler's impact? Even in the west everyone knows Pol Pot. So what gives? Ignorant fools.

By the way, it sucks that the swastika is recognized as the nazi emblem. It's a graphically creative design. Variants of the design are actually used in Chinese and eastern religions. Way before Hitler and the third reich were around.

Maybe it's time for Thaksin Kao man gai in the south? or Pol Pot Shwarma?

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I think this is a lack of teaching history in the schools. who is next hero to kids stalin? pol pot? edi amin?

Speaking of history...great distortion and manipulated hhistory on Hitler, despite the age old cry of the oppressive watchdog NGO's..all the power to the Thai people and freedom to do as they lke.

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How very sad this whole episode it . . .

Don't Thai people realise that by embracing this 'fashion' they are merely making themselves look like complete fools, who know nothing of the World outside their own borders.

Many have commented on the failings of the Thai education system, and I have seen it first hand, being married to a Thai. This justs proves it to the World . . .

How very sad this whole episode it . . .

Don't Thai people realise that by embracing this 'fashion' they are merely making themselves look like complete fools, who know nothing of the World outside their own borders.

Many have commented on the failings of the Thai education system, and I have seen it first hand, being married to a Thai. This justs proves it to the World . . .

It can only be addressed at the educational level and the will for that is clearly lacking.

And you can substitute mentality for will.

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Wonder how many people in the us know that Henry Ford was a big financial sponsor of the nazi party during it's rise to power before the war and the catholic church helped nazi war criminals escape to South-Amerika after the war .And then there was Werner van Braun who helped a lot with the space program during the fifty's and Sixty's in the US.

Werner Von Braun was a POW, and in essence forced to work for America. He and his colleagues were considered the greatest war prize. If you are worried about Henry Ford having fascist inclinations, you must be REALLY worried about Walt Disney..... Regarding Nazi chic in Thailand, that is simply a product of a failed education system here. With Hitler's vision of a Aryan ruled world, he would have wasted little time in getting rid of the Thais....Regarding Jing Thing's constant reference to "non-Jews", I think he is referring to the millions of gypies who were killed.
Nice post but hitler was the product of inbreeding parents ,the local priest in his birthtown at first would not give them permission to get legally married because there bloodline was to close these are al documented facts.So he would never fit the profile of the master race.


He was also a failed artist.

Kind of like Obama being president, but also not fit to be one..or legally for that matter.

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“Why is this different from the West’s obsession with Che Guevara?”

Seriously? If this blogger can't tell the difference, that's worrying!

I do believe he is grasping for straws. In my 64 years of residency in the west I can never remember an obsession with the man. He had his time and then marched off into time the same as Attila the Hun Genghis Khan and other history changing people.

The one difference between him and the others is millions were not slaughtered as a result of his leadership. Well maybe Attila was not that bad. In 100 years he will just be a foot note in history.

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Is this the new Thainess that Yingluck was talking about? Comparing Western obsession with Che Guevara? Are the Thais really that stupid that they never bothered to crack open a world history book or tried to Google who Hitler was? Che Guevara was a revolutionary not credited with committing genocide matter of fact he was a doctor that believed in saving lives he just wanted to help the common man. Hitler wanted to eradicate races that were not aryan and I am sure if Thais were in country they would have suffered the same fate. Thailand is amazing but on this point Thailand just seems ignorant and quite frankly, disgusting.

Cracking open a history book beyond Thai history would be the beginning of the Thai down fall. That would mean things exist outside Thailand.

According to Lenin History is a Political Science, i.e. subject to interpretations. History of Russia has been rewritten 5 times by Russians alone within the last 75 years. History of Thailand is not taught at schools in the pure factual form, but rather through the prism of the same army unit patrolling the Internet. Thais still have to discover themselves plus the World around. And I don't think they will get any encouragement in this quest from Education Department. It was the same Lenin who said that a Lie told often enough becomes the Truth.

On the other hand, in today's World of Internet Graduates of Chula have no excuse for being ignorant, and just proved themselves to be sub-standard graduates, scholars and human beings. Shame on Thailand!

Speaking of co-incidents - I don't believe in such things - it looks ominous that within a very short time a nation becomes deeply obsessed with SS uniforms, Nazi salute, Adolph Hitler, even Fried Chicken a la Hitler, for crying out loud!

And miraculously this happens on a pleasant background of proudly achieving longer penises on a National level! We have seen Yellow and Red shirts. What color is next? Is there a local Reichstag to burn?

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So what if it is..what's the point of reporting this? What's all this fear and outrage whenever Nazi Germany or Hitler is talked about...seems that someone/people are worried about this topic a great deal...Ernest Zundel put the fear into others as well...I believe a huge cover-up is still taking place.

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Let this be a lesson to the world, about the true mentality and the lack of respect many Thais have for foreigners, countries and cultures. However, this is an excellent opportunity for business investment as one can see, simple minds can easily be manipulated.

Agreed. In Thailand, we foreigners are expected to respect things that are sensitive to Thais....such as the Monarchy, Temples, dress codes and behavior. When it comes to marriage, we dump tons of money on the family of the bride for the honor. In return we should expect similar courtesies/respect for issues that are sensitive to us. Hitler was a dog, no doubt about that. Nothing was ever funny or fashionable about his sadistic methods. As for Che, although an enemy to capitalism, he had a certain aura to him that might seem fashionable to some people (not to me!) But please stop with the Hitler/Nazi Fad.

Here Here! Totally agreed!

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