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Phuket witnesses for Swede murder trial fail to show


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Phuket witnesses for Swede murder trial fail to show
Phuket Gazette

Mr Soderlund after his arrest in 2011. Photo: Gazette file

PHUKET: -- The trial of Swede Tommy Soderlund, charged along with fellow countryman Johan Ljung for a murder in Phuket in 2011, did not progress yesterday, as witnesses failed to appear in court.

Mr Soderlund and Mr Ljung are accused of stabbing to death Maksim Schantz and then stealing a motorbike in order to escape the scene. Mr Soderlund admits to stealing the motorbike, but denies the murder charge (story here).

Police officers brought Mr Soderlund, looking tired, into the Phuket Provincial Court House at 10:30 yesterday morning.

Expected in court were the housekeeper of the building where the murder took place, the man whose motorbike was stolen and neighbors of the murder victim.

When witnesses did not appear, the judge gave a final date of August 9 for hearing their testimony and ended the session.

When arrested in 2011, the two men told police that they were angry with Mr Schantz for informing Tourist Police of a scam they were operating from an internet cafe in Pattaya. They tracked Mr Schantz to Phuket and though they were carrying a gun, knife and plastic band to tie him up, both suspects told police they did not intend to kill Mr Schantz.

This is not the first trial delay Mr Soderlund has faced. The first court date in October 2011 was postponed to allow both Mr Soderlund and Mr Ljung to find their own legal representation. In April of 2012 it was postponed because no Swedish translator was available. In August that year, witnesses failed to appear to testify.

In November 2012 the The Phuket Provincial Court ruled that it would hear the men’s cases separately.

Mr Ljung’s trial on June 27 of this year also hit a roadblock when the case investigator failed to appear (story here). His trial was deferred to September 9.

Source: http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket_news/2013/Phuket-witnesses-for-Swede-murder-trial-fail-to-show-21701.html

-- Phuket Gazette 2013-07-20

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I have said it before and I'll say it again, the Thai legal system is a joke.

We are learning about this trial being adjourned twice due to no-shows because it involves a foreigner. How many other trials are adjourned for similar reasons? And why are the no-shows not prosecuted for contempt of court? Or are they?

Anyway, it's no wonder there is such a backlog in the courts if this is typical.

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We are learning about this trial being adjourned twice due to no-shows because it involves a foreigner. How many other trials are adjourned for similar reasons? And why are the no-shows not prosecuted for contempt of court? Or are they?

Well, that would just be downright mean to penalize no-shows. I mean that could upset them...make an unhappy day for them...it's just not the Thai thing to do especially to another Thai. Plus, it gives the accused, victim, victim's family, and lawyers more time to negotiate a money settlement (above or below table) that makes most everyone kinda happy again...except any dead victim. The trial will continue in sync with Thai time.....time that can pass very s.......l.......o.......w........l........y and give some real meaning to the phrases, "it will take a long time, it could take forever, etc" or just the single word "infinity."

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I do hope this man was released on bail back in 2011 when the first cock up happened. If this man has been in jail for 2 years already it is a complete Joke. I know a bloke who was jailed for over a year, he was over 60 years old, white and who was accused of fraud. All the time he was in jail there was CCTV showing the guy who did the crime was Asian from the middle east. The case was thrown out eventually and he was released and deported!!!! All this came from his ID being stolen and changed. The criminal changed the photo but used his name and his details. Pathetic, unrealistic and over a year in the slammer.

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Thailand has got to get a grip on its justice system, especially going onwards into ASEAN and trying to promote itself to foreign investment. It really is not efficient enough and horribly biased to the Defence usually. Not in the case maybe where the guy is just hanging around to see if people show up. One might think it would be a requirement if issued with a summons to appear. Or of course the prosecutor may have forgotten to serve the summonses? Who knows?

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I have said it before and I'll say it again, the Thai legal system is a joke.

We are learning about this trial being adjourned twice due to no-shows because it involves a foreigner. How many other trials are adjourned for similar reasons? And why are the no-shows not prosecuted for contempt of court? Or are they?

Anyway, it's no wonder there is such a backlog in the courts if this is typical.

Try telling Soutpeel he advocates the Thai justice system is working perfect.

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If they bump off their Own Kind only who cares.Send em back to Leggo Land.

It's Lego Land. And Lego Land is in Denmark, not Sweden ;-)

Well isn't that the place for advanced leggo also known as IKEA.

Seriously I think if the prosecution cannot produce evidence on the day that a trial is called there should be no excuse...no evidence means aquital. The same should apply in the west (and it doesn't) but I bet it would only take a couple of times for the prosecution to get its act in order.

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The justice system in Thailand is in good company with so many of the natural atributes that are endowed on the public.

Dysfunctional, corrupt and without substance form and function and a total disgrace.

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If they bump off their Own Kind only who cares.Send em back to Leggo Land.

It's Lego Land. And Lego Land is in Denmark, not Sweden ;-)

Legoland is the Brand name of amusement parks in several countries (not Sweden), owned by Lego Group of Denmark.

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