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Monk cost me millions, Ubon Ratchathani car shop owner says


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From the OP: "He said the DSI was ready to listen to "victims" as it had with Suparat and give them security" Obviously a number of "influencial people" involved

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"This monk verry bad! He make me give him 35 cars. Then he make me give him 5 million baht. Then he make me give him jewellery of 4 million baht. Then he make me give him 3 million baht. Now I loose face, because every Thai think I am stooopid."

"Don't worry k.Suparat, everything will be allright. Just pray to Buddah and go on tamboon and donate 10 million baht to my temple, and your money will come back to you in one month!"

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Heay guys iam a really good farang been living in thailand many years respect thai culture and true true Buddhist but iam waiting for my inheritance cheque via thai post so would kindly and humbly ask can some one of good stature and a good buddhist loan me 5 million baht as iam desperate to provide my pregnantwai2.gif wife and her former exs rug rats with a secure future and farm to work many thanks and budda bless you address on reply whistling.gifwai2.gif

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It always amazes me how supposedly educated people fall for superstitious and religious scams.

As soon as a saffron fabric or a sitting person figure is involved, all critical thinking vanishes.

But what is truly upsetting is that these rich and super rich people can give millions to these saffron and sitting figure people and their buildings, supposedly to make good karma for themselves, while millions of children in their immediate vicinity have nothing to eat, no home, no cloth, no education, nothing.

I know of some rich people who even gave credit cards to monks (yes, monks, plural!) and just covered their monthly spending, no questions asked!

And then even the government and the police feel obliged to intervene. What a bunch of hypocrites!

It shows how highly necessary it is to really separate religion and state. Religious associations are no different from associations for breeding rabbits, it's a purely private thing where the state (i.e. the government and the police) should not intervene.

Stupidity should not be protected by the government.

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Hilarious, I guess his guilt will be assessed as usual, by how well he's connected and of course by the size of his brown envelope collection.

This family is clearly up to it's neck in this and now squirming to get off the hook.cheesy.gif

I hope they set up a special fund where concerned citizens can send donations to help him out

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He was a good customer . . . right . . . and everything he has done flies in the face of what "real" Buddhism is all about. But then I guess that's no surprise here . . . sell their souls for a buck.

Exactly.....in America if you buy stolen goods or from dubious sources you will be jailed....Victim?...only in Thailand...

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...a few people,I am sure, can come to mind....just check recent travel records of Thais that hurried to America after the crook's departure,,,,,

...they are on their way to retrieve what he was about to transfer out for them...given all the time it took to issue a warrant....

...he should have been arrested immediately...assets frozen...and they should search back records for at least 5 years.....

...this has been going on for a while...worth hundreds of millions...if not billions....

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Let's see. Which business hands over goods worth millions without i) a letter of credit or ii) normal payment? This is freaky shit.

35 cars - for who? For what purpose?? How can the DSI buy such a cock and bull story!?

Obviously, a very very very dodgy one. This is the tip of a mountain of corruption and s**t.

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hahaha...serves them right! they of course are absolutly honest people - it never occured to them that there was something wrong dealing with a monk in the millions procuring luxury cars for the crook!

Karma strikes back - ups of course they are all fake Buddhists so they don't believe in Karma!

I hope they loose everything - they deserve it - turning a blind eye for years to the crooks dealings has now come back to hount them!

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