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Skype: Over 750 Million Wasted Minutes Today. Can We All Switch To Google?


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Skype Today seems to have put out a new upgrade or update which I applied to my super duper Win8 computer.

This is the update where I get this Skype note: "We've been busy and just updated Skype for you blah, blah video messages over Skype"

But during the installation, the Skype people ask you to make a decision to choose: "do you want blah, blah MSN to be your new default Crap, or do you want Bing to be your new Crap Browser".

Why would Microsoft think I wanted to have this question asked of me, when they already know I am using Google where ever I can?

Total TommyRot!

What a bunch of BS that they are trying to promote Bing and MSN, both two loser crappy choices, through Skype which is the only thing I halfway like, and was not even part of the Microsoft stable of products until last year, or sometime.

It makes my blood boil.

Here is the real rub though, even if you do like Bing and MSN, and I feel sorry for you:

THERE ARE about 500,000,000 users of Skype.

If it takes 10 seconds on average for the average user to choose what they want to do about adding MSN and Bing as default programs, then this means wasted total time of 1,388,888 hours, or 317 Man or Woman years.

But IF a certain fraction of users do not see that tiny printed question that flashes by so fast when users think that update is automatic and will not Fk with their browser or messenger default settings, then the defaults will change, and these will need to be switched back. I do not know how long switching back these settings will take the average user, who is probably not so computer savvy if they did not catch this problem in the first place. But let us say 10 minutes to discover that there has been a change, that it needs to be switched back, and to ask someone or Google how to actually accomplish this.

I say it will take 10 minutes and that there will be at least 15 percent of the general computer using population which will fall for this madness.

Therefore you can calculate about

12.5 Million Man and Woman hours will be wasted

This never happened before Microsoft came along and ate Skype

1. Do I got my numbers right?

2. If so, would Google phone services be a COMPLETE replacement for Skype? If so, I think I would make the effort to try and switch.

It might be difficult to switch to Google from Skype, because I am already at mid-gallop and it is hard to switch horses in these circumstances.

But in the long run it might be worth it IF Google can duplicate or replace Skype now, or in the near future.

This is an important topic (to me anyway) because I am already hoping for a change from Microsoft's idea of Business as Usual, the Microsoft way.

Edited by OldChinaHam
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So what you're really saying is that Microsoft have diverted 12.5 million hours away from Facebook? thumbsup.gif

LOL I was thinking the same kind of thing.

I can also understand the OP's frustration with having his time wasted by Microsoft trying to push their inferior search and messaging garbage onto his or her computer, though.

We all waste time on our computers, but at least we make a choice of how to do it. I like to waste my time in other ways and must confess to spending less than 1/2 an hour looking at anything to do with facebook . I've never signed up for it and can't see that happening. It amazes me how it's become like breathing for many people. When some people find out that I've never bothered with facebook, they're shocked. It seems most things on the internet are tied into FB somehow, and I've noticed that comments often can't be made at websites without logging into FB, Twitter or some other social website.

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..and the same tiny printed question that flashes by so fast will still be there in a short while when Skype informs you that there is an upgrade!!

​I am sure that is 90% of reason for the upgrades of most programmes.

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"It seems most things on the internet are tied into FB somehow, and I've noticed that comments often can't be made at websites without logging into FB, Twitter or some other social website."

Exactly! So this is the reason to have a nonsense FB dummy site,

For Dummies!

OH YES: And now, please, back to the Topic at hand

Edited by OldChinaHam
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I know the latest update of the skype android app has rendered it totally useless.

Completely new, non-intuitive interface and video calls don't work at all any more. connects and immediately disconnects.

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I'm always a bit weary in using those "free" services.

Moving to Google for Skype-similar activities may not be smart. Google is changing and upgrading constantly (as is Skype).

Take for example, Google Maps; they changed it into a really fancy set up, but something basic as showing coordinates isn't possible anymore.

Hotmail used to do this with their MSN, until most people swichted to Skype.

BTW It seems that iGoogle is going to disappear from November 2013. First they "force" you to start using iGoogle and then they delete it.

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Almost every piece of software you download these days seems to want to add some sort of toolbar, change your search engine or whatever. I guess it is the price of free software......

At least with Skype you have the option of switching off auto updates and deciding yourself what to do.

Every time adobe updates, and even though I have to agree to it, it automatically tries to add Google chrome and Google tool bar on IE - which I don't want and cannot stop - I have to delete it after the install. That is annoying!

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calm your balls down dude. not double but quintuple

A problem of the forum, I posted that problem and they told me it get resolved with the next software update.

(my balls are calm biggrin.png )

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I've just wasted about 1.5 - 2 minutes reading this bs...

Actually, I really do not believe it is.

Far too infrequently do we consider the implications of not making sure that software which is used by billions of people around the world, conform to the principle that the least amount of time should be wasted on needless promotion of commercial products.

This is why so many of us are beginning to love opensource software.

We do not get mounds of ads and crazy useless software we do not need

Piled on top of what we do need.

Only my opinion, naturally

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I've just wasted about 1.5 - 2 minutes reading this bs...

Actually, I really do not believe it is.

Far too infrequently do we consider the implications of not making sure that software which is used by billions of people around the world, conform to the principle that the least amount of time should be wasted on needless promotion of commercial products.

This is why so many of us are beginning to love opensource software.

We do not get mounds of ads and crazy useless software we do not need

Piled on top of what we do need.

Only my opinion, naturally

You don't seem to like any Microsoft products. That is fine. Why do you use them. Why don't you use other brands and stop complaining about Microsoft? Your posts on ThaiVisa forums complaining about Microsoft will not fix them for you. I don't think anything will.

Of course you could be posting just to increase your post count or create useless threads. Bike paths; tea; old houses; Microsoft....


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