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Thai judge to face judicial discipline after going berserk


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A Thai being criticized by their perceived inferiors. The petty, childish, embarrassing reaction is never a pretty sight. Though it does highlight their true nature for those foreigners who may not be aware of Thai culture and society.

The reaction would be the same for almost any Thai that is criticized by someone they see as lower than them. (remember that you are lower than all of them)

Lucky she didn't have a samurai sword in the boot. whistling.gif

I still wonder what happened to the law lecturer who went berserk at the two ladies who wouldn't make way for his Mercedes to pass?! I guess the THB 1,000 'fine' that he paid was it then....!! However, I don't think he was identified as a "Yellow Shirt"......

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judicial discipline

Translation: Sit in the middle of a circle of several other judges wagging their fingers saying "tut, tut, tut" ... "Now let's get outta here and buy some sliced pineapple"

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what a lovely and interesting "bangkok khao pat" video.partytime2.gif ......this is the kind of woman with caractere they need as PM crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif to handle thailand for good, because she speaks right in the eyes xangry.png.pagespeed.ic.Cla6z9sEn6.png, make strong and quick decision beatdeadhorse.gif.pagespeed.ce.adWp7jUAuright away.!

i vote for her !


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Pushing that steel barrier out into busy traffic constituted a willful endangering of other traffic participants. The police should have ended her stunt for good at that point. Instead the video shows two criminal offences:

1. an amok run of a "judge" endangering public safety, and

2. an utter failure of the "RTP" to do their job and protect the public.

While the latter is standard behaviour, the former now explains all those strange court rulings that leave us confused and speechless.

And one last point: I will neither "understand" nor "forgive her". She is a disgrace to her profession and should face appropriate criminal prosecution.

Give it 5 minutes, it will be

Stop bringing your values to Thailand. Etc etc.

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I find it really funny.

I get pissed off on daily basis, seeing cars, bikes parked illegally blocking streets, shops and doing all sorts of crazy things right in front of police and police does nothing.

And yet the time they actually bothered to do their job, they got a judge car

Speaking of Murphy s Lawbiggrin.png

PS. Anyone want to make a wager, how well police will do with their appeals in the futurelaugh.png

Edited by lemoncake
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Thainess example promoted by a high member of the Thai justice system. Simply amazing Thailand, just hate to see her in court with a Farang case that does not suit her.

Unlike in, to pick a country at random, Britain, where it's totally unknown for a senior government minister to scream at police who block his way, saying 'Know your <deleted> place, you pleb'. That would never happen, would it - high-status people throwing their weight around is clearly a uniquely Thai kind of social pathology.

Edited by Zooheekock
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These days, hurling Thai rice at someone or their car could well be considered assault with a deadly weapon...

Or at least, that's what the Thai rumor mill is saying.... tongue.png

only if there's a grain of evidence.

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